"Xiao You, what are you doing here?"

Izumi and Yang Ai saw Xiao You sitting on the ground, not knowing what to paint with branches.


"Hey, Xiaoyou, didn't you say that you have no family?"

Xiao You shook her head and said.

"Family, sister, mine."

"Eh, sister, I don't know if we have a chance to meet."

Xiao You shook her head and said.

"Sister, not here."

"That's it, I'm sorry, Xiao You."

Listening to Xiao You's words, both Izumi and Yangai felt that perhaps this younger sister had also passed away.

Xiao You shook her head and continued.

"Sister, on the other side, watching me all the time."

Xiao You finished speaking, ready to go home.

"Xiao You, didn't I say that, if you want to go back, you can go to our house."

Both Hequan and Yangai know that Xiaoyou's house really has nothing.

Xiao You shook her head and continued.

"Only there can I see it, sister."

Hearing Xiao You's words, the two did not continue to stop Xiao You, and let the other party go home directly.

Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi

"Brother, brother, get up."


"Brother, brother, you have something to do today, get up early."

In a daze, Xiao You seemed to see her long silver hair brushing her face.

"Little Dome?"

Xiao You opened her eyes, there was nothing, she just lay on the ground without anyone around.


But the dream is very real.

After the chaos ended yesterday, Xiaoyou sent Xiaopa to the hospital for treatment, and then sent Yingmeng there. After all, both of them were injured.

And the wounds on my body were healed long ago when I regained my freedom, even I couldn't even think of it.

"Xiao You, Xiao You, are you up?"

Yang Ai opened the door and walked in, watching Xiao You sitting on the ground like this, and said dissatisfied.

"Are you asleep on the ground again, Xiao You, you must change this habit, otherwise what will you do later."

"Hehe, it's okay."

Xiao You patted the dust on her body, ready to go back to school with Yang Ai.

"Xiao You, why don't you see classmate Ye Ming."

Normally, Yang Ai would see Ying Meng go to school with them. Today, she was a little surprised, but she didn't meet each other.

"I don't know, maybe the other party has something."

"That's it."

I don't know why, Xiao You feels Yang Ai seems a little happy, holding Xiao You's arm tightly, and walking back to school together.

"Hehehe, Xiao You."

Seeing Yang Ai inexplicably silly here, Xiao You didn't bother to say anything, and continued to walk back.

"Hey, you two, you are almost late."

The guard watched Xiao You and the two walking over so slowly, and called out to remind them.

"I see, Xiao You, hurry up."

Not long after the two walked in, the school door was finally closed, and while the two were still rejoicing, the guardian uncle behind them spoke again.

"Hey, you are late, come here."

The doorman was pulling a man with a hat. Xiao You remembered that this guy seemed to be in his class, but he didn't have any impression of who he was.

"Uncle, you are annoying, go away!"

"Asshole, being late means being late, come over to me."

Regardless of that buddy's objection, the uncle doorman clung to the other side and didn't want to let go.

"Let's go, Yang Ai, nothing good."


Because Yingmeng is not around today, Xiaoyou always feels that today's class is more boring than before. If it weren't for seeing Yang Ai in a really good mood today, Xiaoyou would be ready to go home directly.

After school, the two went home together, feeling nothing but the joy of yang love along the way.

"Silly girl, I've always been here, you don't need to hug me tightly."

Xiao You patted Yang Ai on the head and said.

"Xiao You, if this has always been the case, then it would be great."

"I don't know, go back quickly."

It's just that one thing happened where they didn't know.

In the evening, the doorman was patrolling the teaching building. Everything was as calm as before, except that when he passed a certain classroom, he seemed to hear some strange noise.


The doorman opened the door and found that there was nothing inside and no students.

"Strange, is it a wild cat?"

At this time, if the uncle pays attention, he will see something squirming underground.


The strange sound came again, only this time outside the classroom.

"who is it?"

The uncle the door guard turned around for an instant, and suddenly a huge fish sprang out from the ground, and ate the uncle himself in one bite.

Hee hee hee!

In an invisible corner, a man smiled and smiled triumphantly.

The next day, when Xiao You and Yang Ai continued to return to school as they did yesterday, they found several police cars parked at the door.

"What's wrong?"

The two also gathered around to join in the fun, and after some people talked and talked about it, they realized that there seemed to be an accident in the school.

After listening to the gossip, the two were about to leave, only to find that the place where the incident happened was their class, and there were still blood stains and a guard hat at the door.

"Uncle Doorman, why are you doing this."

Xiao You and Yang Ai didn't expect that the door guard was killed in school, and who did it.

"Go away, don't get in the way."

The hat man walked in, but Xiao You always felt that the other party was a bit happy.

"Why, this strange feeling."

Xiao You always felt that there was something weird about the other party.

"Xiao You, that person is not a good person, you must stay away from these people."

Perhaps he heard Yang Ai's words, the man in the hat turned and looked at them.

"Ah, what are you talking about, woman?"

"What's wrong, do you want to fight?"

Xiao You didn't allow it, and the others hurt their friends and stood up and stood in front of Yang Ai.

"Little You."

Seeing Xiao Youwei in her early days, Yang Ai was a little lighthearted.

"Cut, wait and see."

Finally, the man in the hat gave Yang Ai a fierce look, with a cruel smile on his mouth.

Today, Shang Ke is still the same boring, but Xiao You still feels a little tired, walks to the gate early, and when Yang Ai finishes cleaning, he will go back together.


Yang Ai finished sorting the tools and was about to leave. At this moment, she heard some strange noises around her.


Yang Ai was a little scared when she heard the strange sound, and it seemed, the strange sound of water.

"Xiao You, where are you?"

Yang Ai leaned on the wall in fear, staring at her surroundings vigilantly, always feeling that there was something staring at herself.

"So slow, Yang Ai."

Xiao You got a little impatient, so she changed the phone and called Yang Ai.

Dididi, dididi

Finally heard the call, Yang Ai hurriedly connected to the phone and said.

"Xiao You, where are you, come here quickly."

Just after speaking, Yang Ai's voice stopped.

"Yang Ai, Yang Ai!"

problem occurs.

Xiao You hurried back to the classroom, but, in the utility room, only found Yang Ai's mobile phone.

"Yang Ai, where are you?"

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