How could Heijue think that Madara would lose and be wiped out so easily? This was something Heijue could not predict.

"Damn, that **** foreigner!"

Hei Jue no longer knows where he is going to find someone who inherits the two powers. He can't bring the soil. The power of the reincarnation eye is not his, and it depends on the situation.

Watching this tug of war between the banded soil and the ninja coalition forces, Hei Jue knew that this plan had been aborted and he couldn't do anything.

"Could it be that you have to wait another thousand years?"

Kurojutsu can’t wait for so long. The second Uchiha Madara is basically impossible, and more importantly, there are only two people alive now, the Senju Clan and Uchiha Clan, only two, and Kuzuda knows that Qian The hand family may disappear completely soon.

I have no chance to continue doing these things like I used to.

"Masara's corpse, and the reincarnation technique of the reincarnation eye, **** it, I shouldn't leave nothing behind."

Madara's body, now only one person knows where it is.

However, Heijue's clone is weak, and seeing more and more Chakras with soil being pulled out, the chances are a bit slim. With his own understanding of soil, he will definitely use the technique of reincarnation to resurrect those who died in battle. people.

"Wait, these changes, and the power."

Heijue thought of a possibility.

At this time, Wusang was basically unable to move, and the side effects of the body had followed one after another, which instantly destroyed his body.

"So tired."

Although I can't see clearly, I can see that I can see that not far away, the battle between Taitou and the ninja coalition is also coming to an end. It seems that Naruto will also win the opponent, and this battle is about to come to an end.

Sure enough, after a while, the Chakra inside the ten-tailed beast was pulled out, and the other seven-tailed beasts were pulled out of the soil-carrying body and turned back to their original form.


Seeing the other tail beasts being pulled out of the soil-carrying body, Wushou and the rest of the coalition were very clear that he finally won the battle.

"Finally, I won."

The soil that fell on the ground, watching his slowly recovering body, finally realized that he had lost this battle.

"I lost."

Lie on the ground with the soil, feeling that his vitality is losing, after all, he has pulled the ten tails out of his body, and the human pillars of the tail beasts will die.

Looking from a distance, I also saw Wushou walking by alone. It seems that Madara also lost to Wushou.

"It's really unexpected. What we planned for so long actually lost to an outsider."

Maybe this is fate.

Wushou also came to Tai Tu, looked at the enemies of the past, and said.

"As agreed, I didn't deal with you. This failure has nothing to do with me."

"Well, I know, you have never intervened. I was really wrong."

Bring the soil and looked at the sacred tree not far away. Although it had already bloomed, it was meaningless now.

"Next, as long as you destroy the sacred tree, everything is over, and this battle is over."

Nagato also came to Daido, looking at Daido who was lying on the ground and had lost his fighting spirit, and said.

"You seem to be very happy."

"Yes, because now, for the rest of my life, there is one more thing I can do."

Seeing a familiar seal formed by the soil, Wushou and Nagato knew exactly what he was planning to do.

"Hey, don't you plan to atone for your sins?"

"Without the tail beast, I will die in the end, and I will die now. There is no difference. It's better to die like this."

"At least, I can save some people."

He made a seal with the soil, ready to use the technique of reincarnation.


A huge black shadow jumped out from the ground and directly covered the soiled half of his body.


"Hei Jue, what are you going to do?"

"Hehehe, I want to continue, my plan!"


The soil was controlled by Heijue, stood up from the ground, and shot at the surrounding ninjas.

Shinra Tianzheng

The huge repulsion force bounced all these people away, except for the worries standing here.

"Sure enough, very suspicious."

Hei Jue broke away from the body with the soil, and then directly covered Wushou's side, and even took away the left eye with the soil.


Wushou has exhausted his strength and can't resist the opponent, so he is easily grasped by the opponent.

"Nagato is still alive. This incident makes me feel incredible. Obviously using the reincarnation technique, why the surgeon did not die, then there is only one result."

"The other person used the power of the reincarnation eye and didn't die."

Hei Jue covered Wushou's body, and his two reincarnation eyes were close to the darkness on his body.

"Moreover, Nagato's body actually regained its vitality, so it proves one thing that you will use the power of Yin and Yang to escape, the most primitive power."

The power of the reincarnation eye, after contacting Wushou, the incredible and Wushou slowly merged, filtering through Heijue's body, and gradually blending into Wushou's body.

"Hehehe, as expected, the power of the reincarnation eye will be absorbed by you, just like those tail beasts."


Uncontrolled and worry-free, the huge suction power of the body continues to expand, even pulling all the tail beasts not far away.

The original Golem of the Outer Dao also came to Wushou's body together, and all entered Wushou's body.

"what happened?"

Huge pressure came from Wushou's body, Heijue controlled Wushou's body and made those marks.


Everyone looked at the big pit not far away, and the one standing in the middle was unchanging and worry-free.

"How can it be!"

Heijue was bounced away by the huge power, and it was clear that the ten tails had already regrouped, and the power of the reincarnation eye had also entered Wushu's body, why, why didn't it become a human column power.

"I'm sorry, although I don't know what you planned to do just now, but your plan has failed."

Wushou looked at the Hei Jue not far away. Since the other party had hit his mind on him, it would be better to get rid of it.

call out

"Hurry up!"

Everyone shouted at Wushou, where they hadn't seen yet, a huge tree root came behind Wushou and hugged himself tightly.


Sizzle, sizzle

At this time, Wushou finally knew that the darkness had always been there, and he didn't know until so late.

The power of darkness is in that sacred tree.


The sacred tree and darkness penetrated into their own body together, and the huge energy seemed to burst the worry-free body.

"After all, what else will happen?"

Hei Jue didn't expect it, as if something unexpected was helping him, he smiled as Wushou sucked everything into his body.

This time, Wushou finally changed. Not only did his body become a pure white fairy body, but behind him also appeared a jade symbolizing yin and yang to escape.

"No worries?"

The rest of the people stared vigilantly, and they had changed drastically without sorrow, and only saw the sorrowful eyes.

Turned into deep darkness.

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