Everyone is looking forward to the final collision result.

But no matter how intense the collision process was, they couldn't see it directly, and what came out in the end was just piles of data.

The higher the power of the experiment, the greater the amount of data generated, which is almost exponential growth, so the calculation process is very slow, and the progress bar is advancing with an accuracy of five decimal places.

The air in the control room seemed stagnant, and Murong Sui didn't dare to take a big breath, for fear of making a little breathing sound and breaking the tranquility.

Her gaze turned to Su Yun, and seeing that Su Yun looked serious, as if he was thinking about something, she couldn't help but look a few more times.

When Su Yun noticed, she hurriedly looked away again.

Su Yun suddenly smiled and said, "Sui Sui, do you think you can succeed?"

Hearing Su Yun calling him so affectionately, Murong Sui was stunned for a long time before happily saying, "I hope so, but...it's not optimistic..."

"It's okay, we still have a chance." Su Yun smiled and kept secret.

After several hours, all calculations were completed.

A large series of statistically compiled data was displayed in front of the two of them.

Murong Sui looked at the calculated result, his tone suddenly low.

"Like countless previous experiments, there are no new particles, no expanded high dimensions, no vibrating strings, no breakthrough progress... Even if the power limit of the collider is reached, it is still not enough... "

"I also expected this result." Su Yun took a deep breath, his eyes focused on a certain data result, which was the energy level reached by high-energy protons.

He smiled calmly: "But the data I really want to verify has been verified. The energy of the proton beam is enough!"

"Sect Leader, I don't understand." Murong Sui thought about it.

"There are actually two methods of particle collision experiments. One is the current two-beam particle collision, and the other is bombarding a fixed target with particle beams." Su Yun's tone gradually became agitated.

"But if that's the case, wouldn't the energy be halved?" Murong Sui frowned.

"Actually..." Su Yun suddenly smiled, "We still have a way to go."

"Do you see that beam of protons looks like bullets with a creation-level energy density?"

"Then what is the target?" Murong Sui also raised his neck and asked curiously.

Su Yun paced back and forth in the control room, pondering: "You also know that the cultivator can use the Cultivation Technique to create imaginary matter out of thin air."

"Virtual matter is the matter made up of virtual particles. It is reasonable to say that virtual matter should not exist for a long time and will be annihilated in an instant. However, due to the effect of Spiritual Qi, virtual matter can exist stably and possess various physical properties."

"In other words, Spiritual Qi can maintain pairs of virtual particles from annihilation."

Murong Sui fell into deep thought, and after a while, his tone became agitated, "So, researching the composition of virtual matter may be able to achieve breakthrough!"

"Xiao Xiao, prepare for the next experiment. Let the cultivator disciple on duty in the collision chamber condense a ball of water with the water attribute Cultivation Technique as a bombardment target."



Times have changed, two and a half years later.

In the largest semi-circular meeting hall of Science Divine Sect, the warm sun at noon pours in from the glass dome on the top, but the atmosphere cannot be relieved.

Science Divine Sect, a group of Elders and several other Apex faction speakers gathered together and sat in the most prominent position.

Attending the meeting, there were even heads and sect masters of hundreds of first-class forces, who sat around for several times.

In the center of the venue, there was no one sitting in the seat of the Science Divine Sect Sect Leader. Wen Bai and Jiang Mu sat on the side, and they faced the questioning and scrutinizing eyes of countless people.

The people below were a little anxious.

Liu Ming patted the table, quite anxious, with an aggressive tone, "Elder Wen, you called us here and left us hanging out for so long, why hasn't your Sect Leader appeared yet?"

"Now the star-devouring species has entered the final deceleration stage! You can see the star-devouring species with any astronomical telescope!"

"There is only less than a month left before the window period for Jujie to escape. Let me give you a letter as to how he is progressing!"

Wen Bai stood up and said with a smile, "Liu Elder, calm down!"

"Su Yun is still conducting experiments, and he has no other explanation. I know him well, so I should be sure. Please be safe, everyone!"

"Should! I don't believe it should! I want to believe it!" Liu Ming said with a sigh: "It's no problem to move into the space fleet, but if you let mortals enter the virtual Immortal World, you have to end their physical lives first. !"

The usually calm Master Yunmengshan's tone was also somewhat urgent, "Wen Elder, why don't you ask your Sect Leader to come out and talk about the situation, so we can feel at ease."

However, Jiang Luoyan, the Patriarch of the Jiang family, found another way and directly put pressure on Jiang Mu, "Boy, if you don't let your Sect Leader come out, don't even think about meeting my Jiang Mu in the future!"

Jiang Mu was a shocker. After successfully stripping out the soul of Jiang Mu, the girl Jiang Mu returned to Jiang's house to nourish her soul. Now several years have passed, and Jiang Mu has not been able to see her!

He smiled helplessly: "Patriarch Jiang, I can't speak to Sect Leader, sorry..."

"Hey..." Jiang Luoyan shook her head in astonishment, "Then I'm afraid we can only let Mu'er enter the virtual Immortal World, and start wandering in the vast Universe in a month's time!"

Hearing this, Jiang Mu's eyes suddenly widened.

The situation of the female Jiang Mu is indeed more suitable for entering the virtual Immortal World, and coincidentally, because Jiang Mu is well versed in the way of the soul, she is the Elder in charge of the "Virtual Immortal World" in the Science Divine Sect.

If the virtual repair Immortal World plan is implemented, Jiang Mu will leave with the "Wandering Urn".

Now he somewhat hopes that the "Virtual Immortal World Repair" plan can be implemented, at least he can be with the person he misses.

At this time, Master Yunmeng spoke up, "No matter what, all members of Luochen Mountain will enter the virtual Immortal World in the end. Whether we escape or not, we will live our lives!"

Yan suddenly felt a little unhappy, "You think it's beautiful. The virtual Immortal World that was completed only after cultivating the power of the Immortal World. Could it be that your Luochen Mountain took over it in the end?"

"Old friend Yan, resources have already been spent, so using them is a waste, isn't it?" Master Yunmengshan said with a smile.

"You Luochenshan know how to hide in the virtual world to have fun, and refuse to face the reality!" Yan said disdainfully: "Our Dragon Clan is willing to take a long-distance voyage in the fleet, expand the territory in the universe, develop and grow, and one day destroy that Ancient God!"

Master Yunmeng also began to Yin & Yang and said strangely: "I see, it is because you dragons are reluctant to part with your flesh! Otherwise, you will drill into the virtual Immortal World faster than anyone else! After all, each one is slippery. Loach!"

"You, you, you!" Yan suddenly gasped and said, "Who are you talking about being a loach!"

Chi Yan was also unhappy, "Dare to say that our Dragon Clan is loaches, but I think you Luochenshan are a group of little ghosts who only dare to hide in graves!"

"Okay!!" Wen Bai suddenly shouted loudly: "You guys have lived a few thousand years, why bother arguing!"

"The final authority of all plans is in the hands of our science Divine Sect, and it is useless for you to argue here!"

Wen Bai's aura was 3.6 meters, and instantly shocked the audience. Then her tone eased, and she said softly: "In the past twenty years, you all believed in our science Divine Sect, and my family Su Yun, why are you starting to doubt it at this critical juncture?!"

"Isn't there still a month left?"

"Wen Elder calm down, haha!" Liu Ming said good things on the side, "They are also worried about the future of Immortal World! Time waits for no one."

Then he hesitated, frowned and said: "But if it is still unsuccessful after a month, the two plans will be carried out as usual, right?"

"That's right, when the time window is reached, the authority will be open to everyone." Wen Bai nodded in response.

"That's good, that's good." Liu Ming sat down slowly.

The venue fell into a brief silence, and the atmosphere was a little cold.

After all, in that case, only half of the people who repaired the Immortal World could survive.

Half of the survivors, whether they like it or not, will embark on a distant journey, either in a long time or a long way.

At this time, Su Yun's holographic projection suddenly appeared in the venue, and one sentence attracted attention, "Everyone!"

"Su Sect Leader, you are here!" Liu Ming couldn't help getting up and said.

Yunmeng Mountain Master also asked excitedly: "Su Sect Leader, shall we run?"

The others are also waiting for the result.

Su Yun pondered for a moment, then frowned, "Virtual repair Immortal World plan and starship civilization plan, start immediately!"

"Immediately?" Chi Yan was startled, "What's going on? Su Sect Leader, has your plan failed?"

"Successful." Su Yun paused and said, "But... just to be on the safe side, the two plans will continue as usual! By the way, I'm not discussing with you."

Liu Ming's tone was suspicious, "Su Sect Leader, this is not a joke, have you really thought about it?"

Su Yun smiled indifferently, "Liu Elder, weren't you the first to believe me?"

"Hehe!" Liu Ming shook his head helplessly, "Okay! My Supreme Sect fully supports it!"

"The entire Jiang family will fully support it."

"Luochen Mountain is naturally fine."

"Dragon Clan... support." Yan said in a low tone.

Su Yun nodded, and responded calmly, "Thank you everyone, work hard for the rest of the day, and those who are leaving Immortal World, please bid farewell to Immortal World!"


After interrupting the call, Su Yun sighed in the core control room of the particle collider, "It's really difficult to make this decision."

"But the entire Immortal World will thank you!" Murong Sui comforted.

"Heh, let them leave their homes and not scold me behind my back!" Su Yun smiled helplessly.

At this moment, Xiaoxiao suddenly spoke up, "Su Yun...Obviously I calculated that the success rate of the 'Jin Destroyer' weapon is 100%, why do I still have to implement the other two plans?"

Murong Sui looked at Su Yun with curiosity in his eyes.

Su Yun looked at the dark sky beyond the porthole, and smiled sadly, "Because that's what I planned from the beginning, I want to give more possibilities to the Immortal World."

"The arrival of the star-devouring species is an opportunity. It can give humans the opportunity to get rid of their attachment to the Immortal World, just like letting fish get rid of their attachment to water, so that fish can land on land and become a more advanced species."

"Hmph! Sure enough! I knew you had something to say!!" Wen Bai's holographic projection suddenly appeared in the control room.

This is a special permission for Wen Bai, she can monitor and visit Su Yun's side at any time, that is, Cha Gang...

The reason is probably because Murong Sui...

"Do you know how difficult it was for me to face so many people just now? I let them hang out for so long, their eyes can kill!" Wen Bai complained.

"But you performed very well!" Su Yun praised with a thumbs up.

"Cut~" Wen Bai gouged out Su Yun's eyes, and then his eyes fell on the two floating transparent stones in the control room, "Is that the Jinniu weapon?"

"Yes, a weapon that can deal with devouring star species." Su Yun said with deep eyebrows.

"You just leave such a dangerous thing so casually!" Wen Bai complained.

Su Yun shook his head with a smile, "They are so close, so there is no danger."

"What's in there?" Wen Bai asked curiously.

"A hydrogen atom, a hydrogen atom that shouldn't exist." Su Yun explained inscrutablely.

"The time goes back to the time when high-energy proton beams were used to bombard a ball of virtual matter water..."


At that time, it was discovered that virtual matter is not composed of common particles, but pairs of virtual particles.

Just like a hydrogen atom in a water molecule.

A normal hydrogen atom is made up of a proton and an electron. A proton is made up of two up quarks and one down quark.

But the quarks in the virtual matter proton are paired quarks, that is, a virtual quark pair composed of a virtual quark and a virtual antiquark!

Two imaginary up quark pairs, one imaginary down quark pair, six quarks in total!

According to the theory, even if these quark pairs will not annihilate due to the effect of Spiritual Qi, but they have opposite charges, the virtual quark pair should have no charge as a whole.

The same should be true for the virtual electron pairs outside the nucleus.

In this case, all kinds of elementary particles are electrically neutral, so they cannot form matter.

But due to a certain mechanism, the virtual antiparticles in the virtual particle pair do not express physical characteristics, and do not affect the composition of matter and the physical properties of matter.

Since virtual particle pairs appear from the quantum field, they are borrowed energy from the vacuum. If you want to borrow, you must need something as a proof, otherwise what should you do if you don’t return it?

Just like you buy a house with a loan from the bank, your down payment is the Spiritual Qi that keeps the pairs of virtual particles from annihilation.

At this time, your Spiritual Qi is consumed, but due to the high interest rate of the mortgage, even if the house is in your name, once the assets and debts are offset, you still have nothing, that is, it does not violate the law of energy conservation.

The house is the virtual matter that appears, and the mortgage is the virtual anti-matter. It is invisible and has no effect, but it does exist.

Su Yun tentatively calls this mechanism the "buying a house with a loan" mechanism.

So the real estate developed by a big eastern country is a real high-tech industry! A few civilization levels ahead!

A well-deserved technological powerhouse!

What Su Yun used the particle collider to do was to forcibly separate the virtual particles and virtual antiparticles of virtual particle pairs in virtual matter.

Virtual particles and virtual antiparticles are entangled and highly coupled, and it takes such a huge amount of energy to separate them.

And even if they are blasted away, they will annihilate each other in a very short time.

So most of Su Yun's time is trying to use Spiritual Qi to "capture" the blasted virtual particle pairs, and then assemble them into stable matter, virtual matter in the true sense - a virtual antihydrogen atom!

And those elementary particles produced by high-energy proton collisions are all "mortgage loans" paid off by huge energy, debt-free, real particles that really exist, and virtual anti-particles are not the same thing.

This virtual antihydrogen atom should not exist, and it can also be said to have negative energy.

Finally, what is used to encapsulate the virtual antihydrogen atoms is the artificial top-grade spiritual nucleus!

Using the Spirit Power of the entire top-grade spiritual core to bind a hydrogen atom can be regarded as a huge consumption.

Wen Bai half understood, "So what's the use of just one hydrogen atom?"

"The point is not the hydrogen atom, but 'virtual' and 'reverse'!" Murong Sui explained thoughtfully.

Wen Bai's face collapsed, "I understand, I understand, who doesn't seem to know..."

"Hahaha!" Su Yun kept laughing.

But he is also very emotional, if a civilization does not control the Spiritual Qi, it is impossible to explore such a mystery, which is embarrassing.


Over the next few months, both projects proceeded smoothly.

Because the success rate announced by the scientific Divine Sect is not 100%, that is, 70% to 80%, some people are eager to survive, scrambling to enter the space fleet or virtual repair the Immortal World.

There are also some people who are reluctant to part with their homeland, and with a gamble mentality, choose to take risks with Xiu Immortal World.

In the end, 25 million people boarded the space fleet, and more than 20 billion people were packed into a small box of three hundred feet.

The population that left was about 51 percent of the total Immortal World population.

Jiang Mu left with the urn. As the captains of the "Wandering Urn", Yan and Mu Ling led the Dragon Clan and more than 20 million other cultivators on an interstellar voyage.

Wen Bai, Li Su, Ye Buxiu and Yin Niang stayed in the Science Divine Sect with Su Yun.

On the day when the fleet set off, even in the daytime, dense blue dots could be seen in the sky, which was the light from the giant electric propulsion engine.

It shows that Xiu Immortal World has officially become an interstellar civilization.

The fleet and the Wandering Urn are heading in opposite directions, and there will be no chance to meet again.

Shortly thereafter, the swallowing star population came to Xiu Immortal World Galaxy, and went straight to Xiu Immortal World.

Su Yun took the rest of the scientific Divine Sect and waited for it.

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