Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 940: Eighth (table)

Old suitcase

There are strange things in it.

The strange thing is that there is nothing inside, only some strange puppet parts inside, and it's not complete.

It’s just that Wuxian feels that this thing has its own destiny.

And inside the box, there was also a strange amethyst.

Is this a doll?

However, Wushou hasn't made a doll for a long time. For too long, Wushou's skills may have been rusty.

No matter, take it away and talk about it.

When Wushou returned to Matthew and the others, they were still waiting for Wushou in a relatively safe room, but the wreckage outside the door told Wushou that it was not easy for them.

"Are you okay?"

Mordred sighed helplessly when he looked at the Wushou finally appeared.

"Didn't you tell me, let's go find someone to help, what are you doing here?"

Mordred looked at the box in Wushou's hand and said.

"Bring this back for what?"

"Sorry, I have something wrong, then you move on, I have something wrong."

Having said that, Wushou left the team of Matthew and the others directly.

"No way, although he has left, if we are really in danger, he will definitely show up."

Mordred looked at the strange symbol in Matthew's hand, with some strange aura on it.

"As long as the magic is injected, he will know that we are in danger, so he will appear immediately."

At this moment, where did Wu worry go.

Wushou followed the box's guidance and went to a certain place. Here, Wushou looked at the door sign that said laboratory.

open the door

So cold

Although the whole of London is also very cold now, Wuhua feels that this laboratory seems to be even colder, and I don't know what the purpose of the box deriving itself is.


At this time, Wucai noticed these things.

"This is a doll shop?"

There are some things that Wushou used to be familiar with, and the decorations and furnishings on it seem that the owner here is also very attentive.

However, another thing attracted Wushou's attention.

On the table, that said, Rozen Maiden's book.

"Do you like it too, Rozen Maiden?"

A voice came from behind Wushou, a man with blond hair came over, looked at the box in Wushou's hand, and said.

"Unexpectedly, I would encounter human beings who like dolls as much as I do. It's really rare."

"You are."

The blond man didn't say anything, but sat aside and pointed to the book in Wushou's hand.

"This book was written by me. To be precise, it is who I was."

Once you?

Wuxian stretched out his hand to touch the other person, but found that the hand went straight through.

"You are!"

The blond man smiled and continued.

"I once thought about when I would see you, but I didn't expect to be in this totally unrelated world."

"It seems that it is not this me who chose you, but the me in the rest of the world, but fortunately, at least in this world, we can communicate."

The blond man, Luo Zhen

"The box in your hand, so that's it. Have you planned to make the eighth puppet?"

The eighth puppet?

Luo Zhen looked at the doubt on Wushou's face and continued.

"Doll, it's not that you prepared it at the beginning, it only takes a moment, at that time, to be ready suddenly."

"You have your doll in your hand, the doll you made yourself, take good care of her, just like you love my daughter."

In the blink of an eye, Wushou found that Luo Zhen in front of him had disappeared, and even the book in his hand had disappeared.

"The eighth, doll."

No need for Our Lady of the Rose, the eighth puppet.

Wushou felt his body suddenly activated, unable to stop with his hands, and started his own work.




Sha Sha Sha

Tick, tick, tick

So tired

Wuxian lay on the ground, his consciousness slowly dissipated, and he entered a dream state.



Purple crystal

"My Father."

So cold

Wu worry slowly opened his eyes and found himself sitting in a familiar place.

A city surrounded by darkness, a city upside down.

"Long time no see, how long has it been?"

Familiar voice, cunning rabbit.

Rabbit looked at the completely different breath on Wushou's body, and said with a smile.

"My lord, how do you feel now, without the shackles of light, is it a lot easier?"

"Are you too? Like Siji Yingji and the others, they belong to a confrontational force."

The rabbit smiled and continued.

"Has she already said that, well, we do separate the two worlds. This is what I found and belongs to our territory."

Wushou looked at the endless darkness around it, so it was self-evident which side the rabbit belonged to.

"So, is it true what I knew at the beginning?"


"Darkness also has its own world, but I feel that the so-called world is just forcibly grasped by you."

The rabbit did not refute Wushou, but said.

"In the real darkness, there is no way for the world to generate consciousness. Because of the combination of consciousness, you should know who it is. Therefore, we can only take the territory back by ourselves."

"And, don't you like them, they."

No worries naturally know who the rabbit is talking about.

"But, even so, you shouldn't do it, the world should be free."

The rabbit continued.

"Wrong, did you misunderstand something?"

"Who told you that those in the outside world are voluntary?"

"What's the meaning?"

The rabbit looked disappointed, and went on to say.

"You still don't understand, the fight between the two of them, and the darkness is not absolute darkness, and the light is not as pure as you expected."

The rabbit threw a box to Wushou and continued.

"You are also getting ready, this world will sooner or later usher in your own final chapter, then, as the most important goal, you must also be prepared."

"Let's see you in that place."


Like being kicked away, Wuxian went straight into the darkness.

Puff, puff

"are you back?"

Wushou looked at the strange ceiling in the sky, knowing that he had returned to his current world, but he still felt painful, as if he was really kicked.

"My Father."

I don’t know if Wushou had an illusion. Wushou seemed to hear someone calling him his father.

"My Father."

It felt as if he had heard it right, Wushou followed the direction of the voice and looked at him, only to see a doll in purple as the main color sitting on the table, looking at himself.

"Uh, I remember, I don't seem to be done yet."

"My father, you have completed the last step in your dream, let me stand up."

"That's it."

Although I don't know the principle, the eighth doll in front of me is too similar to the seventh one I used to be.

"My father, your name, you haven't given it to me yet."

"By the way, how about rose crystal, not bad."

"As long as it belongs to your father, I like it."

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