"Ah——" The screams were deafening, so frightened that Long Dangdang even took two steps back. Then he saw Long Kongkong soaking in the bathtub, his body shaking violently as if shaking. The surface of the skin turned red rapidly, even the pupils began to shrink, the breath also changed rapidly, and the physical signs clearly became wrong.

This is different from the normal cultivation state described in the Blood Alchemy Body. Even if it is painful, it should not be in this state that is directly similar to convulsions.

Long Dangdang didn't dare to neglect. He stepped to the side of the bathtub and pulled Long Kongkong out of the bathtub.

The dragon in the tentacles was Kongkong, his skin was hot, the energy and blood in his body seemed to be rolling, and his spiritual power was shaking uncontrollably. Looking at the bathtub again, the blood in the bathtub turned black in this short period of time. It was a feeling of blood decay. The original blood of the Warcraft no longer had any activity.

Long Dangdang grabbed the faucet next to him and poured water on Long Kongkong's body to wash away the remaining blood on his body. Only then did the burning heat on Long Kongkong's body begin to fade away. He also began to breathe heavily, and his consciousness quickly recovered. .

"Oh my god, it hurts me so much. What the hell is this..." Long Kongkong gasped and screamed.

Long Dangdang quickly released a sacred blessing to fall on his younger brother, soothing his physical and mental pain. With his help, Long Kongkong finally regained his breath and sat down on the ground. "I've been fooled. I've been fooled. This hurts so much. It hurts me to death."

Long Dangdang was also surprised, "Then do you feel any changes in your body?"

Long Kongkong said angrily: "I felt that the power of blood began to enter my body from the pores, just like the blood of the salamander before, but this time the power of my own blood seemed to riot in an instant. The spiritual power couldn't be suppressed, and it exploded outward. When it exploded, my body couldn't bear it, and it was like I was about to tear myself apart. The pain was like tearing apart. Then That’s it. It didn’t absorb any power at all!”

how so? This is completely different from what is said in the Blood Alchemy Body Technique. This is obviously a strong rejection reaction.

Facts also proved that the iron-maned lion's blood had no cultivation effect at all. When Long Kongkong's external spiritual power was tested again, not only did it not increase, but it also lost five points. This made Long Kongkong want to cry without tears.

The two brothers looked at each other. He was originally full of good plans, but now he was like a blow to the head and returned to his original position.

"Only the blood of the Earth Salamander will do?" Long Kongkong rested for a full quarter of an hour before he completely recovered, but his face was still a little pale.

Long Dangdang frowned and said: "It's really strange. The reaction of these two kinds of blood is so different." He just tried to put a drop of Iron-maned lion's blood on his palm, trying to use the blood alchemy body technique. Sure enough, the sharp stinging pain was as if the palm of the hand had been burned by a red-hot iron. And this severe pain comes from the inside out. The strong rejection directly made that drop of iron-maned lion's blood lose its vitality.

"Brother, are you still practicing?" Long Kongkong looked at Long Dangdang pitifully.

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "Try again. You can't give up this technique just because of a problem caused by blood. Let me try it. Without soaking it first, let's test our endurance with a small amount of blood. force."

Long Kongkong shuddered, "Brother, be careful. This thing is really not a joke. I feel like I am going to be killed by myself."

Long Dangdang said angrily: "It's not that exaggerated. You were not prepared at all just now, and you were too relaxed, so this situation happened. If you use spiritual power to protect your body in advance, you will be the first to do it if you find something bad. Time to react instead of accepting it all is not going to happen at all.”

Long Kongkong coughed and said, "Isn't it that the previous experience was too unpleasant? You try it, I want to go back and take it easy. I will go to the pork rib shop later! Let's talk about it when we come back tonight. Don't soak it! You You don’t have anyone to protect you, so you can simply give it a try.”

"Well, you go ahead. I'll try it slowly by myself. There will be no risk." Long Dangdang said. Whether blood causes pain can be felt through a little physical contact. But this is not said in the blood alchemy body technique. It seems that according to the records of the technique, it must be diluted and soaked before you can feel what it feels like. This is different from both myself and Kong Kong. It seems that the physiques of myself and my brother are indeed different, at least different from that of the senior who created this technique.

Long Kongkong went back to his dormitory to rest. Long Dangdang looked at the remaining ten bottles of blood in front of him. He first used his spiritual power to adjust his condition to the best, and then picked up the second type of Warcraft blood.

The silver-backed demon ape is famous for its strength. It is a level 6 monster, equivalent to the strength of a level 5 professional. Excellent in speed and strength, the strength of an adult Silverback Demon Ape can even reach level eight. This one is only at level six, so it should be a relatively weak being in its infancy.

Long Dangdang carefully opened the bottle cap. It was a porcelain bottle. He dropped a little bit of the blood inside, still in the palm of his hand, and then began to use his spiritual power to activate the blood alchemy body technique to try.

The next moment, his palms swung up as if they were electrocuted. The sharp pain like needle pricks made his palms spasm unconsciously. The feeling of rejection was stronger than before and even made his hands numb with pain. .

Good guy, this repulsion is stronger. If this is used for soaking, something might happen. Neither does this. The higher the level, the stronger the rejection?

Long Dangdang was speechless. Is it true that only the blood of the Earth Salamander is suitable for him and his brother? What is this scenario?

This time he calmed down for a full quarter of an hour, then changed his hand and picked up the third type of Warcraft blood.

No, it still doesn’t work. Tried three in a row, more or less a feeling of rejection will occur, and it will bring extremely strong pain. At the same time, this blood will quickly lose activity due to the rejection of his bloodline power. It was as if it had been sterilized, its characteristics erased.

Long Dangdang already wanted to give up. He tried five kinds of blood, but none of them worked. Now he even felt that the pleasure brought by the salamander before was an illusion.

But he has always been calm-minded. If it were Long Kongkong, he might really give up, but he still decided to try.

The monster blood my cousin brought back was of different types. He always wanted to try everything to determine what the situation was. It was just a little pain, but he could bear it.

At the moment, he opened the sixth bottle, which was a wooden bottle with Chameleon Lizard, Level 6 Warcraft written on it. This is a kind of monster that is not too big and feeds on insects. It is relatively harmless to humans and animals. It is best at using the environment to cover up its appearance. The surface of its skin can change color according to the environment, hence its name.

Is it also a lizard-like monster? A glimmer of hope suddenly ignited in Long Dangdang's heart. This thing and the Earth Salamander are both lizard-type monsters. Will it be different?

Thinking of this, he ran the technique again, and then poured a drop of chameleon lizard blood onto his palm.

The stinging pain that had appeared many times before did not appear this time. The drop of green blood rolled in Long Dangdang's palm. With the stimulation of the blood alchemy body technique, the surface of the blood actually rose. In the light green mist, Long Dangdang even smelled the fragrant breath of plants. In the next moment, the blood and the green mist disappeared into his palm and disappeared without a trace.

Long Dangdang only felt a cool feeling in his palm. The tingling sensation caused by trying to absorb other blood disappeared instantly. Even the surface of his palm showed a layer of strange phantom. After the phantom, The faint purple lines disappeared in a flash.

There's drama! Long Dangdang was delighted. The blood of this chameleon lizard seems to be absorbed by itself.

Without being eager for success, he changed his palm and tried again. The situation was still exactly the same, and the tingling pain on this palm also disappeared.

Can lizard blood work? Long Dangdang thought in surprise.

Go to the bathroom again, put water in the bathtub, and pour in the blood of the chameleon lizard. Instead of being immersed directly like Long Kongkong, he still protected his body with liquid spiritual power. After immersing his body in the water, he released the protection bit by bit.

This time he was operating the technique with his eyes open. Immediately, clearly visible phantoms began to appear, and his whole body was enveloped by a cool feeling. His whole body suddenly felt cool and transparent, and he felt indescribably comfortable. Cool. It felt like eating a large piece of iced watermelon in the summer, incomparably refreshing.

The entire bathroom was filled with the faint fragrance of plants, and in just a few minutes, all the blood of the chameleon lizard in the water was absorbed.

Is it really possible? Long Dangdang clearly felt some changes in his body. He looked inward, his energy and blood were a little stronger, and his body seemed to be a little stronger.

He quickly got out of the bathtub and used the external spiritual power test ball to test the strength of his external spiritual power.

The external spiritual power increased by thirty-five. Yes, in just a few minutes, his external spiritual power increased by thirty-five points. The chameleon lizard still has half a bottle of blood! If you use them all, wouldn't it increase your spiritual power by 70 points? This speed is really amazing! If you have more chameleon lizard blood, how much can you increase your external spiritual power?

Long Dangdang's heartbeat began to accelerate a little. Facts have proved that they can practice the Blood Alchemy Body Technique. The only problem is to draw blood. Only blood suitable for oneself can have the effect of assisting cultivation. Unsuitable blood will only cause problems. What has been confirmed so far is that the blood of two lizard species can produce effects.

I didn't use the remaining half bottle of chameleon lizard blood, so this must be left empty. With this thirty-five point increase, Kongkong can cultivate his external spiritual power to the fourth level. That will be a qualitative leap.

Long Dangdang returned to the outer room. With this success, his confidence was rekindled and he was immediately ready to continue trying. Let’s see what’s next.

The long-necked crystal bottle contained a kind of dark red blood with a light yellow tint. The label on it read, "Earth Spinosaurus, Level 6 Magical Beast."

Terrestrial Spinosaurus, a type of earth dragon, is covered with hard scales and has thorn-like spurs on its back. Adult Terrestrial Spinosaurus is more than seven meters long and has a relatively docile temperament. The Knights Temple even tried to tame the Earth Spinosaurus to form an Earth Dragon Legion. Although its speed is not too fast, when it really charges, with its weight of more than three thousand kilograms, it is definitely the best heavy cavalry. Among the current knights of the Knights Temple, the Spinosaurus Knights always have five hundred mounts of this kind. An adult Terrestrial Spinosaurus is a Level 6 monster, and rare mutants can reach Level 7 or even Level 8. This requires a certain amount of mutation in the dragon bloodline in the body, which is relatively rare.

The Knights Temple has completed the artificial cultivation of the Terrestrial Spinosaurus. Relatively speaking, it is one of the Warcraft that is kept in captivity by humans.

The Terrestrial Spinosaurus is also the best heavy worker in the army. Their huge strength allows them to drag heavy objects. Some Terrestrial Spinosaurus that were eliminated and could not become combat mounts were used as this kind of heavy labor force. Very popular among the military.

The Terrestrial Spinosaurus has only one innate skill, gravity control. You can freely control the gravity to switch within three times, which can be lowered or raised.

Long Dangdang was in the right state now and did not have much hope in his heart, so he dropped a drop of the blood of the Earth Spinosaurus on his palm.

Along with the method of stimulating the blood to alchemize the body, Long Dangdang suddenly felt his palm sinking, as if this drop of blood was actually increasing in weight. Then he was surprised to see that this drop of Earth Spinosaurus blood sank into his palm and then disappeared. Immediately afterwards, the purple lines that had appeared many times appeared again, and a heavy feeling came from the palm.

Done? Is this done too?

Long Dangdang suddenly felt a sense of surprise in his heart. Can the second blood in a row be absorbed?

It would definitely be a good thing if the blood of Terrestrial Spinosaurus could be successfully absorbed. Because this is probably the easiest Warcraft blood to get. After all, Spinosaurus is easy to find because it is kept in captivity. Also affiliated with the Knights Temple. Moreover, the huge Terrestrial Spinosaurus has a very large blood volume.

Can't wait to go back to the bathroom and try it again!


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