Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Chapter 3 Heading to Star Ring City

Maybe not twice, but three times.

For the first time, she shouldn't have suggested that Yun Tianming go to space.

After proposing, he hesitated again.

First, she didn't know Yun Tianming well, and she added his name just because of the chat among classmates, knowing that he had terminal cancer.

A classmate who hasn't seen you for more than ten years puts you on the body donation list just because you are terminally ill.

Even before asking, contact the person concerned and ask the other party's opinion.

Self-centered is disgusting.

Second, she told him to stop Yun Tianming's euthanasia before she told him why.

Yun Tianming's life has come to an end. He is seriously ill, has no friends all year round, and has no memories of this world.

The elder sister also hoped that Yun Tianming would die, so as to prevent his father from going bankrupt to save him.

Avoid pulling the family into deep debt.

Yun Tianming chose euthanasia when he felt that there was nothing left to love about life.

Euthanasia was only one step away, but was stopped by Cheng Xin.

Then he asked him righteously, if he was willing to die for human beings.

Yun Tianming thought that the other party cared about him, so he was very happy.

In the end, he was told to stop his euthanasia, just to make his death worse and at a suitable time.

Even if Yun Tianming didn't have euthanasia, she would lure Yun Tianming to euthanasia.

She gave Yun Tianming a glimmer of hope to survive, but then ruthlessly snuffed it out.

There is no greater evil in the world than this.

She doesn't care about the repercussions of her actions.

I just feel like I'm being fair.

Standing awe-inspiring in the holy light, justice enjoys the praises of the world.

The second time was the sword-bearer. She resolutely assumed this position without understanding the meaning of the sword-bearer at all.

The post was voluntary, and she had been persuaded not to make the wrong choice.

She still went, and still felt that she was just.

The third time was to prevent Vader from researching the curvature spacecraft, which killed the entire earth civilization.

Vader had persuaded her, but she persisted.

This time, she still felt that she had saved mankind.

When ordinary people make a mistake, they have to reflect on themselves.

To be able to commit this crime of causing so much harm to others three times in a row without feeling guilty.

Finally, he left the solar system in a spaceship and became the only surviving human being.

The demise of humans on Earth only made her sad for a few minutes, and then she happily remembered her date.

But whoever changes the person is not so thick-skinned.

It is worth mentioning that the Xinghuan Group was also established because of Yun Tianming.

Yun Tianming gave her a star, which was later sold by her, and the company was established with the money she got.

Lie down the whole way, and the headwind will be given away in the early stage.

In the later stage, when the headwind is about to come back, the crystal will be blew up.

In such a situation, it is admirable to not be directly killed by someone.

Wait until you upgrade your spaceship.

Those guys who supported Cheng Xin wouldn't try to save them, and they wouldn't even look at them bastards.

So disgusting.

This time there wasn't even a spaceship, so Cheng Xin probably wouldn't be able to escape by herself.

In two years, even if she didn't stop Vader, she couldn't research it.

At that time, let her love and justice be buried with the solar system.

Anyway, she's a jerk.

If you take her with you, you will probably be cheated to death by her if you escape.

As far as this kind of woman is hiding, it's best to pretend not to know her.

Vader, see if there is a way to save it.

A good crew, too, if he can be saved.

Resolute and decisive, with 100% execution ability, he is definitely the best subordinate.

There are also those human rebels who are pessimistic and desperate and forced to Australia by the three-body problem, but still want to fight.

These guys are good crew members, at least they won't drag themselves down while running.

Jiang Fan clicks on the communication message.

Ye Wei's holographic projection appeared inside the spaceship.

"Something has happened recently. The federal government has demanded sanctions on Halo City. I heard that it will send a fleet to block it. I'm really a little scared. Do you have a place to live over there? I'll go there to avoid the limelight."

Hearing this, Jiang Fan frowned.

Now is the 10th year of the Bunker Era, is the federal government going to attack Xinghuan City? ?

I'm so anxious.

Jiang Fan lowered his head and thought for a while.

Now I am short of crew.

Ye Wei is also familiar with this person.

The other party is also studying the aerospace industry, so it will definitely be useful to recruit him.

Thinking of this, Jiang Fan replied to the other party's message.

"I have some places here. If you want to come over, I will pick you up in the past. I just bought a spaceship, and I can try the effect."

After Jiang Fan finished speaking, he clicked send.

Star Ring City is 5 astronomical units away from Huaxia City.

The distance of one astronomical unit is the distance from the sun to the earth, which is 8 light minutes.

That is, the light traveled a distance of eight minutes.

It takes 40 minutes to transmit a message in five astronomical units, and 80 minutes to go back and forth.

Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light.

Jiang Fan waited on the boat for more than an hour before he got a reply from the other party.

Ye Wei's holographic image showed a look of astonishment.

"Did you buy a spaceship? Is it real or not? Where did you get the money? Could it be a rich woman!! If you have a boat, don't talk nonsense, come and pick me up quickly, or it will be blocked if it is later. "

Jiang Fan smiled and continued to reply to the other party.

"I can pick you up, but you want to be my crew member, and there is a shortage of people right now."

After Jiang Fan sent the message, he clicked on the operation interface of the spacecraft.

Click Start.

With his movements, a holographic projection of the solar system appeared in front of him.

Jiang Fan is wearing sensor gloves, and when he swipes his hands sideways, a certain area is magnified.

The Star Ring City on wheels appeared in the projection.

Jiang Fan clicked, and then clicked to confirm on the green confirmation button that appeared next to it.

In the holographic projection, a green track appeared.

One end is his Tiangong spacecraft, and the other end is Xinghuan City.

The green trajectory is the flight route set by the spacecraft.

A soft female voice sounded out of the spaceship.

"Are you sure about the flight path and destination?"


Following Jiang Fan's words, the spacecraft's engine was activated.

There was a slight vibration from the hull.

The bulkhead behind Jiang Fan automatically changed into a cushion to cushion the pressure.

When the spacecraft accelerates, it will cause a kind of supergravity to the objects in the spacecraft.

The cushion cushions these gravitational forces.


Ask for flowers, ask for a reward, the data of the new book is really critical. *

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