Su Yun cupped hands to listen quietly.

However, Wen Bai couldn't help being a little worried. Could there be anything that the Elder should come over and tell Su Yun in person? Is the head still investigating the infighting among the same sect?

"The results of the first round of assessment have been released, and you are the only one who has yet to confirm the results, so I have to come here myself."

Uh... I drank all day yesterday, and I forgot about it!

"Thank you, Elder!" Su Yun thanked, and began to think, the Elders didn't get straight to the point, and wondered if the elder Elder handed over the alchemy.

And Wen Bai looked at Su Yun sideways, with surprise on his face, does Elder need to come and inform him about such a trivial matter?

"There are a total of one hundred and eighty-three disciples who entered the forbidden area in this assessment. Counting Fang Ming, eleven were damaged, twenty-five were seriously injured, and three out of thirty passed."

Hearing these figures, Su Yun was a little surprised. The pass rate was much lower than he expected.

This is especially true for Wen Bai. There are more than 300 new Outer Sect disciples this year, but only 33 of them survived the assessment, and the loss rate is so high that it is worth several times in the past. sum of sessions.

She was thinking, if she participated in this assessment, is there any hope of passing it?

The two looked at each other, seeing incredible in each other's eyes.

Immediately, the second Elder continued: "Su Yun, you submitted a second-order Xuantian Crane Neidan, and you are among the thirty-three people."

"However..." The second Elder inexplicably played tricks again, which made people feel angry.

After hesitating for a moment, the Elder continued, "However, there are thirty-three passers, and the second round of competition is a two-two battle, so..."

"So I have a bye? Go directly to the final?" Su Yun thought that the second Elder was speaking slowly, so he took the initiative to ask.

The second Elder said unhurriedly: "After discussing with the master and all Elders, it is decided to keep your results. You can continue to stay in the Outer Sect, but you will be disqualified from participating in the second round of assessment."

"After all, based on your current situation, the impact may not be very good. This is the only way to prevent you from being selected into the Inner Sect."

"Okay, thanks Elder."

Su Yun is not surprised by this result. Although he has been "acquitted", it is still unavoidable that people will be suspicious. If he is selected into the Inner Sect again, many people will be dissatisfied.

The person who killed his fellow disciples was elected to the Inner Sect?

This impact is probably as bad as the earphone sister Baoyan.

At this moment, the two Elders turned around to leave, but turned back and added: "Furthermore, because Fang Ming's incident happened in this assessment, the second round of assessment will be held seven days later."

"But the second round of assessment has nothing to do with disciples."

"But you must come and watch the battle." After speaking, the two Elders left with Yujian.

"Congratulations to the second Elder!"

After bidding farewell to Elder, Su Yun suddenly said, "Is Sect going to close down?"

"Huh?" Wen Bai was at a loss.

"Look, any business closure starts with a decrease in recruiting. Sect has recruited so many interns, and as a result, temporarily modified the assessment criteria, resulting in only one tenth of them staying!"

"After that, it's time for layoffs!"

"Then the wages of the employees were owed, and the top management ran away with the money."

"What?" Wen Bai became more confused the more he listened, not knowing where Su Yun came up with such strange words, "Haha, what are you talking about?"

"Telling a history of blood and tears..."

In the end, Su Yun said seriously: "I mean to stay behind! It's better to be more prepared."

There are space cracks hidden in the Sect forbidden area, and there are even more dangerous existences, but the leader chooses to hide it, which is not a good sign.

Afterwards, the two put themselves into hard work again. It was not until evening that the green viper was cut up. A pile of scales was collected by Su Yun, and the fresh snake meat was cut into small pieces, waiting to be bought by someone with predestined relationship. Walk.

"Take it!" Su Yun stuffed the green viper inner pill and snake gall into Wen Bai, and at the same time put a piece of snake meat on it, "Take it back and try it out, it tastes best roasted."

Wen Bai was caught off guard, and the pile of things in her arms was so high that it blocked her face. After she maintained her balance, she poked her head out from behind the topmost snake meat, and her face was accidentally stained with blood, "You Give me all these? This is the inner alchemy and snake gall of the Green Viper, worth hundreds of Spirit Stones!"

"That's right, Green Viper Neidan and Snake Gallbladder are good antidote. You must know better than me. If you refine it into Medicine Pill, it may be able to cure the erysipelas in your body and restore your complexion!" Su Yun laughed on the road.

Wen Bai stared blankly at Su Yun for a while, then slightly parted his red lips, smiled slightly, and said softly, "Okay."

As for the remaining few spirit beasts, it is much more convenient to handle. After Su Yun takes off the things he needs, he can pack the rest.

Especially for the Fire Cloud Turtle, there is no way to start with it anyway, and it may be sold at a high price if the whole one is sold.

Hearing that Su Yun said that he was going to Luoyun Town to sell ingredients, Wen Bai planned to accompany him. First, the two of them had a support, and second, they needed to refine the Medicine Pill with the green viper's inner alchemy and snake gall, and needed some medicinal herbs to assist it. , Wen Bai doesn't have it, you need to go shopping.

Early the next morning, the two met and walked together.

Now that Su Yun doesn't have the Bibo sword to rely on, his flying speed is very slow, but he is not in a hurry, talking and laughing with Wen Bai along the way, enjoying himself.

When entering the area of ​​Luoyun Town, the sun was already scorching hot, and the clouds and mists in the mountains had all dissipated.

From a distance, Luoyun Town today is surprisingly bustling. The spacious streets are full of people, but most of them are mortals without Spirit Power fluctuations.

Approaching the market town, Su Yun went down and asked curiously at the same time: "Why is it so lively today?"

Wen Bai smoothed his hair blown away by the wind with his fair fingers and said, "You don't know that every time the Outer Sect disciples are assessed, mortal forces from all walks of life come to seek help from the immortal master."

"From our point of view, the Outer Sect disciples who failed the examination and were eliminated are, to most mortals, high-ranking immortal masters. Anyone who can invite one back will be able to walk sideways in ten miles and eight villages."

"So it is!"

Su Yun couldn't help feeling that after staying in Immortal Sect for a long time, he forgot that even in Immortal World cultivation here, most of the people are mortals, and there is no one in a hundred who has Spiritual Roots.

And he bears Five Elements miscellaneous Spiritual Roots, which can be regarded as barely reaching the threshold of practice.

"However, although the unselected disciples become Rogue Cultivators and lose the cultivation resources provided by Sect, they can be regarded as demobilized and re-employed, and they can live a more nourishing life than most mortals."

At this moment when the two landed on the ground, Wen Bai suddenly shook his head and denied Su Yun's words, "No! If that's the case, then there won't be such a rare occasion."

"Once you have seen the beauty of the immortal journey, who would be willing to be with mortals again and be a thug who guards the house?"

"Whether it's looking for Xianzong or being a Rogue Cultivator, most of them still want to continue on the road of cultivation, rather than relying on others."

In the end, Wen Bai asked a question that went straight to the soul, "If it were you, if you were eliminated, how would you choose?"

Superficially substituting in, Su Yun also feels that the immortal journey is really not reconciled to being interrupted, and the purpose of seeking immortality is to be at ease, if he still chooses to be a doorman, wouldn't he lose his heart?

"Understood! But if it were me, I might choose to establish my own mountain gate and create my own inheritance. When the time comes, I invite you to be the guest Elder. You can't refuse!" Su Yun joked.

"The treatment is better than Luoyunzong, so I'll come!" Wen Bai responded casually, but she didn't take it seriously, she just took it as a joke from Su Yun.

What she didn't know was that what Su Yun said was true.

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