Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 848: Summer holiday eve

At the end of the final exam, it is naturally the summer vacation. For the three-year E class, as students, they should naturally also enjoy their summer vacation.

However, looking at the summer vacation precautions manual prepared by the killing teacher before them, they once again felt the pain and happiness of the summer vacation.

However, during the summer vacation, in addition to letting them enjoy the summer vacation easily, they also have their own tasks.

Take advantage of the vacation opportunity ushered in the last final exam to assassinate the teacher on that sea island, Okinawa.

However, since it is summer vacation, naturally they also have their own plans.

"Awaken again?"

The above is very satisfied with what Wushou has done recently, especially since he has once again awakened a kind of ability. The above hopes that Wushou will awaken several people again in this summer vacation and do well for their last superpower army. fully prepare.

Naturally, worry-free is their last weapon.

"Yes, so, teacher, I have no choice but to give you proper help."

Although Teacher Wujian is also very happy, because he has found a new way, he does not need to hurt his students, but at the same time, because of the new method, to some extent, he has no worries to become a kind of scum-like existence, so Teacher Wujian refused at first, but thought that this was a win-win solution, so Teacher Wujian had to compromise.

"Teacher Wujian, I have my own Xiaoxi, don't you think that Xiaoxi will do anything beyond the standard?"

"Sorry, you have to sacrifice for the country."

In this way, during the beginning of the summer vacation, Wuxian entered a compulsive social life, with the goal of his classmates.

In their considerations, it is more convenient to start with someone they know well, so this time the goal of no worries is her.

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Junqiu Middle School, Class E of the third year

"Is this really good?"

"This is a good thing, it is necessary, for accurate data."

Xiao Lu sat quietly to the side, ready to watch Wushou use any method to break through the opponent's line of defense.

"Liu, you at least hide, otherwise Okuda-san would be embarrassed to see it."


Xiaolu's rhetorical question made Wushou wonder what to say.

"I don't know, maybe I'm shy. After all, I called but said that there is something I want to tell you by myself. Come to the classroom."

No matter how you listen to it, it feels like a sentence that makes people want to be crooked, so I hope Xiao Lu will not be at least on the scene.

"Well, if you really think so."

This accident was very persuasive, and I don’t know why.

After Xiao Lu left, Wuxian waited another half an hour, and finally heard the voice of Okuda-classmate outside the door.

"Ah, Wushou classmate, are you in there?"

Although I saw through the crack of the door that Wushou was waiting for him inside, Okuda-san, who was more timid, said something like this.

"I'm here, come in."

Okuda-san, who opened the door, was a little different from what she had always seen in class. Not only did she wear a little makeup, but she also wore a plaid skirt. She looked very different from her usual.

Seeing Wushou squeezing the handle and staring at him, Okuda-san himself was a little embarrassed.

"Why, what's wrong, classmate Wushou, come to me at this time."

"Actually, Okuda-san, I have something to do. I want to make it clear to you in person."


When Okuda came here, he had already thought of all kinds of possibilities, but maybe that was the one he was looking forward to most.

Okuda is even ready to refuse. After all, Okuda still remembers how cruel Xiaoxi was last time. If he really intends to intervene in their feelings, then he is causing trouble for Class E.


Just when the two were about to talk, the sudden sound alarmed them. At this time, everyone discovered that there seemed to be someone there at the door of the classroom.

"Who is it, come out."

As soon as the voice fell off, I saw Xiaozhu, Sugino, Maehara, and Kurahashi come out. Not only the four of them, but the teacher and Okajima were also there.

"You guys, what are you doing there?"

Looking at the sorrowful eyes, everyone knew that this matter was in great trouble.

"Well, the teacher is leaving first, everyone continues."

In an instant, Teacher Killing disappeared in place at his own speed, leaving the five classmates of Class E in three years in place.

"a ha ha ha."

The others could say something besides just standing there and laughing.

"Let's talk about it, what are you doing when you come back, and I will let you go if you make it clear."

Xiaozhu and the others came back to school to make some pocket money. As for the classmates of Okajima, they arranged traps to assassinate the teacher. Of course they failed.

"I don't care about you making money, but I want to know, why do you suddenly come back to the classroom and then prepare to eavesdrop outside the door?"

The five suddenly remained silent, and then pointed out at the same time that it was Teacher Killing who said something interesting happened here, so they came to watch together.

"So that's it, you go, and don't take a peek."

Although the five people left like this, Wucao had already guessed how troublesome the next day would be.

"Sorry, Okuda-san, go ahead."

"Student Wushou, this time you specifically asked me to come out for confession, right?"


Okuda-san was also relieved because of his worry-free answer, and at the same time felt a little bit disappointed.

"So, classmate Wushou, why are you looking for me today?"

Wushou scratched his head and asked embarrassedly.

"Student Okuda, do you have any regrets, or what you want to fulfill, can you tell me."

After all, what Wushou has to do is to open the other party's knot or let the other person grow up. Although Okuda-san has a good relationship with him, Wushou can't see whether Okuda has any knots or regrets.

"Student without worry, when did you become a psychologist, since you still care about your classmates' psychological problems."

Okuda-san smiled and continued.

"Nothing, I have nothing to regret."

"Anything is fine, even if it's past regrets, I can help you."


Student Okuda didn't expect Wushou to say such a thing. Could it be that he is really capable?

"Do not make jokes."

After Mr. Okuda said these words, he paused for a while and then continued.

"If, you really have a way, I want you to help me, although I am very happy to join Class E, but I want to know, if I really pay attention to Mandarin and my grades will not be partial, then what will happen to me?"

I see

He smiled without sorrow, and went on to say.

"Then let me show you, your hypothetical future."

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