Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 12 Chapter 109: Above Terra (8)

"You all heard it."

Lysander pulled out the power sword, and the blood reaper's filthy etheric flesh was thrown to the ground by him, and soon melted like the ice and snow that met the sun.

The company commander of the First Dalian didn't even put his eyes on it. He turned his head and asked another Astarte who was slightly closer to him: "How far is it from the outer wall of the palace?"

"Less than three kilometers."

His adjutant answered him in a flat tone, and while speaking, he cut a Khorne bloodletter in the middle with the chainsaw sword in his hand. The saw teeth of the chainsaw sword were spinning rapidly, and some flesh even splashed into his eyepiece. above.

The adjutant was completely unmoved by this, and even calculated how long it would take them to reach their destination: "If nothing else—"

He couldn't finish his words, as we all know, after all, the next sentence that is not unexpected is generally sure to be unexpected.

A huge mechanical arm was thrown towards them, and the mechanical cable at the fracture of the thing was dripping with oil, and the wire made a terrible sound. Lysander's dynamic vision allowed him to accurately capture the coat of arms engraved on the arm, and it also gave him time to react, pushing the adjutant away.


In the smoke and dust scattered, two scarlet lights lit up, and a power sword split the smoke, followed by Lysander himself. He said: "It is the coat of arms of the Taranis Knights."

"Seven o'clock, repeat, about seven hundred meters from seven o'clock, there is a Taranis paladin being attacked by a Khorne demon! There are also a group of civilians in the building behind him!"

At the same time, the reconnaissance company reported an intelligence in the communication channel.


Lysander looked down at the coat of arms that was covered by smoke and became dirty, he stepped over the mechanical arm that was still twitching, and gave an order: "Send a team of destroyers to support, this is what we can do. The limit is reached. The rest come with me, and make sure to rush to the outer wall of the palace within fifteen minutes.”

He looked up at the majestic city wall, the soldiers on it were fighting endlessly, but the demons didn't care so much-they stepped on the corpses of their dead companions, and began to climb up the mountain of corpses little by little, the scene Terrible.

"Demon scum..."

Lysander swears that the demons of Khorne are completely indifferent to the death of their comrades, and thirst for killing and blood wholeheartedly, which is why they are so deadly and dangerous. The Lucifer Black Guards on the city walls had a geographical advantage to fight them back and forth, but as the number of demons died, they actually started to gain the upper hand.

After all, there will only be more and more corpses, whether demonic or human.



More like a scream than a roar shot out of her throat, and the young Iberia Taranis pushed the joystick to the bottom. Sweat soaked her uniform, perhaps some blood. Inside the helmet too, the bitter sweat stinging her eyes.

And she didn't dare to stop at all.

The paladin mecha, who lost his right hand, dashed forward, and began to run wildly according to the order of Iberia in the cockpit. The huge death chain sword in the left arm spun wildly, the paladin smashed the demon corpse on the ground, and the chain sword was finally stopped by a giant axe.

The smoke rose, and the blasphemous creature poked its ugly head out of the darkness. He grinned and stuck out his long tongue: "I'll drag you out of there, human, and smear your innards all over this **** machine!"

Iberia didn't have the time to answer, she continued to press the joystick, and the remaining left hand was pulled to the maximum range. The reaction force made her bones almost fall apart, and the chainsword continued to press down—but the thing looked nonchalant, and even retracted the axe, allowing the chainsword to cut through its flesh.

Blood spurted out, and the Paladin Mecha's ion shield was neutralized by its blood in a loud noise, and Iberia didn't know how it did it. But she knew what it meant. The young driver let out a shriek full of rage, then pressed a button on the joystick.

The two heavy logging guns on the shoulders of the paladin began to roar, and the demon did not dodge or evade, letting the ammunition that can knock ordinary bloodletters to ashes tore one huge wound on its body.

This big demon, whose size is even comparable to a war mecha, licked his own blood with its sharp long tongue. Just as he was about to say something, he was hit in the face by five fragmentation missiles, and it finally let out a pained cry. A strange voice connected to Iberia's communication channel and said to her: "Talanis, retreat! Go and cover those civilians!"

Iberia turned her head in disbelief, and saw a team of Imperial Fist Astartes standing beside the ruins, and the missile launcher in one of them was still smoking.


The Destroyer Squad's Master Chief calls out the team's chief fireman, who has a multi-barrel melt gun.

This deadly weapon is often used against heavily armored units, such as for close range attacks and anti-tank operations. They can be most lethal at close range, and almost any material will be melted into a pile of dregs by the ultra-high temperature air flow fired by the melt gun.

- Against Khorne, you need to start by thinking of them as some kind of heavy tank with high mobility.

Borea immediately knelt down on one knee, and the dark barrel of the multi-barrel heat-melt gun in his hand lit up a dangerous red light and fired in a low humming sound. Like flying lava, it swept through the air, across the top of the retreating Paladin mecha, and finally hit the chest of the Khorne Demon with precision.

It is very confident in its own physical strength, and even dares to resist the huge blade of the Death God's Chainsaw Sword. But flesh and blood are just flesh and blood after all. Facing the attack of the hot melt gun at close range, this Khorne demon could only let out an unwilling roar from his throat, and then fell down.

Its chest was completely vaporized into a huge cavity, and a series of important bones and organs such as the spine and even the heart disappeared. The barrel of the multi-barrel hot melt gun was still exuding high temperature, but Boriya stroked his hand armor reverently. He knew that the machine soul was very satisfied at the moment.

After a few minutes.

"Thank you for your support."

Iberia introduced herself: "I'm Iberia Taranis—"

"—Self-introduction and the like can be left to the victory, is there any other of you around here?"

"I don't know, the enemy radar disappeared completely a few minutes ago, and I can't reach them through the communication channel. The battlefield seems to be divided, but don't worry, monks. We were only on Terra before the war started. Only a small number of people, the large army on Mars should be coming!"

After the hard victory, the young driver seemed to even sound a little more excited. While covering the civilians from the ruins, she said loudly: "What's more, He is watching us!"

"Yes, Lady Iberia, He is watching us."

The sergeant of the Destroyer Squad nodded and agreed with her words, but the worries in his heart were not reduced by half—the paladin mecha's enemy radar was damaged, but what about the others? Why have they all lost contact?


The soldier woke up in a trance with a splitting headache, the pungent smell of blood breaking into his nostrils. The young soldier coughed twice, and his first reaction when he woke up was to grab his weapon—he fumbled for a while before grabbing his laser gun not far to his right.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise from the earphones built into the helmet. The soldier couldn't tell what the other party was talking about. He just replied instinctively: "Yes, sir. Sir?"

There was no response, only a scream came from not far away.

He immediately got up alertly, but a heart-piercing pain came from his right ankle. Immediately making his face pale, the soldier looked down and found that it had been twisted into an abnormal angle. Without making a sound, he gritted his teeth and knelt down on one knee. Using the method taught by the veterans in the company, the output gear of the laser gun was increased.

He's going to overload it - something the technicians wouldn't allow, and offenders would be punished quite severely. But the veterans did not take it seriously, and this method was only circulated in the hands of a small number of people. He was one of them, and was more fortunate.

"Oh, the Emperor..."

The soldier held the gun and aimed it at the dark corner. He could smell the thick **** smell of the coming creature, as well as the screams that were getting lower and lower, and the sound of something being dragged on the ground. Then in the dim light, he saw a full-bodied crimson demon walking towards him carrying a mutant with only half of his body left.

The guy was obviously dying, but he was still screaming in a low voice. The demon obviously liked this very much. From time to time, he would increase the strength of his hands and 'recharge' his screams. The soldiers felt that their palms were starting to sweat. This is inevitable, and no mortal can remain indifferent to a Khorne demon.

"Please grant me the courage to kill the enemy of mankind..." The soldier said softly, almost approaching the sound of anger, but a reply came from behind him.

"Give you the strength to endure the suffering before you," said a low voice, as a giant stepped past him. "By His supreme glory...and you."

The giant looked down at him: "There will be nothing to fear."

The demon in the distance let out a bark, and the giant did not dodge or evade, and disappeared in front of the soldiers in a split second. He stared blankly at this scene, forgetting to fire the laser gun in his hand. I only heard a few muffled noises in the darkness, and then, the giant with blood on his hands walked back.

"Bless the Emperor—"

The soldier looked at the giant, who was not wearing armor, but who else could that figure and temperament be other than his angel of death? Ecstasy welled up in his heart, but was soon overshadowed by a wave of doubts: "Who are you?"

"A person who, like you, has left the team." The giant responded in a low voice. "What army are you from?"

"Tara Praetorian Guards, the first Dalian."

"Why are you here? This is the bottom layer of the hive."

The soldier didn't want to answer him, but the giant was too intimidating, and just standing in front of him made the soldier's heart pound: "We are in charge of the defense of the bottom hive, and a team of demons is coming from a new portal. ran out and attacked us."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but twist his face: "There are too many of them!"

"I know."

said the giant in a low voice, then pulled the soldier back, and with great force he jumped backwards and put him down gently. A ferocious serrated blade landed on the place where they had just stood, and the giant put him down and dropped a cold word: "Support me."

He began to charge - without any armor, without any weapons, just a pair of fists, and began to charge towards the few demons jumping out of the darkness. The soldier immediately put his doubts behind him, and the veterans in the company told him that the power generated by the laser gun being adjusted to the maximum output and overloading could even injure the **** beast.

He's going to try it.

Pulling the trigger, the double-strength recoil hit his shoulders, illuminating the darkness, and the thick red beam slid through the air, hitting a bloodletter's throat with precision, punching a fist-sized hole.

The veteran didn't lie to him.

"well done!"

He heard the giant's approval, and then began to fire again and again, the laser beams illuminating the darkness, and he saw that the giant could kill a bloodletter with three punches and two feet. In just two minutes, he killed them all. The giant turned and walked back, covered in blood.

When the battle was over, the soldier collapsed to the ground as if he had lost all his strength, gasping for breath. The giant came to him and asked calmly, "Who taught you to overload the laser gun?"

"Veteran in the company, my lord."

"Well done, you are very talented in this area."

I don't know if it was his illusion, but the soldier saw a smile on the giant's face: "Can you still go?"

The soldier glanced at his right ankle, pulled bandages and first aid spray from the first aid kit at his waist, and after a standard field emergency, he tried to stand up. The giant nodded again: "Your fighting skills are good, you can call me Cybrus."

"How dare you call the angel's name directly?!" The soldier waved his hands again and again, but Cybrus just shook his head calmly: "That's good, I'm no longer Astarte."

He obviously didn't want to talk about it, he just waved to the soldier and motioned him to follow: "The bottom hive is in very bad condition. According to my estimation, most of the people died cleanly. I saved a small number of people, probably There are only twenty or so people with combat power, and with you, there are only twenty-one people."

Cybulus led him through the ruins, echoes of emptiness in the distance. They came all the way to a circular plaza shaded by metal, and among the collapsed steel and buildings, many pairs of eyes full of fear were watching them.

"Anyway, that's the way it is. Soldiers, find a way to get in touch with your superiors, and we'll figure out a way to keep them alive."

"I see, my lord."

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