Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 12 Chapter 115: Above Terra (14)

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"He doesn't even have a weapon!"

During the battle, Litossis heard Norfo shout so. He couldn't tell if there was surprise or fear in his voice, or both.

After all, anyone who sees such a scene will feel uneasy.

The giant self-proclaimed Cybulus raised the broken head of a bloodletter with one hand. The left half of its eyeball was still in the eye socket, and the other side was smashed alive by the giant along with its head.

He held the monster's head like this, and pierced the chest of the other bloodletter with the hideous long horn on its head. The damned beast has not died at this point, and tried to hurt him with the cursed blade in his hand, but Cybulus took the lead in raising a hand and grabbed the devil's wrist.

The five fingers folded together, and its wrist was easily 'pinched' as if made of steel, and the stubble splashed out with blood. The knife was hanging on the ground, and Cybrus bared his fangs, giving the bloodletter a terrifying grin that was the last thing it saw.

After doing all this, he let go of his hand and naturally disappeared in place.

The speed was so horrifying that it felt instinctively wrong—how could such a huge giant move so fast?

But he can.

Cybulus easily approached a bloodletting demon rushing out of the darkness from behind, raised his hand, and restrained its neck—his muscles swelled, and all the terrifying power exploded in an instant, and it was abruptly. Squeeze its neck.

Blood splattered his face, and a red laser beam grazed his shoulder, knocking a Flesh Hound trying to attack him to the ground. The giant walked by and stomped on its head.

"I guess he doesn't need weapons either, sir."

Litossis made a small joke, and then shouted the giant's name: "Lord Cybulus!"

He pulled out the power sword from his waist and threw it out. The giant raised a hand with its back to him and caught it exactly.

The weapon that could be used as a two-handed sword in the hands of Litossis appeared to be nothing more than a combat dagger in his hand. Cybulus held the power sword in one hand, and in the next second, unimaginable martial arts bloomed in his hand.

The first is a straight stab, and the power sword hits the eyes of a bloodletting demon precisely and precisely. As it howled loudly in pain, it spun around fiercely, and its sparse eyeballs popped out of its sockets, accompanied by blood and minced flesh. Cybrus took a step forward, and he pulled out the power sword, followed by an unpretentious horizontal slash.

A head flew high, and the hideous expression and desire for blood still remained on it. Cybrus didn't even look at the head. He clenched his left hand into a fist and handed it out with precision. The head fell, as if he had touched the fist. The blood rained all over the sky and spread all over the ground. Obstructing the vision of the demons, a giant rushed out from the blood fog.

"For Holy Terra!"

He roared, and the murderous aura between his lips and teeth almost made these bloodletters terrified—yes, the demons were equally terrified. However, before they could feel ashamed of their own moment of hesitation, Cybulus dragged them into the quagmire of slaughter. There was not one left, and he laughed wildly at them in this blood-forged swamp.


Like a stone wall, or something else. The soldiers behind the fortifications could only see his back and hear the sound of his **** battle. Other than that, no demon could break through his defenses. Whether it was the Flesh Hound or the Bloodletter, the more they came, the more Cybulus killed.

Laser beams swarmed over his head, and the giant didn't hide, as if the ammunition were nothing more than a breeze on his cheek. Litossis couldn't help but feel his blood rushing up - what a warrior is this, the Emperor? !

"For Holy Terra!"

The soldiers also shouted loudly, but they did not realize that their pupils were slowly turning into a faint golden color, and their emotions became more and more high. At this moment, there is no fear, no hesitation, and nothing else in their hearts.

There is only one thing left.


Kill all the enemies of mankind!


The station commander of the Ultramarines, Marius Calgar closed his eyes and breathed calmly to the point of indifference.

He seems to have no emotion and consciousness, just a body exists in this armor. The machine servant walked over meekly, dismantled his power armor for him, and then replaced it with a heavier Seiko Terminator power armor.

Two bolt guns hung from the power gloves that replaced his hands, and the neural connections of the black carapace were sending him a familiar sting. Marius waited patiently for himself, and five minutes later, amid the loud singing of a mechanical priest, his armor was anointed with holy oil, and a servitor brought a holy Emperor's Prayer for He hangs around his waist.

Marius opened his eyes and ended his prayer at the same time. A man taller than he was even in Terminator armor stood across from him. He has blond hair and blue eyes, just like Guilliman. This scene made him dazed for a while, and he was not fully awake until the man spoke.

"What was the task he gave you?"

"Captain Thor Galadon, who supports the third largest company of the Imperial Fists. He and his troops are besieged in the middle of the hive by a large army of Khorne demons."

Steve nodded: "Very good, then, I will act with you."

"What?" Marius exclaimed in surprise. "This kind of task doesn't need your help!"

"Then when is the time? Fighting is a matter of course, Marius."

He explained: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to support you. There is a huge power plant connected to the middle of the hive. If it explodes, the entire hive will be destroyed. You should know better than me that the collapsed hive will bring What a disaster. You're in charge of supporting that Captain Thor Galadon, and I'll be in charge of the power plant."

Of course, Marius knew that in the cellar of the Ultramarines fortress monastery in Hera, his achievements and deeds were recorded in twenty-eight volumes. Second only to his Primarch, Robert Guilliman, in number and size. These were wars that had been recorded because of their sheer size, not to mention the ones he didn't think were worth mentioning.

So, as an experienced war fighter, Marius can say the same.

There's no battlefield contingencies worse than the collapse of the hive, no. Fighting in the hive itself was unpleasant, and if it collapsed, Marius couldn't think of a reason to survive unless he was inside an Emperor's poison blade.

"Sir, how many people do you need?"

Marius quickly clarified the key point in the middle and asked.

"I don't need manpower, I am enough."

"How is this possible?"

"I'll find help along the way, Marius." Steve smiled.

Ten minutes later, they entered Terra's atmosphere via a transport plane. The process was tedious and tasteless, and Steve sat calmly in the corner of the cabin. The warriors around him all seemed somewhat apprehensive—a Primarch, sitting beside you.

How do you think about it?

Marius didn't know it, he just kept looking at the idiots who were trying to talk to Steve. The only one left eye was almost staring out of its socket. Marius now desperately wishes he was a think tank so he could use psionic communication to scold these idiots.

Damn, the battle is ahead, but they still want to talk to him?

His eyes were aggressive, and Astarte, who was sitting diagonally across from Steve, spoke up. A dozen medals of merit hung from his shoulders, and an ancient parchment sash held them firmly around them. He didn't wear a helmet, showing a determined face.

"Sir, are you here to fight with us?" he asked expectantly.

Marius wanted to punch him - what stupid question?

But Steve couldn't see the slightest impatience or dissatisfaction. He laughed, looking gentle and approachable: "Don't call me your lord, maybe I'm not as old as you in the war. How long have you served?"

The soldier raised his chest proudly, and the transport plane gave a bump, which made him vibrate just right on the chair: "Three hundred and seventy-one years, my lord!"

"That's really long!" Steve said in surprise. "I didn't even get your fraction. In this regard, I can't be called an adult."

He looked around, and the Astartes looked at him: "That's why, I won't command you. My combat experience is not enough for me to command warriors like you, everyone, do well, stop calling I'm an adult, how's it going?"

No one answered, although many nearly laughed at his humorous banter. But Marius' icy face made them stop their laughter immediately. Steve glanced at him, and he was the first to laugh out loud.

The atmosphere was very harmonious, however, when the transport plane arrived at Lionsgate Star Harbor smoothly, this atmosphere was gone. There was a constant click, and one by one they put on their helmets and untied their restraints. The hatch of the transport plane opened with a slight vibration, and the smell of gunpowder smoke from the outside was blowing.

"Prepare for battle," Marius said curtly, without any unnecessary nonsense. Steve watched them file out, neat and orderly. Couldn't help but smile again.

Ah, the familiar war...

His eyes became a little more obscure: defending the family and the country, nothing more than that.


"Let's run..."

The Imperial Inquisitor, Hugh Dureka, ran through the headquarters of the Inquisition full of fear. He shouldn't have looked like that, but the monster's shadow had been circling in his mind for far too long.

How many people did he kill? During the interval of running, this fragmentary thought flashed in Dureka's mind. His legs were trembling, his expression was contorted, and even his thoughts were stagnant.

The lights at the top of the corridor flickered, and he ran past one after another. As long as he ran to the end of the corridor, he could reach the security door. It only takes a few seconds for him to pass the certification, he can dodge this monster once and for all, and then activate the defense measures and let him die here!

Their secrets must never be exposed...

He ran, smoky pain in his lungs. As if someone lay a hole in his lung with a lit cigar, Hugh Dureka gasped indistinctly and spat out. Just when he was only 300 meters away from the security gate, there was a light cracking sound of a light bulb behind him.

He trembled, turning his head cautiously, not daring to come out.

Yes, a light shattered, not far behind him—and then, as if in some kind of chain reaction, all the lights behind that light shattered, and the explosions were heard, Hugh Dureka Can't help screaming.

After a minute, he forced himself to calm down. Slumped on the ground, staring at the dark, drowning darkness, he shivered to his feet, staggered away from here, and started to move on.

Not long after he left the dim yellow halo cast by the light, Hugh Dureka heard a slight cracking sound again.

He stopped where he was, his steps stiff. He turned his head slowly again like a dead man, the darkness swallowed all the light behind him, I don't know if it was an illusion, he heard a breath.

Is it an illusion?

Hugh Dureka stood there, listening carefully. He was sweating, his face was pale, and his legs were shaking like a sieve.

Breathe out.

Breathe out.

Is it his own breathing? He wasn't sure, so he continued to run, running under the yellow halo cast by the next light, before the light he ran past shattered again.

This time, he didn't look back - he just ran, and fear had completely engulfed his heart. Bloodshots crawled into his eyes, Hugh Dureka only hated himself for not being remodeled at the moment, he was running too slow!

Every time I ran past a lamp, there was a cracking sound behind me. Just when he was still two lights away from the security gate, he stumbled and fell to the ground. He screamed and crawled on the ground with his fingers. The fingernails turned up and blood flowed out, and he continued to crawl on the ground as if he could not feel the pain, leaving dirty marks with blood.

He came under the penultimate lamp, and a cracking sound made him tremble.

Right in front of you, right in front of you! Hugh Dureka breathed out a breath of fearful air, stretched out his hand, and crawled forward - at this moment, the surroundings were completely plunged into darkness.

Except for the last light and below the indicator light where he was, all around was covered in darkness. He looked around nervously and nervously, feeling as if a thousand pairs of eyes were watching him in the dark.

"Don't come here! Don't come here! This monster, you can't even catch me! Don't even think about it!"

He screamed hysterically, stretched one hand out of the yellow halo, and the bone-chilling cold attacked him. He retracted his hand and looked at the palm that had been completely frozen and necrotic in disbelief. Out of the eye socket.

Next, only unintelligible phrases popped out of his mouth. This completely collapsed man stood up from the ground, screaming and shouting while crying and laughing, tore off his clothes and threw them on the ground like crazy.

Then, a chuckle came from the darkness.

Hugh Dureka stood there, frozen. He looked at the light above the safety gate, which was shaking slightly at this moment—three seconds later, it shattered.

Hugh Dureka didn't look back, he knew that the monster was standing behind him at this moment.

After another two seconds, the lamp above his head also shattered. A scream rang out in the darkness.

Five minutes later, Batman walked out of the long corridor with his body in one hand, and he dialed the communication: "I have checked it out."

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