Mo Yu rolled his eyes.

"Uncle, why are you killing me? I haven't offended you!"

"Damn little bug, you're dead. No matter where you run to, I'll kill you!"

Although the uncle was controlled by Mo Yu, his consciousness was still there.

His consciousness was still madly resisting Mo Yu's control, trying to break free from this temptation.


Bombs fell around them.

The uncle's huge body was attacked by shells, and pieces of flesh and blood were blown away.

However, the terrifying regenerative power allowed these flesh and blood to come back and heal his body.

Mo Yu frowned.

Now, if he swallowed the uncle, he would swallow one accurately.

After all, the present is different from the past.

He is much stronger than when he swallowed the uncle before.

Moreover, now that the uncle is controlled by him, swallowing is easier.

However, if he swallowed the uncle now, there is no benefit, because he already has the ability of the uncle.

"Forget it, Grandpa is a good mount, he can help me block bullets!"

Mo Yu thought about it and decided to keep Grandpa.

Now, Grandpa is no threat to him.

Moreover, Grandpa can help him escape.

Now, he sits directly on Grandpa, and Grandpa can take him to the depths of the Death Forest.


There are many powerful creatures in the depths of the Death Forest.

They saw Grandpa rampaging in the Death Forest and invading their territory.

They also rushed over at the first time, wanting to attack Grandpa.

But they were all torn into pieces and eaten by Grandpa.


Grandpa devoured many creatures and his body became bigger.

Soon, it exceeded a hundred meters.

From the sky above the Death Forest, you can even see Grandpa's body.

Grandpa rampaged in the Death Forest, heading towards the depths, like a bulldozer, directly pushing out a blank passage.

Over the Death Forest, dozens of helicopters also locked Grandpa.

One by one, the shells were madly killing the old man.

"It's SCP-682. How could he appear here? Did he run away from the base?"

In the helicopter, Yang Guang frowned and looked at the old man below.

He didn't know about the old man's situation.

Because the old man was secretly released by Li Xiu to hunt down Mo Yu.

"Contact the base that contains SCP-682 to see what's going on!"

Yang Guang said to the task force soldier beside him.


Yang Guang looked at the old man below calmly, waiting for the answer from the task force soldier next to him.

"Report to the commander, it says that this is a secret project. This 682 was sent out to assist the task force in capturing anomalies!"

The task force soldier said loudly to Yang Guang.

"Secret project!"

Yang Guang's brows relaxed.

If it is a secret project, then he can't interfere.

There are many projects in the SCP Foundation that will be carried out in secret.

Only a few people know, and other members of the foundation don't know.

Now, 682 is here, he doesn't know the situation, so he can't do anything.

"Ask the superiors if I can take 682 in!"

Yang Guang said to the task force soldier beside him.


After a while, the task force soldier asked the superiors for their opinions and told Yang Guang.

"The superiors told us not to take 682 in, let 682 hunt anomalies freely."

"Free to hunt?"

Yang Guang frowned.

The old man is a very dangerous anomaly, and it is very difficult to control.

Now, let the old man hunt anomalies freely, isn't this letting the tiger go back to the mountain?

However, since it is a secret project, and it was the superiors who gave the order, he could only obey the order.

Therefore, he ordered all the task force soldiers to stop and stop attacking 682.

When all the task force soldiers turned off the fire, the old man below was clearly presented in front of everyone.

The old man's height at this time was directly half a head taller than the Death Forest.

Everyone can see the old man.

"Who's on his back?"

Suddenly, Yang Guang saw Mo Yu on the old man's back.

Before, the old man was running rampant in the forest.

Mo Yu's body was blocked by the trees, and they didn't see clearly.

Now, after a closer look, they saw Mo Yu standing on the old man's back.

"Let the wasps go down and see!"

One by one, the wasps flew down, and soon, they came to the old man's side.

Mo Yu, who was on the old man's back, heard a buzzing sound.

He really knew that the wasps were coming, and he immediately took out the white ceramic comedy mask and put it on his face.

At this time, the white ceramicThe comedy face is just an ordinary mask. 035's consciousness has long been destroyed by Mo Yu.


Yang Guang was shocked to see the white ceramic comedy mask on Mo Yu's face through the wasp.

"Shouldn't 035 have been destroyed!"

In the battle on the West Ring Road in Xishan City, they killed everyone with a fission bomb.

035 should have been destroyed by the fission bomb, but now it appears here.

"Sir, what should we do?"

The task force soldier next to him asked Yang Guang.

035, who should have died, now appears here.

And, he is with the old man.

"What is going on!"

Yang Guang was also a little unsure.

According to the instructions above, the old man is chasing anomalies.

However, the picture he saw now does not look like chasing anomalies.

"Forget it, it's a secret project, we can't interfere, let it go!"

Yang Guang shook his head.

When it comes to secret projects, no one can interfere.

Although, he really wants to find out what is going on and why 035 is still alive.

But he can't do it.

Therefore, he also ordered everyone to go to the Rattlesnake Desert to support the Rattlesnake Desert Base.


Dozens of helicopters flew over the Death Forest and soon entered the Gobi Desert.

Below, densely packed task force soldiers formed a legion and crossed the Death Forest.

Hundreds of task force soldiers together, even the unknown Death Forest can't stop them.

The powerful creatures in the Death Forest, feeling so many task force soldiers, knew that they were not easy to mess with, and quietly retreated.

Hundreds of task force soldiers successfully crossed the Death Forest and entered the Gobi Desert.

In the Gobi Desert, a dozen task force soldiers were protecting the iron chain and Peanut, preparing to escape to the Death Forest.

But they were ambushed.

The Death Siren led fifty people and attacked the task force soldiers frantically, trying to kill them and snatch the chains.

In addition, a group of Broken God Church members came from behind.

While dodging the attacks of the wasps, they quickly looked for opportunities to chase and kill them.

In the sky, three Broken God helicopters frantically attacked the dozen task force soldiers below.


The task force soldiers were attacked from all sides, and some were constantly injured and some died.

It was a miracle that they could survive until now.

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