With a sudden epiphany, Su Yun doesn't need to do anything, just follow the trend.

The power of various rules is stirring in the Gold Core, and they are not perfect, but they are there, like a hodgepodge or a chaotic pot of primitive soup, just like the Universe at the beginning.

The power of three thousand rules impacted the shackles of the Gold Core, and synthesized a mighty force that impacted the banning of the giant "glass ball" from the inside out.

However, Gold Core cannot be compared to a glass ball. It will not crack, crack, or even deform. It is a process in which quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

When the extreme point is reached, the existence of Gold Core "between virtual and real" explodes instantly, the accumulated Spirit Power turns into a storm and rages, and the power of various rules begins to become clear and clear, which brings inner Expansion of government space.

This is also the most intense stage of the space expansion of the inner palace, which can be described as a drastic change!

When the weather is calm and the sea is calm, Su Yun's Nascent Soul hangs in the inner mansion, with a self-contained and unceasing sense of tyranny.

The space of the inner mansion has expanded more than ten times, and it is like a world, and he himself has become the master of this world.

This "climax" state only existed for a very short time, just enough for Su Yun breakthrough Nascent Soul!

But after that, it dissipated like "a spring dream without a trace", which is difficult to capture.

After the mysterious state faded and the Realm was consolidated, Su Yun continued to attack at a higher level.

So, a year of Divine Transformation.

The remnant souls that were originally integrated into the Gold Core turned into seeds, allowing Su Yun to gradually comprehend the power of the laws he mastered, and now there are one out of ten.

Although it is only at the level of "meaning", you only need to polish Insight in the future to move to a higher level.

After Advance Grade Divine Transformation, some "yi" has evolved into "Supernatural Power".

Such as "Thunder God's Might" and "Supreme Sword Heart"!

In this way, two years later, Su Yun made his debut in Divine Transformation Apex, only one step away from the upper three realms.

Now that we have come to the end of the path of cultivation, there is no corresponding Cultivation Technique, only the word "Enlightenment".

However, for other cultivators, it is a natural barrier, but it cannot hinder Su Yun's footsteps in the slightest.

What Su Yun has to do is to have a good Insight, moisten things silently.

In this way, another five years have passed, and all the remnants of the souls have been absorbed by Su Yun, and the corresponding comprehensions have been integrated.

Even if most of them are still at the level of "meaning", it is enough to make Su Yun the number one person in the world!

Everything happened naturally, Su Yun returned to the virtual world!

Naturally, I have already glimpsed the power of law!

But now the only power of law is the "Sword intent" he first comprehended, today's "law of the way of the sword".

Moreover, Su Yun has a kind of enlightenment, it seems that not only the Three Thousand Ways, but also a lack of one!

But he couldn't figure it out.


After spending some time consolidating the Realm, Su Yun slowly opened his eyes from the glass coffin.

The remaining liquid medicine was transferred away by the flying machine, Su Yun got out of the glass coffin, stepped on the void, feeling the changes in his whole body. The Spirit Power in the body is as majestic as the river and the sea, and the spirit is unprecedentedly clear. Even if the Spirit Power is not used, the Spirit Power fluctuations with the rhythm of the law spread out.

"Is this the feeling of heaven, earth and heart?" Su Yun said to himself lightly.

Then put on the breastplate, and put on the robes that were neatly folded aside, and it was not the same as before.

Then fly out from the patio above.

It was found that Wen Bai and the others were waiting outside, probably because the breath wave of Advance Grade's void return had already spread out.

Wen Bai looked at Su Yun affectionately, happier than anyone else, but Yan took the conversation away first, so she pouted resentfully.

"Haha, Su Xiaowa, you have returned to the Void for ten years, congratulations on your Advance Grade! You are at the same level as me, but I am still slightly higher than you! Hehe."

"It's all thanks to the senior's guidance!" Su Yun cupped hands said politely.

"It's gone, it's gone!" Yan waved his hand casually.

Wen Bai scrambled to fly closer, and they were already in the Nascent Soul Realm. It seemed that they hadn't let up in the past ten years.

"Your temperament has changed, and I can hardly recognize you!" Wen Bai smiled sweetly.

"No matter how I change, I am still me." Su Yun stroked his warm and white face and said, "You are also more Immortal Qi, Nascent Soul Realm now! Very good!"

"I can't let you leave too much behind!" Wen Bai also said while touching Su Yun's flawless face, and even squeezed it. The touch of Su Yun's skin is no different from that of a baby.

"Ahem!" Jiang Mu suddenly covered his mouth and coughed, which caught Su Yun's attention.

Sensing Jiang Mu's strength, Su Yun smiled helplessly, "Okay, I know your Divine Transformation! You are also great!"

"Brother Su, you know that's not what I mean." Jiang Mu said with shame, and then smiled dryly.

Su Yun smiled.

As soon as he came out, he knew in his heart that something had changed in Jiang Mu.

Through the knowledge of living souls in the sea, Su Yun knew the Supernatural Power mastered by Jiang Mu.

Nature is the Supernatural Power of the soul.

And now he may be able to reshape the soul!

That is to strip off the part belonging to "Jiang Mu" from his soul, and resurrect Jiang Mu.

But the first condition is to return to the part of Jiang Mu's living soul in Su Yun's sea of ​​consciousness.

Su Yun pretended to be cold, "Jiang Mu, I didn't expect you to lie to me for so long! You put the living soul with me, saying it is to restrain you, but in fact, let me keep and nourish the remnant soul for you!"

"You isolated Jiang Mu senior's personality in this part of the living soul, and separated it to prevent his personality from completely merging with you and eventually annihilated."

"If I didn't have some understanding of the soul, I really wouldn't have discovered it!"

Jiang Mu didn't deny it either, and smiled bitterly, "I'm sorry, but please brother Su!"

"You are really affectionate." The coldness on Su Yun's face melted away, like ice and snow after the warming spring weather, revealing a warm smile like a spring breeze, "Go on."

After finishing speaking, Su Yun came to Jiang Mu in an instant, poked two fingers between Jiang Mu's eyebrows, and crossed Jiang Mu's soul.

"In the past ten years, her living soul has also grown a lot, and the rest is up to you."

Jiang Mu sincerely thanked, "Brother Su, your kindness..."

"My own people, don't talk about this." Su Yun interrupted what Jiang Mu was about to say.

Jiang Mu nodded heavily, and after saluting gratefully, he left in a hurry.

Su Yun looked away from Jiang Mu's back and looked at the others.

Ten years is not long, but it is enough to bring about earth-shaking changes.

Let’s just talk about the scientific Divine Sect, Realm has grown a lot, Yin Niang, who is the lowest in Realm, is now a Gold Core real person, and with Yan’s guidance, Mu Ling’s strength has entered the Divine Transformation late stage. Among them, it can be said that she is the best in the world, but she still has the appearance and temperament of a little girl.

And today's science Divine Sect, the number of disciples has increased by nearly 50%.

They are all passed the test, a group of people who really love science.

In the past ten years, great progress has been made in the application of science and technology. Technology and cultivating immortals have been deeply integrated, and a wave of reform has been set off in the Immortal World of Xiu. Three years after the Taichuan City Rebellion, as Su Yun said, there was a bright star in the sky. In fact, it was the light and heat from the Immortal World Sun to the Immortal World Fuze, but returned in another form. When it comes to repairing the Immortal World.

But that Star is more like a disaster star.

Since then, the turmoil in Immortal World has gradually subsided. The cultivators who repaired Immortal World can't be said to be united, but at least they haven't made trouble anymore.

Moreover, the resources on the five rocky planets of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are more abundant than Su Yun expected, and the scientific Divine Sect's mining of Immortal World resources has also slowed down a bit.

Another five years later, that is, nearly a year ago, the Huanxiu Immortal World Particle Collider was completed, and it was named Qiankun Circle.

A circle that can explore the inner world of matter.

Looking up at the sky from the position of the equator, you can see a black line splitting the sky in two, and you can't see the end of the black line at the boundary of your eyes.

According to the scientific Divine Sect log records, the particle collider has completed preliminary debugging, and is just waiting for Su Yun to go out and start the impact experiment.

Exploring the basic composition of matter is a very difficult task, and Su Yun dare not say that he is sure.

"Ah... Xiaoxiao, how long is it until the star swallowing seed arrives?" Su Yun asked with his mind.

"According to the latest calculation results, it will take six years, one month, three days and eight hours for the swallowing star population to reach the Xiu Immortal World, with a fluctuation of about two hours. Is there any help?"

"Ahead of schedule again..." Su Yun hesitated a little, "Time is running out, we have to speed up the progress."

"Xiao Xiao, select top-notch disciples in the Realm of Fundamental Physics within Sect to form a research team."

"Coincidentally, I just finished a Sect test recently, and there is a new ranking, Su Yun, how many people are needed?" Su Xiaoxiao said in a lively tone.

"First one hundred." Su Yun said after hesitating for a moment.

"By the way, Xiaoxiao, let's start the pre-start program of the particle collider first."

Su Xiaoxiao was quite emotional, "Xiaoxiao received it!"


A few days later, Su Yun first arrived at the experimental station of the Immortal World particle collider in low space orbit, which is the control and data center of the entire collider.

In the most central control room, Su Yun has just checked the status of the particle collider and everything is ready.

At this time, Su Xiaoxiao cast a phantom and reminded in a low voice: "Su Yun, the selected disciples have arrived, and they are gathered in the cabin outside. Can you call me in?"

"Let them in." Su Yun put down what he was doing and replied, "They are already familiar with the experiment guide, right?"

"Of course, this is the most basic requirement." Su Xiaoxiao said in a frustrated tone, "Then I'll ask them to come in!"

As soon as the voice fell, the cabin door opened, and a group of people walked in neatly, no more, no less, a hundred people, with solemn and dignified expressions.

After all, for them, being the assistant of Sect Leader is not only an honor, but also a dream.

Half of them are cultivators, half of them are mortals, and the earliest disciples of Sect accounted for less than 30%. It can be seen that creative work such as scientific research is not completely related to knowledge reserves, which are only the foundation.

Su Yun glanced at it, and each student's complete resume would appear in front of him in the form of a digital information card.

It has to be said that the results they have achieved are very dazzling, and there are Nobel Prize-level achievements in each segment of Realm.

It complements the topics that Su Yun has no time to pay attention to.

But one of them caught Su Yun's attention.

Su Xiaoxiao detected where Su Yun's eyes fell, and took the initiative to remind her, "It's just her, it's just her, this person is amazing! She was the first in several Sect tests, and she also solved the problems encountered during the construction of the Qiankun Circle. Many practical problems, and now it is the title of Science Great Master!"

"By the way, her name is Murong Sui."

"I know." Su Yun smiled knowingly and said lightly.

Thirteen years have passed, and Murong Sui has grown into a big girl. Even though she is a female college student, Su Yun can still recognize her at a glance.

It was because her attire was exactly the same as the one Su Yun gave her more than ten years ago, only a few sizes larger.

The eyes are as bright as they were back then, and the hope has never been wiped out.

And among the crowd, she is the only one who wears own regular clothes, which is especially eye-catching among a bunch of Sect uniforms.

Su Yun smiled lightly, and said in a provocative tone: "Student, what's the matter with you, why don't you wear the Sect uniform? Don't you know that you have to wear special clothes when you go in and out of the laboratory?"

All eyes on the scene focused on her instantly.

Being suddenly ordered by the Sect Leader, Murong Sui was a little flustered, but after calming down, he said calmly: "Report to Sect Leader, this is the first privilege I have applied for as a Sect disciple, and I don't need to wear a Sect uniform."

"And my clothes are also made of fibers of special materials, there will be no static electricity, the surface has a hydrophobic structure, and it has a self-cleaning function, and there will be no contamination experiments."

Seeing Murong Sui's serious answer, Su Yun suddenly softened his tone, "Then why do you insist on wearing this dress?"

"Because..." Murong Sui hesitated slightly, his eyes flickering, "Because I want to wait for an old friend, he promised to come to Sect to find me, I'm afraid he won't recognize me, so..."

"If you like it, just keep wearing it." Su Yun smiled nonchalantly, "After wearing it for more than ten years, I still haven't worn enough!"

Murong Sui tilted his head, and the gleam in his eyes couldn't be more turbulent. He couldn't tell whether it was joy or disappointment, but in the end he suddenly realized, and whispered, "Yun Shu... Su Yun, I should have known..."

"Okay!" Su Yun's loud voice attracted everyone's attention, "You are the disciples of my Divine Sect who are best at the way of science, and looking at the entire Immortal World, you are also a group of people who are best at the way of science."

"What we are going to accomplish is harder than ascending to the sky. The purpose is to explore the fundamentals of the material world and challenge the authority of the Creator!"

Then his tone sank, "At the same time, it is also about the survival of Xiu Immortal World."

"There is not much time left for us, only six years."

A very active male disciple asked: "Sect Leader, can exploring the most basic composition of matter help the Immortal World to deal with the star-swallowing species?"

Su Yun said firmly, "Yes!"

"The foundation of the world is matter, and the strongest weapon is the control of the material world, and this secret is curled up in the deepest part of matter."

"Then can we do it?"

"I hope so." Su Yun paused.

"So we have a difficult task."

"It's like walking a single-plank bridge in the fog. There is no retreat, and there are abyss on both sides. Whether you can see the way forward or not, you can only bite the bullet and move forward."

Su Yun looked at Murong Sui, her mind was still surging, and she was a little lost, so she called softly, "Murong Sui."

"Ah? Sect Leader, I'm here!" Murong Sui said in a hurry.

"You are the number one, so you will be the team leader and my first assistant." Su Yun said with a smile, and then took out Murong Sui's blanket roll and threw it over, "If you can't do it well, wrap the roll yourself Leave!"

Originally, Murong Sui was still a little confused, but after receiving the bedroll, his eyes suddenly became firm, and he replied passionately, "Yes, Sect Leader! Guaranteed to complete the task!"


After a short run-in, the whole team was on the right track in less than half a month.

In the core control room, only Su Yun and Murong Sui stood.

"Sect Leader... the first collision experiment is ready!" Murong Sui said seriously, holding a working terminal.

Su Yun smiled with satisfaction.

During this period of time, he had fully seen Murong Sui's ability, but whenever he saw Murong Sui, he would always remember that immature and stubborn face back then.

"Okay, the experiment begins."

After receiving the order, Su Xiaoxiao started the operation of the particle collider and reported the progress one by one.

"The coil enters a superconducting state..."

"The capacitor cycle is fully charged..."

"The collision power is set to one thousandth..."

"The proton beam is released..."

"Entering the acceleration orbit...Estimated to collide in 352 seconds..."

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