Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 12 Chapter 105: Above Terra (4)

"The overall damage of the nest is 34%. A high-rise building near the palace has a subspace portal in the middle. This building may collapse at any time."

Guilliman listened gloomily to the Servo-Skull's emotionless narration, and he specifically asked it to tell it for himself, 'so I can think calmly', and now it seems that he may have failed.

He couldn't calm down.

Ten thousand years have passed since the Siege of Terra, and time has erased many things. The scars left by the original war on Terra have disappeared, and the nests are built from the bottom, and the layers are increased. Various giant bridges crisscrossing each other and the statues on them cover the sky with the few people at the bottom. If now, a building collapses...

I swore to protect them.

Guilliman gritted his teeth. The Servo Skull couldn't understand his emotions, so he continued: "The demons currently appearing all over Terra are all Khorne demons, and no witnesses have reported the appearance of the Great Demon, and most of them are low-level bloodletters. Demon engine detected. Also, Captain Marius has reached the ground."

The primarch's superhuman brain is running fast. In addition to the servo skull, there is a huge sand table in front of him, made by cutting-edge technology, which is showing the basic situation of Terra in real time. Not exactly accurate, but much better than remote sensing mapping.

He stared at the sand table, upon which were all the landmarks of Terra. There are countless hive cities interspersed among those majestic structures spanning continental plates. The resistance is strong, and wars are taking place everywhere from the headquarters of the Inquisition in Antarctica to the headquarters of the Church in southern Australia. The whole planet is in flames of war,

Guilliman's fingers were trembling slightly. He understood that if he wanted to end the war quickly, he must use heavy firepower-Tara's defense force was extremely strong, according to the information he got in his hand. Terra has two titan legions stationed, and one of them named 'Firebee' even has an emperor-level titan.

This level of killer can certainly kill all those demons, but the question is, is it possible that you want to use this weapon in the city?

Guilliman knows exactly where his talents lie. He is a brilliant statesman, very good at a series of related affairs such as governance of the country, diplomacy and technological development. But the war is not on this list. Among his brothers, his ability to command the battle can be called the last. Not to mention this crucial battle.

I was hesitant, and Guilliman even knew that. The use of heavy firepower such as infantry tanks and gunboats means that civilians will be killed and wounded, but they will gain the advantage at this stage. And, as those higher demons step out of the portal and set foot on Terra with that wicked delight, they will taste the cannon fire.

To exchange the lives of countless people for the victory of the war, for some people he knows, this seems to be a question that does not need to be thought about. For Guilliman, however, the question is not simply a matter of victory - he has to discard the last remaining morality of human nature and exile himself as a beast.

Robert Guilliman suddenly understood one thing, he was not a brilliant general after all, he couldn't be ruthless. If a man wants to win a war, he has to throw something away. And Guilliman didn't want to give up anything.

Whether it's his humanity or the innocent people.

The servo skull interrupted his thoughts.

This transformation machine, which did not know what to backtrack and observe, hummed, and fell to the ground. It shivered violently on the ground, and sparks kept coming out of it. Parts popped out and oil leaked all over the place. But it continues its mandate.

The skull opened its jaw, and a voice came out of it intermittently: " news..."

After saying this sentence, it completely ended its mission with a loud explosion. Although it was not the end of its life, it was excusable. Guilliman stepped closer, frowning at this thing, and before he could check what was going on, the door of the study was slammed open.

Cato Sicarius stood outside the door with an expression of unprecedented excitement: "The Primarch! He—he has performed a miracle!"

Guilliman, who has always been extremely sensitive and disgusted with religious words, glanced at his second company commander and said nothing. He knew that Sicarius must have seen something that shocked him so much that he uttered the word miracle in front of him.

At this moment, the sand table made of cutting-edge technology behind him also exploded with a bang, and the fragments fell to the ground.

Cutting edge technology... heh.

"What happened?" Guilliman asked calmly, not bothering to turn his head back.

Sicarius was speechless, but kept gesturing as if he had suddenly lost the ability to speak.

His face, which only showed a little expression in battle, seemed comical at this time because of the excessive display of emotion, and a sudden throbbing flashed in Guilliman's heart.

He pushed Sicarius, who was still gesturing away, and walked quickly through the corridor full of his paintings and statues to the porthole closest to him.

Leaning in front of the porthole, Guilliman looked down, and the eyes of the primarch were filled with golden light.

Perhaps, in the distant 2k period. Such sights can still be seen on Terra, the planet called Earth, where soil and plants and oceans still exist.

At that time, azure oceans surrounded several major continental plates. From where he was standing, it was a whole blue planet, extremely beautiful.

Sadly, Guilliman has only seen that in a few passages from the canon and only a few paintings. But not anymore.

What Robert Guilliman saw now was a golden ocean.

From the top of the hive to the bottom of the mouth, from the palace of the Himalayas to the remote and uninhabited Antarctica, from the hands of a dying soldier lying on the ground to the burning body of a demon - Robert Guilliman saw it all Yes, nothing was missed.

He was silent for a long, long, very long time. Sicarius stood behind his genetic father, watching his back, aware of his shoulders shaking slightly.

"Miracle." He turned his back to Sicarius, and there was nothing in his voice. "Yes, Sicarius, you are right, it was a miracle."

Robert Guilliman finally turned his head, the golden light still shining on half of his face. Sicarius suddenly realized that he was laughing—he should have known about it earlier, but...he couldn't believe it.

His father—their father—the man who had always been worried since he was resurrected finally smiled gently, his eyebrows and eyes became younger, and the corners of his mouth, which were always down, could not help but rise at this time. The left eye near the porthole was still golden, and Sicarius heard his voice, heavy but relieved.

"I don't think we need to abandon humanity, Sicarius. We swore to be the guardians of humanity, and that oath will never be abandoned. Call on the whole regiment—go, Sicarius."

There seemed to be golden fireworks burning in his eyes: "Let the people of the empire see how strong our oath is."


Imperial Sanctuary.

This is the heart of the palace - the Throne Room, which houses the huge golden throne and the body of the Emperor. It is guarded by three hundred selected soldiers. Only the best of these elites can get this duty.

At this moment, the thin right index finger on the throne seemed to tremble slightly. This subtle movement did not hide the watcher's eyes. A Custodian cautiously came to the Golden Throne. After praying dozens of times, he raised his head to look at the tormented body of the Emperor. Tears filled his eyes uncontrollably.

How much this stalwart man has paid for the empire, you can tell just by looking at it.

His once majestic body is now so thin that it looks like a mummified corpse. Withered white, few strands of hair scattered on the protruding forehead. Ribs protruding like tree twigs falling to the ground, as if they would break with a single touch. His chest barely rose and fell.


He is still breathing tenaciously - not for himself, but for the future of all mankind. For this reason, he was willing to endure torture for thousands of years. The Custodian looked at his lord, and then saw his index finger tremble again.

Psionics began to vibrate: "Ah, it's you, Raldorf."

The Imperial Guard immediately lowered his head: "Master."

"How long have I slept?"

"Three hours, my lord."

"Yes, long-lost sleep... He did a good job, right?" The false voice constructed by the lord's psionic energy was completely different from his own, cold and ruthless. But the Custodians are still happy about it.

"Yes, my lord. He's just like—" The Imperial Guard was not good at words, and at this moment he choked his throat and didn't know how to say it.

"I won't embarrass you, Raldorf. If you were asked to come up with a suitable word to describe what he did, I should have waited a long time. However, I couldn't stay awake for long...  .The pain is gnawing at me, the darkness is getting closer."

The imperial guard bowed his head, not knowing how to answer. But his lord didn't expect him to answer anything, he just used his psychic energy to shake the air and said some words that he had held back for too long.

"I've seen them as tools, Raldorf, I know it's wrong, but I have to. They're the product of a deal, and the greatest weakness of man is emotion. As a racial leader with so many people, I just have to let go of those feelings."

"Only in this way can I abandon them without any emotion - I did...but then, I found out, I was wrong. I lost myself in the long calculation and the war... ...the most precious things in human beings are actually these feelings."

The man who used to be the emperor sighed: "Emotions drive us, courage erupts in adversity, miracles are born out of despair. Moreover, many of them did regard me as a father, but I did not give due The response. To be in this situation... Actually, I deserve it."

The Custodian listened quietly, knowing that the Emperor didn't need anyone's sympathy. Strictly speaking, he was just talking to himself.

"The most ironic point is here, Raldorf. He proves to me time and time again, how much emotion has brought to mankind, and what I have abandoned has brought a new future to the Empire. …”

The man on the throne stopped talking, his fingers stopped shaking. The imperial guard bowed his head and left his lord step by step. The monotonous beeping of various instruments still echoed in the throne room, and a person who should have died is still lingering, but not for himself.

Raldorf let the tears run down his face.






His perception of the body was intertwined with the complex emotions in his heart at this moment, and Trajan only felt that he had no regrets in his death now.

But the other person in his body didn't think so.

He Shenyan swallowed a mouthful of blood, and the Wings of Light behind him dimmed a lot. There was a burning pain from the shoulder blade. To be precise, there was no pain in the whole body.

Even the commander of the Imperial Army has limited physical strength. Under such a huge amount of psychic scour, he did not die immediately, which was already the result of He Shenyan's efforts to protect him. He pursed his lips, wiped away the golden blood that overflowed from the corners of his mouth, and said with a low smile, "Death without regrets? Trajan, the work is not over yet."

He waved his wings again: "No, maybe I should put it another way."

Trajan's field of vision was enlarged, and more enemies poured out of the newly refreshed hive that had been washed by the glow. From Khorne demons to Chaos Warbands, there are even giant demon engines. He immediately put away the short-sighted pride, and anxiety filled his heart in an instant.

"The war has just begun - Trajan, let us continue."

The familiar pain struck again, wave after wave, as if it would never stop.

Trajan wanted to grit his teeth to get through this excruciating, glorious ordeal. But he can't control his own body, and the man who is using his body as a weapon is blind to Trajan feels incredible about this - he knows that the other person is suffering the same feeling .

"Don't be surprised, I'm used to pain. Let me tell you a little trick, Trajan."

"When you're in unbearable pain, think about your enemies," he said with a smile. "They're going to be in more pain than you, and they're going to die."

The golden glow disappeared for a moment, replaced by flames that covered the entire sky. Trajan did as he was told, and at once he felt a chill of joy. The other party didn't lie, which really suppressed the pain.

"Skin and bones, head off, ribs cut off. I'll pay them tenfold for every one they kill. Don't the demons of Khorne crave blood the most?"

Trajan heard him whisper: "Let us smear the earth of Terra with their blood."

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