Sequential Evolution

Chapter 96 Mrs. Osar (Happy New Year’s Day and Bringing Fortune)

The moment the cat appeared, its huge mouth suddenly opened, and its sharp fangs suddenly swallowed up Lin Tianyi, who looked like Jango Hody Jones.

Almost in the next second, one person and one cat disappeared instantly.

And where it was, only its smile was left hanging in the air.

It wasn't until this moment that a woman with short blond hair wearing a black vest and a white shirt walked over quickly.

She pressed her ears and reported to Mr. K, who was still hosting the underground extraordinary salon gathering:

"Sir, the identity of Jango Hody Jones can be basically confirmed to be true. Just now, he entered the bathroom, used the extraordinary power of the Black Fairy Tale, summoned the Cheshire Cat, and teleported away out of thin air."

Mr. K frowned when he heard this.

Said with the ability of spiritual communication:

"Oh!? Are you sure it's not the power of the evil storybook, but the extraordinary ability of the dark fairy tale?"

"Absolutely, that extraordinary power was indeed exerted by him with the magic-returning conch." The maid replied respectfully.

"Yeah! I know, that should be Jango Hody Jones himself. The potion formula I left for him was made disappear by him using the power of fairy tales. There is no need to track him anymore. .”

In the belly of the Cheshire Cat, Lin Tianyi once again activated the power of fairy tales. This time the extraordinary power he used was to summon the "Water Child".

Using the cleansing power of the water child, Lin Tian quickly baptized everything he bought at the auction. Lin Tian directly used the power of cleansing to completely dissolve the potion formula written by Mr. K to prevent the other party from using the occult. The tracking technique in the sense locked his location.

"After using the power of fairy tale twice, there shouldn't be any flaws."

Lin Tianyi breathed a sigh of relief, this time the tiger's mouth snatched food, it was really shocking every step of the way.

“Fortunately, the stronger the waves, the more expensive the fish.”

Examining the four items lying quietly in the backpack.

Lin Tianyi, who had gained a lot, did not forget his responsibilities. He directly took off all disguises. When the Cheshire Cat spit him out, he was already waiting on Lilith Weir's only way back to the manor.

The prince's carriage, which was pulled by four horses and decorated with black thorn roses, slowly passed by. Lin Tianyi, who was watching, saw Princess Sharon and Lilith Weir getting into the vehicle from a distance.

As soon as they got on the carriage, Lin Tianyi saw a middle-aged woman in palace clothes coming out in a hurry.

She's that old woman who is very obsessed with the [Witch] potion!

Lin Tianyi was a little surprised.

Why did you chase this woman out?

Doesn't she have nothing in particular that interests her?

Carefully recalling the other party's every move, Lin Tianyi soon thought of a detail!

When he provided the potion formula to three people, the one who showed the most desire to buy was not the middle-aged lady, but the mysterious old man who spoke first!

In other words, this middle-aged lady’s goal is always the finished bottle of [Witch] potion.

The reason why she bought the potion formula was just to hide it from others!

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Tianyi was a little unsure of what the other party was thinking.

Can anyone really be so impatient?

Even though she had obtained the magic potion formula, would she risk intercepting and killing a princess and the daughter of a duke?

With this thought in his mind, Lin Tianyi did not dare to gamble.

He has no idea about the other party's strength.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianyi immediately opened the friend bar of the Evolution Palace, contacted Xuantian's disciples and said:

"We came out of the auction, but I haven't shown up yet. It seems that someone extraordinary is eyeing Lilith Weir and Princess Sharon."

"Who is the other party?" Xuantian's disciple asked.

Lin Tianyi tried his best to remember, and after a while he hesitated and said:

"Her face is very slumped, and she wears a lot of makeup. Her hair is very distinctive, it is burgundy. Oh! By the way, there is a brown birthmark under her neck."

After hearing Lin Tianyi's description, Xuantian's disciple said speechlessly:

"Wu Guangjin, are you kidding me?"

"What?" Lin Tianyi was confused.

Xuantian disciple asked again:

"Does the other party like to wear those low-cut yellow and white skirts, and the birthmark is in the shape of a brown irregular flower?"

"how do you know?"

Xuantian disciple quickly replied:

"That's Madame Auxerre. The courtesan of the entire Empire's elite."

"You said she is a supernatural being?"

Lin Tianyi rubbed his eyes and looked carefully at the aunt-like aristocratic old woman.

"Mrs. Osar? I remembered that she was the sweetheart of you and your father, the woman who took away your first time. Uh... didn't you say that her charm is still there? So you like this taste?"

Seeing what Lin Tianyi said, Xuantian's disciple, who was sparring with the Flower of the Imperial Knights, almost broke through the defense. Without paying attention, he was hit in the crotch by a beautiful flying kick from Renedi Bratt. department.

Even though Xuantian's disciple was able to defend himself in time and use his arm to cushion him, the kick still made his body bend into a crotch.

In order to cover up the embarrassment, Xuantian's disciple immediately turned into a fat cat, turning into a ball of hair and rolling around on the ground.

Seeing this, Renetti Brat quickly stepped forward, hugged the fluffy fat cat, and said repeatedly:

"Ah! I'm sorry, Sir Abyss. I acted too lightly. Are you okay?"

Being held in the arms of the three beauties of the empire, Xuantian's disciple felt a little relieved after his hurt heart. He roared in the private chat box of the Evolution Palace:

"That was more than ten years ago!! No, that's not me at all! What does it have to do with me!"

Facing the incompetent rage of his teammates, Lin Tianyi decisively closed the chat box.

Mrs. Orsal?

If it was this person, then it wouldn’t be too surprising.

It is absolutely unacceptable for such a vain woman to grow old and be young.

Therefore, don’t say that the other party is Princess Sharon and Lilith Weir.

Even if the other party is the evil god who comes to the world, she still dares to fight for her to return to the age of 18!

Under Lin Tianyi's secret surveillance, after a few words with the housekeeper of Lindia Hotel, the other party picked up his skirt and got into his carriage.

But under Chongtong's deliberate gaze, Lin Tianyi clearly saw that inside the carriage, she put on a red cloak and then suddenly disappeared into the carriage.

The red cloak is an extraordinary item.

The other party really wants to attack Princess Sharon.

Lin Tianyi had no idea where the other party was going, but he knew that as long as he followed Princess Sharon and Lilith Weir closely, he could wait until the other party appeared!

Thinking of this, Lin Tian walked directly to the carriage and no longer concealed his whereabouts. Instead, he walked side by side with the carriage and shouted loudly at the window:

"Excuse me, are they Princess Sharon and Miss Lilith Weir inside the carriage?"

"I am the punisher of the Church of Storms, Ryder Ryan."

In the carriage, Princess Sharon, who heard the words "Church of Storms", opened the window and said to the coachman at the same time:


She had already put on a flat-top mesh lace dress sunhat that covered her face. She looked at Lin Tianyi who was taking out his ID under the carriage and said politely:

"Do you have anything to do with us?"

Lin Tianyi smiled and said:

"You two ladies, can you let me ride in the carriage together? His Majesty the Bishop has sent me here to protect your safety."

The new year brings a lot of good things! ! !

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