Kill the Quartet

A certain irritable guy couldn't help staying on the wall, looking at the Dreadlord who was still laughing at him, jumped off the wall with an axe, and prepared to kill it alone.


I saw Dreyus dancing his axe in front of the surroundings, but before Dreyus was dancing his weapon, one hand directly jumped on to grasp the other's axe.


Seeing the demons surrounding him, Dreyus kicked the demon in front of him, and the axe directly hit the demon in front of him.

call out


Dreyus's shoulder armor was pierced by the enemy, and without armor protection, he would be wounded soon.


Every time Dreyus wanted to dance his axe, soon those demons would rush to grab his weapon, and soon Dreyus would be surrounded by these demons, like falling into the dark white light.



Four strange throwing axes flew down from mid-air to disperse the demons around Dreyus.

"Sorry, brother, I'm here!"

I saw Draven jumping from the wall with two throwing axes on his back, not only that, but several people followed him down.

Click, click

A dagger flew to a demon's face. Before he could notice anything, a red shadow flashed by, breaking his neck in an instant.


The red phantom jumped into the air, and several deadly silver lights flew out of her body. Each knife would be inserted into the opponent's head, taking away the life of a demon.


The invisible darts came out from a blue figure, and every cut could cut these demons.

"Everyone catch him!"


A smoke bomb hit the ground, and piles of darts were thrown out, instantly repelling the demons who wanted to surround them.

"Hmph, it seems that it is as vulnerable as the military commander expected."


The huge red figure jumped down from the fence, and the terrifying blood magic touched his hand. Even the Dreadlord couldn't compare his ability.

"Oh, has everyone decided to come?"

Dreyus cut down a demon who was planning to attack him with an axe, wiped off the blood on the axe, and said.

"Be careful, uncle."

The silver chain stretched out from behind him, grabbed the demon who was about to sneak attack Dreyus, burst open, and blasted the demon into the air.

"Hmph, everyone decided in the end that the defense is no way to win. Perhaps according to the original rules, breaking through the opponent's crystal hub is the best choice."

Tricky Demon Girl, Le Bran

"Thank you, then let me go to the next city first."

Dreyus grabbed the demon in front of him, dragged his axe to the crowd in front of him, and began to spin.


The axe chopped out a vacuum range along the circle, and saw the enemy hit by the axe, the blood was transformed into magic power, and it was stained on Dreyus' body little by little, and the powerful magical power continued to stimulate Dreyus' potential.

As Dreyus rushed to the front, he finally came to the opponent's first defensive tower. Standing in front of the defensive tower was the Dreadlord, Barnazar.

"Oh oh, humans can rush to this place, but you don't want to break through my defenses, it seems you really underestimate you savages."

Dreyus is like the **** of war, every time he hits his axe, he can chop down a demon who is ready to stop him. The **** magic power on his body is getting more and more full.


Barnazar gave up his defensive tower, and the rotten bee swarm directly set on Dreyus, and saw a zombie-like weirdo come in front of Dreyus. There was a flash in front of Dreyus, and all the swarms were covered. Petrified, fell to the ground and shattered.

"Come on, our general."

"Thanks a lot."

Dreyus rushed up with his axe, and an axe smashed into Banazar's hand. Even with the special petrified skin, Banazar still felt like he was losing a little.


In between, Barnazar pushed a certain range away, and the powerful hypnotic magic power was released at Dreyus, Dreyus also began to feel a little dizzy, as if he was about to fall asleep.

"Big Brother!"

Delevingne saw that Dreyus was about to be hit, and hurriedly threw out the two throwing axes behind him, facing Banazar who was casting a spell.


Seeing the menacing flying axe, Barnazar did not dare to mess around, so he had to stop casting spells and avoid the flying axe. It was just a short period of time that gave Dreyus the best time to counterattack.

"Don't try to escape!"

Suddenly, Dreyus' axe seemed to be elongated, and he dragged back Banazar, who was about to escape.

Banazar, who was caught by the axe, continued to release rancid swarms behind him in pain, but they would soon be petrified.

"Catch you!"

The axe slashed at the waist of Barnazar along the line, and the huge force pushed Barnazar into the air, and the **** magic power had filled Dreyus' body.

Blood rage

Barnazar, as if seeing a huge figure, stood behind Dreyus, carrying a huge scarlet axe.

"Stop, stop!"

The powerful magic power formed an ancient beheading stand and appeared in front of Dreyus, and saw Dreyus raise his axe high and cut it down at the mid-air Banazar.

"Noxus, guillotine."


The phantom flashed, and Barnazar saw that his world seemed to be divided in two, and a blood stain appeared in the middle of his face.


With a flash of white light, Barnazar exploded and turned into a cloud of blood. The surrounding demons saw Barnazar retreat. All the demons were like a group of dragons without a leader, and they all retreated to the second defensive tower.

"The first battle was won."

Dreyus was exhausted, supported by the axe and didn't fall down, standing tiredly on the spot panting.

The rest of the heroes who have come over have lost some of their stamina to a greater or lesser extent, but they can continue to fight without a major problem.

"Brother, go back and rest. Next, we are going to continue to fight. It seems that the plan still needs to be changed. Let's start by breaking into the base from our side."

Draven patted Delius on the shoulder and helped Delius back to the wall.

Carter and Tyrone have loosened their muscles and bones, and they seem to be able to continue fighting.

"Never mind our two sisters. After all, we, like Uncle Swain, are logistical support."

LeBlanc smiled and took her sister back to the back.

"Everyone defends first. I'm going to think about it. If you want to form a tough team, who should be next."

Swain thought for a while, now how many people on his side can attack.

"Oh, there is such a person, I have forgotten."

Prepare the tent

Swain walked into the tent, looked at the white-haired figure, and smiled.

"Next to you, I think you should be able to find four guys who are willing to take risks with you."

Short white hair, green rune broken sword.

"Yes, leave it to me next."

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