Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 307: contradiction

The tip of the knife came to the tip of Wushou's nose and stopped.

"Why don't you avoid it?"

When everyone saw the other party's sudden attack, they wanted to come up and stop it, but when they thought that it was worrying about their own family affairs, they stopped to watch the good show.

"Why avoid?"

"You left me here for so long again, don't you have anything to say?"

"Furthermore, I changed a skin bag. No wonder I can't feel your presence. What do you want to do? Why are you planning to come to me so late!"

The tip of the knife was already close to Wushou's nose, and it hurt Wushou even a little carelessly.

"Because I need you, your strength."

"Heh, heh, this is it?"

Shinobu raised the demon knife and cut it down at Wushou.

"Just for strength!"

No worries still did not escape.

The knife also stopped in front of Wushou's neck in good time.


The hand holding the knife was shaking.

"Why don't you avoid it?"

"I really wanted to cut it down just now."

Wushou did not speak, stood up, and walked to Shinobu.

"Look clearly, the way I am now."


Shinobu looked at Wushou's right body, put the knife down, and stroked Wushou's right face with his hand.

"In the end what happened?"

"It's just a small matter, it's just that half of the body can't be used properly, it's not a big deal."

"Not only the body, but the soul is also sealed."

Forbearance lie in the worry-free arms.

"Because of this, are you reluctant to come to me?"

"After all, it makes you worry."

"Of course, you are my half-length, and it's complete with you."

Seeing the interaction between the two, a certain jealous puppet was a bit unable to sit still, and rushed out to interrupt the two people preparing for a long conversation.

"Wait, what are you doing here, what else are you going to talk about later."

Shinobu turned his head and looked at Real Red, huh, he was not even a human being, and he didn't deserve to be his opponent.

Maybe it was because of the contempt in Shinobu's eyes, Zhen Hong was very angry, and red magic slowly appeared around him.

"Wait, I'll talk about it later."

No worries, I don't want the two to fight here, especially when there are so many spectators around.

"Thank you, Cesar, I'll talk to you next time, let's go first."

Wushou hurriedly pulled Shinobu and Zhenhong to leave, taking Luhan and Alice with them by the way.


Waum hurried to keep up, but he was forgotten.

"It seems he needs some time, let's go back first."


"So, what are you going to say?"

Wushou looked at Shinobu sitting in her arms and Zhenhong sitting on top of her head. It was a bit troublesome. At the beginning, there was no way to find Shinobu.

"So, my double has disappeared, so I want to get you back, maybe I can get the double back."

Endure rolls his eyes at Wushou.

"I don't know about this, and your body is different. Now we are nothing."

"Is that so? It's a headache."

"But this way, I'm even more worried."


Shinobi said, his face was a bit unnatural.

"After all, this is our only contact, although I was mentally prepared when you were about to save that guy, but sure enough, I still didn't want to."


"Or, how about giving me a bite?"

Shinobu slowly moved his head close to Wushou's neck, his tongue even spinning around his neck.

"Hey, don't mess with me."

Zhen Hong hurriedly jumped down and rode on Wushou's neck to avoid a vampire with a brain problem.

"Just kidding, after all, the body is different, there will be many opportunities in the future, at least the soul inside is the same."

Shinobu quickly explained, after all, Shinobu seemed to see Luhan, whose eyes were always shining, and Alice with an unhappy face looking at him.

"Tonight, let's have a good chat."

Shinobu slowly dived into the worry-free shadow, which was the place where he felt most at ease.

"Woo, no worries, how many things you guys have kept from me!"

Zhenhong also found it strange. In the past, there were not many topics about other girls mentioned in Dream Wushou, but now one suddenly appeared here. This is where to put Zhenhong.

"It's really red, calm down, you won't be interested in these topics, so I haven't talked about it."

"So, what do you think of me?"

Perhaps because of Shinobu's appearance, Zhenhong felt that he couldn't let this guy be vague about him, and he had to know what this guy thinks of him.

"It's red, me."

Wushou can’t speak, it’s weird, because Real Red is not a human, or is Real Red just a puppet?

Is it just a simple master relationship to Real Red?

"No, I'm just a pure possessive to Real Red."

Wushou thought this way in his heart.

"It's really red, it won't be handed over to others."

Wushou didn't say these words, but simply hugged Zhenhong into his arms.

"Really red, I won't hand you over to other people."

Maybe it is because I finally know what Wushou thinks in his heart, so red is also a lot of peace of mind.

"Then the question about the substitute is still unresolved."

Luhan was talking about this while drawing a cartoon on the side.

"Indeed, the original problem is still not solved, how can I get the double back?"

Everyone couldn't think of a way for a while.

"Sure enough, you turned back to a vampire?"

"No, I don't think I agree with this approach."

Zhenhong naturally would not agree with this approach.

"Isn't the arrow OK?"

Luban said, about how to get a substitute.

"I've tried this, no, at least that arrow won't work."

No worries remembered another arrow in his body.

"Maybe, I have other ways."

Before Wushou finished speaking, Waumu came over to remind Wushou.

"Hey, someone is coming."


A huge whirlwind came in directly from the door, blowing everyone down.

"what happened?"

The wind pressure is getting stronger and stronger, Wu worry hurriedly led everyone to open the windows, and all of them left directly.

But for a short while, the furniture in the whole house was messed up.

Luban had a headache watching her home become this.

"No worries, look."

Wushou and others came to Lu Ban's garden and looked up, a man in a green robe was standing on the roof of Lu Ban's house.

"Sure enough, before he died, I knew that that guy was really unreliable in doing things."

"Four sages."

"Oh, knowing us unexpectedly, it seems that a lot of investigations have been done."

The man put his hands flat and slowly floated down from the roof.

"Hmph, since the fire didn't wipe you out, then let me wipe you out completely, you too, and all witnesses must die."

I saw the wind slowly surrounding the whole house, forming a circle of walls outside.

"None of you can leave, all of you will die here."

"Hello, are you afraid of being discovered by such a big movement?"

Luhan couldn't believe it, but they dared to do it.

"Huh, don't worry, we will naturally resolve it when that happens. Don't worry, just give up resistance."

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