"The true face of the universe!"

Roy wanted to ask more, but the system stopped answering him.

But I have to say that the answer to this question is very attractive. He couldn't help but look up at the dark blue behind the White Cloud when he was on horseback...

In the next six months, with the help of Roy and Noel, Taroy's army advanced all the way, the situation on the southern front was completely stabilized, and the strategic center of gravity shifted to the north.

Half a year of marching and fighting has also made Roy and Noel more vicissitudes, and immaturity has long since become a thing of the past.

During this time, Roy has also been paying attention to the news about Supreme devil armaments', but Supreme devil armaments' is the most powerful support of a country after all. Magical Items of this level cannot be touched by ordinary people, and they are rarely useful. Information.

But Roy wanted to understand one thing, the destruction of the country was the only way to collect all twelve pieces of Supreme devil armaments'.

It seems that the rising Gutes nation is doing just that.

According to the latest news, the Kingdom of Gutes has annexed a country called Edale, and the Supreme devil armaments of the town country will naturally fall into the hands of the Kingdom of Gutes.

What kind of chaos will be in the future is unimaginable.


Today's sky is a bit gloomy, the sun is scorching above the clouds, and the air is extremely hot. After the summer, the team is facing a new test. The thick armor is simply a stuffy jar, which makes people unbearably hot and humid. After a long march, the soldiers Inevitably tired.

"The front is Mossell. Send an order to rest for three days before starting." Jonah stood upright on the horse with his upper body upright, looking in the direction of the skyline.

"Yes." The trusted messenger received the order and began to send orders to the entire army step by step.

"Quick report, rest for three days ahead!"

"The general is wise, woohoo!!"

"This damn weather, I want to take a good bath!"


The good news that they could take a rest spread along with the shouts of the communications soldiers. The fatigue of the soldiers was washed away in an instant, and the marching speed was a little faster, with a rare smile on their faces.

The outline of a city faintly appeared in front of it. It was a city built of black sandstone. There was a large lake called Lake Char near the city.

Looking at the familiar scenery, Roy felt as if he had passed away, and went back to Moswell after going around, but everything was different.

Approaching the city gate of Moswell, Roy, who was at the front of the team, was attracted by the crowds gathered on the side of the road, as if a group of residents were surrounding some traders and building simple sheds, forming a small market.

Sensing the curiosity in Roy's eyes, Jonah explained: "They are wandering merchants who travel around the world, buying and selling goods from all over the world, and often buy new gadgets from other countries."

"Isn't there a war now?" Roy wondered.

"So now there are more and more wandering merchants in Taroy, and the prices of goods are getting higher and higher." Jonah explained blankly: "After all, the Taroy Federation is the most powerful country and the only one. Countries directly ruled by the Holy See are much more stable than other places."

"Do you want to go and see?" Jonah continued with a smile.

Roy was just curious, but Noel's eyes were particularly fierce. He smiled suddenly and agreed: "It's a bit interesting, but in order not to delay the march, you go find a place to be stationed first, and I will come later."

"Just by Lake Char, you guys have a good time!" After finishing speaking, Jonah waved to the team behind him and led the team away.

Roy led Noel out of the team, let the horse graze after dismounting, and then approached the temporary market under the eyes of everyone.

After a while, the bystanders withdrew their speculative gazes.

But the wandering businessmen's eyes were still eager, and many of them had already surrounded them.

A person who can chat and laugh happily with a big man like the general must be a big customer.

"Both, come and take a look? I have everything here, including wooden carvings from Tours, dried meat from Magical Beasts from Sisnil, and mouse fur coats from the Principality of Dixon!"

"Oh, this beautiful lady, do you need mermaid oil from Oceania? It's a rare thing in the Taroy Federation! It can make your skin fairer and smoother!"

"The sucrose juice from Kesemia can eliminate freckles on the face!! Ma'am!"


Roy's attention first fell on these wandering businessmen.

At first glance, he felt that these wandering merchants were full of traces of travel and dust, and the cotton robes had been mended countless times, as if they were improvised from cloth.

Moreover, their clothes are also showcases for displaying goods, and their large and small pockets are full of goods.

The luggage was also in tatters, hanging on the tied horses.

Then Roy began to pay attention to these products.

Unlike the bulk trade between countries, the things they buy and sell are all non-essential items, and most of them are items with a bit of "strange" and "weird" attributes, focusing on novelty and fun.

At least a lot of things are not easy to see in Taroy.

After strolling around, Roy's eyes were opened, and Noel couldn't help but bought some things that might have some practicality.

"You two, do you need some special products from Eaton?" A middle-aged wandering businessman suddenly stopped them from behind, and said with a smile: "We just came from the Kingdom of Eaton. In this situation, these things are not easy to get. I don't know if I miss them." When can I buy it!"

Roy turned around and found that these five wandering merchants looked neater and cleaner than other merchants, and their goods were well organized. Compared with others, they were like the difference between a village store and a supermarket.

The five people are like a family, four middle-aged people, two men and two women, and one grandmother who looks quite kind.

Noel's eyes lit up when he saw the products they were selling, "Apple cider! And black cheese and raspberry bread! Old John used to bring some back when he went to town!"

Immediately, his eyes dimmed again, and the corners of his raised mouth collapsed.

Roy stroked Noel's back and said with a smile, "Then buy some."

After asking the price, Roy's face immediately darkened.

"A barrel of cider is ten silver coins, a pack of black cheese and raspberry bread is one silver coin, and smoked beef and horse jerky is five silver coins a piece."

"Your price is ten times the usual price!" Noel said in surprise, "These things used to cost twice as much in the Moswell market."

At this time, the old lady in the caravan came over and said with a smile: "Little girl, you said it was before, and now there is a war on the border. You should know it best, so it is normal that it is more expensive. It is not easy for us to bring these things over from Eaton." ,hehe."

After thinking about it, Roy found it reasonable, reluctantly accepted the price, and simply said, "Please pack some for us."

The middle-aged man on the side immediately acted and began to use cloth bags to pack special clothes. Sure enough, he ran into a "bad guy" and squeezed himself to death.

Roy endured it.

The businessman packed two big bags full of things, and made up the whole thing, one gold coin.

Finally, the old woman took off a string of wooden necklaces around her neck, approached Nuo Er, and said kindly: "Little girl, these are pearl strings made of pearl wood. They can be kept safe, and they are given to you for free." The necklace The beads on it are made of light yellow wood, only the size of mung beans, very smooth, and strung with palm strings.

Noel sticks out his head and puts on the necklace.

The old grandma looked at the necklace on Nuo Er's neck, nodded and smiled, "It looks good, it fits well."

Roy was a little speechless. In fact, the so-called pearl wood was the hard lump under the bark of the gray fir tree, which belonged to the discarded part of the wood, and this kind of necklace was just a toy made by the Etonians for children, and it was worthless.

"Thank you." Noel said politely.

Roy picked up two bags and ran straight to the horse. He had almost finished shopping, so it was time to chase it.

The remaining army is only more than 30,000 points, but the team is still very long.

Throwing the things on the horse's back, the two merged into the team and headed to the place where they were stationed.

The army did not enter the city, but went directly to Lake Char and set up camp on the long lakeshore.

In the distance, the already scorching hot soldiers took off their armor and jumped into the lake one after another to enjoy the rare coolness.

Seeing this, Roy quickly found Jonah in the camp. He also took off his armor and coat, and was going to wash in the lake.

"Jonah, there are piranhas eating people in this lake, it's very dangerous!!"

Jonah was stunned for a while, and then laughed loudly, "It seems that you know something about Lake Char, but not much!"

"This season is the breeding season for piranhas, and they are all cruising upstream, safer than ever!"

"Is that so?" Roy asked suspiciously.

"I'm a native of Moswell, what do you think?" Jonah said boldly, and then patted Roy on the shoulder, "Go wash up too, and go shopping in the city later! Haha!"

Immediately, both Roy and Noel changed into cool clothes and chose a secluded water area.

"Are you sure you can wash casually in the lake? Why don't you boil water and take a beautiful bath?"

Noel shook his head, "I'm used to it, and I'm not a delicate noble girl."

With that said, Noel kicked Roy into the water, "Go!"

Then he covered his mouth and giggled a few times, pinched his nose, and jumped into the lake.

Roy jumped a few times and surfaced.

The temperature of the lake is just right, and the feeling of being wrapped in water is very comfortable.

Noel parted his hair and began to comb and wash.

Under the action of the water, the fabric of the dress clings to the skin, framing her curves.

Noel has grown up quite a bit.

She exposed her shoulders and arms, and there were a few dark red marks on her shoulders, which were healed wounds.

"What are these wounds?"

"It was accidentally left behind in the battle that was attacked by Eaton's army last month." Noel said indifferently: "With the blessing of magic, it will heal on the spot, no problem!"

"It's okay for a girl to have scars." Roynu pursed his lips and began to recite the words. Soon Noel's body lit up with a green light, and the scars disappeared completely.

After a moment of silence.

"Noel, if you still had the chance to choose, would you go back to be Eaton's much-loved princess?"

"What princess? How can there be a princess? There are only Noel George and your magician, Noel." Noel said with a serious face.

"Yeah, I got it."

The two were silent for a moment before Noel continued: "I don't want to be defined by others, I like to decide who I am."

"It's like this now, I like it very much, and I hope it will be like this in the future." Noel looked at Roy and smiled sweetly.

"That's good." The trace of worry that still existed in Roy's heart has now dissipated.

He simply leaned back and lay on the water.

Roy hadn't been so relaxed for a long time. He emptied everything in his mind and floated quietly in the water.

"Roy, rub my back, I can't wash it."



After a brief repair, Jonah organized a team, took Roy and Noel, and went to the city to purchase.

In fact, the army has a special supply of food and grass, and the logistics team will transport it back and forth regularly, but they are all dry and hard bread, dried meat, and pickled vegetables.

This trip to the city is mainly to buy some wine and fresh meat, which is regarded as a reward.

On the way, Jonah's posture on the horse's back was a lot more casual, bouncing up and down with the horse's footsteps, and the reins were not too tight, "Hahaha, I finally have a chance to have a drink and then have a decent sleep ! What a bloody war!!"

"Roy, let's have a good drink." Jonah looked at Roy and said.

It was rare to be able to relax, and Roy readily agreed: "I won't go home until I'm drunk, I have a bucket of barley wine!"

"Hahahaha!" Jonah almost sneered, "One barrel? In the army, five barrels start!"

"..." Roy: "Actually, there's no need to stay drunk, just drink well..."

After the team marched into the city, the officers and soldiers who defended the city happily let them go, and then divided into several groups to go to the whole city to purchase.

According to the plan, during the three-day rest, one-third of the people can drink to their heart's content every day. The amount of 30,000 people is not much, but it is by no means small.

Therefore, purchasing requires a lot of effort.

Fortunately, Jonah is very familiar with Moswell, so he won't make detours.

For about three hours, the sun was groggy, and more than 20 carts loaded with goods were marching out of the city under the escort of soldiers.

And Roy and Noel are replenishing some materials at the potion material store, and a lot of potions were consumed during the war.

Now Roy's storage bag is empty.

When the team passed by, Jonah greeted: "Roy, Noel, it's time to go back!"

"Here we come."

Roy and Noel packed their things, got on their horses, and were about to leave, when they were suddenly blocked by a child who rushed out, looking like a beggar in his attire.

"Ma'am, someone asked me to deliver a gift." The little beggar handed a box to Nuoer, "The man gave me a whole gold coin, so I must deliver it!"

Roy immediately felt weird, a gold coin is not a small amount, at least it can make this little beggar live decently for a long time.

Noel looked at Roy, and after seeing Roy nodding, he hesitated for a moment before bending down to pick up the box.

This is a black lacquered wooden box, which is not cheap. When you shake it lightly, you can hear the sound of 咵咵.

After delivering the box, the child ran away.

After Roy received the box and inspected it with his magic vision, he opened the box with confidence. Inside was a magic music box that could be used to record vocals.

Before Roy touched anything, there was a clear sound from inside.

"Noel, Roy, come here."

Hearing this, the two of them were taken aback for a moment, and immediately looked at each other in blank dismay, their pupils resonating in shock.

"Old John!"


The two said in unison.

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