Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 882: Merry Christmas

Wucao didn't know how long he was detained. When Wucao left the prison, it happened to be that special holiday.

"That's it, is the winter vacation coming soon?"

The day of killing the teacher is getting closer and closer, and it only has about three months.

It's getting closer and closer to the time of worry-free.

"Yes, it's a pity that no one is here."

No worries do not know whether he should go back, after all, if he goes back now, there may be no way to go back, and he will be left there.

"I really don't want to leave this world."

I think about it in a blink of an eye, how many years have been in this world, and I have indeed had a lot of experiences in this world, many friends, and many interesting things.

"Merry Christmas."

All around are celebrating this thing, for them, this is the best holiday.

"Even if I don't go back, at least, I want to see her."

The periphery of the shrine

As usual, Xiaoxi took the broom and swept away the snow in front of her eyes, thinking about the person who was locked up.

"Xiaoxi, why is your face so ugly?"

Hearing a familiar voice, Xiaoxi raised her head and saw Wushou standing not far away staring at herself.

"Worry sauce!"

Xiaoxi rushed over and held Wushou tightly. The longing for this period of time made her a little bit unbearable.

"I already know what happened, please, even if you really run away in the future, at least, stay with me during the last period of time."

"Xiao Xi, I'm sorry."

Xiaoxi put her hand on Wushou's lips, not telling him to continue.

"Don't be sorry, if the world is really going to be destroyed tomorrow, at least, I will be by your side."

"Is that so?"

Do others think so too?

That's right, I can't do this, not only Xiaoxi, but also responsible to my classmates.

"Xiaoxi, I will leave for a while."

After Wushou left, he went straight to Class E for the third year. Although there was no one here because of the holidays, Wushou still found Teacher Killing.

"Student Wushou, you are back."

"Kill the teacher, how is the class?"

Teacher Killing looked without sorrow as usual, and went on to say.

"Everyone suspects that what you are telling is a lie. Although you may run away, no one believes that you will hurt them."


Killing the teacher finally made it clear to Wushou. In the end, there was a disagreement over whether or not to assassinate the teacher, and finally made a big fight, although it has been resolved.

"Everyone is really amazing. I really went to the space station to prove that the teacher will not explode on that day, so everyone is relieved."

"That's fine."

"It's not good at all, no worries classmates, because you really leave them, they all miss you."

Thinking of me?

No worries, unbelievable look at killing the teacher.

"Everyone is accustomed to you at school and your absence. Everyone always feels that something is missing. So after the winter vacation, do you want to come back?"

"Before that, let me say hello to everyone."

Perhaps it was because of the thoughts of Wushou, Teacher Killing nodded triumphantly.

Wuxian took advantage of this time and went to visit every family to say hello to everyone in advance. By the way, he said to everyone that he would come back and graduate with everyone.

But when I came to a certain place, Wuxian stopped.

"It shouldn't be me what she wants to see."


Wushou first returned to the shrine and spent time with Xiaoxi, perhaps the last Christmas, except for certain times, Wushou has always spent time with Xiaoxi.

the other side

Okuda Aimi walked alone on the street, looking at the lovers and lights around, feeling that she was out of place in this world.

"No, I just came out without a way, I just came out because I wanted to see that person."

Okuda Aimi knows very well that he must be looking at him, as long as he is bolder, he will definitely be able to lead him out, although doing so may increase the chance of the other party being exposed.

"I just want to meet him on this day."


A passerby suddenly ran over from the side and bumped into Okuda Aimi. Before Okuda Aimi could say something, he suddenly found that his wallet was missing.

"Could it be!"

Okuda Aimi didn't say anything, but just chased up, hoping to catch the thief.

"and many more."

Finally came to an alley, the other party stopped, Okuda Aimi was not afraid, but looked forward to looking at each other.

"Tell me, are you real?"

This is the third time Okuda Aimi has been robbed. It has not been the first few times, and it has made her happy. This time, the hope is true.

"Idiot, just stay at home, why run out?"

The hat that the thief brought to wear on his head showed its original appearance.

"Merry Christmas, love beauty."

"I am, Merry Christmas."

On the other side, coffee shop

Hayami Rinka closed the door in advance, and walked home alone, thinking about the rare turnover today.

Hayami Rinka didn't want to experience the festive atmosphere outside, but went to bed early, not wanting to feel sad inside.

"It's cold."

Feeling a bit cold, Hayami Rinka finally woke up from her dream and saw an invisible figure sitting on her window.

"Thief, what are you doing in here?"

Hayami Rinka was not afraid, but reached out and picked up the toy gun on the side. Hayami Rinka was confident that he could hit the opponent in the eye at once, and then shot to subdue the opponent.

"Don't mess around, I'm just Santa Claus, just come over and give gifts to cute children."

Is Dad's kindness?

Although he hadn't put down the gun, Hayami Rinka saw the gift box in the other hand and was less vigilant.

"You are not my father, who are you?"

"Santa Claus, I came here to fulfill your wish."

"Wish, there is only one wish for me, you can't realize it."

Hayami Rinka seemed to think of something because of the other party's words, and she lost control of her emotions.

"Stupid girl, Santa, is here to bring you hope, don't believe it."

I saw the other party put the gift on the table, took off the hat and fake beard.


With the moonlight, Hayami Rinka saw the person in front of her, and was speechless in surprise.

"I know what you think. Is this a dream or reality. Is this important to you?"

Looking at the old acquaintance, he walked in front of him, stretched out his hand and hugged him in his arms.

"Yes, it's not important."

Tears can't stop flowing down, but these are tears of happiness.

"Merry Christmas, little girl, and don't be sad, I will always be with you in the sky."

The warmth and emotions went up and down, and Hayami Rinka slowly fell into a dream again.

"I really want to see you."

Wait until Shui Rinxiang woke up again and found herself lying on the bed. Everything just now was a dream.


It's just that, on his desk, there is indeed a gift box that has already been wrapped.

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