Sequential Evolution

Chapter 81 Studying Storybooks

Seeing Su Nuo giving a thumbs up again and then continuing to attack the food like a storm, Lin Tianyi couldn't sit still.

At first, he didn't care much about the food of the curse spirit. There were seven dishes here. Even if four people ate it together, it would be enough to make everyone unable to wear their belts.

Moreover, Su Nuo's hand is the size of a palm after all. In Lin Tianyi's opinion, how much can this little thing eat?


When Lin Tianyi saw that the other party easily swept away all the shell meat that was more than its own weight, and then jumped onto another wild bird with crispy skin, Lin Tianyi also gave up the plan to communicate with the other party and hurriedly Put down your knives and forks and join the fight.


This is the most delicious meal he has ever eaten in his life. Not only does the taste be novel and diverse, but it also has different effects. If all these things are eaten by a curse spirit, it will be a big loss for Lin Tianyi. .

With one person and one hand, the meal immediately became more delicious as you competed with me.

Half an hour later, Lin Tianyi slumped comfortably on the red velvet sofa seat, patting his belly, and his little hand actually imitated his movements, tapping the bulging palm with his thumb.

I silently calculated the other person's appetite, and found that it was probably more than twice that of a normal person.

And it seems that eating can speed up the recovery of the magic power in Su Nuo's palm, which is good news.

It’s interesting, just keep it as a pet.

With this thought in his mind, Lin Tianyi ignored the 'little hand' and started studying the newly acquired legendary item, the Evil Storybook!

Opening the cover, Lin Tianyi easily saw a catalog.

On the first page of the table of contents, only 6 stories are displayed.

Among them, four stories, "The Mermaid", "The Lost Man in Oz", "Little Red Riding Hood" and "The Snow Princess", turned gray.

Recalling his previous battle experiences, Lin Tianyi easily understood which extraordinary powers corresponded to the four stories used by Jango Hody Jones.

The first thing he should summon were the strange and poisonous plants in "The Lost World of Oz", which left a deep impression on Lin Tianyi.

Especially at that time, Jango Hody Jones' eyes were burned by strong alkali and lost his vision. He just randomly picked a pitcher plant and poured the pure liquid in his eyes, and his eyes immediately returned to their original state.

There are also those entangled vines, which can not only control the enemy, but also help Jango Hody Jones move around and dodge bullets. It can be said to trap enemies, poison, heal and assist, etc.

"Mermaid Girl" is much simpler. It is a summoning skill. These ugly mermaids are neither strong nor weak. The interference ability of the sonic attack is quite good. If it is underwater combat, it may work wonders.

In the story of "Little Red Riding Hood", after the death of the tall werewolf, the basket of mushrooms thrown by the red hooded girl is an extremely evil group damage skill.

The mushroom itself explodes.

And it reproduces very quickly. If it touches a living body, it will explode again and spray out spores...

This kind of special effect, if not used carefully, is likely to cause incalculable consequences.

As for the last "Ice and Snow Princess", Lin Tianyi felt that it was very similar to Gu Xiaochao's ice crystal spell, but he didn't know how much this extraordinary skill that could freeze the sea would consume.

After reading the four familiar stories, Lin Tianyi looked at the other two stories on the first page of the Evil Storybook.

"Jack the Fool" and "The Steadfast Tin Soldier."

The second story goes without saying.

"Steadfast Tin Soldier" must be the last defensive skill of Jango Hody Jones's body that became steel. However, he had already dropped the Evil Storybook at that time, and the steeling effect must have been imitated by him using the power of fairy tales.

And "Jackass" doesn't know why Jango Hody-Jones wasn't used.

Lin Tianyi knew very well that the essence of evil storybooks should be twisted fairy tales.

He had some impression of this fairy tale, which seemed to be about a king who wanted to choose a good husband for his daughter. However, the princess was tired of the princes and nobles around her. In the end, Jack broke into the palace riding a goat and brought laughter to the princess. Won the princess's love.

On the first page, there are six stories, and Jango Hody-Jones used five of them.

Only this one is not needed...

Why is this?

Lin Tianyi frowned and began to make associations based on the skills and images of the protagonists in other stories.

In the story of Little Red Riding Hood, the Big Bad Wolf pretends to be Grandma Wolf.

Finally killed by a hunter.

However, the little girl in the red hood summoned by Jango Hody Jones was like a demon.

Every mushroom she throws carries a mortal danger.

The kind and lovely Little Red Riding Hood turned into a murderous demon.

And the mermaid girl became an ugly monster that eats people.

There is also The Lost World of Oz, where the protagonist who went on a forest adventure no longer exists, but what emerges is a large number of terrifying plants.


In other words, the Jack in "Jack" is probably even more cruel and bloody for being able to marry the princess so unreasonably.

Lin Tianyi even thought that the goat he was riding might not be a demon in Western mythology!

Because...the goat symbolizes the devil!

The more he thought about it, the more Lin Tianyi frowned.

The story of Idiot Jack must be placed at the end of the guide. As for other stories, you can use some sacrifice methods to test the water first.

Having made up his mind, Lin Tianyi thought for a moment and decided to start with "The Lost World of Oz".

Some man-eating flowers, animated trees, what could the requirements be?

It's nothing more than flesh and blood.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianyi did not hesitate and found "The Mystery of Oz" according to the catalog.

With the sound of turning brown paper, a stream of emerald green smoke steamed out from the evil storybook.

Smoke quickly formed two options, one was to enter the storybook, and the other was to sacrifice items.

Since this is a test of the waters, I would definitely not choose to enter the story book, because if I enter, I can only clear the story.

The sacrifice is too flexible.

Because the initiative of whether to sacrifice or not lies with the user of the storybook.

The sacrifice option was directly selected, and the green smoke quickly changed the font to form a new option again.

Sacrifice your own arm and still get 10 living people.

At this time, a large number of mini-forests have grown on the story page of "The Lost World of Oz", and the big mouth of a piranha flower is slightly open, like a baby bird waiting for food.

Lin Tianyi raised his eyebrows and came.

it is as expected.

The conditions for using this evil storybook are indeed harsh enough. If you don't want to break into the storybook, you must kill someone or fill it with your own flesh and blood.

In order to reduce the risk, Jango Hody Jones definitely chose the human sacrifice with the least risk.

"How to choose? Capture some pirates or death row prisoners and feed them to story books? Or cut off an arm?"

After a brief hesitation, Lin Tianyi grabbed his little hand and used the magic power to possess it.

With one stroke of the brush, Lin Tianyi, who rolled up his sleeves, cut off an arm. With the blessing of the spell, a new arm grew directly out as if seamlessly connected.

"Feed, sacrifice one of my arms."

The third update was delivered today

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