After a secret order, all the money rat tails dispersed and left.

It didn't take long for screams to be heard from all directions in the capital, one after another, and a raging fire ignited.

Feiyuwei and Dongcheng Bingma Si heard that the police were dispatched and rushed to various places.

Ambagu stood on the roof, with a scheming smile on his face.

He doesn't know how to write and martial arts, but he is born to fight, because fighting and hunting are the same.

When you want to take out the cubs, you have to find a way to transfer the bears away.

Seeing that the fire was about the same, An Bagu picked up the heavy knife and walked towards Fusi Prison in Feiyuwei North Town.

The disappearance of the criminal slave is most likely in the prison of Feiyuwei.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain, fast in and fast out, and then attack and snatch people by surprise.


Turning out of the alleyway, a group of soldiers just bumped into them.

The leader was wearing iron armor and a flying fish green robe, with a scar on his face, he was the chief banner officer with the scarred face before.

"Just relying on you, you are not qualified to be who I am."

There was a cruel smile on Ambagu's face, and the bloodthirsty light in his eyes was fierce.

"It's Di Lu's secret work!"

The scarface chief banner officer saw it, and quickly drew his knife.

However, before he could completely pull out the Xiuchun knife, a heavy black knife suddenly magnified in his pupils.



The heavy knife broke through the crowd in an instant and ruthlessly embedded in the bluestone ground.

Blood and internal organs were immediately sprayed all over the wall and the floor, and more than a dozen dead bodies fell to the ground, all broken in two.

The scar-faced Chief Banner Officer fell to the ground, and for the first time he saw the soles of his feet, as well as the flat cut embroidered spring knife and the iron armor.

In the last few seconds of his deathbed, he suddenly remembered the black cat.


An Bagu pulled out the heavy knife, licked the blood from the edge of the knife, and the cruelty in his eyes became more and more terrifying.

At this moment, the capital was completely in panic.

In the chaotic situation, no one knows how many thieves are making trouble.

Soon, a team of firefighting soldiers appeared in front of Ambagu with buckets.

After the bloody storm, the ground was full of dead bodies.

Only the last soldier was left screaming and crawling for his life, the hellish scene made his legs completely useless.

An Bagu was not in a hurry, and approached step by step with a grinning grin while carrying the bloody heavy knife.

"Prey, the whole city is full of prey."

Anbagu enjoyed the fear of prey very much. Many years ago in Liao, he killed more than 3,000 people in the city overnight.

The desperation and wailing of the prey before death still haunts him.

But tonight's capital made him find that feeling again.

In a nearby house, behind the window, a pair of frightened eyes retracted.

An Baku stopped, turned around and kicked open the gate of the house.

Immediately afterwards, begging for mercy and screams came from inside.

All thirteen people in the house, old and young, were slaughtered, not even the dogs were spared.

Seeing this, the crawling soldier staggered up and fled against the wall, before he could escape far.

A flying hat suddenly fell from the sky and covered his head, and flew away again with a "click".

The soldier's head disappeared, and the dead body fell to the ground with a "plop".

Decapitated flying hat, also known as blood droplet.

It is a hidden weapon unique to Di Lu's meticulous work, and taking a human head within a hundred steps is like searching for something.

It uses leather as a pouch, contains a sharp knife inside, and is controlled by organs. When it is used when people are not prepared, the pouch covers its head, the organs are activated, and the head is taken immediately.


The huge capital city screamed one after another, the fire burned more and more, and the whole capital city was trembling in fear.

The soldiers were useless, and Feiyuwei fell into chaos.

The weakness of the dynasty was laid bare.

The more Ambagu killed, the more excited he became, his face was distorted and crazy.

Wherever he went, there was absolutely no one alive, no one was his single enemy, not even the elite flying fish.

Not long after, he arrived at the gate of Fusi Prison in Beizhen.

Licking his tongue, he rushed in like a whirlwind with a heavy knife.


"It's Dilu!"

"Defend, defend!"


Shouts, screams rang out again.

About half a stick of incense, Ambagu rushed out like a whirlwind again, and several of them jumped up and down, and disappeared into the night, with wild laughter:

"Hahaha, Flying Fish Guards, a group of drunken and rich!"

The three red-robed flying fish Qianhu chased out the gate covered in blood, their faces ugly as if they had eaten shit.

The dignified Feiyu Weibei Town Fusizhao Prison was unexpectedly killed by Di Luxi as a single person to enter and exit.

What a shame!

However, Ambagu, who came out alone, couldn't help but look a little dignified after he escaped from the pursuit.

The criminal slaves are not in the imperial prison.

Beyond the high walls, Ambagu headed east.

There is no imperial prison, and the crematorium in the east of the city is the last clue.

Flying over the eaves and walls, stepping on willows and walking in the wind, don't look at the burly people of Anbagu who are like an iron tower, and their lightness skills are not bad at all. He is Batulu, which Di Lu can count on.

What is Baturu, which means warrior.

Di Lu was born in the wild mountains and forests. He made a living by fishing and hunting. He is fierce and brave. He can be recommended as a warrior of Batulu, and his force value is absolutely overwhelming.

Soon, Ambagu came near the crematorium.

Looking from afar, the crematorium is emitting black smoke from the cremation, which looks like a twisting snake under the blowing of the night wind.

Just as he was about to start, he suddenly heard a sound from the cowshed next to him.

When he looked closely, he seemed to be a person, squatting under a cow and shrugging, not knowing what he was doing.

A fierce light flashed in Ambagu's eyes, since he bumped into him, it means your fate is bad.

"Where he passes, no chicken or dog will be left behind" is his principle, and Ambaku is a very principled person, not to mention people, even the cattle here must die.

Stepping forward quickly, Ambagu slashed at him.





Setsuna saw swords and swords, and the imagined scene where the other party was broken in two did not appear.

Instead, the man stood up, holding a shovel in his hand, pointing at the knife in his hand in astonishment, and exclaimed: "Fuck, why don't you just borrow a bowl of milk to make a sneak attack with such a big knife? You can't say that." Talk about martial arts?"

An Baku didn't understand what martial virtue the other party was talking about, so he asked "Who are you", and before he could answer, he bled from his orifices and fell to the ground with a "plop".

He never dreamed that he would be slapped to death with a thin-skinned shovel.

Swords, guns, halberds, axes, axes, hooks and forks, whips, maces, hammers, sticks, sticks, sticks, kidnappers, meteors.

He has seen all kinds of weapons, but he has never seen a shovel.

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