Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Chapter Fourteen Can this be done? Too advanced? 79

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes slightly.

I didn't expect that this kind of hero saving the beauty would be encountered by me.

Jiang Fan naturally didn't have the idea of ​​returning the beauty.

Now that the system is in hand, there is also a spaceship that can be upgraded.

My future is a bright starry sky, an endless world.

What is a woman?

The starry sky is the kingly way, and the endless world is the big kingly way.

Mainly because of my thoughts.

To test the fighting skills of the space warriors known as the Emperor's Angel of Death.

Let's see if it is as powerful as the legend says.

Dare to claim to masturbate demons with bare hands, and torture Zerg with one hand.

"Let's go, don't meddle in other people's business, Mercury City is a lawless place."

Ye Wei said in a low voice.

Here, the police and the federation are out of business.

Dead people are a very common thing, and no one will care about throwing them outside the space city.


Jiang Fan shouted loudly, and then rushed out.

Ye Weiren is stupid. He told you not to mind your own business, but you still mind?

Several men heard the voice and looked back, but only saw a black shadow approaching, and then they fell limply to the ground.

Ye Wei, who was about to bleed heavily and begged for money to let him go, was stunned by this scene.

He had watched Jiang Fan train before, but he didn't expect him to be so strong.

A few breaths bring these guys down.

Jiang Fan was also stunned, looking at his hands, he couldn't believe that he did it himself.

It is worthy of being the interstellar warrior who claims to have penetrated the entire galaxy.

This fighting skill has directly reached the ceiling of human beings.

Several men left with resentful eyes.

He didn't dare to say harsh words, maybe Jiang Fan knocked them down all at once, making them feel scared too.

The woman was pulled up, and it was only after questioning that she turned out to be an employee of Sakamoto, named V, who was originally in charge of prosthetic sales.

Some time ago, I was fired because of internal struggles in the company.

Some people who had approached her to buy prosthetics began to retaliate.

The development of human technology has also made prosthetics possible.

Through the fine nerve connection, the machine can be as flexible as the human body.

In other space cities, many people also choose to use prosthetics to improve their work efficiency.

Even V himself has been fitted with a prosthetic eye, as well as a mechanical arm.

"Let me follow you, now I have no money, and I can't even buy a ticket to leave."

V said.

Jiang Fan agreed after thinking for a moment.

The upgrade of his spaceship requires five crew members, and now there are only Ye Wei and him.

V claims to have completed her training in aerospace, and she has undergone mechanical modifications.

The electronic eye can help her see many things, and it is also a good helper.

Jiang Fan agreed to let V follow.

The requirement is that she be on the crew.

Just the proper crew.


For this request, V did not refuse.

Now she has no capital to refuse, and Sakamoto has taken back everything she owns, including the suspension car, house, and deposits.

Now she has nothing.

If you don't follow Jiang Fan, I'm afraid that those who were dissatisfied with her before will kill her directly.

The prosthetic body on her body was removed to sell, and the body was thrown into space.

No one would care if someone like her died in Mercury City.

After obtaining the mining permit, another crew member was recruited.

Jiang Fan didn't delay any longer, and went to the port to leave by spaceship.

"This spaceship is really amazing."

V reached out and stroked the inner bulkhead of Jiang Fan's Tiangong spacecraft, bright and smooth, with deformation and constant temperature.

The eye that was not transformed into an electronic eye was full of shock.

Even after working in a big company for so long, she has never seen such an advanced spaceship.

"Can this spaceship fly to other galaxies?" V asked.


Ye Wei answered her.

The two looked at Jiang Fan, hoping to get an answer from him.

Jiang Fan shook his head, and the two were immediately disappointed.

If it can fly to other galaxies, then this ship will be perfect.

Jiang Fan didn't care when he saw their loss.

It's just that it can't be done now, not that it can't be done in the future.

But this kind of thing is also difficult to tell two people.

Mercury also has an atmosphere.

When entering, you need to control the speed.

The spaceship took a moment.

When it landed on the ground, it was already early morning on Earth time.

Jiang Fan saw the time was up, and immediately started to sign in again.

"Congratulations on completing today's check-in, you have obtained a Type II pulse ray laser device."

"This device belongs to the spacecraft. Is it possible to install a Type 2 pulsed ray laser device for Tiangong?"

Jiang Fan didn't hesitate, "Install it immediately."

The Tiangong has no force, only a primary shield.

Any stellar-class battleship will be hung up on the Tiangong.

Now there is a laser, which is not bad, it is used to mine ore.

"The spaceship is installing the Type II pulse ray laser device. It will take forty-eight minutes."

Seeing the system prompt, Jiang Fan closed the interface.

At this time, Ye Wei also walked in front of Jiang Fan.

"Aren't we mining? Why come here directly? Don't you find some people?"

"We have people."

Jiang Fan's words made Ye Wei turn his head left and right.

In the huge spaceship, apart from the two of them, V is the only one left.

What happened to Jiang Fan in the past few years.

Become so mysterious and weird.

It's crazy to insist on mining with an advanced spaceship, and agree to such harsh conditions.

I haven't found anyone yet, what kind of medicine is this gourd selling! !

Jiang Fan didn't care about Ye Wei's confusion, he used the sensor glove to point out the captain's interface in the air.

On the spaceship interface, find the basic robot module building.

Tiangong is called a mother ship for a reason.

As long as there are blueprints and resources, it can help Jiang Fan build all buildings.

Of course, only he, the captain, has this authority.

"Whether to choose to build a primary robot module building."

"put up."

"Please select a construction location."

Jiang Fan chose not far from the spaceship.

After all, all minerals are to be sent into the spacecraft, and it is not good to be too far away.

Ye Wei was dumbfounded when he saw Jiang Fan's operation, "This is also okay? Where did you buy this spaceship!!"

Not only does this spaceship look advanced, but it can also build buildings.

This mining is almost like playing a farming game.

No wonder Jiang Fan dared to agree to that kind of condition, and this is the basis of his relationship.


Ask for flowers, ask for a reward, the data of the new book is really critical.

Ten evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, and one reminder will explode.

The author updates 20,000 a day, as long as he is not dead, he will update to death. *

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