The dozen agents on the opposite side were speechless and wanted to complain in their hearts.

"Your Majesty, the King of France, we are not traitors, but the palace guards who come to protect you. Please follow us back to the palace. It's too dangerous outside. They want to assassinate you."

An agent suddenly had an idea and said loudly to Fernande.

Fernande heard the agent say this, and he looked around vigilantly.

But it was empty, without anyone.

"Where is the assassin, are you lying to me?"

"Your Majesty, the King of France, how dare I lie to you, the assassin has just run away."

The agent said in a deep voice.

"The assassin ran away, so what are you still doing here? Follow me to chase the assassin!"

Fernande roared.

Then, the huge body rumbled towards the front of the street.

A dozen agents looked at each other, not expecting Fernande to react like this.

They thought Fernande would go back with them.

Suddenly, more than a dozen agents sighed helplessly.

Then, they followed Fernande and ran forward.


Suddenly, more than a dozen agents fired tranquilizer guns at Fernande's body at the same time.

Suddenly, more than a dozen tranquilizer bullets hit Fernande's body.

Fernande turned around angrily and looked at the agents.

Then, his huge body fell to the ground with a bang like a mountain.

"Drag him away!"

More than a dozen agents took out iron chains and tied them to Fernande's body, dragging him back to the SCP Foundation base.

As they dragged Fernande to the base.

At a street corner, many men in black appeared.

The hands and feet of these men in black were mechanically modified.

They watched calmly as more than a dozen agents dragged Fernande.

"It's SCP-082. Should we take action?"

"Fernande is a cannibal. He is moody and you never know when he will suddenly attack someone who is talking to him. He likes to eat human heads."

"We don't need to intervene. SCP-082 is difficult to control and will not benefit our Broken God Church!"

More than a dozen members of the Broken God Church were talking secretly here.

They didn't come out of the corner until Fernande was dragged away by the agents.

Then, they headed towards the street in front and quickly disappeared into the night.

Tonight is a sleepless night.

Mo Yu shuttled through the streets.

He felt a lot of agents, and even a lot of people from other organizations. He saw the Broken God Church members.

When he saw the Broken God Church members, he wanted to go out and take out the Broken Order and let these Broken God Church members listen to his orders.

However, he thought about it and didn't want to reveal his identity.

After waiting for the Broken God Church members to leave, he walked out gently.

Suddenly, his nose moved.

He smelled a strong smell of blood coming from the front.

The smell was so strong that he felt that many people must have died.

He looked ahead.

It was very quiet in front, as if nothing had happened.

However, this strange smell of blood aroused his curiosity.

He also quietly passed through the wall and headed forward.

After passing through more than a dozen walls in a row, he heard screams and bullets breaking through the air.

And the sound of cold weapons cutting into the human body.

He walked out of the wall behind him and came to the side of a street.

He saw a dense crowd of agents in front of him, surrounding a man.

The man looked about 30 years old, with black hair, gray pupils, and a lean figure.

He was not wearing clothes on his upper body and had olive skin.

He was 1.96m tall and weighed about 81.65kg.

His whole body was covered with a large number of obscure and mysterious tattoos, many of which looked like the faces of leer-looking demons.

These tattoos were of various types, like totems, some subtle, some exaggerated, and very strange.

At this time, the man was wielding a black sharp blade, slaughtering the agents around him as if he were chopping melons and vegetables.

Although these agents were shooting him madly.

However, the black long blade in his hand could accurately split bullets and shells.

I don’t know what material this black long blade is made of, and bullets and shells can’t hurt it.

Of course, the man was also covered with scars, and blood was constantly flowing out.

Even Mo Yu saw a big hole on his stomach, as if it was left by a shell.

Even with many fatal injuries.

However, this man is still fighting.

It seems that he is not afraid of the consequences.It was as if he had not been injured at all, and he was simply an indestructible cockroach.

"SCP-076, the fighting maniac, Abel!"

Mo Yu stared at Abel in amazement. He did not expect to meet Abel here.

Could it be that Abel also escaped from the shelter today?

SCP-076, Abel, and SCP-073 are called "holy book brothers".

SCP-076 is actually composed of SCP-076-1 and SCP-076-2.

SCP-076-1 is a three-meter-long, wide and high rock cube.

SCP-076-2 is the male Semitic, Abel.

SCP-076-1 is a three-meter-long cube formed by black spotted metamorphic rock.

On the inner and outer walls of SCP-076-01, there are some unknown strange runes engraved.

It looks like ghost paintings, which is completely inconsistent with the patterns recorded by known civilizations.

It is more like a pattern or totem of some alien civilization.

SCP Foundation researchers analyzed it based on radioactive isotopes and inferred that SCP-076-1 has existed for about 10,000 years.

There is a door on one side of SCP-076-1.

There is a lock about 0.5m wide on the door, and there are 20 smaller locks around it, like a moon surrounded by stars.

No corresponding keys have been found for these locks so far.

Inside SCP-076-1, there is a 2.13-meter-high sarcophagus, locked by four iron chains of unknown materials, hanging in the middle of SCP-076-1.

The temperature inside SCP-076-1 has also reached a terrifying low temperature of minus 180 degrees, enough to freeze anyone to death.

Abel is lying in this sarcophagus.

Normally, when Abel is in the sarcophagus, he is in a dead state and has no life characteristics.

However, Abel will suddenly revive at certain moments.

And he will open the door and walk out.

When he sees other humans, he will instantly enter combat mode and kill all the humans he sees.

Abel is very difficult to control when he falls into a violent state!


Author has something to say:

There are four more chapters to come

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