Self-discipline, I’m Invincible

Chapter 518: The story of an old maniac

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In the vast mountains and forests, Li Xiuyuan was panting, sweating profusely, his legs went weak, he leaned on a branch, took out the kettle and drank.

Unexpectedly, I was choked with coughing.

He does not have a flying boat, nor any other means of transportation.

Today, he is a Taoist priest who is free from the clouds and wild cranes, taking the road of great freedom.

Originally thought it was enough to catch up with Ji Liuzhi and others, but you know that I'm following behind, right?

Hurry up, and turn back.

I followed you back, and you left again, faster than ever.

I also accelerated, finally caught up, and you went back.

Well, now I don't even have breath anymore, don't tell me, so many of you are all killed by one breath?

One ancient emperor realm, three ancient kings were consummated, seventeen or eight ancient king realms were in the middle and late stages.

It can swept a team of Holy Land at will, believe it or not.

I never realized that you are such a person who likes to eat alone.

Damn, it's really hidden!

But those two residual pictures were also of extraordinary significance to him, and he had to grab them.

After sensing it carefully, Guanyin was directly irritable.

It's all gone.

But the area where they appeared last seems to be over there, I still don't believe it!

Guanyin finished scolding and scolding, and without taking a rest, he quickly turned back and chased after him...


In the cave, Xiaosan and Xiaohong had a great time playing with two lightning bolts.

Li Dan also made a lot of money this time, and squatted aside happily.

If I knew earlier that there should be more enemies, it is best to seek my revenge during this time.

The old madman just watched the two lightning bolts play, and said after a long time: "I was the most dazzling genius in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land back then, and everyone thought I was honored, master, uncle, uncle, brother and her..."

A thick sad atmosphere permeated the entire cave, Li Dan did not dare to interrupt, and listened quietly.

"It is said that forgetting a person starts with the voice. When it comes to them, I can't seem to remember the voices that call me." The old madman's eyes were a little red.

Li Dan wanted to comfort him, but it was absolutely inappropriate to get up to hug him and then touch his back.

You will most likely be beaten!

Yeah, forget that a person starts with the voice and then blurs the look.

The person in the dream is the person who wakes up and cannot speak.

Those who live with self-blame today are the ones who suffer the most.

"At that time, I liked adventure the most, and I liked to go shopping everywhere. This also made my knowledge and cultivation continue to increase, but I was not a child of luck. After these dazzling appearances, I am full of scars. Body.

Until that rainy night, when it broke out completely, I was in a daze, thinking that I was about to die, so I was lying on the field alone, with all kinds of relatives in the Holy Land appearing in front of me. At that time, my last thought was to go home.

I have never been so eager to go home. If I think about it carefully, it seems that I have not gone back for more than 200 years. At that time, I was already in the Three Origin Supreme Realm, and I thought about the meaning of life that I had been pursuing for so many years.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine for me in this world, but right there, along with a thunder and lightning, an oil-paper umbrella slowly blocked in front of me, that was the first time I saw the Virgin, but it seemed The most beautiful woman in the world. "

The old madman said here, and a different look finally appeared on his face.

As soon as Li Dan thought about it, he was suddenly slapped on the head, and he almost nodded while squatting on the ground.

As soon as he looked up, the old madman was still sitting firmly on it, motionless.

"Don't think nonsense, I have someone I like." The old madman said.

Li Dan scratched his head, it really hurts.

You put a nail in it.

But there was still embarrassment on his face: "I know I know, it's like, like seeing something sacred and inviolable, it can't be blasphemed, right?"

The old lunatic nodded: "That's what I meant, at that time I didn't know that she was the strange and unknown person in the mouths of others, and even the one who proposed space travel and died in an explosion hundreds of years ago.

After all, in the outside world, her identity is mysterious. Even if there is an important matter to negotiate with the two camps, it will be the evil spirits Hei Wuchang and the evil spirit Bai Wuchang to come forward, not to mention that since the rumors of her death, she has never appeared again.

She is very young and playful, like a little sister next door, I still remember the first sentence she looked at me: "Mom, said that the first person you meet when you go out today will give him those Stuff, it's almost night, I really bumped into it, it looks really bad, I knew I had to choose a new direction."

She just clicked on me a few times, and I felt alive again, and before I could thank you, she sent a ray of red lightning into my body: "I tell you, this is a good thing for prolonging life, but I want to control it. , you have to study with me for a few days."

I followed her to a valley, which was like a peach blossom garden, and everything was full of peace and tranquility, especially for someone like me who just walked through the gate of hell, it was like a paradise.

She had nothing to hide from me, and when she found me, she was also the first person she met with a dice from the table and picked the direction at will, that's all.

Only then did I realize how lucky I was, knowing her identity, and learning to control this lightning bolt and her role.

She scribbled on a piece of Zulong skin, then took out a knife, cut it into six pieces, and handed it to me before I left.

"If you distribute these things, you say that if you collect them, you will be able to find my inheritance and get my good fortune. You must disperse them. I am too lazy now."

I asked her why.

"Divert your attention, otherwise those people will always think I'm not dead, keep looking for it, it's annoying, and don't you think it's very interesting, gather them all over the world, and then find me, just like I touch It's a fate to be like you."

At the time, I didn't understand, but I just felt that she was very playful, or there was some meaning that I didn't understand, but I did it anyway. "

When Li Dan heard it, he finally understood.

Are the rumors about feelings you released?

You also brought the remnants out?

"I wanted to call her Master, after all, she got her inheritance, but she refused, saying that I have no fate with her, and the real fate is the first person she sees when she opens her eyes, just like the one I saw when I was dying , but the roles have to be reversed.

And she also has this But after a certain period of time, a new one will be born by chance and she must find another person to pass it on, so that day she found me, and I was there, passing it on in a daze gave you. "

After listening to Li Dan, he was embarrassed for a while. So, the third child will also be 'pregnant' in the future?

But think it might be hundreds of thousands of years.

That being said, everything makes sense.

"So, if nothing else happens, you should have a relationship with her!" The old lunatic looked at Li Dan.

Li Dan scratched his head embarrassedly: "It seems to be true."

He can find the six residual pictures, and the blue lightning has also been inherited, and it has turned into a little three's humanoid.

"Then, why does our lightning sense the membership of the shrine and the Black Emperor?" Li Dan asked curiously, "Is it related to the statues of both sides?"

The old madman thought for a while: "I asked her this question before, but she didn't tell me, let me guess, maybe you can get the real answer this time."

"Then is she really sleeping? Synthesize the evil spirit Bai Wuchang, and they will take me to see her?" Li Dan asked again.

The old lunatic shook his head: "I don't know."

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