Scattered Immortal

Chapter 366: inherited

When watching Yin, when Qiu Han, Zhuang Hongyun, and Su Daxi and Wen Xiaobing reacted, they were already standing in the endless desert, the ancient ruins disappeared, and they returned to the real world. Everyone, look at me, I look at you, look at each other, open your mouth, no one knows what to do, what to say, because the scene just happened is completely beyond their understanding.

For example, Jing Tao ’s identity is a reincarnated person, and the news will certainly shock the world.

For example, Tang Qing's earth treasure, in anger, none of the tens of thousands of practitioners could resist.

How Jing Tao died, and how did Tianqing disappear? Did Tang Qing disappear?

All of this is hard to accept, even Guan Yin is no exception. She knows that Jing Tao is really dead, but how she died, but she does n’t know, but one thing is definitely related to that Tang Qing, and He also felt some connection with the ancient ruins.

As a reincarnation, she knew very well that the ancient forbidden land had collapsed and disappeared as early as the ancient times. The remnants of the Zanyang Valley that appeared this time were also artificially created. What is the purpose of her creation. It is just a pity that Not found.

Is Tang Qing dead, or what, if not, where did he go?

This is the question that Guan Yin wants to know now.

At the same time, Tang Qing himself wants to know the most.

When he woke up stupidly, he found himself lying in a cemetery. Ten tombstones and ten statues were in order the tomb of the chaotic evil god, the tomb of the first evil of the early days, and the tomb of the evil deities of heaven and earth. The tomb of Xuanhuang evil emperor, the tomb of the universe evil emperor, the tomb of the evil spirit king Honghuang, the tomb of the nine heavenly evil immortals, the tomb of the nine evil demons, the tomb of the ancient and evil, the last tombstone has no records.

this is……

Isn't this your own knowledge of the sea?

Tang Qing remembers very clearly that the scene in his own knowledge of the sea is exactly the same as here, the only difference is that the tombstone in the knowledge of the sea is a kind of conscious existence. The tombstones in front of them are real. Each tombstone and each statue are so towering and erect, like a mountain, but like real existence.

It's dark here. There is no world, it seems nothing but ten tombstones and ten statues.

It's just that the atmosphere here makes Tang Qing feel extremely huge, extremely scared, and extremely excited. What is this atmosphere? Tang Qing has never encountered such a powerful breath, which made him feel a kind of fear from the bottom of his heart. Strangely, being enveloped by such a breath, he had a sense of excitement, and his blood seemed to be boiling.

"Well. I finally saw you ..."

An old and weak voice came. Tang Qing looked around, but found no trace.

"It's me, too evil!"

Too evil?

Which is too evil? Tang Qing froze in his heart, as if something sounded, suddenly looked at the ninth tombstone. The above records the tomb of the ancient and evil, is it him? Behind the tombstone is a statue of a man who looks like he is about forty years old. With a clear outline, like a knife, he stood with his hands on his shoulders, relieved, his eyes calmly looking forward.

"It's me!" The evil statue suddenly glowed a little light, very faint.

"You are not dead?"

For the nine tombstones, the other eight Tang Qings have never heard of it, but it is absolutely thunderous to the character of the ancient and evil, and it is no exaggeration to say that in the whole world, the name of too evil, no one knows who I do n’t know, but that is the character in the wild and ancient times!

"Do you think I'm not dead?" There was something funny in the too evil voice.

Tang Qing carefully sensed, and sensed a strange existence from the too evil statue, I don't know what it was, and then asked, "Did you help me when you were outside?"

"It should be."

"Should we not know each other?"

"Well ... if I have enough time, I would be very happy and happy to communicate with you. After all, in the history of my great evil heritage, there have not been two generations of inheritance that can communicate in this way. We are also the first. Ha ha……"

Bigger inheritance? What two generations?

inherited? Tang Qing only knew that this thing was a very mysterious existence. As for what he didn't know, he wanted to ask but was interrupted by too evil.

"I do n’t have much time left. Do n’t ask, just listen to me. A long time ago, when chaos did not open, the world was not divided, there was only one breath in the world, and no one knows what this breath is. What it is, this last breath is divided into three, one, the great light, the second, the great darkness, the third, the great evil. "

"Like many histories and many stories, Great Bright and Great Dark and Great Evil were brothers at first, but then turned against each other. Both Great Bright and Great Dark were ambitious and wanted to take control of the world. They fought fiercely, The great evil has no ambitions. He just wants to live a happy and happy life. When the great light and the great darkness fight, he tried to dissuade him. For the first time, he stopped the war between the two sides, regardless of whether the great light or the great darkness did not give up. They will not give up. They occupy the King of Heaven, one occupying the land, and each is derived. As the years passed, they each spawned many helpers, and the two sides continued to fight. The great evil came forward to block it again, the great evil thoughts and old feelings. I can't bear to kill each other, and he spared no effort to stop it. Once, twice, three times, four times, he stopped too many times. As a result, he got angry and was killed by the great light and the great darkness. The great evil died, but He has passed down this generation by virtue of supreme evil interest, in order to one day be able to coexist light and darkness in peace. "

"Just letting light and darkness coexist peacefully. It's not easy. You should guess the ending when you look at these tombstones? The first generation is dead, the second generation is dead, and my generation is the ninth generation. At that time, when I just inherited the great evil, I was also ambitious and wanted to fulfill the will of the great evil and let light and darkness coexist. "

"Dream is beautiful, reality is cruel. In the ancient times, the great light led the saints, the immortals, the buddhas and the demons, demons, and ghosts led by the great darkness, and I thought that I had inherited the inheritance of the great evil. Da Guangming had a battle. But when I really faced Da Guangming, I only knew how small I was. That guy was so terrible that I was not only beaten with a single breath, but also surrounded the big dark home. Is Darkness dead? I do n’t know. I only know that battle. Darkness has completely lost. "

"In the world you lived in before, there were no monsters and ghosts. They all live in Jiuyou. You are the person in this world. Tell me if there are many monsters and monsters in the world now."

Tang Qing nodded, but he did not expect why the monsters and ghosts existed so that their ‘hometown’ is gone?

"You don't seem surprised at all?" Too evil to see Tang Qing just frowned a little and wondered, "Did you know the secrets of the ancient times? Know that Hell Jiuyou was destroyed? So the monsters and ghosts appeared in your world?"

Tang Qing didn't know the history of the ancients, which is too evil. He heard it for the first time, and he was sure that this history was deliberately covered up, otherwise it would not have been rumored. He was not too surprised because he had previously speculated that Hell Jiuyou had disappeared. Of course, It's not because the demon ghost appears in this world, but because of his spirit.

His soul was fused with Abi Hell by chance, hell, that is the lair's lair. But now there are bones everywhere. He was wondering why all the old demons in **** died, and guessed that **** might die, and never thought it would be true.

"I have already said what I should say. I believe you should guess that you are the tenth inheritance? There is not much time, so let's hurry up."

"This one……"

inherited. This is a rare existence in the heavens and the earth, and it still inherits a great evil that is comparable to great light. Would anyone be happy to change it? Tang Qing did the same, but he hesitated a bit. Because after inheritance, you must work for others? Killing others, this feeling Tang Qing doesn't like it. "

At this time too evil suddenly made a weird laughter.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Hahaha ..." The evil smile changed even more, and said, "There is a saying that the guy from the eighth generation inherited the nine ghost demons told me. Now I tell you in his original words, do you know? See Now you and I think of me back then, and I hesitated like you, even though the inheritance of the great evil is tempting, but we ca n’t kill others, are n’t we? Believe me, it ’s useless, these are destined The moment you are born, the moment you are conscious, everything is doomed. This is fate, and you can't stand it. "

"Do you mean that even if I refuse today, you will force me to inherit the great evil?"

"You should have ten tombstones in the sea, right? Is there another old man?"


"Then you have inherited it, how can you refuse it?"


Tang Qing had no idea what to say.

"Is that old man still awesome now?"

Tang Qing thought for a while, shook his head, and responded, "I can't communicate with him. Since he was there, he has been carving the tenth tombstone there. Who is that old man?"

"He is the guardian of the great evil, but when the great evil disappears, the old man's memory has a problem. I don't know who he is and what he wants to do. I like his mother carving the tombstone there. "

Tang Qing was dumb, really a little speechless, and then asked, "What is the inheritance in the end?"


"Will? You mean the will to let darkness and light coexist peacefully?"

"Right or not ~ ~ I realize it myself, I don't understand it."

"What will happen if I pass on the darkness, whether darkness or light is peaceful?"

"This is fate, you know? You were born for this will, and everything you went through was set for this will. You will want to understand these things later." He paused, and said too evil, " I may be disappearing, do you have anything else to ask? "

"You just said that the will of the great evil is to let darkness and light coexist peacefully, but now the great darkness has been destroyed? How can we live together?"

"Don't ask me this question, because I can't figure it out. The generation of great evil should have ended in my generation. Nine is perfect, you are the tenth, and maybe the new reincarnation. Who knows?"

Too evil voices are getting weaker.

"The essence of evil is freedom, freedom, and willfulness. Remember not to forget the essence. Whatever your heart is, no matter what, you must not disobey, no disapproval."

"Killing students, how about the blood flow when holding up the butcher knife, and the nine days of slaughter? This is my heart, I feel free."

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