The quarter-finals of the Demon Hunter Team Selection have entered the second half of the competition. First of all, the referee was changed. The previous chivalrous referee was replaced by a magician.

When they saw this referee appear, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong in the waiting area were slightly startled. Because the one who appeared was none other than Zi Tianwu, the Listener of the Wind, the Preparatory Temple of the Magic Temple, and the teacher of Long Dangdang.

Zi Tianwu wore a blue magic robe and fell into the competition venue lightly. He looked expressionless.

Ling Menglu and Yue Li walked into the venue, came to Zi Tianwu, and stood facing each other.

The two girls bowed to Zi Tianwu first, and then looked at each other.

Zi Tianwu said: "Priest Temple Ling Menglu, versus Magic Temple Yueli. The distance is two hundred meters. In view of the characteristics of the priest profession, if you do not lose within ten minutes, you will be declared the winner."

"Yes." The two women saluted again.

Yue Li looked at Ling Menglu with a strange look, "After I met you that day, I realized that you are the famous Goddess of the Spiritual Furnace Temple. No wonder Long Dangdang said he wanted to win over the Elemental Saint to be on the same team. But after all, he wanted to be a knight. Let’s be a magician! I didn’t expect that his magic is so powerful and he is proficient in many elements.”

Ling Menglu smiled and said: "He should focus on knights. We still need people for magicians. And we no longer plan to be on the same team as Zisang. I am optimistic about you."

Hearing what she said, Yue Li's eyes suddenly lit up and he asked with excitement: "Really?"

Ling Menglu smiled and nodded, her pretty face full of sincerity, "Of course it's true that your Sun Moon Tonghui Spiritual Furnace and Dangdang's Spiritual Furnace can cooperate with each other? The spiritual furnace combination is rare, not to mention you. You are already very strong! Sister Yueli, are you willing to be our teammate?"

"Yes, yes. Then remember to choose me!" Yue Li said with excitement.

Zi Tianwu looked at the two girls speechlessly, "This is the arena. When you've had enough chatting, go and take your stand." If it weren't for the special relationship between Ling Menglu and Long Dangdang, he would have been impatient.

"No fight, no fight, I admit defeat." Yue Li said with a smile, then bowed respectfully to Zi Tianwu, turned around and left.

Zi Tianwu was stunned, Ling Menglu stuck out her tongue and said with a smile: "Teacher Zi, I am called a soldier who subdues others without fighting. Isn't that great?"

Zi Tianwu was speechless, "I am also a member of the Magic Temple, okay? Please restrain yourself. Go down."

"Magic Temple Yue Li surrendered, Priest Temple Ling Menglu won."

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong could not hear what was being said on the field in the waiting area, only the sound of Zi Tianwu's announcement could be heard.

The two brothers watched Yue Li come down happily, and then heard Zi Tianwu announce that she had given up, and they couldn't help being a little shocked for a moment.

What's happening here?

Yue Li returned to the waiting area, and when passing by them, he happily said to Long Dang: "You must keep your word."

Seeing her satisfied look, Long Dangdang turned to look at Long Kongkong, "What did I say?"

Long Kongkong looked at him with strange eyes and said, "How do I know what you said? Don't you know what you are doing? Are you worthy of your cousin?"


Ling Menglu also came down, and Long Kongkong hurried up to greet him, saying with concern: "Cousin, are you okay? I didn't expect that my brother turned out to be a scumbag. Don't be sad. Although I can't beat him, I can scold him for you. he."

Ling Menglu looked at him with confusion, "What are you talking about?"

Long Kongkong said matter-of-factly: "Didn't Yue Li take away my brother? And then he gave in because he felt sorry for you?"

Ling Menglu rolled her eyes and said: "Why are you so complicated in your thoughts and having so many inner dramas at such a young age? You think too much. I just told her that I hope she can become a member of our demon hunting group, and she gave up on her own. .”

"Uh..., oh, brother, please don't pull my ears. Isn't that okay if I'm wrong?"

"Am I not a scumbag?" Long Dangdang's cold voice sounded in Long Kongkong's stretched ears.

Eight into four, there is only one game left in the game. And this last battle ended with White Phoenix Cai Caijuan voluntarily admitting defeat. Thunder Sword Master Tang Leiguang was promoted.

Out of all four games, only one was actually played, and it ended in just twenty seconds.

The overall schedule of the Demon Hunter Team Trials, quarter-finals, and finals took a total of ten minutes, and most of the time was spent when the players walked into the competition venue. Three games to admit defeat, one to win quickly. This is undoubtedly an extremely rare situation in the history of the Demon Hunting Team selection competition.

So unserious! This is the evaluation of many strong people. It is a bit unserious, but it is also within the scope of the rules.

The semi-final matches are also announced with the end of the quarter-finals.

Tomorrow, Long Dangdang and Zi Sang Liuying, Ling Menglu and Tang Leiguang will determine the top two finalists.

"Dangdang! Have you prepared a set meal or something for Zisang?" Ling Menglu asked with a smile on the way back.

Long Dangdang said helplessly: "What is a set meal?"

Ling Menglu said: "The kind you prepared for Wang Changxin today! Isn't that a set meal? It's completely targeted. Wang Changxin didn't perform at all, so you won quickly. This is so good, if you have a way to win Zisang , we can basically select people smoothly.”

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "There is no way. She controls six elements, which is too comprehensive. She is a magician, and there will be a distance of two hundred meters as a buffer at the beginning. This is beyond the control range of the Holy Spiritual Furnace. And She will definitely not let me get within fifty meters of her. Once I get to fifty meters, I may have a chance to try to pull her with traction. But it should be difficult. I can only try to catch her."

Ling Menglu said: "Then do your best and try to create a miracle."

"Create a miracle? So cousin, you don't think much of my brother either!" Long Kongkong stabbed him aside.

"Are you making trouble? It's useless. Dangdang knows my thoughts, doesn't it?" The cousin's beautiful big eyes winked at Long Dangdang.

"What is your intention?" Long Kongkong asked.

Ling Menglu pushed him away, "Can I tell you?"

Long Kongkong chuckled and said: "Is it like what I do to my goddess? Don't let outsiders get rich, cousin! You are so beautiful, it is better to take advantage of outsiders than to take advantage of yourself! We are not related by blood anyway."

"Shut up! Do you think I'm a commodity?" Ling Menglu said angrily. Mei Mu glanced at Long Dangdang subconsciously, only to find that the guy continued walking as if nothing was wrong.

At this moment, a breeze came slowly. The three of them subconsciously stared at each other, but the next moment, they saw clearly who was coming and immediately relaxed.

The person who came was none other than Zi Tianwu, the listener of the wind.

"Dangdang, follow me." After leaving these words, a strong wind rose up, wrapped around his and Long Dangdang's bodies, and flew away.

Long Kongkong rubbed his eyes and couldn't help but said: "If I didn't know Teacher Zi, I would have thought that I was here to steal my bride. Cousin, are you panic?"

"Fear you big-headed ghost. Let's go and go back." Although Ling Menglu was also a little surprised, she thought it must be related to the combination of magic that Long Dangdang performed today, not to mention that it was Zitianwu who took him away, so naturally he wouldn't What to think about.

"Teacher, what's going on?" Long Dangdang looked at the teacher beside him in surprise.

Zi Tianwu's expression looked a little serious and said: "I will take you to see an elder of mine. This elder also watched your game today and should be more approving of it. His character is a bit weird. But he has a transcendent status in the Magic Temple. Calculating, he should be the same generation as my master. He is the top strong man in the Magic Temple. He is in charge of one of the three major artifacts of the Magic Temple. Later After meeting him, you must remain respectful and answer whatever he asks. Of course, you don’t need to be too nervous. If you can be favored by him, it will definitely benefit you."

Long Dangdang was a little surprised and said: "Last time I went to the Knights Temple, the hall master said that I had reached an agreement with the master of the Magic Temple to let me grow naturally until I can complete the requirements of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace before telling me about my destination?"

Zi Tianwu shook his head and said: "It has nothing to do with that. This senior asked you to go in his personal capacity. Moreover, even the hall master and the hall master can't do anything to this person."

Long Dangdang's heart moved slightly. Even the leader of the temple couldn't do anything about it? That must be a big shot.

As he spoke, the green light around Zi Tianwu's body suddenly became stronger, covering Long Dangdang's sight. Long Dangdang could only feel that the speed was accelerating, but he didn't know where he was.

About a minute later, the green light around him gradually subsided, and Long Dangdang found that he was taken to a room by the teacher.

This is an octagonal-shaped room with eight windows around it. It is still morning, and the sun is shining into the room, bringing warmth and brightness.

The surrounding walls were plain white, and the ground was engraved with magnificent patterns. These patterns were so peculiar, exuding a faint purple halo that Long Dangdang couldn't even feel their elemental attributes.

Zitianwu pulled Long Dangdang to the side, and then bowed towards the purple light pattern in the center of the ground. Long Dangdang hurriedly followed the teacher to salute.

The next moment, a faint purple halo quietly condensed, and it actually condensed into a human shape. It looked a bit illusory at first, but after a few seconds, it completely turned into reality.

how did you do that? Long Dangdang couldn't help but shrink his pupils slightly, this was beyond his understanding of magic.

"When your body's elementalization reaches a certain level, you are the element, and the element is you. However, this may be difficult for you to do, because only a single attribute can make yourself pure enough when you are elementalized." Some deep voices sounded.

Appearing in front of Long Dangdang and Zi Tianwu was a slender person wearing a purple magician robe. At this time, while speaking, he lifted the magic cloak on his head, revealing his true appearance.

Zi Tianwu said respectfully: "I have seen the Emperor Wu crown his crown."

Long Dangdang's first reaction was to look at the other party. When he saw the face of the magician in front of him, he couldn't help but be slightly startled. The old man Zi Tianwu mentioned looked surprisingly young.

He looks to be about twenty years old, with short dark purple hair, extremely handsome appearance, double eyelids, big eyes, long eyelashes, and a somewhat feminine face with oval seeds. If he hadn't been able to see him clearly, With his Adam's apple, it was even easy to mistake him for a woman. His handsome appearance was slightly pale, and his purple eyes were as deep as the clear night sky. When Long Dangdang met his eyes, he suddenly felt as if his soul was being swallowed by him. His whole body fell into a sluggish state and he forgot to salute.

The deep, endless void seems to have countless worlds reflecting each other. Everything seems very clear, and everything seems very blurry. Long Dangdang only felt that everything about him was being swallowed up by the void and integrated into it.

"Eh! Multiple souls in one body? But only one consciousness. What a strange feeling." A soft cry pulled Long Dangdang back from the dream-like void.

There was doubt on Wu Di's handsome face, as if he was thinking about something, but at this moment, Long Dangdang was filled with shock. He had no idea what Wu Di had just done to him.

"Come on, little guy, show me the clone technique you used in the competition before." Wu Di said.

"Yes." Long Dangdang's body flashed with light, and three figures appeared beside him. Except for the color of their eyes, they looked exactly the same in other aspects.

The deep purple in Wu Di's eyes flashed, and there was a hint of interest on his face, and he said: "The spiritual power is the body, and the soul is the core. Interesting, really interesting!"

As he spoke, his body seemed to shake slightly, and an identical witchcraft actually appeared beside him. The clone that looked like a real entity was actually similar to Long Dangdang's clone. The only difference was that Wu Di's clone had the same eye color as his original body.

"It's okay to build a body with spiritual power and control me with a separate soul. But this is a part separated from my own main consciousness. If I want to reach such a state of distraction, I must at least break through the ninth level and have a spiritual consciousness, and have a spiritual consciousness. You must be stable and have strong control over yourself. I think you must have also practiced the method of illusory mind and distraction, but you have just started. Is the divided soul in your body born on its own?"

Long Dangdang said honestly: "I don't know either. It seems that it appeared after my cultivation reached a certain level."

Wu Di said thoughtfully: "Are these three appearing together, or one by one?"

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