Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 177 Stop pretending, let’s show off!

Facing the attack of the mother of the bright griffon, the first thing Long Dangdang did was to release his Holy Spiritual Furnace and draw a ray of light to it to prevent it from attacking other partners. At the same time, the holy sword in his hand was still held and waved with both hands.

Holy Sword Yaori Slash!

He actually has a very important question now. Although the God of Prayer Cangyue Angel has a seventh-level combat power, in fact, Long Dangdang does not know any skills that can only be used by a seventh-level strong man. After all, he himself is the fifth level. The sixth-level holy sword is already considered a leapfrog learning. When Hai Jifeng was teaching him, he wouldn't teach him skills beyond two levels, because they couldn't be used at all.

Therefore, what he can use now is to use the Holy Sword to inspire Yaori Zhan and explode his spiritual power as powerful as possible.

It's not like he never thought that he could use the traction of the Holy Spiritual Furnace and the flying ability of the Cangyue Angel to lure the mother of the Bright Griffin away, but would it work? The answer must be no. Not to mention that I couldn't use the Moon Angel while being far away from my cousin and younger brother. Even if I could, I still have a griffon father. Although the cunning father griffon won't take action directly, he can always do it by following the others. After the mother griffon has dealt with him and comes back to join them, the outcome will not change.

Therefore, the only way now is to fight hard. Only then can there be a chance.

There was no hope of seeking rescue. The three instructors had made it clear that this training was in hell mode and there were casualties. As for other teams. Faced with eight-level light griffins, and two of them, do you want them to die? The gryphon's father only vowed not to do anything to them, but he didn't say he wouldn't do anything to others.

Therefore, after a brief weighing, Long Dangdang's eyes began to burn with a strong fighting spirit. There is no way out, the only option is to be reckless!


The angel of God praying for Cangyue was blown away again. This time, it was the extremely powerful wings of the gryphon mother that used the true spiritual energy to scatter his Yaori Slash, and even his whole body was blown away. Got out. If the armor's defense hadn't been strong enough, he would have been in big trouble just this time.

And just then, support finally arrived.

A blue-purple ice spear blocked the way of the gryphon mother chasing Long Dangdang.

The gryphon's mother also flapped her wings, intending to defeat it. However, although the ice spear was broken, a dazzling thunderous light erupted from inside. The purple thunder roared violently, forcing the gryphon mother to stop in the air, but it only lasted for a moment because the power of the thunder could not break Ling Gang's defense at all.

The gryphon's mother turned to look at Yue Li, who had just completed the fusion of water, fire, and ice and thunder magic, but she still continued to chase Long Dangdang. There is no way, the characteristics of the Holy Spiritual Furnace are like this.

And at this moment, huge branches swept up from below, and a strange soul shock burst out, with a faint dark golden halo, covering the griffon mother.

In an instant, the mother griffon spread her wings wide, and the golden light on the surface of the wings suddenly turned into something like pure gold. In other words, its wings have become like pure gold at this moment, showing off its edge.

The branches of the demon-suppressing tree that were wrapped around it were broken one by one, and none of them could really wrap around its body. This is the power of Ling Gang!

And at this moment, a figure suddenly shot out from the slanting thorn, holding a giant mallet in both hands and raising it, making the whole person look like a backward bow. An unparalleled domineering aura burst out from her body crazily. It was exactly what Long Kongkong had encountered in the competition, Big Hammer Tyrant!

This attack requires energy. Wang Changxin was blown away by the Holy Light Bomb before, but the gryphon mother didn't seem to have any intention of seriously injuring her, so the injury was not serious. Don’t forget, the team includes the most powerful priest of the younger generation, the goddess Monroe! The angel's blessing fell on her immediately, helping her heal her injuries, adjust, and increase her strength!

Wang Changxin was holding the Tyrant Hammer and had already prepared it. Seeing that the Cangyue Angel transformed by Long Dangdang was blown away, she immediately flew up and attacked with all her strength.

The gryphon mother seemed to feel the threat. She turned halfway and slapped her right front paw out, striking the Tyrant Hammer head-on. Even Long Dangdang's Holy Spiritual Furnace couldn't stop its defensive counterattack.

"Boom——" The power of this blow was obviously beyond the griffin's mother's expectation. The huge force actually bombarded its huge body and fell several meters sideways. However, Wang Changxin's ever-conquering Hammer Tyrant among her peers also flew out with her own body slapped by this claw.

"Ding ding ding ding ding ding!" A series of dense clanging sounds sounded from behind the gryphon's mother, which was Ming Xi's attack. But her lightning-fast stabbing sword fell on the gryphon mother like a scratch. She didn't even look back, but the spiritual aura on her body expanded outwards, and Ming Xi was already blown away.

The next moment, the gryphon mother's wings spread all over the linggang flapped again, and without any hindrance, she directly pursued Long Dangdang.

The strong pressure made Long Dangdang feel like he had difficulty breathing after he had just taken a breath. Even a bit of despair could not help but arise in my heart.

When facing a seventh-level powerhouse, they even had a chance to win, but the eighth-level bright gryphon in front of him made him feel powerless. No matter how much he explodes, he can't shake the opponent at all. Is this the huge gap between levels?

However, he was not willing to give in!

A brilliant red light instantly lit up from his eyes. Long Dangdang held the holy sword in both hands, and his aura began to rise crazily! sacrifice!

The golden light flashed in the eyes of the gryphon mother, and the holy light bullets quickly condensed and formed at close range. Before the main body arrived, the holy light bullets, which were more powerful than before, were already bombarded.

Long Dangdang let out a loud roar, and the Holy Sword fell. The power of Cangyue Angel exploded in full force. The Holy Light flashed away. The brilliance of the Holy Sword barely broke through the Holy Light Bullet, but the huge spiritual power contained inside still destroyed his body. The body was shaken away again.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rose from the ground and blocked Long Dangdang's body from behind. She hugged him with both hands and used her body to block some of his momentum. But a mouthful of blood sprayed on Long Dangdang's neck.

The surging spiritual power came from behind and poured into Xiang Long Dangdang's body. Strips of dark light stretched out from Long Dangdang's back, swallowing up the spiritual power in the air, and also followed the light of the Holy Spiritual Furnace to reach the griffon's mother.

"Roar!" The mother griffon let out a low roar that sounded like surprise. The forward speed paused for a moment.

"Kongkong!" Feeling his brother vomiting blood, the red light in Long Dangdang's eyes suddenly increased. He could feel the spiritual power transmitted from Long Kongkong. Even because of the fit between the two, Long Dangdang's Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace also gained the boost of Shenqiyu Tong Spiritual Furnace to a certain extent, allowing the devouring domain to act on the lion. The eagle mother drew spiritual power from the spiritual gang and fed it back to Long Dangdang.

However, Long Kongkong is still too fragile after all! Even though he now has more than 900 external spiritual powers, he is still at the fourth level after all, and he has not even possessed liquid spiritual powers yet. Just a little aftermath still shocked him. This is simply not a battle that his level can participate in.

"Get down quickly!" Long Dangdang shouted urgently.

"I can't live even if you die! What am I going to do? Kill it quickly." Long Kongkong said angrily.

Long Dangdang sighed helplessly, "Idiot, I have a solution!"

Seeing that the gryphon mother was about to charge again, a light suddenly flashed in front of Long Dangdang, and a strange golden halo lit up. When this golden halo shone, both the mother griffon and the father griffon gliding aside were froze for a moment. The originally strong momentum also restrained a lot. The mother gryphon even stopped attacking.

In their eyes, shock and fear were clearly flashing, yes, fear.

A golden light quietly emerged from the light door and fell on Long Dangdang's raised right arm. It was a small golden dragon that was only about one and a half meters long and looked a little slender. There are five claws under the abdomen, and the scales all over the body are glowing with golden light. Even when facing a level nine monster, it still held its head high and showed no signs of cowardice.

"Ang——" A somewhat immature dragon roar sounded, causing everything around it to become silent.

All eyes were focused on that body that even looked a little delicate. The pupils of the gryphon's mother's big eyes were so close that they almost looked at each other, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

Another huge figure rose into the sky and came to the mother griffon. The father griffon looked at her even more seriously. He even lowered his head and looked carefully and seriously at the little body wrapped around Long Dangdang's arm. .


Long Dangdang heard a rich voice full of surprise, or a thought, "How could you, you have a five-clawed golden dragon? No, you are not a five-clawed golden dragon! A five-clawed golden dragon would normally hatch at least level seven. This Or because it needs to purify itself during the growth process. This little guy like a five-clawed golden dragon feels like it is only level three, and at most it is level four. But, this aura..."

Long Dangdang has always known that high-level monsters are very intelligent, so it is not surprising that this person can communicate with him through spirit. The lack of communication before was obviously intentional.

"Senior, can you hear me thinking like this?" Long Dangdang thought in his heart.

"Okay." The griffin's father's thoughts appeared again.

"Senior, this is indeed the five-clawed golden dragon. It is the descendant of the contemporary Dragon King. Because it was hatched by me using the blood contract. Therefore, it is relatively weak now. It is gradually growing under my nourishment."

"What? Did you steal the Dragon King's child? Did you give it back to the blood contract? This is impossible. Why aren't you dead yet?" the griffon's father said in shock.

"Why can't Senior Dragon King take the initiative to let me contract his child?" Long Dangdang said helplessly.

"Fart. You humans only have a few years to live. If it's a blood contract, it will die if you die. Unless the Dragon King is crazy, how is that possible?" At this point, the griffon's father suddenly stopped. Because it clearly saw that the golden dragon Xiaoba was turning around, wandering up to Long Dangdang's cheek, and curiously rubbed his head against Long Dangdang's helmeted head. Obviously he was a little curious about Long Dangdang in Cangyue Angel state.

The father of the Bright Griffin was silent, but another voice followed, "Master. It seems, it seems that what this boy said may be true! How difficult it is to inherit the lineage of the five-clawed golden dragon. It takes thousands and tens of thousands of years to even It is possible to give birth to a descendant once. After finally having descendants to pass on, no matter whether it is the Dragon King or the Queen, it is impossible to leave the dragon egg for a moment. He is so weak, or in other words, even the strongest human beings cannot go there. They simply don't have the strength to steal the dragon eggs."

The one who spoke was naturally the mother of the Bright Griffin.

The father of the Bright Griffin also seemed to realize something. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked at Long Dangdang with an obvious change in his eyes.

"That is to say, he is the person chosen by His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, and he also allowed His Highness to complete the blood contract fusion with him. This, I really can't think of any reason for Your Majesty to do this!"

Long Dangdang simply didn't speak, because he also didn't know why the Dragon Emperor recognized him so much, but the facts were before his eyes.

The father and mother of the bright griffon looked at each other, feeling a little numb. Because they all realized at this moment that the young man in front of them was definitely extraordinary. What's more, the armor composed of several powerful spiritual furnaces on his body is already very powerful.

"Master, what should I do?" Bright Griffin's mother asked.

The father of the bright griffon raised his front paw, stretched out the second one and pointed towards the ground, "Um, that young man! Shall we go down and talk?"

"Okay." Long Dangdang nodded. He fell from the sky with Xiaoba in his arms, and at the same time, he simply lifted the Cang Yue Angel state from his body.

Maintaining the transformation was too taxing on him. His figure began to shrink, and his breath began to weaken.

Long Kongkong, who was lying behind him, said "Ouch" and was about to slide off, but Long Dangdang turned around and grabbed him.

A healing spell has fallen on Long Kongkong, helping him treat his injuries.

The eyes of everyone in the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group were all focused on Xiaoba in Long Dangdang’s hands.

Ming Xi stood next to Tao Linlin and whispered: "That, that can't be, it can't be a dragon. But, why don't you have wings?"

Tao Linlin had just emerged from the demon-suppressing tree, looking at Xiaoba, his body was trembling a little. This trembling did not come from him, but from the trembling of the Demon Suppressing Tree under the influence of that aura when Xiao Ba appeared.

"That, it seems, maybe, it is not an ordinary dragon."

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