Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 977: Meet again

Ticking, ticking

Unfamiliar sewers, neon lights flashing on the walls.

"Finally know you are back?"


The dilapidated door was opened, and he walked into a strange store door without any worries.

The squeaking fan, the flashing long tube lamp, and the sound of ancient music.


The chair made loud noises, and the man in the red cloak sat on it, looking happy and carefree.

"It's too late, I thought you would never come back here."

"Umm, that's right, player, I thought you wouldn't have a chance to come in here in the future."

Nero sat on the sofa, picked up the pizza on the table in front of him, and took a bite.

"Mmm, the taste is good, and it really tastes good to eat in this room."

"Hee hee, that's right, it's a pity that this is my site, you basically have to come in without worry, otherwise you can't get in here."

Wushou looked at the other man and didn't know why. Wushou didn't even know this person, but Wushou felt that this person was also called Nero.

"Who are you?"

"Have I forgotten, it's really troublesome, I've already come back here."

The man stood up and raised his right hand.

"Look, do you remember anything?"

"Right hand?"

Looking at the other person's right hand, which was completely unlike humans, Wushou seemed to think of something.

"You are!"

Sizzle, sizzle


Wushou sat up from the bed and looked at Nero who was lying beside him, biting his fingers, and clutching his forehead.


However, how could this dream be so familiar, and that person.

Wushou seems to have seen it before, and he should know each other.

"who is he?"

"Player, what are you doing?"

Perhaps disturbed by Wushou's movement, Nero slowly woke up.

"Saber, I'm sorry, did you wake you up?"

"It's nothing, just, player, do you remember anything?"

Could it be that Nero also experienced the dream just now?

Perhaps seeing Wushou's doubts, Nero nodded and said with certainty.

"Yes, player, your dream is actually okay, I did have the same dream as you."

"The same dream?"

Nero sat up, lying in his worry-free arms, and continued.

"Player, you must remember, everything we used to, and that good helper."

Yesterday, in the end, they decided to help them. After all, to truly deal with those monsters, they can only rely on their work together.

It's just that I don't have to worry about it, but I don't know what to do.

"Saber, what do you think our mission is?"

After deciding to help yesterday, the layer leader asked Wushou and Nero as independent teams to complete a specific task.

"I don't know, but it has something to do with that person."

BB, maybe.

Perhaps the other party already knows that the relationship between himself and BB is a bit unusual, and intends to use himself to achieve the goal of defeating the monster.

However, BB is not under his control, and it can even be said that he has been playing with himself in control.

"Oh, I hope it won't be so troublesome."

Nero looked at Wushou's disgusting expression and smiled.

Sure enough, even if the memory is not restored, the player is the player, and this point will not change.

~Half an hour later~


The layer master found Wushou and Nero, and finally prepared to attack those monsters.

"Yes, on our fifth floor, there is already a place connected to their hub. Maybe you can find the answer there."

In other words, I hope that they will come into contact with BB without worry, change their minds, or eliminate BB, anyway.

"But, that place should be in the territory of those monsters, right?"

The master nodded and continued.

"So, at that time, it was up to us to attract the attention of the other party. You must complete the task in the fastest time. Even if we use the treasure, it will only take five minutes at most, and we will retreat, so you must be fast."

Five minutes?

No worries did not expect to be in such a hurry, but actually able to hold on to those almost invincible monsters for five minutes, the layer master and other heroic spirits are indeed very powerful.

"I know, I will try."

"Remember, you only have five minutes, and we will leave when the five minutes are over. No one will take care of you at that time, so even if you don't solve the problem in five minutes, you must leave as soon as possible."

"I know, when are you going to start?"


~That night~

Wushou has separated from the layer masters. As long as he hears a violent sound from a distance, Wushou will know that they have started fighting.

"Saber, listen carefully, no matter what happens then, remember not to mess around."

"I see, so are you the player. Don't just agree to any request of that person."

Nero knew very well that if Wushou really planned to help, he would probably sacrifice himself again.

"I see, get ready."

After a while, I heard a huge explosion in the distance, and Wuxian knew that it was time for them to set off.


The two of them proceeded in the direction they had agreed upon according to the instructions of the master.

Along the way, thanks to the attraction of the masters, none of those monsters are near here, it's just.

"Is that so-called connection point real?"

Wushou is a little skeptical.

However, after Wushou came to the designated place, he found that the other party did not lie.


"It's been a long time for you."



Seeing Lilith again, Wuxian remembered the scene when Lipu was taken away again, and he endured the pain in his chest.

"Lilith, forget it, I don't have any other thoughts about you now, where is Lipp, where is BB, I want to tell her something."

"I know, you are talking about those monsters, right?"

Lilith smiled as if she had seen everything through.

"I can make a decision about the monster, but I'm sorry about Lipp, but I can't make up my mind about this matter."


Lilith looked at her worry-free nervous and worried expression, feeling inexplicably irritable.

We are obviously the same, but.

"Lipp is locked up by BB, so you have no chance to see her."

"That's it, it's just being locked up, that's fine."

After seeing Wushou knowing that Lipp was okay, he finally gave a sigh of relief and felt inexplicably irritable.

Calm down, Lilith, you still have a mission.

"Monsters have weaknesses. As long as they hit that weakness, those monsters are vulnerable, so don't worry."

"Really, that's fine, can you tell me?"

At this time, Wushou and Nero didn't notice that Lilith seemed to want to do something.

"No problem, but you have to promise me one thing."

"you say."

Lilith looked at her without sorrow and said.

"Turn me into a human being."

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