"It is you."

The **** of death recognized the guy in front of him as the character who defeated him at the beginning.

"Oh, are you the guy from the beginning? It's really ugly."

The clone pretended to be thinking of something, and looked at death with disdain.

"Hmph, this time it's my turn to make a big hole in your chest."

call out

Sizzle, sizzle


A strong current barrier stood in front of the clone, and Death couldn't move on for a while.


The huge electric current turned into a beam of light, blasting death straight into the air.


Teacher Killing spotted the opportunity and rushed behind the **** of death to attack the **** of death, but found that the opponent had recovered from the stubbornness, so he didn't make a rash move.

"Student Wushou, Naruto, the opponent is very strong, the attack just now seems to be ineffective, and he, like the teacher, has the ability to recover."

"Then let me come."

Wuxian took a step forward, as if he wanted to use some power, everyone in Class E in three years could hear the beating sound of Wuxian's heart.

"No, no worries classmates, don't rashly use the power that you can't control, we have a chance to destroy him."

Teacher Killing stopped Wushou's actions and looked at Death with a serious expression.

call out

The **** of death did not give them time to continue the discussion, and once again came to the three of them at a speed of Mach forty, with their tentacles directly aimed at the deadly parts of the three.

call out

Dayu, spiral pill

The huge blue energy ball was ready before death attacked. As soon as the death **** approached them, the clone directly hit his tentacles with one move, and the strong energy flew away directly with the opponent.


Class E students in the third year can see that the performance of the clone is very impressive, and only Okuda is worried about one thing.

Even he would lose an arm, so how did those who captured him do it?


The **** of death roared not far away, and the strong roar made everyone in Class E of the third year hurriedly cover their ears to avoid rupture of the eardrums.

Sizzle, sizzle


A huge thunder and lightning fell from the sky and slashed directly to the position of the **** of death on the side.


Wuxian releases his own lightning into the air, and directs the lightning from the sky to attack the opponent, and every attack can make the **** of death stand in place and roar.

"Did you make it?"

After the lightning ended, Wushou had exhausted his body's electrical energy, and could no longer use lightning attacks.


call out

So fast!

Even with the induction of the fairy mode, the clone did not expect that the speed of death would be faster.

The goal of Reaper is obviously to solve one first, then the latter is much simpler.


"Sorry classmates!"

Teacher Sha hurriedly repelled Death with a tentacle, but it was still too late.


Seeing a hit, the **** of death hurriedly pulled away, and then took the teacher to kill him and fought at a high speed in mid-air.

"Sorry classmates!"

Everyone in Class E of the third year gathered around, only to see a big hole in Wushou's chest, and even the blood and flesh around him could be seen.

"Naruto-kun, treat him quickly."

Okuda-san grabbed the avatar's sleeve and hurriedly helped him.

"I see."

The avatar just wanted to do it, but at this time finally discovered something abnormal.

"No, everyone hurry away."

Naruto hurriedly pulled everyone away, everyone was shocked for a while, but also quickly reacted and quickly backed away.



The crimson energy gushes out from Wushou's chest little by little, like a flame.


Grim Reaper and Teacher Killing stopped at the same time, looking at the strangeness on Wushou's side, they felt a slight threat.

"Could it be!"

Teacher killing seems to know what is going to happen.

"Damn it, at this time."

In the remote control room, the commander in charge of the assassination plan for this scene, looking at Wushou's current situation, felt bad.

"Our rough stone is going to run away because of serious injuries."

The energy composed of flames slowly becomes the substance, surrounding Wushou little by little, just like a package, surrounding Wushou layer by layer, forming a sphere.

Thump, thump

A strong and regular heartbeat sounded continuously from the sphere, and every sound awakened everyone.

"Trouble, if you let him run away completely."

The **** of death seemed to know the seriousness of the problem, did not continue to attack and kill the teacher, and turned to attack the sphere.

call out

I saw that the sphere suddenly stretched out red tentacles and wrapped them around the **** of death who was approaching.

"No way, struggle!"

Reaper was entangled by these tentacles, unable to move at all, so he was pulled over by the sphere little by little.

"No, no!"

More and more tentacles surrounded the **** of death, and then pulled the **** of death into the body. Everyone in Class E of the third year can still hear the screams of the **** of death before his death.

After the **** of death was absorbed, the tentacles separated from the sphere again. This time the target seemed to be everyone around him.

"Everyone, leave quickly!"


When the tentacles rushed to everyone in Class E, a huge wind wall stood in front of Class E.


Hayami Rinka's eyes turned turquoise, and the wind was like her arms, freely controlled.

"Hasumi-san, well done, everyone back up quickly, or you will die."

People in Class E for three years had this short time and finally left the scope of their tentacles.

"what is that?"

Seeing that there was no target to attack, the tentacle shrank back into the sphere, continuing the beating sound just now.

"Student Wushou, this is the end in the end."

Teacher Killing looked at the roaring sphere in front of him. In addition to feeling chills, there was also pain.

My student is going to disappear.

Plop, plop, plop

The red sphere seemed to have finally finished its power accumulation, white cracks appeared on it, and the pulsation stopped.

Click, click

I saw the sphere finally shattered, revealing the worry-free body inside.

"Sorry classmates?"

Teacher Killing came to Wushou and looked at Wushou with a completely different breath.

The wound has healed, and it is completely invisible that there has been a penetrating wound just now.


Plop, plop, plop

"This is!"

"Hey, octopus."

Wushou, with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, revealing his red eyes.

"too close."


Suddenly, with Wushou as the center, a strong light was emitted, spreading to the surroundings.


The huge explosion exploded with Wushou as the center, forming a small mushroom cloud.


"This is!"

All the people watching here have seen it.

The huge Burning Man stood up from the position of worry-free, getting higher bit by bit, and finally even smashed the surrounding barriers.


This is the behemoth.

The clone looked at the giant in front of him, and finally remembered the panic.

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