Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 202 The spiritual edge of the clone

Powerful mental pressure spread throughout the body instantly, and the sea of ​​​​spirit suddenly shook. The huge mental pressure from the outside world made it passively shrink under the oppression, and Long Dangdang's mental power also fluctuated violently.

While Long Dangdang passively endured the mental oppression of the Evil Eye Tyrant, he began to quietly try to mobilize his own mental power.

The five layers of spiritual separation I feel seem to be one, but they are like five different existences. However, when his consciousness wanted to mobilize the inner edge of the spiritual sea, he found that he could not switch at all, and the spiritual sea remained stable in its previous state.

Just solidified? Can't move it?

Long Dangdang was thinking silently while bearing the pressure.

It can be said that without the mental oppression of the Evil Eye Tyrant, which made his previous spiritual sea's carrying capacity reach its limit, he would not even be able to discover the four inner layers. But with the discovery, these four layers of thin film on the edge of the spiritual sea became extremely clear. He is absolutely certain that the reason why there are five layers of thin film on the edge of the spiritual sea, making his spiritual sea so thick, must be related to his clone.

However, why can't I mobilize these internal marginal membranes? Where does the problem occur?

Different from the four clones, his body controls the power of light. The four clones correspond to water, fire, earth, and wind respectively. This allows him to achieve the balance of elements when casting magic. The elemental stripping of the simulated elemental saint woman San Liuying.

It’s also possible to use clones during magic. So, why can’t we mobilize within the spiritual sea?

He fully believed that if he released the four clones now, everyone would be able to bear the mental pressure together to stimulate the growth of mental power. However, in front of so many people, it was impossible for him to show his solidified clone ability to everyone. So, what should be done?

He has always used the clone as a skill, and even the teachers said that this should be an innate bloodline ability derived from the mutation in his bloodline. But is this really the case? If it's just a skill, then why do my spiritual seas seem to overlap in five ways? what does that mean?

Could it be that what I actually have are five selves with the same mind? Are there really five bodies, or even five spiritual seas?

Thinking of this, Long Dangdang's body suddenly shook. If this is really the case, can he still be considered a human being?

His unstable mind immediately affected his ability to withstand mental pressure, and his body began to tremble.

The crazy instructor who was observing them from a distance suddenly frowned, why couldn't this be the first time?

At this time, Zisang Liuying and her team members were already recovering, and were naturally observing the situation of Long Dangdang and his team.

They were not surprised that Long Kongkong was eliminated first. There was no doubt that Long Kongkong was the worst. In Zisan Liuying's team, even the weakest priest could survive for more than ten years after three attacks. seconds.

What he saw next was Ming Xi's coma. The assassins also seemed average.

At this time, when Long Dangdang's body began to tremble, Zi Sang Liuying couldn't help showing a hint of surprise. Is this Long Dangdang's mental power so weak?

However, in the next moment, her pupils suddenly shrank because she suddenly felt that there seemed to be some strange changes in Long Dangdang's aura.

As an elemental saint, Zisan Liuying is very sensitive to magical elements. At that moment, she felt that the light aura on Long Dangdang's body suddenly became intense. Although it was only exposed for a moment, she still felt that it was no longer light, but blazing, fire. !

And under this situation, Long Dangdang's body actually stabilized.

What is he doing? What is the relationship between changing one's own magical elements and resisting mental pressure? Zisang Liuying was a little confused. However, Long Dangdang withstood the mental shock and regained stability.

But just three seconds later, Zisan Liuying once again discovered that the aura on Long Dangdang's body had changed again. The previous fierceness turned into erratic, which was full of the smell of freedom. Is this wind?

Then, after another three seconds, Long Dangdang's aura changed again. This time it felt soft, and it was clearly water.

What on earth is he doing? Why are you constantly switching your sense of elements? Is this useful against mental coercion?

Zisang Liuying only felt that Long Dangdang's actions at this time somewhat subverted his own understanding.

At this time, Tao Linlin's body was shaking more and more violently. The pressure of more than 20 seconds was almost unbearable for him, but the figures of the other people were still stable.

Except for Ming Xi and Long Kongkong, these five people have endured the pain for more than twenty seconds, and it will soon be twenty-five seconds.

And even for Zisang Liuying's team, in the first round of attempts, only the four geniuses could withstand it for more than thirty seconds.

Twenty-five seconds, just stuck at this point, Tao Linlin reached the limit and quit.

But this time, Yue Li persisted for a full thirty seconds, and Wang Changxin even persisted for thirty-one seconds. I have to say that her mental willpower is really strong. If it weren't for the crazy instructor who felt that her mental sea was actually on the verge of collapse every time and forcibly pulled her away, she would have continued to persist, as if she would not leave until she collapsed.

Thirty-one seconds later, only Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu were left. What makes Zi Sang Liuying, Tang Leiguang, Chu Yu and Cai Caijuan's eyes gradually become serious is that the figures of these two people are still stable.

Ling Menglu can persist longer, which they all agree in their hearts. But why could Long Dangdang persist for so long without even a tremor? He is not yet at level six! Moreover, he is also a knight and a magician. How did he do that?

In fact, until now, they all have a strange feeling about Long Dangdang's strength, as if they have never seen his true limit.

The aura on Long Dangdang's body has returned to the light attribute after passing through the earth attribute aura.

But at this time, Long Dangdang's heart was full of shock to himself.

Yes, he succeeded.

After discovering his own special nature, he finally tried it. What he did was to switch between the control of his body and his clone. The first one to be released was the fire-attributed clone, allowing the fire-attributed clone to occupy the main body. As expected, within the spiritual sea, the original second and first layers inside were switched. The first layer, which had been under great pressure, was relieved, and the second layer began to bear the pressure. Three seconds later, he switched again.

After a week of this cycle, Long Dangdang is now completely sure that he does not really have any bloodline ability, but is like five of himself superimposed. But there is only one thought. However, it seems that he really has five bodies. Each of these five bodies even has its own spiritual sea. In this situation, with the circulation under pressure, he can naturally hold on longer.

The shock in his heart gave him a deeper understanding of his original clone. Where did my special ability come from? Even my brother doesn't seem to have a special clone like himself.

He felt a little uneasy in his heart at this time, but at the same time, he also realized that his previous application of the clone seemed wrong. And he also realized more clearly the importance of the method of illusory mind and distraction to himself. At present, his method of illusory mind and distraction can only have three points of mind at most. And it’s quite reluctant. But if my mind-distraction method can really divide the mind into five parts, is it really equivalent to five selves?

External spiritual power cannot be shared, but internal spiritual power can. Although the clone will divide the inner spiritual power, the spiritual power output is more suitable for bursting out during combat. However, after five points of concentration, there are great benefits in terms of cultivation alone. You can each absorb the elements you are good at to improve. At the same time, they can really cooperate with each other better in battle.

The method of illusory mind and distraction must be practiced quickly.

While Long Dangdang was thinking and constantly switching his body and clones, thirty-five seconds had passed.

Ling Menglu's body had begun to tremble slightly. After the last attempt, this time, she clearly felt that her mental strength seemed to be a little stronger. But even so, the pressure of this evil-eyed tyrant is too strong. The intensity will continue to increase as time goes by, exerting more intense pressure on them.

Thirty-eight seconds, forty seconds!

Ling Menglu's body began to tremble more and more violently, and she could no longer bear it. The last time, she lasted only forty seconds.

Forty-one seconds, forty-two seconds...

Finally, when the forty-third second came, her body was swept away by the crazy instructor, and she had reached her limit.

Ling Menglu reluctantly opened her eyes, resisting the severe headache. She wanted to tell Long Dangdang, who was definitely waiting for her, that she was fine by opening her eyes and staring.

However, the next moment, her eyes became dull. Because she suddenly saw that she was moving away from a figure. Yes, stay away from the figure that is still standing there steadily, without any change in its body.

He is still persisting?


I didn't have the ability to think too much, because the next moment I had a splitting headache. But Ling Menglu's inner surprise continued unabated. How did he do that?

Zisang Liuying's eyes were no longer solemn, but a little dull. He..., he actually lasted longer than Monroe? How can this be? Could it be that switching the induction of elements can enhance mental endurance? However, wasn't it the first round that Monroe endured the longest, reaching forty seconds?

Forty-three, forty-five, fifty!

Zisang Liuying's team members have gradually turned from shock to numbness. Fifty seconds, actually fifty seconds.

Not only them, but even the crazy instructor was no longer crazy at this moment. He even began to wonder, had he sensed something wrong? Why in his induction, Long Dangdang's spiritual sea is still stable. Although it is constantly fluctuating, the fluctuations are very regular. Amidst these regular fluctuations, it was still able to withstand the increasing pressure of the evil-eyed tyrant.

But Long Dangdang's own feeling at this time was very strange. If the evil eye tyrant's mental pressure was like a heavy hammer, constantly oppressing and beating his mental power, then when he took turns to release the spiritual edge of the clone, he was actually When being beaten in turn, the margins are different, but the total spiritual energy is the same. Therefore, under this kind of endurance, he could clearly feel that his mental power was increasing at an alarming rate. The improvement speed is countless times faster than during normal cultivation.

Is this even possible? What's more important is that his mental strength has become stronger and stronger under this kind of beating.

Of course, it doesn't mean that one body can withstand it for thirty seconds. The main body plus four clones can withstand it for one hundred and fifty seconds. Because the evil eye tyrant's oppressive power is gradually increasing, and when one mental boundary is oppressed, others will be affected to some extent.

But even so, it's already been fifty-five seconds...

Long Dangdang's body finally began to tremble, and just from the beginning, the trembling became extremely violent. Because the unbearable feeling is caused by the main body and four clones at the same time.

Fifty-seven seconds!

The mad instructor finally took action, sweeping back the young man who was already infinitely close to success, and came to Ling Menglu, who was unconscious in pain and unable to bear the pain.

At this moment, all the team members of Zisan Liuying unconsciously turned their eyes to her, with shock and even confusion in their eyes. Because they didn't understand at all why that guy who didn't have level 6 could actually do this.

Zisang Liuying stared blankly in the direction of Long Dangdang, looking at him lying next to Ling Menglu. For a moment, she felt mixed feelings in her heart.

After two hours of adjustment, the Zisan Liuying team started their second try.

Forty-three seconds later, Zisan Liuying was brought back unconscious. Blood oozed from her nostrils, corners of her eyes, and ears, and her spiritual sea was almost broken. She also tried switching elements, but to no avail...

Long Dangdang was the first among his friends to wake up this time. His head still hurt, and he could clearly feel that this time, cracks appeared on all the mental marginal membranes. There are tiny cracks on the surface of every spiritual edge film. However, compared to the last time, it is not as deep. Healing also became much easier.

This is actually possible. Long Dangdang felt that his mental strength was rapidly recovering, and this headache was nothing to him. He seemed to have found his own path.

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