The Chaos Insurgency is composed of a group of rebels who defected from the SCP Foundation.

And they took away many anomalies from the SCP Foundation.

And the Chaos Insurgency is growing rapidly on the world stage and plays an important role.

They constantly collect anomalies and secretly trade anomalies.

Sell anomalies to other supernatural organizations.

In addition to trading anomalies with supernatural organizations, the Chaos Insurgency also engages in weapons distribution and intelligence gathering around the world, with a wide range of business capabilities.

The Chaos Insurgency is much more radical than the SCP Foundation.

They occupy poor countries and deliberately keep these countries poor, backward, and at war.

Even, they treat the people of these countries as D-class personnel for experiments.

The Chaos Insurgency conducts some secret radical experiments in these backward countries under their control.

Even collude with some dark organizations in the dark.

As long as it can bring benefits to the Chaos Insurgency, they are willing to do anything.

The Chaos Insurgency is simply a blackened SCP Foundation!

The predecessor of Chaos Insurgency was a secret working group known only to the O5 Council, codenamed "Insurgency", which served the 05 Council.

The leadership of Insurgency is composed of members of the SCP Foundation Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 Red Right Hand, and they are absolutely obedient to the 05 Council.

The existence of Insurgency is to handle some unethical tasks for the 05 Council.

Or to deal with unpleasant political issues, and at the same time, to maintain the reputation of the SCP Foundation in the public and keep the Foundation clean.

Of course, Insurgency is also secretly using anomalies to help the Foundation achieve some ulterior purposes.

In short, Insurgency is doing dirty work for the 05 Council.

However, the betrayal of Insurgency shocked even the 05 Council.

Because Insurgency has never shown a trace of disloyalty!

The sudden betrayal of Insurgency also made the 05 Council very angry.

For so many years, the 05 Council directly ordered to eliminate Chaos Insurgency.

Unfortunately, it has never succeeded.

The Chaos Insurgency, who are born to do dirty work, live more and more comfortably in the underground world.

And they are getting stronger and stronger.

Now, the SCP Foundation can no longer easily eliminate the Chaos Insurgency.

Moreover, they are still facing the threat of the Chaos Insurgency at any time.

The Chaos Insurgency often attacks the SCP Foundation's base and robs many anomalies.

The SCP Foundation suffered heavy losses in the attacks of the Chaos Insurgency.

This time, the attack on the SCP Foundation's Hanting City base.

It was also instigated by the Chaos Insurgency.

The Chaos Insurgency joined forces with supernatural organizations such as the Broken God Cult and the Serpent's Hand to attack the Hanting City base.

In one night, many anomalies were released.

Moreover, they each robbed a lot of anomalies.

So far, there are still many anomalies outside.

At this time, the Chaos Insurgency also noticed Mo Yu.

For the Chaos Insurgency, the more powerful and more peculiar the anomaly is, the greater its value is for them.

"We can give up other anomalies, but we must take this one!"

The Chaos Insurgency is determined to get Mo Yu.

In fact, most of the Chaos Insurgency in Hanting City are gathering towards the square.

This time, they came with the determination to take down Mo Yu.

They even gave up chasing other anomalies.

There are many supernatural organizations lurking around the square.

Everyone has their own ideas.

Thomas in the square also felt uneasy.

He sent the agents around him to check the surrounding buildings.

See if there are potential threats in these places.

Thomas knew in his heart that powerful anomalies like Abel and Mo Yu appeared.

Those supernatural organizations lurking in Hanting City will definitely not miss this good opportunity.

For them, whether it is Abel or Mo Yu, they are extremely valuable anomalies.

Therefore, Thomas understood that their SCP Foundation is not the only one on this square.

Perhaps other supernatural organizations have been lurking in the surrounding buildings.

He must thoroughly inspect these buildings.

Mo Yu and Abel must be contained by their foundation and cannot be obtained by other organizations.

However, Thomas became more and more uneasy.

Because many of the agents he sent out to inspect the buildings did not come back, as if they had disappeared forever.

Moreover, the signal here was blocked, and it was impossible to make a call at all.

Therefore, he did not know what was going on with those agents.After waiting for a long time, the agents did not come back.

He sent some agents to check again.

However, after these agents went there, they never came back.

His brows were furrowed tightly.

There must be supernatural organizations lurking in the surrounding buildings.

Otherwise, how could two groups of agents disappear?

"Be alert, those supernatural organizations are nearby!"

Thomas also gave a loud order.

At this time, he was completely sure that there were supernatural organizations lurking in these buildings.

Moreover, there might be more than one supernatural organization.

He sent out several teams of agents, and all of them disappeared.

Suddenly, the agents around the square became alert.

Thomas even summoned most of the agents in Hanting City.

Let them stop capturing other anomalies.

Now, Mo Yu and Abel are the most important.

In Hanting City, densely packed agents gathered towards the square.

At this time, most of the anomalies in Hanting City that were active in broad daylight were caught.

Of course, many anomalies were taken away by other supernatural organizations as soon as they appeared.

Relatively speaking, there was no need to worry about the safety of ordinary people.

Therefore, a large number of Foundation agents gathered towards the square.

Thomas laid a dragnet, and he wanted to make those supernatural organizations never return.

It was just right to catch them all in one net. Mo Yu and Abel were now a bait for the Foundation.

He wanted to make those supernatural organizations annihilate here.

At the same time, Thomas also contacted the commanders of the Foundation bases around the world.

He wanted to send out some powerful anomalies.

Thomas contacted Yang Guang, the commander of Xishan City, and he wanted 096 to come.

Thomas had already talked to Yang Guang, and Yang Guang agreed.

And, he prepared photos of 096 for him.

Of course, these photos were transmitted in a completely sealed manner and could only be used at critical moments.

Thomas plans to use 096 to kill those supernatural organizations and catch them off guard.

At the same time, Thomas also gave orders to all agents.

When he gave the order for 096 to appear, all agents had to wear blindfolds or close their eyes.


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