Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 128 There is everything in the dream

With the Shenqiyu Tong Spiritual Furnace as the core, the power generated by the fusion of the three major spiritual furnaces is no longer something that a fifth-level knight can contend with. Especially when the opponent does not have a spiritual furnace. If you can't deal with the green-armored female deceased, can you still deal with the knight in front of you?

It's so unfair, and the role of the spiritual furnace is so huge. What's more, it is a spiritual furnace of wisdom! Moreover, the fifth-level knight was already afraid from the beginning. He was frightened by Long Kongkong's spiritual furnace fusion skill yesterday. He did not use all his strength to explode. Even if he wanted to interrupt Long Kongkong's attack, he actually felt deep in his heart. He still had reservations and was ready to escape.

Long Kongkong felt the spiritual power pouring into his body continuously, and it was even so full that he began to feel uncomfortable, and had to give part of it to the contract space. I secretly sighed in my heart, is my brother already so strong? It turns out that even if there are many spiritual furnaces, you can lie flat! It seems, seems, possible, that I have found a new way to lie down, how happy I am!

"Stop!" A few minutes later, the referee saw that the Blue Bird King had begun to fall from the sky, like a poor creature about to fall into the abyss, and immediately chose to stop.

The dark light turned into black light strips, and penetrated into Long Kongkong's chest one after another. At this time, he stood there against the black light strips, as if the devil had descended, and his unparalleled deterrence made him There was a general feeling of silence in the whole place.

The spiritual furnace in front of Long Kongkong had already been retracted. He gently shook his non-existent sleeves without making any gestures, and quietly slid back to the waiting area.

When he came to Long Dangdang, an angel blessing was first thrown on Long Dangdang, followed by the sacred light. Then, he lowered his head, covered with circles of golden light, and held it with his forehead. The dragon's forehead. Connected by blood, transmitted by living beings!

Long Dangdang's pale face gradually began to regain its rosiness at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, Long Kongkong, standing there, bent over, treating his brother, made all the knights present feel a sense of awe.

If he was like a demon just a moment ago, then, at this moment, he was using angel blessings to heal and restore his brother, sacrificing consumption, and it was like an angel descending, making everyone truly realize his identity as a guardian knight.

In addition to the two brothers, there are actually two students left in the Knight Class of Lingluo Academy after yesterday's elimination round, one is Mu Yi and the other is Jian Mu. At this time, the two men looked at Long Kongkong with dull eyes. They knew clearly that Long Kongkong was still at the fourth level. And he is the only level four in the class. Even after going through the Spiritual Furnace Heavenly Selection Ceremony and selecting a Warcraft mount, he still failed to advance!

How did this become so strong? You don’t even have to do anything to reach level 5? The spiritual furnace flashed, is it over? Kong Kong was definitely not this strong before! What has happened recently? It seems that after the two brothers teamed up with the goddess, they became different. Dangdang even used his sacrifice skills.

A total of more than 130 people participated in the knight selection. After this round, there were less than 40 people left. In other words, with as little as one round or as many as two rounds, there is a chance of entering the top ten. The two brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong are equivalent to having one foot on the threshold of the top ten.

"Is it strong?" Long Kongkong sat down next to Long Dangdang and whispered.

Long Dang said: "Let's go, let's wait for my cousin." As he said that, he stood up first. Long Kongkong also stood up.

When the two brothers walked out together, including the sixth-order knights, their eyes followed them involuntarily and watched them leave.

While walking, looking at Long Kongkong's triumphant look, Long Dang said: "Don't be complacent. The power of the spiritual furnace is not your power. If you want to be truly powerful, you still have to rely on yourself. Just rely on the spiritual furnace..." At this point, he was a little speechless.

With only the spiritual furnace, his younger brother easily defeated two fifth-level opponents, but today he even sacrificed himself to be able to win with one blow.

Long Kongkong said with a smile: "Okay, okay, I'm not idle about practicing, am I? In two months at most, I can reach the fifth level. However, the feeling of being crushed by the spiritual furnace is so good! Grandpa, isn't it? Did you say that one person can have up to nine spiritual furnaces? If I use the fusion technique of the nine spiritual furnaces in the future, wouldn’t I be invincible? Wow, hahaha!"

Long Dangdang wanted to give him a blow, but found that his idea seemed not to be completely unachievable! After all, with Shen Qiyu Tong Linglu, who was once the most wise man of Linglu Academy, in the future, will I still be short of Linglu?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little cheerful. It would be best for my brother to be able to protect himself, but he still needs to be reminded, "Don't forget, you are being targeted by the dead. If we had arrived a little later yesterday, ,what would you do?"

Long Kongkong nodded, with a thoughtful look on his face, "Speaking of which, how come the green armor was dead yesterday? It would be great if it were a living person! It's so beautiful, better than mine. The goddess is just a little bit worse, well, mainly because she is not as gentle as my sister Hepburn."

Long Dangdang couldn't help but kicked him. He wanted to kill him, but he still cared about his beauty. How serious must he be?

"Hey, Long Dangdang, are you a human? Your dear brother just treated you. And you still kick me!"

"You are the one who kicked me. When will you mature?"

"Why do I have to be mature? Isn't it enough to have you as a mature person in the family? I want to make my father and mother feel innocence, how wonderful! Speaking of which, after we finish the exam, should we go home and see how we miss them? It’s over.”


Ling Menglu felt that her competition ended very quickly today, and she was ranked relatively high in today's draw. But when she came to the place where she had made an appointment with Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, she saw that Long Kongkong had fallen asleep leaning on Long Dangdang's shoulder.

"Have you already finished this?" Ling Menglu asked in surprise.

Long Dangdang nodded, "We will be number three and number five, and it will be over soon."

"Hey, we almost bumped into each other!" Ling Menglu was also shocked.

Long Dangdang smiled and said: "Don't worry, it went smoothly."

Ling Menglu suddenly burst into laughter and said, "Kong Kong's drool is all over your shoulders."

Long Dangdang glanced at Long Kongkong, who was leaning on his shoulder and sleeping soundly with his mouth open, with some disgust, but did not move his body, "Cousin, did the competition go well?"

Ling Menglu raised her chin proudly, "Of course." Her eyes lingered between Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong for a while, then she suddenly sighed softly: "I really envy you two, we have each other's company."

Long Dangdang smiled and said: "Aren't we all companions from now on?"

Looking at his soft gaze, Ling Menglu's heartbeat suddenly accelerated a few minutes for no reason. She said "Hmm" and said: "Let's go back to practice and sharpen our guns before the battle. The next round is very important. If you win, you will have a chance to advance. .”

Long Dangdang nodded, "In the next round, we should all have enough, as long as we can win quickly. I hope we won't encounter the sixth level."

Ling Menglu said with a smile: "Don't worry, this goddess will give you luck."

"Wake up." As she said this, she walked up to Long Kongkong and patted his shoulder.

Only then did Long Kongkong wake up in a daze, "Have you eaten?"

Long Dangdang said angrily: "What are we going to eat? We've gone back."

"Oh oh oh." Long Kongkong's eyes focused a little. When he saw Ling Menglu, he hurriedly said: "Cousin is out, please help my brother quickly, he sacrificed himself today."

Ling Menglu looked at Long Dangdang in surprise, "You sacrificed it? Do you need it?"

Long Dangdang said: "I don't want to use magic in the selection of knights. And I also need to have reservations."

Ling Menglu nodded and said: "Let's go back first. After we get back, I will give you a good treatment. Then I will use the God to Pray for Cangyue Angel to practice, and I should be able to make up for your shortcomings."

The energy brought by God's Prayer Cangyue Angel during practice is extremely pure and has an excellent moisturizing effect on the body. This is also Long Dangdang's confidence to use sacrifice. Otherwise, even with the techniques taught to him by Hai Jifeng, it would take a while to recover with one sacrifice.

The three of them walked together and headed towards the teleportation array at the temple headquarters. Behind them, from a distance, the reckless knight Hai Jifeng, Gou knight Na Ye and the wind listener Zi Tianwu were watching them from a distance.

"It is estimated that the dead will not appear again for a while." Zi Tianwu said. Yesterday, he tried to catch up, but he failed to catch up after all, and he felt depressed in his heart.

Na Ye nodded and said: "Those dead are very intelligent. In some ways, they are no different from us humans. This is a big trouble now! If they continue to be infiltrated like this, the federation will have a big problem in the future. Once It would be terrible if it broke out.”

Having said this, he turned to look at Hai Jifeng and said, "Tell me, why did you teach Dangdang sacrifice so early? This thing is so addictive! If he gets used to fighting like this, he will not be able to do it when he encounters a strong enemy. Trouble."

Hai Jifeng glanced at him and said calmly: "How can I teach you to manage my disciple? Dangdang has extremely strong self-control, will he lose control?"

The two people with very different styles have never had bad tempers.

Zi Tianwu smiled and said: "Speaking of which, it actually surprises me. Looking at the six major temples, not many professionals can possess this three-spirit-furnace fusion skill. This kid has grown up."

Na Ye, who was about to get angry because of Hai Jifeng's words, immediately puffed up his chest when he heard Zi Tianwu praise Long Kongkong, and said with some excitement: "That's right, no matter who the disciple is. Wait until the Holy Hall assessment. When, hehe!"

Hai Jifeng snorted disdainfully and said: "As if he can beat Dangdang. It's not a good thing to rely solely on the spiritual furnace. That's an external force."

Ye Aoran said: "What happened to the external force? If you have the ability, you can become a dragon knight!"

Hai Jifeng opened his mouth, wanting to say something sarcastic to him, but he seemed to be thinking of some bad experience, so he didn't say anything after all. Although Wang Kaixin is not very reliable, he is the younger brother of the Dragon Emperor after all. When he is reliable occasionally, he still has something, well, just something.

Seeing that the two of them were about to freeze, Zi Tianwu immediately interjected: "Let's go, escort them back to the academy, and let's go back to practice. Don't let the younger ones surpass us in just a few years, that would be so shameless."

Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu first accompanied Long Kongkong to a He-style pork rib restaurant before returning to the academy. Because it was still early, Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu went back to their rooms to rest. They made an appointment to have lunch together before starting to practice in the afternoon.

Long Kongkong returned to the room alone, and immediately called Yutong in his heart impatiently.

Golden light flashed, and Yu Tong turned into a human form and appeared in front of him. "What's wrong?" she asked with some confusion.

Long Kongkong's eyes were bright at this time. The two consecutive wins in the past two days had made his mentality somewhat change and he became more active.

"Yu Tong, Yu Tong, tell me, if I get another spiritual furnace, will I be stronger? If I use the fusion skill of the four spiritual furnaces, will I be invincible in this Demon Hunting Group Selection Competition?"

Yutong was silent for a moment, and then said calmly: "You should take a nap and have a rest."

"What are you doing? I'm not sleepy!" Long Kongkong said inexplicably.

Yutong said: "Don't you want the Four Spirit Furnace fusion skills? You have everything in your dream."

"..." Long Kongkong was stunned, then started wailing, "Yu Tong, you can't do this to me. You see, I was almost killed yesterday. If we had the Four Spirit Furnace fusion skills, wouldn't we be able to do this?" Are you protecting yourself? Please help me, Sister Yutong, okay?"

Seeing that this guy even called out his sister, Yu Tong couldn't help but be speechless, sighed softly, and said: "What do you think the spiritual furnace fusion skill is? Is it that simple? If it weren't for you to successfully enter the demon hunting group, I wouldn't do it at all. I will help you complete the spiritual furnace fusion technique, which is best if you understand it yourself. The process of spiritual furnace fusion itself is also a kind of practice. And with your current cultivation level, it is simply impossible to withstand four The fusion of spiritual furnaces. Even the fourth spiritual furnace cannot be withstood. At least you have to wait until you are at the fifth level before you can barely get another spiritual furnace, and it cannot be too strong. If you want to complete the fusion of the four spiritual furnaces, your body will not be affected. Damage, then level six is ​​required.”

Long Kongkong was stunned for a moment and said: "Isn't this right? Doesn't it mean that there can be up to nine spiritual furnaces? If four spiritual furnaces require fifth or sixth level, it will be more difficult in the future. How can we fuse nine?"

Yutong said: "After five spiritual furnaces, if it can form a cycle on its own, it will qualitatively strengthen the body. The fusion of the spiritual furnaces of the spiritual points of the hands and feet is different from the fusion of the five major positions of the body. So, I hope you will reach the sixth The fourth spiritual furnace will be fused at the first level, and the fifth will be fused at the eighth level. Only in this way can we choose the best spiritual furnace. Do you understand?"

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