Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 12 Chapter 125: Above Terra (23)

It's not easy to move fast on a cluttered battlefield. Fortunately, they have transport ships - three transport ships fly low-altitude to drop the three battle companies of the Ultramarines into a bare square in the middle of the hive. They fell from the sky to the ground, stirring up smoke and heavy noises.

In that flying dust, the scarlet eyepiece lit up.

Marius stepped out first, using him as the arrow, and the Ultramarines followed behind him. The three combat companies were not full. According to the standard of 100 men, the second company had already suffered more than half of the casualties. There are currently only 193 of them. Pushing vigilantly, they soon reached the power plant.

The battle nuns were patrolling in groups of three, the massive power plant core standing behind them like some kind of sleeping monster. He breathed a sigh of relief as the boots stomped across the sheet metal so loudly—well, it wasn't as bad as he thought.

It didn't take long for Steve, who got the news, to come over. He smiled at Marius' first glance: "I'm glad to see you safe and sound, Marius. Where's Sicarius?"

"He's wounded, my lord. He's currently in the makeshift hospital behind the line, and the medical nuns are looking after him."

Steve's smile faded a little: "Really? How did you get hurt?"

"A Khorne lord of war..."

The scene at that time resurfaced before Marius' eyes. That blasphemous thing had a huge gun barrel in its right hand. It fired six bursts, and a single shot would blast the ground into a crater several meters deep. In the left hand is a special chain saw that never stops, rusted but still incredibly sharp. Not even Terminator armor could withstand a single swipe from it.

They paid a huge price to take this thing down.

"Anyway, the current situation is still not optimistic." Steve gestured for Marius to come with him. They went all the way to the bottom of the power plant, where the 'fuel' was injected. The war has stopped for a long time since the beginning of the war, but it still emits a light like lava.

"This thing's still going, I don't know how to stop it - Marius, that's the problem. We just fought off a wave of Slaanesh demons an hour before you came. I can deal with them Keep fighting, but the nuns are different. The living force is being consumed by those things..."

With deep worry in Steve's eyes, he turned his head to look to the other side: "I can't take care of everything by myself. If I miss something and let them get here, no one can accept the consequences."

Marius looked at the huge chasm and felt the heat rushing towards him. He looked at the lava-like light carefully, and it took a long time before he spoke: "...Okay, my lord."

The Chapter Commander shrugged: "I originally thought that the technical sergeant should be able to solve this big baby, but now it seems that I was wrong. This thing is definitely not something they can handle, at least those guys with oil leaks should study a dozen or so. There is a chance in this year.”

"You can't either?" Steve sighed. "Well, I guess we'll just have to spend it here until He gets here."

He didn't get an answer, and Steve frowned and turned away—"Marius?"

No one answered, no one even stood there.

The ground began to squirm—to be exact, something on the ground started to squirm. They were dust or something, but in a burst of green light they turned into mildew. Creeping on the ground and crawling towards Steve. A pungent and unacceptable odor began to spread in the air.

No, it's not just smelly.

Steve hung his head expressionlessly, and from where he stood, golden flames began to spread. Against the mold that was crawling towards him. The flames crackled the mold as it burned, and the mold continued to emerge from the darkness as if it were inexhaustible. At the same time, he heard a few childlike laughter.

There can be no children here.

The wrist was turned, and the flame sword was already in his hand. Steve saw it—he saw it really, completely.

A corpse emerged from the darkness.

It has the most ordinary face, but it is full of pustules, and its face is pale. Glittered, grunting in pain. Within a few steps, the thing fell to the ground, the fragile leg joints snapped in the fall, and the arms swung awkwardly around in uncontrollable spasms.

Bloody pus spattered from the broken leg joint. With the wet bone fragments and the incomprehensible thing, Steve almost nauseous - he'd never seen something so abominable. The horrific consequences of the disease are deeply demonstrated in this corpse.

However, it's not over -- yes, it's not over yet. For Nurgle, things were only halfway there.

The abdomen of the corpse began to rot and decompose, and yellow fat particles dripped onto the floor. The eyes became cloudy, fell out of their sockets, and fell on the ground into a pool of mucus. It opened its mouth, its teeth shriveled in its looseness, its tongue blackened, and then snapped by its own loose teeth in a twitch.

Its intestines split open and its bladder burst - but it's not quite dead yet.

Precisely, he died, but it didn't.

But how is this possible?

Steve didn't want to think too much.

"Enough," Steve said in a voice that was a mix of disgust and determination. "rest in peace."

He swung his sword, and flames splashed out from the sword, spreading over the corpse like a blanket of flames. The flame purifies everything and quickly restores the entire diseased body to a white bone, but the effects of the terrible plague still exist. Its bones also turned black and covered with mildew.

Theoretically, there can be no mold on the bones.

This idea suddenly flashed in Steve's mind, and the voice was not his own, but He Shenyan's. There was his usual ease and laughter in that voice, and there was a bit of teasing in it.

+You have to be ready, Steve, I can't help you much, He dragged you into a fantasy... Of course, it could also be true, who knows? +

He Shenyan's words were as ambiguous as ever, and considering his own personality, Steve didn't say much. He also answered psychically.

+ What should I do? +

+Just do what you do best, Steve, stick with it, and win+

Steve exhaled softly, and more footsteps came from the darkness. He could almost smell them—the flames lit his blond hair, and a nascent sun rose in this dark place, burning the moist air and the virus in it. His eyes had turned into golden eyes, and he gritted his teeth.

"Come on," he said.


The bald think tank that Marius had spoken to before was named Rogris Tarot. Among the think tanks, he is neither the strongest nor the most sensitive one. But he's the best of them all -- it may sound paradoxical, but that's what it is. The strongest do not necessarily know how to fight best.

Combat is an art, about the weak and the bullying, about how to use strategy to turn defeat into victory—and Rogris is fascinated by it and proud of his attack. But he will never stop because he is fighting for humanity and the Empire.

Because of this, he was able to follow in Marius's footsteps, and because of this, he only sensed the abnormal psionic fluctuations three minutes later.

Roglis's body froze suddenly, and blue psionic radiance began to flow from his eyes. Several fighting brothers who were relatively close to him discovered something was wrong almost in an instant, and rushed over immediately. They don't know what happened to Rogris, perhaps, even Rogris himself can't tell.

He really couldn't tell.

At this moment, his eyes were gazing at a dark green cloud—a thick, eerie cloud full of wailing and sickness circled behind Terra, and then it rained acid rain. anything else? what else? Rogris anxiously used his psychic power to peep into the future at that moment, but he suddenly knew that the real danger had arrived at his side.

A green-yellow tongue licked his bald head. The scene was funny, but that lick made the think tank tremble. Unimaginable pain erupted in his body, causing this battle-hardened warrior to kneel on the ground in pain, trembling like an epilepsy.

His brothers pulled him up, questioned him, and tapped him on the shoulder. But there was nothing in that white eye. After several minutes, Rogris' pupils returned to their sockets. When he regained his senses, the first thing he did was not to tell his brothers how things were, but to shoot everyone who came close to him.

His face began to swell and became ugly, glowing differently as if it had been smeared with oil. His voice was beginning to decay, but the will in it was still there. Everyone could hear his roar: "The devil is in—!"

At the last moment of his fall, a blue light flashed in his eyes.

The think tank could not finish the second half of the sentence, and he fell to the ground. After a third of a second, he swelled rapidly.

Black and purple flowers bloom on his face and arms, and his body becomes a radiant sunset. His power armor, which had looked fine only a few moments ago, was now stained black with corpse exudate, with musty hair and cracked along the seams.

The horror began to spread, and a fighting brother was the first to realize what happened. He roared in the communication channel: "Enemy attack!" Then a sword fell, headed Rogris, and he died.

Sadly, it was too late.

Rogris' corpse exploded, shards of bones splashed out, accompanied by sickly yellow blood and pus, an explosion of flesh and blood erupted in the center of the crowd, and no one was spared. Whether it's Ultramarine, or a battle nun. Just a little of the flesh on their bare skin immediately begins to rot and the skin swells.

The plague began to spread, no doubt—everyone realized it.


Marius realized something was wrong almost instantly, and a chilling sensation spread to his entire body. The power fist quickly charged up, and the Chapter Commander exhaled a mouthful of turbid air and looked around. The environment has not changed, but that person is missing.

Steve Rogers, a Primarch - a man he respected, is gone.

Right under his nose.

Fury quickly struck his heart, Marius was never known for his coolness, in fact, any warrior should be furious. It's just to see if you can suppress this fury and put it to good use in combat. Marius obviously can.

He calmed down in less than a second, and he immediately opened the communication channel, but before he could say anything, the psychic communication of the think tank caught him first.

+The situation is not right, Chapter Master+

+ what happened? +

+ Devil! demon! +

Roglis' psionic communication has never been so piercing, like the cry of a gust of wind, mixed with lightning and his own scream. An ominous feeling immediately attacked Marius' heart, he looked up, and his superhuman vision allowed him to quickly capture the situation above a hundred meters.

People are exploding one by one.

Rogris, answer me, are you still there? !

No answer, no.

The psychic communication and connection of the think tank disappeared, and Marius grinned, and his white teeth appeared in it. Hot air flowed out of his mouth, and the Chapter Master jumped up with unparalleled Power Fist grabbed the wall and led him up the climb, but in just a minute, he went from The ground returned to that metal layer.

However, the situation in front of him was a terrible situation that he did not want to see at all.

A battle nun screamed and exploded in front of him, and the whole person was transformed into a dark cloud of flesh and blood. Marius' hair stood on end, instinctively sensing that something was wrong, and immediately avoided the flesh and blood attacking him. He looked around and saw that both the nuns and his warriors were running and dodging.

Some nuns wanted to help their comrades, but cutting off their flesh-stained arms or heads couldn't stop their swelling, and the sound of explosions rang out incessantly.

Do you think this is the worst situation?

Do not.

Marius heard a giggling sound from the darkness, and he turned his head to see a blue shadow drifting away with the wind, a colorful feather falling to the ground. The Chapter Master's eyelids twitched, the muscles of his face deformed with uncontrollable anger, but before he could say anything, a large swarm of Slaanesh demons poured out from the exit opposite him.


Marius Calgar, Chapter Master of the Ultramarines Chapter, felt so helpless for the first time.

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