Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 12 Chapter 112: Above Terra (11)

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The break did not last long, and soon the silence above the Martyrs Bridge was broken by a murmur that disturbed everyone. Norfolk's back was chilled, and he was still full of courage, but he was also scared to death. It sounds contradictory, but who doesn't feel intimidated by what's in these warps?

He was afraid, but he still wanted to stay here and fight them. Herein lies the true meaning of courage.

"The Emperor is above."

Norfolk spit out four words on the ground, grabbed his laser gun, and gestured to Litosis on the side: "Take your people to the west, Litosis."

The young black-armored guard turned around and found that the commander of the Praetorian Guard had an unprecedented grim expression: "...They are coming."

A roar pierced the darkness, followed by more. All the while, they were chanting a few blasphemous words. It was almost inaudible what they were just saying, only one word was extremely clear.

"Blood! Blood! Blood!"

The demons shouted this word, and a wave of hatred surged in Litosis's heart - making him almost swear, but Norfo moved faster than him, and the tired-faced sergeant scolded angrily.

"Fucking devil bastard!"

The ground began to tremble, and the thick smell of blood savagely spread over the bridge.

Soldiers were either praying or tuning their laser guns - overloaded when necessary. But not now, overload mode is very powerful, but very easy to damage. They don't get the weapons they deserve right now. And ammunition is also a big issue.

Norfo patted the right side of his helmet, putting a pause on the built-in earphones that had been ringing nonstop two hours earlier. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he said a sentence in the communication channel. His emotions were not very exciting, but it contained a determination to be willing to die.

"Ready to fight, for Holy Terra."

"For Holy Terra!"

Litoses and the other Lucifer Black Guard obeyed Norfo's order and ran all the way to the west of the defense line. The rough fortifications were full of traces left by demons. The dark metal plate was scarred.

The 4th Company is in charge of garrisoning here.

Litossis stepped forward, and before he and the bald fourth company commander exchanged names, the battle began in an instant - a bloodletter howled and smashed through the darkness, waving the hellblade in his hand , behind this ugly monster are more of its kind. Litossis pulled the bolter pistol from his waist and aimed at the idiot who was leading the charge.

Two seconds later, its head completely exploded. The fourth company commander looked at his bolt gun with surprise and envy, but Litosis put the pistol back in distress. He didn't have many bullets, and he couldn't waste it on these things.

The soldiers responded quickly, sending a death rain of laser beams at the demons.

One hit may not be enough to make them life-threatening, but that's what a burst of fire is all about. Fire coverage never goes out of style, a soldier pulls the trigger again and again, and he uses a semi-automatic gear, accurate and lethal.

A bloodletting demon that was charging was hit in the right eye, and the pale green eyes exploded, and a mass of pus-like liquid splashed out. It knelt down on the ground, and after a few tremors, it fell to the ground and didn't move. This is just the tip of the iceberg, they have a geographical advantage, and it is impossible for this group of low-level bloodletters who do not wear armor to fight.

Until a blood-crusher riding a steel bull rushed out of them, the huge beast in blood-red brass armor smashed it all the way to smash a few blood-letters, and pieces of blood and flesh spilled under its feet The blood-crusher sitting on its back laughed excitedly, and the blood of the same kind made it satisfied.

This scene made the corner of Litosis's eyes twitch. He immediately pulled out his bolt gun and tried his best to aim at the thing, but it was so fast that it ran across the long Bridge of Martyrs in almost an instant, and immediately About to come to the front of the defense line - the black armor guard began to roar: "Volley, salvo, shoot down that **** on its back!"

The fourth company commander also issued the same order. The two laser beams were combined together, but the blood-crusher shrewdly shrunk himself into the belly of the steel bull and pulled the reins at the same time. The eyes of this Khorne beast were burning with the same Thirsty for blood, he turned around, letting his armor take on most of the salvo, and then charged straight at them again.

At this critical moment, Litosis dropped the laser gun in his hand, and he left the bolt gun in its place.

He jumped over quickly and jumped out of the fortification. The sharp metal side cut through his palm, and blood gushed out, stinging slightly. The Black Guard didn't have the time to manage that much. He pulled out the power sword, and the words Norfolk told them to give up melee combat had been forgotten by him - Litosis only knew two things now.

First, he is the best swordsman among them.

Second, this thing must not be allowed to rush into the fortifications, otherwise the entire front will be overwhelmed. No one can survive a single stomp on this thing.

He had to try, even if it cost his life.

The power sword was drawn from his waist, and a dangerous blue light flashed on the sword. The blood grinder sitting on the back of the steel bull roared with interest, raised the serrated blade with one hand, and made an inviting gesture to Litosis. Blackguard felt a surge of anger come to him for no apparent reason, the muscles in his face spasmed, and the rage and adrenaline made him run wild.

Run wildly - charge against the steel bull without dodging or evading.

Is he looking for death? of course not.

The fourth company commander's roar was suffocated in his throat. He saw the Lucifer Black Guard who rushed out on his own with a sliding shovel. Using the speed of the steel cow and the power sword in his hand, he accurately created it in the belly of the steel cow. A huge wound. The savage beast cried out in pain, his guts and blood spurting out.

It began frantically in the last movement of its life - it threw the Goregore off.

Then, the Black Guard stood up, cut off the head of the Goregrinder with a power sword when it was thrown on the ground dizzy, and then ran back to the fortifications amid the excited shouts of the soldiers.

"...Damn, it's your life, boy."

The fourth company commander grinned, then took out a stimulant from his waist belt and threw it to Litosis: "If you're too tired and you can't lift your hands, give yourself a shot, they haven't done it yet. Dead."

He rambled: "Quickly hit that thing, boy, the battle isn't over yet. However, if you kill that thing alone, just wait for the medal of merit!"

"I don't really care about the Medal of Merit."

Litossis said feebly, gasping for breath. He's horrified by his own recklessness now - what the **** am I thinking to get out there and face that thing?

However, it doesn't matter.

The Black Guard pricked his thigh with the stimulant dispensed by the Ministry of General Affairs, grabbed his laser gun and started firing. The battle is not over, far from it.

God knows what else could run out of the dark?


Sicarius waved his Stormblade and ripped the neck of a Flesh Hound with ease—you thought it was over?

No, Fleshhounds usually come in packs.

These damned beasts are wolf-reptile hybrids, with sharp-toothed mouths, thickly scaly skin and a row of spikes along their spines. In appearance, they are disgusting enough. But when they show up on the battlefield, it's a nightmare, like their image in folklore.

High mobility that cannot be locked, sharp teeth and sharp teeth, often in groups of three or five. Even for the Astartes, these things are difficult to deal with.

Sicarius turned, and his power and speed sent the Stormblade in a deadly arc, killing the remaining hounds that had charged him in a single spin. Their broken bodies flew out backwards, making a muffled pop. Cato Sicarius stepped over their corpses, crushing their remains.

He did it on purpose.

Beside him, a full six tactical teams are struggling.

After dark, the Khorne Demon Army's offensive intensity more than doubled, and it was no longer low-level bloodletters that poured out of the portal, but their cousins, the Blood Reaper.

These bloodletters have the blessing of Khorne, their horns are larger and longer, and the Hellblade is usually rune with blasphemies or grows larger.

In addition, they also killed dozens of steel bulls and skull chariots. Sicarius didn't know if he should be glad that he didn't see the demon engine for a while, but he knew that they would come sooner or later. That's why he didn't let the Destroyer Squad waste their ammo for the time being. ъμ

Of course, there are those bloodthirsty madmen. The wings of these **** were broken, but they were able to fly. Terra is currently not suitable for dispatching air power, and there are still many civilians on the ground. If they appear, then Sicarius may have to call the Assassin Court to let them kill these bastards.

The second company commander looked up at the dim sky and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that they did not appear for the time being.

He pulled out the "Slayer" from his waist, and this plasma pistol followed him for a long time, as reliable as ever. The composite ceramic cooling coil allows it to fire continuously up to fifty times before overheating.

Sicarius pulled the trigger on a Blood Reaper whose back was turned to him, and half of its body was instantly vaporized, giving the Astarte a chance to breathe. He immediately seized the opportunity, the roar of the chainsaw flashed past, and the blood reaper's head was chopped and flew out.

"Be careful, Sorgeino."

Sicarius whispered, and there was a reply from the Astarte in the communication channel, with some annoyance: "Sir - I was attacked!"

"On the battlefield, no one cares about stealing or not attacking you. You have fought too little with this group of demons. Get used to it."

There was a smile on the face under Sicarius' helmet. This brother had been in charge of exterminating aliens before, and had not fought the demons very much. unaware of their insidious attacks. After all, he has only served for seventy years so far, so he can be regarded as half a recruit.

"I see, long—" Sojieno couldn't finish the second half of his sentence, a blood reaper galloped from behind, and the blade of **** instantly penetrated Sojieno's ceramic steel armor. Despite this, the warrior reacted at the last moment of his life. He let go of his hand and let the chainsaw sword slide down naturally, then pulled out the bolt gun and fired three shots at his chest and abdomen.

His fallen corpse pressed the Blood Reaper under him, and the bombs shattered its spine.

Sicarius watched silently, and death was common to them. The Hellblade in the hands of these Blood Reapers is also a deadly weapon for the Astartes, and with a single scratch, the Blasphemy Curse begins to devour their flesh and soul.

What can he do?

Only more killings.

The rest of the third tactical team to which Sogeno belonged quickly surrounded him. They surrounded his corpse in the center and stably killed the demons who wanted to surround him with the bolt guns in their hands.

At the same time, a pharmacist immediately began to process. He was going to take Sogeno's gene-seed and bring it back to the Chapter, and in a few decades, maybe a hundred years, someone would inherit his gene-seed and become their new brother. Sicarius did not know whether he was still there at that time, or other things.

He's used to these things.

Lysander's voice came from the second company commander's voice channel. The enemies on the outer wall had been cleared, and they were now conducting a clearing operation in the square below the outer wall. It's not an easy job.

"Captain Sicarius, I need you—" Lysander paused, as if hacking at something. After a while, he continued. "—Support our team of fighting brothers. On the east side of the square, we are in some trouble here. Three soul grinders just broke through the front there, seven brothers died, and there are not enough manpower."

"I see."

Sicarius turned to the company's communication channel: "You all heard, the three soul grinders, has anyone volunteered?"

"Let's go!"

The non-commissioned officer of the first tactical team immediately shouted in the voice channel. Sicarius turned, and the blade of the storm was so sharp that a golden light flashed over the terrible blade, causing the slashed demon to scream miserably. Sicarius smiled involuntarily.

After taking care of the demon **** who was trying to sneak up on him, he started giving orders: "The others cover the first team!"

"Order received!"

The Ultramarines moved quickly, and the first team ran away under the cover of the soldiers' gunfire. At the same time, Sicarius killed a bloodhound lying on the ground with a wide open and closed slash, and he cut off half of the beast's mouth. Then it was nailed to the ground with a sword, and the golden light flashed again, and the beast was burned to ashes.

Sicarius felt a sense of emptiness. The Storm Blade did not have such ability at first. He only acquired such ability after being 'blessed' by that Excellency. Every time he used it, he felt spiritually empty, as if the storm blade in his hand was draining his spirit. The second company commander only considers this a necessary price.

It was still dark, and it was still dark all around. But we will fight until we die - or, at dawn.

In the dark and damp mine tunnel, Lu Ye walked forward step by step with the ore basket on his back and the pickaxe in his hand.

The boy's expression was a little sad, his eyes focused on the empty space in front of him, as if staring at something.

To outsiders, there was nothing in front of Lu Ye, but in fact, in the young man's field of vision, he could see a translucent shadow.

It was like the shadow of a tree, gray and unrecognizable, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and the branches were separated from one-third of the tree body to the left and right, supporting a semicircular crown.

It has been more than a year since he came to this world called Kyushu, and Lu Ye has not yet figured out what it is. He only knows that when his attention is concentrated enough, this shadow tree has a chance to appear in the field of vision. And no one else notices it at all.

Really sad life. The young man sighed.

A year ago, he suddenly woke up in this unfamiliar world. Before he could get acquainted with the environment, the power he was in was overrun by a group of thieves, and many people were killed. He and some other young men and women became that The captive of the thieves was then sent to this mine and became a lowly miner.

Afterwards, he learned from scattered conversations with others that the force he was in was affiliated with the Haotian League, a sect called Xuantianzong.

The name of this sect sounds cool and tyrannical, but in fact it is just a small sect.

It was the Xieyue Valley under Wan Moling who captured the Xuantian Sect.

The Haotian Alliance and the Wanmoling are the two major factions in this world. They are all formed by the union of countless forces, big and small. They are fighting each other with the intention of completely destroying each other. It is said that it has lasted for hundreds of years.

In Lu Ye's view, this kind of battle is simply a confrontation between the lawful camp and the evil camp. He just accidentally got involved in such a confrontation.

Over the years, the Kyushu Continent has been raging with wars. Every year, small forces such as Xuan Tianzong have been uprooted, but soon more forces have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, occupying various territories, making the situation even more chaotic.

Miner slave, Lu Ye comforted himself, compared to those who were killed, he was still alive anyway.

It's not that he has any special ability to survive, but that Xieyuegu needs some handymen to do things. Someone like Lu Ye who has no cultivation and is still young is undoubtedly the best choice.

In fact, the miners in this vein are not only the people of Xuantian Sect, but also some other small families and disciples of small sects.

The strength of Xieyue Valley is not weak, and it has captured a lot of sites over the years. The original forces on these sites have naturally been destroyed, and some of the available personnel have been sent to various places by Xieyue Valley for enslavement.

Without exception, these people have a characteristic, they have not yet enlightened, and they have no cultivation base, so they are very easy to control.

There is a saying in the continent of Kyushu, it is difficult for a demon to transform into a form without enlightenment, and it is difficult for a person to cultivate without enlightenment.

If you want to practice, you need to open your spiritual orifice. Only when you have opened your spiritual orifice can you be qualified to practice.

Opening the spiritual orifice is not an easy task. Ordinary people can open the spiritual orifice after systematic training. However, if they are from a cultivation family or a sect, the percentage may be higher if they have elders instructed.

Lu Ye couldn't open his spiritual aperture, so he could only make a living by mining in this dim mine.

However, the mine slave is not without a way out. If he succeeds in enlightenment and finds the person in charge to report it, he will have the opportunity to participate in an assessment. If the assessment is successful, he can become a disciple of Xie Yuegu.

However, there are very few miners who can open their minds. They work all day in this dim environment, and they can't even eat enough to eat. How can they be enlightened.

So basically 99% of the miners have accepted their fate and work hard every day just for a full meal.

Lu Ye had no sense of belonging to the Xuantian Sect. After all, when he first came to this world, the Xuantian Sect was destroyed, and he did not know who the people in the sect were.

He also doesn't want to be a disciple of Xieyuegu, this is not a serious force, just hearing the name gives people a sense of evil, and it will be cold sooner or later.

But he can't live here as a miner all his life. What kind of formality is that? He is also an elite in the new era. If he has no dreams, what is the difference between salted fish and salted fish.

So this year he has been working hard to enlighten himself. Originally, he thought that only the shadow tree that he could see could provide him with some wonderful help, but until now, the shadow tree is still just a shadow. It also affects his vision.

Lu Ye seriously doubted whether there was something wrong with his eyes.

Turning a corner, a faint light appeared in the distance, which was one of the exits of the mine.

Today's harvest is good. If you turn over the ore in the ore basket, you should be able to contribute three points. Counting the accumulation in the past few days, it is about twelve points. Two points are exchanged for two steamed buns, and the remaining ten points are just enough. Change a Qi and Blood Pill.

Qi and Blood Pill is a very low-level medicinal pill, and it is not an aid to enlightenment. However, in order to open one's orifices, it must be filled with Qi and blood. Although Qi and Blood Pill is low-level, it is suitable for people like Lu Ye who are not enlightened.

The reason why Xieyuegu is willing to take out the Qi and Blood Pill is not because of their kindness, but because they understand the way of people's hearts. This cheapest and low-level pill can make people with hope work harder to mine.

For example, Lu Ye is very hardworking every day.

Thirty feet away from the exit of the mine tunnel, Lu Ye's eyes inadvertently glanced at a corner on the left front, where there was a huge boulder.

He kept walking and continued to walk forward until about ten feet before he put down the mining basket he was carrying behind him, tightened the pickaxe in his hand, and took out a moderately sized stone from the mining basket and weighed it a little. .

The next moment, he ran towards the boulder, approached the boulder, slid sideways, stepped on the rock wall of the mine, and swooped down towards the back of the boulder with the help of the rebound force, like a vigorous Cheetah.

The two figures were half-squatting behind the boulder, and they used the boulder to cover their figures. They never thought that people would find their tracks.

Hearing the movement, it was too late to see Lu Ye want to get up again.

Under the terrified gaze of the two, Lu Ye raised his hand and threw the ore in his hand, hitting the bridge of one of them's nose.

Lu Ye's mining pick in the other hand shot again, but missed the second person, who responded well and turned his head to avoid it.

However, Lu Ye had already rushed in front of him, kicked him down, and hit the opponent's lower abdomen. The man was suddenly in pain, fell out, knelt on the ground, and spat out a mouthful of sour water.

Lu Ye stepped forward, grabbed the other's hair with one hand, saw the other's face clearly, and sneered: Who am I, it turned out to be the two of you brothers!

The two he knew were disciples of the Liu family. After the Liu family's territory was captured by Xieyuegu, some young disciples of the Liu family were sent here to serve as mine slaves.

Strictly speaking, the two brothers Lu Ye and Liu's are also connected by the same fate.

Have I ever said, don't let me see you again, or I'll kill you! As Lu Ye spoke, he picked up a stone from the ground and smashed it hard.

The smash was not light, and Liu's second child only snorted and was knocked unconscious.

Lu Ye walked towards Boss Liu who was injured by him before.

Boss Liu's forehead was smashed to pieces, blood blurred his eyes, he vaguely saw Lu Ye walking towards him, he was so frightened that he rolled and crawled: "Forgive me, my brothers didn't know it was you who came here, they thought it was someone else!

The two Liu brothers were sneaking in ambush in front of the exit of the mine tunnel, naturally they had no good intentions.

Before the two were caught, they were both spoiled and spoiled. Even if they became mine slaves, they were unwilling to endure hardship. However, the status of mine slaves was low, and the people of Xieyue Valley did not regard mine slaves as human beings at all, and there was no ore exchange. If you contribute, you can't get food at all.

Therefore, the two brothers often squatted in front of a certain exit of the mine tunnel and robbed the miners who had been singled out. Many people were unlucky because of this. Not only were the ore mined hard every day robbed, but they were also beaten to death.

Last time they just wanted to rob Lu Ye, but they were not opponents and were taught a lesson.

I never thought that it was only a few days ago that I met these two brothers again.

Just like rice raises hundreds of people, there are miners like the Liu brothers who are lazy and lazy, and there are people who have dreams like Lu Ye.

In the past year, Lu Ye's contributions through ore exchange, in addition to ensuring daily food and clothing, were all exchanged for Qi and Blood Pills.

He took no less than thirty Qi and Blood Pills.

This made Lu Ye stronger than most miners. Although his physique is not strong, the power contained in his body has already surpassed that of ordinary people.

Dealing with two delicious and lazy miners is naturally no problem.

Boss Liu was still begging for mercy, but Lu Ye pretended not to hear him, grabbed his hair, raised the stone in the other hand, and smashed it down.

After more than a year of working as a mining slave, Lu Ye has seen too many tragedies, and he has long understood the truth. In this world of cannibalism, any pity and sympathy are useless.

The miners are not in harmony. The miners from different forces are destined to be unable to unite. For a piece of good ore, the miners often beat their heads and blood.

People die every day in the mine tunnel, and every time you walk a certain distance, you can see a dead bone scattered on the ground.

There are not a few miners who starved to death because of being robbed.

Boss Liu fell in response.

Lu Ye retrieved his mining pick, put the mining basket on his back again, and walked towards the exit. He did not kill the Liu brothers, but it was not because he was tenderhearted, but the injured miners generally did not survive long here.

After walking a few steps, a person suddenly rushed in in a panic at the exit.

Get off! The man drank lowly and swiped towards Lu Ye with a slap.

At this moment, Lu Ye felt chills all over his body because he saw a light blue light flowing through the palm of his hand.

It was the light of spiritual power, in other words, it was a monk who shot him!

Only by opening the spiritual aperture can you be qualified to practice and be called a monk.

The spiritual power of a monk is an extremely magical power. Lu Ye once saw a monk in Xieyue Valley take action. Although he did not have too much power, the man just smashed a piece of ore with a light palm. It was after seeing that magical scene that Lu Ye made up his mind that he must open his spiritual aperture and become a monk.

He had also secretly assessed that even the lowest cultivator in Xie Yuegu could easily hang ten of himself.

So when he realized that it was a cultivator who attacked him, Lu Ye knew that he was about to face great trouble.

At the critical juncture of life and death, he abruptly stopped his pace and jumped back suddenly.

His chest went numb, the sound of a broken bone sounded, and Lu Ye flew upside down and fell to the ground.

The severe pain made him clear his mind a lot, and after realizing that he was still alive, he got up immediately.

what! The cultivator who shot it was a little surprised. Although he didn't use his full strength just now, he just shot it casually, but it shouldn't be something that the miner could bear.

Seeing the miner's face in the dim light, he blurted out: Lu Ye?

At this moment, Lu Ye was in a posture of turning around and running away. He was stunned when he heard the voice: Steward Yang?

This cultivator surnamed Yang was a small manager at the mine, and Lu Ye often dealt with him, because the Qi and Blood Pill was exchanged from him, so they were familiar with each other.

Manager Yang is very optimistic about Lu Ye. After all, it is rare to see a mining slave like him who can bear hardships and stand hard work.

However, if you are optimistic, you are There is no special preferential treatment. Without enlightenment in one day, there is an insurmountable gap between a mortal like Lu Ye and a cultivator.

After recognizing Lu Ye, Manager Yang was relieved that he failed to kill the opponent with his palm. Lu Ye has exchanged a lot of Qi and Blood Pills from him over the past year, and his physical quality is better than that of ordinary miners. Strong, plus he just hit him casually and didn't want to kill people deliberately, it's not surprising that the other party can survive.

Opposite Guanshi Yang, Lu Ye was beating a drum in his heart.

The monks in Xieyue Valley generally don't pay attention to the life and death of the miners. They also know that the miners often fight in the mines. Unless they meet them, they basically ignore them.

Only then did Lu Ye beat the Liu brothers to the ground, and he passed out. He turned his head and slapped him. From Lu Ye's point of view, it was clear that Manager Yang was teaching him a lesson.

. However, he soon felt that something was wrong, because Steward Yang looked flustered when he rushed in, as if he was standing up for the Liu brothers.

Just when he was thinking about it, Manager Yang showed a surprised look. It seemed that it was a good thing to meet Lu Ye here. He bullied him and grabbed Lu Ye's shoulder: Follow me! "

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