Unable to face the enemy.

In other words, it is an enemy on a national scale, and the power is so large that it cannot be confronted by itself.

Going back to the shrine with no worries, remembering what I said to kill the teacher this morning, this is not only a reminder, but also a warning.

"Not only to control me, but also to use my friends."

Wushou wanted to resist, but there were too many people around him, and he couldn't completely protect them.

"Worry sauce, what's wrong?"

After a day, Xiaoxi finally woke up and saw Wushou depressed and depressed, and asked worriedly.

"Xiaoxi, it's nothing, I just think that I am too restrictive now, which leads to no matter what I do."

Xiaoxi sat beside Wushou, holding Wushou's hand, and said comfortingly.

"However, because of these constraints, this time is a real life, an unconstrained person, just a lonely person."

"Maybe you are right."

The two leaned together, sharing their feelings with each other.

"Although it is so, but I just want to protect you, that's it."

the next day

Obviously going to class as usual, but Wushou still feels that someone around him is always watching him, like a poisonous snake, when he relaxes, he will attack.

Wuxian has not slackened, maintaining a high intensity of attention, and finally arrived in physical education class.

Teacher Wujian started a special tutoring again, but he didn't join them in training other than Nostalgia.

"What's wrong?"

Looking at Wushou's solemn expression, Teacher Wu Jian naturally knew that he must be aware of the people around him watching him.

"Teacher Wujian, what do they want to do to make me stronger, or simply to make weapons, do they hurt my classmates?"

"I don't know about this matter, but there is an explanation from above. As long as you come into contact with people, they may become targets, so."

"So, I can only be alone."

After all, that may be one of the conditions. They will not mess around. Since they have accurate data, they will definitely use the most robust method to stimulate superpowers, and will not cause great opposition to Wushou by casual testing, although Wushou Already in negative opposition.

"In short, watch your surroundings. Your classmates will definitely not be manipulated by them. You have to be careful of people who are not on track."

At this time, everyone saw that there was a person on the other side of the playground.

"That person, I remember."

The name on the roster, as well as the photo, Akabane Industry.

"I remember that he was sent to Class E to help his classmates. His academic performance was also good, and he was friends with Nagisa Shioda."


Wushou looked at two completely different people. Wushou could hardly imagine that these two people were actually friends. Moreover, Nagisa Shioda and the new Akabane industry were not the same type of people at all, and they had nothing in common.

"Is it a weak aura?"

Indeed, it looks like Akabane Industry is like a relatively strong person, and it is indeed better to find a weaker person.

It's just that Akabane industry looks a bit interesting.

After class, Akabane has been threatening Teacher Killing with a huge threat, using strange little methods to get Teacher Killing into trouble again and again.

"Is it you? It's different from the strength of ordinary people."

Akabane industry happened to be sitting next door to him, troubled, feeling that this guy was like that kind of demon, who specialized in spoofing other people.

"It doesn't look like such a strong person, but you can't look good. Maybe you can help me kill that octopus."



Hearing Wushou's rhetorical question, Akabane Industry was a little surprised.

"Why do you want to kill the teacher? Don't you think that as our teacher, he is a good teacher?"

Upon hearing Wushou's words, Akabane suddenly smiled while clutching his stomach.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, I just think it's weird, everyone is full of murderous wanting to kill this octopus, why didn't you want to kill him?"

"Is this what you see?"

Wu worry glanced at Akabane Industry, and then lay on the table, not planning to pay attention to him any more.

"You haven't seen it yet. It's not worth talking to you. When you see the real thing, let's continue talking."

The real thing?

Akabane industry glanced at Wushou, who was lying on the table, not knowing what he was talking about.

Just kill things like teachers, and finally, there is a teacher who can kill, and you can't let this opportunity pass.

On the second day, Akabane finally felt the powerful transforming ability of Teacher Killing, and he was tossed so hard that he thought of an extreme way to deal with Teacher Killing.

"Kill the teacher, what is the purpose of doing this?"

Watching the suicide assassination directed and performed by Akabane Industry, and then the teacher killed easily resolved. After the two left, he went to ask the teacher alone.

"Hehehe, classmate Wushou, haven't you seen it? Akabane has been polished into a sharp blade by the teacher, full of murderous intent, but a sharp blade full of hope for life, everyone in the class, except for those naughty guys , Everyone is like this."

"So are you, classmate Wu worry."

Wu worry heard that Teacher Killing said so, and said helplessly.

"Sorry, killing the teacher, I have no interest in killing you at all. Even if I am the last weapon, I have no idea of ​​killing you. After all, you are too funny and it would be a shame to kill."

"But sooner or later, the teacher will destroy the earth, and everything you cherish will disappear at that time, so for your companions, you will do something to the teacher and me at the end. I hope you can learn what you want in this short time. "

Teacher Killing patted Wushou on the shoulder and continued.

"The teacher can't teach you anything. Your blade is sharp enough. Now you, as long as you enjoy what this class brings to you, that's the most important thing."

The killer's blade, there is another way, about the learning blade.


Enjoy, what brought me in this class.

Does this class bring me life?

"Huh, that's right, if it's not here, it's true that the original life is really boring, kill the teacher, I hope you can give me more interesting things then."

"Huhehe, naturally, just look forward to it, classmate Wushou."

I don't know why, after speaking with Teacher Killing, Wu worry felt that he wanted to understand something. Maybe he didn't leave here. Even after that incident, he was resisting this life.

Maybe, I have to let go and accept this short year so that I will grow.


Feeling something in the body, not only has the field of vision become clearer, but also the induction seems to be stronger. Wushou can sense what is around him to monitor him.

"Is it stronger?"

In the eyes of the surveillance personnel, he saw Wushou's face, the original orange eye makeup turned dark red, and there was a red dot on the forehead.

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