Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 566: Trouble to find


All day long, Wushou took the witch and wandered around everywhere, and finally came to the beach, watching the sun slowly go down until late at night.

"Wang, why are you here? Is there anything special?"

"Yuri, what do you think of this place?"

After a day of getting along, Wushou knows the name of the other party and is commensurate with her friends. Naturally, a certain maiden is very clear about the relationship between her superiors and subordinates, and her treatment of Wushou will be somewhat restrained.

"There are not many people around, and there are few buildings. They are rare. This place is still a beach and there is no development nearby."

Yuri expressed his opinion and felt that there was a problem, but soon, Yuri realized that it was possible.

"Could it be that it is used here."

"You guessed it right, this is a battlefield, so there is no reconstruction nearby. Naturally, this desert is not made by nature."

Wuchou raised Yuri who was sitting on the ground and said to the person behind Yuri.

"So, I think I don't need to be too restrictive here. Of course, I will solve you soon."

Yuri turned around and saw the man who had made him have nightmares.

A black suit, short white hair, and an old man with white skin like a vampire.

"I think you are the godkiller who troubled Yuri, is Marquis Vauban right?"

"Hmph, kid, I don't care what **** you are or a god-killer, as your predecessor, you should hand over the witch next to you to me, so that's the truth."


Wushou said to the Marquis of Woban like hearing a strange joke.

"That's the end of the big talk, you are not in the position of claiming to be an old man in front of me."

Wushou pulled Yuri behind and said to Woban.

"Give you a chance, hurry up and use your power, otherwise you won't even have the opportunity to attack."

"It's not ashamed to say it, I want to see, how can you beat me in an instant?"


Wushou's figure appeared in front of Wushou for an instant. When Wushou found Wushou, it was already a bit late. He hurriedly used his power to transform, but the speed was not fast enough. Wushou's fist had already hit his eyes and punched hard. He hit him **** the chin and knocked Woban flying.

"I said, give you a chance, you don't listen."

"You guy!"

Woban turned into a werewolf, his fierce eyes fixed on Wushou.

"Eat you, bite you, kill you."

Moving again, Wushou has already come behind Wuban, kicking at the back of his head.

"The wolf dog must look like a wolf dog, get me down!"


The wolf's keenness, accurately grasping Wuxian's kick, hadn't waited long for Woban to be happy, the blue light directed at his body oncoming, and with one shot he flew Woban directly into the air.


Voban fell directly to the ground, wiped the scar on his chest, and snorted.

"It's pretty strong, but how long can you last?"

Seeing Wuban waved his hand, many undead killed by him crawled out of the ground, and they were under the control of the opponent.

"Come on, my army, destroy the enemy in front of me for me."

However, these undead army stopped before they were close to Wushou, and their bodies began to slowly corrode.

"What's wrong, why is my power invalid?"

"Uncle, it seems that you haven't done enough with your homework. I don't know how many gods I have defeated?"

The tattoos belonging to Hades began to shine, and the undead army in front of them was immediately liberated without any worries and returned to where they should be.

"Huh, you fellow, wasting my army for many years, let's see how I clean up you!"

Sudden lightning and thunder in the sky, not only that, but also heavy rain, and Woban instantly controlled the weather.

"I hate enemies with thunder and lightning, especially in this world!"


The golden energy soared into the sky, breaking through the dark clouds in the sky, and the riot energy filled the entire venue.

"Blonde, soldier."

Wuban looked at the worries in front of him. Although he knew that the other party had such a power, he could feel a familiar pressure when he faced it.

Pressure from old acquaintances.

"You turned out to be a martial artist just like that woman. You are unforgivable. You cannot forgive anything related to that woman."

A group of black clouds surrounded Woban, and a dark dragon rose into the air from the black smoke, full of incredible magic power.

"Die, kid!"

The dark green breath spit out from his mouth, but how could he be hit by such a move without worry, flying into the air against the edge, the blue energy condensed in his hand.

"Turtle Qigong!"

The azure energy hit the black dragon's body, and the huge energy caused the black dragon to spin in mid-air in pain, and fell to the surface of the sea, setting off a large spray of water.

"Did you make it?"

Yuri looked at Woban who had fallen into the sea in the distance, hoping that the matter would end like this.

However, the black dragon flew up from the sea again, staring at Wushou with its fierce eyes.

"It's really resistant, but what about you?"

Wushou instantly moved to the black dragon again, and hit the black dragon directly into the sea with a heavy fist. Even if the black dragon sensed Wushou's position, he couldn't hit him.


The trident of the sea **** on Wushou's hand began to glow, and the huge sea water directly turned into a few chains, surrounding the black dragon round and round, and slowly pressing the black dragon into the sea.

"Surrender, you can't beat me."

The black dragon slowly pressed into the sea, and Woban, who originally wanted to continue resisting, finally stopped and lifted his transformation.

"Isn't that right, Marquis of Woban, it seems that you will not continue to trouble Yuri."

Going back to the beach without sorrow, watching Woban slowly walk back from the sea, smiled.

"Hmph, don't be proud of you, I will be back soon to take revenge, you will wait for me." Voban took a cruel word, and walked away without looking back.

"Yuri, what do you plan to do next, your trouble is over."

Yuri looked at him without sorrow about solving his troubles, thinking of everything he had been with him this day, and felt that the man in front of him might be able to change the world.

"I want to stay by your side. I want to see how much you can do to change the world."

"Do you change the world? Well, this is a small goal."

On the way they walked back, the moonlight at night stretched their shadows, and the last two shadows leaned together and slowly walked into the distance.

On the other side, the Marquis of Woban, who was going back, was unwilling and decided to create a little trouble for Wushou.

"Hmph, **** martial artist, just let me see what kind of sparks you two will make."

Voban calmed down the anger in his heart, and told all the news about Wushou and everything about the martial artist to the distant place, the godslayer in the great eastern country.

Wushou didn't know at all that Woban would have caused such a big trouble for himself.

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