Konoha Village, outskirts


As the village chief, Bah, Hokage, was standing by the iron fence on the side, watching the two fighting inside seriously.

"The aptitude is definitely a genius level, there is no problem with the mind, and that monster-like reflex, the opponent is definitely a warrior with many battles. It's just strange. The way he behaves doesn't look like it, just like."

"He just imitated, or amnesia, and the body only left the most primitive instinctive reaction."

But how does the other party know that Wushou is not amnesia but really loses those powers, but even if the body loses these powers, everything it has passed through will not disappear.


A strong thunder and lightning hit the tree directly, scorching the entire tree in an instant, Kakashi couldn't do a lore like the one just now except for constantly evading.

"what is the problem?"

Kakashi became more and more frightened as he fought. In the first few rounds, the opponent was like a child, and he could be defeated with a single blow.

Now, as he continues to fight against himself, not only can he block his own attacks more and more, but his small movements are also getting smaller and smaller.

Also, that immeasurable Chakra, thinking that it is impossible to kill the opponent, and Kakashi himself is not of this type, but he is a one-shot kill.

"It's impossible to put water or something?"

It would be nice if the opponent was not cruel, and Kakashi knew very well that the opponent did not use the power similar to the transformation in their world last time, or he would have fallen down a long time ago.

"No way, just play for a while, and then give up."

He said that, but Kakashi opened his forehead to reveal his eyes.

Sizzle, sizzle

The blue chakras turned into thunder and lightning, gathered in the hands, and seemed to use powerful destructive power.

"Thunder and lightning?"

Wushou probably remembered that he had seen some of these things, in their world, becoming ninjutsu things.

"But since it's thunder and lightning, it's really a pity."

Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi

Kakashi's movements stopped because he saw a thunder and lightning that was more terrifying than him.

"Sorry, if you only have this kind of move, then you can't beat me."

Seeing Wushou's body surrounded by thunder and lightning, Kakashi knew that he still underestimated each other.

"If you don't try, how do you know if it works?"

"It's useless, I just said it."

Seeing Wushou stretched out his hand, the lightning in Kakashi's hand did not continue, but turned into a little energy, which was absorbed by Wushou.

"All thunder and lightning will be absorbed by me, and your thunder and lightning will not be effective for me."

"Well, I surrender."

The opponent can absorb thunder and lightning. It seems that you don't need to worry about it. The strength of the opponent has changed a lot. It seems that it does not take a week before you can fight those guys.

"But, what you have been using just now, that kind of pure Chakra energy bomb is incredibly powerful, but it's a waste of energy."

What the other party said is naturally the only one and the clearest trick that can be remembered.

"It's just okay for you to use it yourself, but if others use it, you can just squeeze it dry in a few times."

Kakashi was also a bit speechless. The other party had used it so many times and nothing happened. He could only say that he was really proficient in this thing, or that he had too much energy.

"Yes, you two, Kakashi, next you continue to teach our savior more ninjutsu and buy time."

Hokage, who was watching from the sidelines, finally came over. Seeing the situation just now, they also knew that the chosen savior of this world was definitely strong enough. Coupled with the use of the power of the black giant that they didn't understand, they were very confident this time.

Next, Wushou felt relieved to learn about the surgical technique by Kakashi, but after that, Wushou felt a little troublesome.

"Jieyin, isn't this a waste of time?"


Kakashi looked at Wushou with a strange look.

"Everyone is like this, what's the problem?"

"It's too slow, if the other party is faster, what to do if you interrupt your knot, and the intention is too obvious, it must be easy to avoid."

"Then what do you want to do, don't you learn?"

After thinking about it for a while, I felt that I could find a way to simplify this step, and it didn't need to be so troublesome.

Wu worry thought for a while, put his hand on Kakashi's shoulder, and said.

"Kakashi, you try Jieyin to use ninjutsu, let me feel it."

"Well, no problem."

Kakashi made a fireball spell at random, closed his eyes without worry, and sensed the direction of Kakashi's energy.

"It turns out that the purpose of Jieyin is to allow energy to pass through those specific locations to use ninjutsu."

I probably understand the principle, and I have no worries. The next step is to make Kakashiki a different seal to understand the direction of energy and how to trigger the rest of ninjutsu.

Next, if you want to use these ninjutsu, just remember what seals those ninjutsu consist of, and the body controls the energy to pass through those positions.

"Well, it seems you are fine."

Watching Wuxian Jieyin directly use a fireball technique, Kakashi knew that maybe in three days, they would have a new monster.

"Next, I can teach you the last step, but before this, I want you to do one thing first."




Wushou, who had just relaxed, suddenly felt his body tremble and fell to the ground.

"I can't move my body."

Moreover, the eyes too.

A strong drowsiness hit, Wushou directly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"This is also normal, a lot of consumption, the entry of new knowledge, and injuries, which accumulate in an instant, and the body can support it now is very powerful."

Kakashi picked up Wushou who fell on the ground and walked to the village hospital with him on his back.

"Sorry to disturb you so late."

"It's okay, they are all partners in the same village, a must."

Kakashi didn't plan to leave when he took the other party to the ward. After all, when he came back, there were always a few figures behind him, and when he was practicing just now, several people were staring at him.

"Anbe? No, it's the root. They haven't planned to give up yet. It's really troublesome."

Kakashi had no choice but to lean against the wall and sleep quietly.

On the other side, in the enemy's base camp, a world where it has been raining all the time.

"What are you going to do with these two people?"

Half-white, half-black guy, half came out of the ground, and asked the man with a mask in front of him.

The masked man looked at the two people falling asleep in the coffin and said.

"They are important tools. For our plan, the tail beast is necessary, and only that person can break the darkness of the tail beast."

"So, we must catch him alive, or let him join us willingly, but the second one should be impossible."

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