Guru Guru

The ocean is the source of all living things.

If water nourishes everything, it is better to say that it is water, which provides a foundation for everything.


Wuxian opened his eyes and found that he did not know when, floating in the sea, a little at a loss.

"This is."

"This is a trial."

The whale's voice came into Wushou's mind.

"Each one has its own unique abilities. I am different from them. I can't give you substantial help. I can only assist you on the sidelines."

"However, my abilities are also special, indispensable."

The water slowly formed a huge vortex, pulling Wushou into the bottom of the sea.

"What you have to fight against is the whole world."


Wushou's whole person fell to the ground, and the huge impact made Wushou feel that his ribs were about to break.


A little bit of white light slowly condenses in front of Wushou, turning into a ball of light.


The light ball slowly reorganized, and finally became exactly the same as Wushou.

"that's me?"

Seeing the other person saying exactly the same thing as himself, Wushou slowly calmed down and looked at each other seriously, and the other person was also looking at Wushou seriously.



There was no change in the touch of two punches.

Boom, boom!

In every confrontation, Wushou feels that the other person is himself, and his strength, speed, and everything are exactly the same as himself.

"Turtle Qigong!"

When the two energies collided, the result was naturally the same as Wuxian expected, without any change in the slightest.

"Is it exactly the same?"

"Yes, this is my ability. It is not a simple copy, but a complete regeneration. No matter how you change now, the shadow in front of you will always change with you. It has the same ability and the same power as you. ."

"It's like the other you in the shadow."

Wushou looked at the opponent carefully, and felt that the other party was like an automatically activated robot. As long as Wushou did not attack the opponent, the other party would not attack Wushou either.

"Is there only pure resistance?"

"Yes, but this is not simply about surpassing yourself. Even if you gain new power now, this shadow will become exactly the same as you, so you have to completely rely on your own ability to defeat this self."

"Beyond yourself?"

When I listened carefully, I always felt that there was something wrong with the other party's statement. I felt that it was not as simple as transcendence.

"Huh, that's the case, I understand."

Wushou walked toward the shadow in front of him unpreparedly and stretched out his hand, the other party also learned to extend his right hand without worry.

"He can only learn and copy everything about me, so he uses the same idea as me."

"What you want to tell me is not to challenge your limits, not to surpass yourself, but to accept everything about yourself. Even these things are not originally your own."

Feeling the shadow in front of him slowly disperse, Wuhuai smiled.

"You guys just want to come back, don't you?"

"No, we just think it's more suitable to come back to you."

"Why, isn't freedom bad?"

The whale became a tiny head, floating above Wushou's head.

"You obviously haven't thought of everything yet. How do you know how we feel? Have you ever thought about how long we have been together and the unit where we can't estimate the time, so that we are more familiar with all this."

"So, when you choose to let us all go, have you considered our feelings?"

The whale floated slowly over Wushou's head and sat down.

"We are already a family, and we have waited long enough. We don't want any freedom, as long as your restraint is enough."

Perhaps for some beings, the familiar **** is more valuable than the unfamiliar freedom.

"But, if you don't experience that kind of freedom, how can you know if this kind of freedom is suitable for you?"

"We have passed that era long ago, and we have figured it out."

The darkness slowly melted into Wushou's body, turning into a mark.

"All freedom is inferior to this familiar shackle."

Sizzle, sizzle

Ding Dong

Ah ah ah

The sun is halfway up the mountain, and the setting sun shines on Wushou's face, making it especially bright red.

"What is wrong with me?"

I have no worries about visiting the surroundings. I can't remember my purpose at all. I just looked at the plastic bag and the ingredients in my hand, subconsciously thinking that I was buying the ingredients and preparing to go home to cook.

"By the way, I'm going back to cook, right?"

It's just that when Wuxian returns to his home, I always feel something is wrong.

"Where is this place?"

The appearance is completely different, not only that, but the neighbors around him are also different, and Wushou can't even see Misaki's home.

"what happened?"

No worries about constantly looking around, looking for things that he is familiar with.

Things were even thrown to the place regardless, no worries to go to find, find a place familiar to me.

The streets, schools, and everything are very strange. Wushou begins to doubt himself. Is everything he has experienced during this time a dream?

"Tattoo, my tattoo."

Wuxian opened his clothes and saw that besides the frog and the woodpecker, the tattoo of another whale was also engraved near his chest.

"The tattoo is still there. Then it proves that I have no problem. It is not me who has the problem, but this place."

Wushou is thinking whether he has missed something, but with the reset of his memory, Wushou can't know his original purpose, but only know who his next goal is.

Dong dong dong

There was a strange sound of wood, and Wuxian turned his head to look, and a familiar figure came into his eyes.


It just feels a little different.

Xiaoming in front of him lost the high light in both eyes. No, it should be said that both eyes can't see anything, just helplessly holding the crutches in his hand and walking forward little by little.


Wushou walked to Xiaoming and reached out to stop him.

"Who are you, I don't know you, please go away."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Ming didn't know herself at all, so he ignored Wushou, and even spoke with Wushou in a very strange tone.

"Xiaoming, don't you remember me?"

Wu worry stretched out his hand to hold Xiao Ming, ready to let the other side wake up, who knew it would still provoke the other side to yell.

"Go away, I don't know you, do you want to bully me again? Bully a person without light."

Xiaoming was frightened and picked up the crutch in his hand and waved it in front of him, as if he was irritated.

"Calm down, Xiaoming, I have no intentions."

"Go away, go away, don't come near me!"

Wu worry has nothing to do except let go of Xiao Ming's hand and let the other party calm down.

"Well, you calm down, it's okay, I will definitely not hurt you."

"Go away, don't get close to me, or I won't let you go."

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