Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 863: The story of change

When Wushou came back to his senses, he had already returned to the mirror room. Whether it was suspended animation or those gangsters, Wushou prepared a scene with great concentration. In order for Hayami Rinka to accept the fact that he was "dead".

Then, no matter how much she misses, the person who has died has no effect, after all, the person is no longer there.

Although it is not very fair to her, Wuhua can only do this for everyone's good.

After Wushou left the mirror room, she really changed this time. Instead of appearing in front of Hayami Rinka, she hid in the shadow with Teacher Killing, preparing to scare other students.

It's just that, as Wushou knew from the beginning, in the end it was just killing the teacher to enjoy this courage test by himself, scaring himself.

However, Wushou saw at this time that Okuda-san actually walked in by himself. It seemed that he had no intention of coming in with other people at all.


Wushou knows that he owes others and it is also his own fault. Therefore, Wushou also needs to react a little in this place.

Listening to the yelling of Teacher Killing inside, Okuda-san felt a little happy at first, and then seemed to remember something, his eyes slowly dimmed.

At this moment, the dark place suddenly stretched out a hand and pulled Okuda-san to lean toward him. Okuda-san who was still about to resist, heard the other party's voice and stopped.

"Student Okuda, long time no see."

Hearing a familiar voice, Okuda-san's body was trembling, and he couldn't believe it, he was right behind him.

"Where have you been? I miss you so much."

"You know, I can't, show up, or I will disrupt your life."

"Why, can't we face it together?"

"No, we can't fight them."

Okuda-san turned around slowly, followed by a little bit of light, and finally saw the worry-free look.

"You have grown taller, and more handsome."

"It's the same with you, Ai Meichan."

This is Wushou, calling his own name for the first time.

"Wait, your hand!"

At this time, Okuda Aimi realized that the worry-free right hand was empty, with only one sleeve left.

"I am the one who escaped, that hand, even if I leave a gift from them."

"It's too much, why do you want to do this."

Okuda Aimi lay in her worry-free arms, sobbing in a low voice, not only because I was happy to see me again, but also because she was sad because of the worry-free things.

"Stay, I can fight you."

"No, Ai Meichan."

Wu worry stretched out his hand to open the other's bangs and kissed her on the forehead.

"Wait for me, I will definitely solve all this, and then come back to you."

After speaking, Wu worry released the girl in his arms and ran into the depths of the cave.

"Okuda-san, what's the matter?"

Nakamura Kazura and Kye walked in together, and she was a little curious when she saw Okuda Aimi who was still in a daze.

"Nothing, just thinking of something."

Okuda-san grabbed the hem of his clothes and said nothing.

I will definitely wait.

After the courage test meeting, after waiting for the three-year class E classmates to gather together, no worries did they know that Hayami Rinka and Chiba Ryunosuke had already ended their courage test expeditions and walked out very early.

At this time, Wushou finally discovered what Hayami Rinka had changed.

Although it looks the same as before, but the hairstyle has changed, becoming a single ponytail hairstyle, unlike the previous two braids.

Moreover, Wushou looked at the other person's eyes, like, lifeless, but grabbed the last straw, struggling in the deep sea.

what happened?

No worries, I can only find a way to understand what happened in the future.

late at night

Hayami Rinka sat in her room alone, when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Okuda-san, came in from the door, but they didn't see it, except for Okuda Aimi, Wushou was also on the side, silently eavesdropping on their next conversation.

"Okuda-san, why did you come to find me suddenly?"

Okuda-san sat next to Hayami-san and whispered.

"He came back today."


Just like hearing some important news, Hayami-san suddenly stood up and shouted loudly.

"Be quiet, I don't want to be known."

Hayami-san also calmed down and listened patiently to Okuda-san.

"He is very good, but not good, one arm is missing, and he was caught by those people."

Thinking of this, Okuda-san's eyes moistened again and couldn't help crying again.

"It's okay, just stay alive, just stay alive."

Hayami-san held Okuda-san in his arms and patted the opponent's back lightly to comfort him.

"Student Hayami, I don't understand why you want to help me, is your love really so similar to him?"

Having said that, Hayami nodded without hesitation and said.

"Sure, it must be my family. He told me that I don't have a daughter, so it doesn't mean that he also has a family."

"That person must be his son. I can't protect him, but at least, I want to protect his son."

Okuda-san looked up at Hayami Rinka and asked.

"So, Hayami-san, do you have such a hairstyle?"

Hayami Rinka nodded and patted Okuda-san on the head.

"Since I saw your missing person notice, I know that I can't go on being so muddled, I want to protect him, let's cheer together."


So that's the reason for the change?

No worries did not expect that because of Okuda-san’s missing person notice, Hayami-san was activated again. It seems that his "fake death" really hit Hayami-san.

"By the way, Hayami-san, you are the same as us, aren't you?"


At this time, Hayami-student realized that strange copper-colored iron wires appeared around him, and Okuda-student's eyes also changed color.

"So that's it, is this why he was hunted down?"

"Then Hayami-san, so are you."

"Yes, me too."

I saw Hayami's fingertips forming a small whirlwind.

"The ability of the wind?"

No worries did not expect that what Hayami-san awakened was not the change of physical ability, but the true natural ability.

"Great, Hayami-san."

"It's just that, if this ability is awakened on that day, at least, I have the ability to protect him."

"It doesn't matter, at least, you have one more person now."

Okuda-san let go of Hayami-san, wiped the corners of his eyes, said a few more words, and left.

"Mr. Uzumaki, this must be fate."

Hayami-san looked at the whirlwind on his palm and said to himself.

"I will protect him, no, let other people hurt him."

"In this way, when I get down, you will definitely accept me."

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