Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 540: Break the darkness

The opposite of light is darkness.

Where there is light, there will naturally be darkness, and where there is darkness, light will also appear sooner or later.

The magicians of Rune Continent, even if they have been using their own natal magic, they also know these common senses for them.

"So, as long as we find that magic node, we can definitely break through their defenses. As for the demon behind, we will talk about it later."

Swain had already thought of a way to break through this so-called solid line of defense.

In front of the Highland Tower

The silence of darkness finally ushered in a new challenger.

"Analyze, start."

The blue violent energy is enough to affect the magic of the world.

Ancient Witch Spirit, Xerath

If we say that apart from Vega and certain magicians, who is more representative, it must be this arcane energy body.

A blue magic circle appeared in Xerath's hand, constantly analyzing the darkness in front of him.

Feeling that the darkness of the outside world is affected, Tichondrius is ready to directly attack these mages outside from the darkness, so that they can see how powerful they are.

Who would have thought that Tichondrius had just stepped out of the trap he created, and found that outside the darkness, a group of strange soldiers blocked the entire aisle. Even if he wanted to attack, he could only attack the row of soldiers in front of him.

"Sinners who want to destroy the mainland, see the power of the real king."

The golden armor of the sun god, the ancient Shurima energy, is controlled by the ascendant in front of him.

The emperor of the desert, Azir

The rotten bee swarms all hit the shields of the soldiers in front of them. If something happens suddenly, the soldier will fall, and soon another soldier will continue to make up, forming a solid defense.

"No, how can you do this!"

Tichondrius discovered that the darkness had slowly got out of his control, and summoned his strongest men to prepare to break through this line of defense, with huge hellfires and obedient hellhounds attacking.

However, facing the sand soldiers of the magic product, these Hellhounds came directly and were stabbed to death by random spears. Hellfire's body had not been in front of the aisle defensive array, and all the weaknesses had been pierced by these spears.

"All right!"

I saw that the darkness in front of me was dispersed, revealing the original true face, in addition to Tichondrius and his men, there was also the dazzling high ground of the defensive tower in front of me.

"Offensive, for Shurima!"

"Hahaha, yes, for Shurima!"

A sturdy figure turned a few times, like a flexible crocodile, uh, he himself is a crocodile, rushing directly into the enemy's formation, picking up the crescent knife in his hand is a round dance cut, blood splattered.

Desert Butcher, Renekton

If someone dared to come and attack Azir, who is controlling soldiers in remote control, and Xerath, who is constantly using arcane energy to attack the enemy, the figure standing next to them will chop off with an axe, harvest their souls, and let him alone. control.

"No traffic here."

Desert Grim Reaper, Nasus



The golden ring shuttles through the enemy's square, each attack will scratch the enemy, and then return to the original master's hand as if it were controlled.

"Your head may be very valuable."

Goddess of War, Sivir

Tichondrius watched the performance of the five people in front of him, and realized how brainless and cowardly the group of dreadlords under him was. Only when he was frightened by the sudden change, he completely lost the phalanx.

"Go away!"

Tichondrius kicked his men away and faced the big crocodile rushing up.

"I'll **** your blood!"


Seeing the leader right in front of him, the crocodile roared, and a different Shurima rune magic appeared. The whole body became extremely huge, and the body was surrounded by red anger.


Turn around, Dulongzuan, one shot, one turn, another turn, another shot, a tail sweep.

Tichondrius was like a puppet that had been beaten. From the moment he saw the big crocodile rushing in front of him, he was hit by a set of combos, and then he was beaten up and dropped into his team.


Tichondrius stood up from the **** and patted the dust on his body. Although it was a bit hurt, the attack just now was really not deep.

"Unexpectedly, my body is a different sacred armor. Without special magic power, it can't hurt me."

The crocodile also noticed that it was just that someone hadn't been well, so he still needed to hold this guy and couldn't run away for him.

Without Tichondrius paying attention, the dog head also left his defensive line and walked into the enemy line to reap continuously, becoming a living **** of death.

As the magic of the dog's head became more and more apparent, Tichondrius finally noticed something wrong, and felt that the other party was doing something, waiting for something.

Soon, Tichondrius found that he had fewer and fewer men. When he noticed it, he saw a towering figure standing not far away.


Picking up his own axe, wiped off the strange blood on it, the dog's head looked at Tichondrius with murderous aura, only one target in his eyes.

"You guys, it turns out that the goal is to delay time, **** it."

Feeling the magic power on the dog's axe, Tichondrius knew he couldn't hold it, so he hurriedly hurled.

"Don't try to escape!"

The crocodile rushed up to shoot. Tichondrius was dizzy. Tichondrius slapped the crocodile with a slap. Who knew that the dog's head was suddenly fast, as if being accelerated.

"Don't try to escape!"

Sivir summoned a whirlwind, and brought him and his dog's head to speed up and approached Tichondrius. The ring in his hand accurately hit the heel of Tichondrius, making him unable to continue running.


Looking at the dog's head slowly approaching him, Tichondrius kept releasing a swarm of rotten bees, but it had no effect on this **** of death.

Tichondrius fell to the ground and continued to climb in the direction of his defensive tower. A burst of magic power appeared on him, slowing his speed.


A big hand grabbed Tichondrius, and the dog's head lifted Tichondrius up, and pulled it in front of him, with a grinning grin.


The dog friend threw Tichondrius to the defensive tower on their side, holding the axe at him and the defensive tower.


The purple energy smashed into pieces, leading to the tower, and directly chopped it to pieces with an axe.


Tichondrius' figure slowly turned into ashes and disappeared before their eyes. When Tichondrius thought he could return to the Twisting Void, he grabbed himself with a big hand.


Tichondrius looked at the dog's head in front of him, looking at each other in horror.

"Your soul, eternal life is used by me, this is your punishment."

Absorbing the soul of Tichondrius into his own axe, the battle came to an end.

Noxus, the conquer is over.

"Next, let's take a look at the other routes."

Swain cleaned up, rushed back to the rear, sorted out information, and prepared for support.

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