Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 425 The Story of the Holy Law God of the Dead (Part 1)

"Otherwise? Did your brother just ask you to hug the girl? Man! Sure enough, they are all masters who have a wife and forget about their mother." The voice of the Holy Law God of the Dead had a somewhat weird flavor.

Long Kongkong was stunned. The next moment, he felt his body tighten and was separated from Hepburn's arms, flying directly to his brother's side. Hepburn stretched out her hand, subconsciously trying to pull him back, but she couldn't pull him back.

The brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong stood side by side. The Holy God of the Dead said calmly: "Long Kongkong, your brother has been captured by me, and Hepburn has become the princess of my kingdom of the dead. This is the natural disaster city. Life and death are only here. You are in a hurry, but before that, let's have a good talk. Now that you are in my hands, and Hepburn is no longer under your threat, can you prove her identity? "

The last sentence was said to Long Dangdang. Indeed, life and death are in the hands of others, so why do they need to lie?

Long Dangdang's body lightened up and he found that he had regained the ability to move, but this was actually no different from being imprisoned before. The simple confrontation just now, or in other words, the crushing, had already made him fully feel the difference between himself and this person. How big is the difference between the two holy gods of death?

"Hepburn is here, but where are our parents?" Long Kongkong blurted out and asked.

The Holy Law God of the Dead chuckled and said, "It's rare that you still remember your parents. I thought you only remembered your lover."

Long Kongkong said angrily: "You fart. Let my parents and Hepburn go."

"Pa!" The invisible force in the air struck Long Kongkong on the cheek, knocking him backwards. The Lich King's cold voice sounded, "Don't talk if your mouth is not clean."

The Holy Law God of the Dead seemed to glance at the Lich King, "It's time to teach you a lesson. You have two choices now, surrender, or die. Of course, it's not really death, it's just becoming an undead. The other is This is a way to survive. I am sure to preserve almost all of your abilities during your lifetime, even some of your intelligence. You don’t have to think about self-destruction or anything like that, you can’t do it at all in front of me.”

A sense of sadness spread in his heart. Of course Long Dangdang understood the meaning contained in the words of the Holy Law God of the Dead. If you don't surrender, you will die and your whole family will die! No one wants to die, and the same goes for Long Dangdang. He is not afraid of death, but he doesn’t want to die either. What’s more, the whole family is here!

"Can you let me meet my parents?" Long Dangdang tried his best to stay calm.

The Holy God of the Dead said calmly: "It's not possible now, but I will let you see them. I know that it is difficult for you to accept surrendering to the kingdom of the dead. That is because you are not completely aware of the ugliness of human beings. And In fact, you should feel that you are different from normal humans. Does the noble blood flowing in your body belong to the human world?"

"Do you know what our bloodline is?" Long Dangdang asked.

The Holy Law of the Dead said: "I know something."

Long Dang said: "Is it because of the power of our blood that you went to such trouble to capture us?"

The Holy Law of the Dead said: "You can say that. But that's not all. First of all, what I want to tell you is that you are not human beings."

Long Kongkong had climbed up again at this time, his face was burning with pain, but neither he nor Long Dangdang refuted the words of the Holy Law God of the Dead. In fact, they have already thought of this possibility. After all, can humans have that kind of powerful and strange bloodline? Humans have the ability to create clones, but that is not clone magic! Also, can humans grow scales? They are not fused with summoned beasts. All these signs have already shown that they are different from normal humans.

But you know it, but hearing it from someone else's mouth is a completely different feeling. Speaking out is still the enemy.

"You are in the Kingdom of the Undead, how do you know about us?" Long Dangdang asked in a deep voice.

The Holy Law God of the Dead said calmly: "I just know. You will understand this issue in the future. Now that you know that you are not human, then the sense of belonging to humans does not need to exist at all. Do you know that I established What’s the reason for the Kingdom of the Dead?”

Long Dangdang said: "I can guess that you must have had a big enmity with humans during your lifetime. That's why you want to take revenge on humans."

"Hahahaha!" the Holy Law God of the Dead sneered, "Great hatred? Can these two words describe my hatred for mankind? Even the ocean that pours down from the world can't wash away my hatred for mankind. Humanity is so cruel Such a creature full of bad qualities should not exist at all. How good is the undead? At least I can decide the order of the undead. Long Dangdang, you should have entered my undead country for a while. How do you feel about the order of my undead country? ? Here, the classes are clear, the levels are clear, the barriers are strict, and there are orders and prohibitions. How is it compared to you humans?"

"How can a place without the breath of life be called a country?" Long Dangdang said coldly.

The Holy Law of the Dead said: "Why not? At least, under my rule, resources are distributed normally, and every undead has a fair chance. Everything operates according to my ideas. There is no corruption and no self-interest. This world will Return to peace, and when creatures like humans, full of evil nature, are completely swept away from this world, the new world will usher in unprecedented splendor. The undead will live on forever and will never be destroyed."

"Brother, what's the use of telling this to a madman? But are we going to die?" Long Kongkong looked at Long Dangdang.

"Pa!" Before Long Dangdang could say anything, Long Kongkong was slapped to the ground again.

The Lich King's eyes flashed with evil light as he stared at him coldly.

Long Dangdang pulled his brother up from the ground and stood in front of him, "My brother is right. Aren't you crazy? You established the kingdom of the undead for your own hatred, and how many humans have you killed? Although I don't know at the beginning. What have you suffered, but what you are doing now is better than the humans who harmed you in the first place?"

The Lich King said coldly: "No, you are wrong. We have never harmed humans. We only gave them eternal life, and they have never felt pain. Isn't it good that you can gain eternal life by just changing your form? How do you know? Are they in pain?”

Long Dangdang understood that it would be useless to say anything. Being able to establish a kingdom of the undead and command an army of tens of millions of undead, the inner belief of the Holy Law God of the Undead has long been solidified. It cannot be moved by words at all. She also has her own ideological obsessions. read.

"Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong, I hope you can voluntarily surrender to me. Only in this way can I help you retain the most complete memory and wisdom, so that you can join me in controlling the kingdom of the dead. I can recognize Hepburn as my stem. Daughter, I can also recognize you as my descendants. The noble blood in you will be enough to support this sky belonging to our country of the undead in the future, and you can even become the co-owner of the entire world in the future. Can these humans give it to you?"

Long Kongkong poked his head out from behind Long Dangdang and said: "My brother just won the championship in the inheritance competition of the six major temples, and I am also the first place in the Knight Temple. In the future, my brother may be the master of the temple. Maybe I can become a Knight Temple Master, and we can become leaders among humans."

The Holy God of the Dead was obviously stunned for a moment. She obviously did not expect that Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong's status in the six major temples was already so high.

Long Dangdang reluctantly touched his brother, "You have said so, there is no chance that we will be let go!" Of course, it was originally impossible.

"It seems that you still don't understand the evil nature of human beings at all. Then, let me tell you two stories."

Long Dangdang frowned slightly. In his feeling, the undead monarch seemed to be particularly patient with his two brothers. He didn't know why this was, but he speculated that it might be because the blood power of his two brothers was of great help to her. This possibility is the greatest. If it is just because your brothers pose a threat to the Kingdom of the Undead, then there is no need to talk nonsense at all, just shoot them to death!

While he was thinking in his mind, the Holy Law God of the Dead also began her story.

The Saint of the Dead said calmly: "Sixteen thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven years ago, my teacher was born in a city in the Pangbo Empire in the northwest of the mainland. This city is called Sidi."

"His father is the lord of Sidi City and a hereditary earl. The teacher is his only son."

"From the day he was born, the teacher was a noble. In order for the teacher to inherit his title of earl in the future, the teacher's father hired the best teachers to teach him all kinds of knowledge and etiquette since he was a child. When he was six years old, the teacher He was discovered to have a strong affinity with the element of light. He possessed the physique of a child of light. Even though nearly seven thousand years had passed, the teacher's father was extremely excited. He hugged the teacher and spun around in the hall, shouting excitedly, "Yi" Lex, you are my pride. Yes, my teacher’s name is Electrolux, who was later called Electrolux, the Holy Law God of the Undead and the Scourge of the Undead.”

"Since then, the teacher has become a light magician. His speed of cultivation shocked all the teachers who taught him. When he was eleven years old, he became a fourth-level great magician. Thirteen years old, a magician. At only fifteen years old, he became the youngest sixth-level magician in the entire continent."

Hearing what he said, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were also shocked. They had not reached the sixth level when they were fifteen years old! In other words, at the same age of fifteen, Electrolux was more outstanding and powerful than them. And now Long Dangdang is already the champion of the inheritance competition.

"The teacher already had the ability to shock the world at that time. So, his father personally took him to participate in the battle of geniuses hosted by the Brilliant Holy See between the three major empires of the mainland at that time. Only those under twenty years old A battle of geniuses that young talents can participate in. The Brilliant Holy See disappeared many years ago in its later years, and only later did the six major temples, and even your Temple Federation. The Holy See was destroyed by the demons."

"In that battle of geniuses, the teacher was undoubtedly the focus of the audience. Very few opponents could support him for more than a minute. When he was young, his appearance was no worse than yours now. I don't know how many celebrities from the three empires fought for Let him take another look and show off. The final is finally here, and his opponent is the imperial princess Flo. She is also a genius, she is a powerful summoner. With the support of the imperial royal family, although she is only sixteen years old, she already has She got the summoned beast Purple Star Emperor Dragon. Although her cultivation was not as good as her teacher, the endless summoned beasts were difficult to deal with. The battle lasted for half an hour. In the end, she was defeated due to lack of spiritual power. It fell into the hands of the teacher. The teacher also won the final championship. And in that battle of geniuses, the Pangbo Empire also became the biggest winner."

"At that time, the Holy Demon Continent was still completely under the rule of humans, and the total population of humans was probably several times, or even ten times, what it is now. And this battle of geniuses was undoubtedly the highest level display stage for young people to gain the final victory. Laurel crown, how honorable that glory is.”

"The pope of the Brilliant Holy See personally awarded the teacher a reward, and the empire directly awarded him the title of viscount and a fiefdom of hundreds of miles. The prize the teacher received was a set of sub-artifacts, which were later called immortal equipment. The teacher at that time, He is proud of himself and possesses the highest glory of all young people in the continent. Even Perot, the son of the Pope, will eclipse him in front of him."

"As the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting. The battle with Princess Flo also made them cherish each other. From then on, they were also known as the twin stars of the empire and had high hopes. And the teacher was directly transferred by the emperor. The Royal Academy of Magic furthers her studies with Princess Flo and has the full support of the empire.”

Even though they were just listening to her tell this story, the Long Dangdang brothers could still think of how young and successful Electrolux was at that time. At just sixteen years old, he has received such an honor, no matter who he is, he will do the same.

The Saint of the Dead continued: "While studying at the Royal Academy of Magic, the teacher and Flo spent time together, practicing and studying magic together every day. The relationship between them grew deeper and deeper. The teacher fell deeply in love with her beauty. With geniuses. When they are together, there are always endless topics to talk about. They are sworn to each other like each other. The warming of their relationship not only did not affect the teacher's cultivation, but made his cultivation improve faster and faster. At the age of eighteen, The teacher has already become an eighth-level great mage. Based on his cultivation speed at that time, it is certain that he will be able to break through the ninth level at the age of twenty and become the youngest ninth-level powerhouse in the history of the empire. By that time, he will It can even be said that the future of the entire empire will have great strength and power, and he will stand at the top of the world."


There are two more chapters to follow.

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