Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 12 Chapter 129: The brink of destruction (5k)

Angron didn't understand what happened, and He Shenyan didn't mean to explain it to him. It's just that the center of the circle above their heads began to hum constantly. After a while, it said in a mechanical voice: "It has accelerated, and the estimated time to reach Terra has been shortened to three hours."

"three hours?!"

Angron was shocked, but before he could ask any questions, there was a violent vibration under his feet.

The vibration was so violent that even a Primarch nearly fell over. As a last resort, he stretched out his hand to support the wall, the vibration disappeared after two minutes, and at the same time, a dazzling golden light lit up outside the porthole.

He Shenyan sat down slowly. He wrapped the Vengeance with psychic tentacles to maintain its stability, so he could see better than Angron, and his vision floated over the entire Vengeance. In his eyes, it was a spectacle.

A miracle, a miracle created by billions of mortals.

The explosive acceleration provided by the simultaneous shattering of billions of souls formed a golden band of light in the universe of the material realm, and the Vengeance left a trail in the universe like a trailing comet.

Gold spills out between the dark universe, and the golden shards are like some kind of frozen tears, which is fascinating to watch. They drift freely in the vacuum, may stay put, may drift around. It may exist for a long time, or it may disappear in the next second.

Just like the lives of mortals.

One by one they died, one by one they voluntarily shattered their souls, and the golden light gradually began to boil.

Finally, after a short but long five minutes, the golden light turned blazing white, exactly the same color as when the star torch was boiling. Got a handful. In the warp, the Vengeance has been connected to the Star Torch.

The center of the circle buzzed the notification, and the sound even became stuck: "The estimated-arrival time is changed to-two hours."

"Two hours, Angron, this is the limit of what we can do." He Shenyan said with a half-smile, his expression was very strange, between calm and smile, but with some sadness.

"Two hours to reach Terra?"


"how did you do it?"

"It's not me..." He Shenyan leaned back on the chair, his tone soft and slow. "It's not my fault, Angron."

The Lord of Red Sand frowned: "Let's not mention these, do you know how Terra is doing now?"

"What is the opposite of beautiful?"

"Damn, can't you just talk well? Just say 'bad'!"

"It's not just bad."

Ignoring Angron's request, He Shenyan's fingers began to tap rhythmically on the table again. Continuous crisp sounds echoed in the main control room, and after a while, Angron got a piece of news that made him restless.

"Actually," he heard the mage say. "Tera is on the brink of destruction."


Lying on the hospital bed, Cato Sicarius felt uneasy for no reason. He rarely felt that way.

However, the Astartes generally believed in their intuition, and they valued 'feeling' very much, so he immediately reached out and wanted to press the button beside the bed to call the medical nun over and ask if something happened.

However, before he could press it, the medical nun who was taking care of him came over. She had short, shoulder-length flaxen hair, and her onyx green eyes carried an emotion that was very familiar to Sicarius.


The second company commander, who had only half of his body left, frowned and asked in a deep voice, "What happened, nun?"

"There's no time to explain too much, my lord."

With trembling hands, the medical nun took out a clean gas mask from her waist and put it on Sicarius' face. After doing this, she ran to the side anxiously, took out three injections from the medical bag around her waist, and then started Manipulate those complex medical instruments.

"Sister? What the **** happened? Explain to me—"

Sicarius pulled off his gas mask, and he swallowed the second half of the sentence before he finished speaking. An abnormal ground tremor forced him to hold on to the sheets. The nun immediately pulled down a rocker on the side of his bed, locking the movement function. This special hospital bed was originally designed to accommodate the Astartes.

She picked up a blue injection and injected it into Sicarius without saying a word: "This is a powerful anesthetic, my lord, it can make you ignore the pain for a short time."

Then a red one: "Stimulant, my lord."

"And this!" She bit the safety tube of the third white injection with her mouth, spat it on the ground, and plunged it into Sicarius' forearm. "This is nutrient solution, my lord, you must get out of here."

She was trembling all over, and tears welled up in her eyes. She once thought that her faith in the Emperor was unparalleled, but when those monsters really appeared in front of her eyes, her spirit was still affected incomparably. At that time, the nun understood.

That has nothing to do with the firmness of the faith...

Just looking at them is a daunting challenge for mortals, a projection of fear straight to the heart. They are synonymous with blasphemy and depravity, the embodiment of all evil in the real world, and just by looking at them, the deep malice almost made the nun faint.

Sicarius looked down at the slit in his abdomen, which was covered by a bandage, and the tingling of the wound was still there. If he pushes hard, the wound might open up again. As the nun unplugged the tubes from which the medical instruments were plugged into him, he asked, "Tell me, nun, what the **** is going on outside?"

A scream came, and the sound seemed to turn on something, causing a continuous wave of screams. Roars, prayers, and the screams of people dying resounded endlessly, echoing in the museum hall. In contrast, there is a deep laughter that never stops, and the sound of some insects and flies trembling and flying.

The nun's face suddenly turned pale.

Cato Sicarius sat up gently, then left the bed. These two simple actions are also very difficult for him today. He stands on one leg and has a good sense of balance that keeps him steady without the need for the other leg.

He doesn't need to explain anymore, he already understands - completely, completely. What more explanation is needed? When he heard those voices, he understood. This voice was all too familiar to the Astartes.

"Damn..." he said gloomily. "What about the patrolling guards? How did they break through the defense line and come inside the palace?"

Sicarius asked as he stretched out **** and lifted the white cloth to peep out.

The situation outside was worse than he thought, and a Nurgle demon rushed in, spreading the disease on a wounded Astral Army soldier, and the poor man's body was rapidly swollen and green. In his painful sleep he became a breeding ground for the disease.

And the soldier next to him could only watch all this with a split canthus. He was bound to the bed with a fixed belt, and he had no weapon at hand. So he could only watch helplessly as his companion became a source of blasphemy, groaning constantly in his throat, but there was nothing he could do.

Sicarius clenched his fists—they were in the depths of the Museum Hall, which should have been impregnable. This is the inside of the palace!

Not to mention the Imperial Fist monks on the city walls, the self-propelled artillery and defensive facilities in the palace alone can turn anyone's idea of ​​attacking into a foolish attempt. There are also patrolling guards. As the guards of the palace, the equipment configuration of these Astral Army soldiers has always been the best. They even have lethal weapons like melt guns.

...but what if it was from the inside?

Cato Sicarius narrowed his eyes. The nun came to him and said in a very soft voice: "My lord, the guards are outside against another wave of demons that have come from nowhere. They seem to have appeared out of nowhere, and are inexplicably in the palace. The raging inside. The Emperor is on top..."

The nun's voice was trembling: "This is supposed to be the most sacred place!"

Sicarius glanced down at her unexpectedly, the fear in the medical nun's voice quickly turning into anger. It also reminded him of something—the medical nuns were not the helpless doctors people imagined.

Sure enough, the next second, the demon's movements were interrupted by the unique sound of the laser gun.

A dozen or so nuns armed with imperial M35 laser guns fired again and again, and shot precisely in short bursts towards the demon's eyes, and he had to raise his hand to block it. Other parts of its body may be able to withstand the laser beam, but not the eyes. What's more, it is a salvo. When dealing with unarmored targets, the firepower of the laser gun must not be underestimated.

Here comes the opportunity.

Sicarius' eyes gleamed, and he would never let such an opportunity pass. The demon was seventy meters away from him. He had no weapons, lost a leg, and was even injured. But he still had a way to kill it—at least, he had to create a chance to kill it.

Without explanation, Sicarius grabbed the iron rail at the end of the bed with one hand. He lifted the three-hundred-pound special hospital bed with one hand, and at the moment when he was about to lose his fragile balance, Cato Sicarius let out a roar.


The iron bed was thrown out fiercely by him, with unparalleled momentum. Something so heavy was not something Nurgle could ignore at will, let alone a long-planned attack that appeared in the blind spot of its vision. It blocks the laser beam from the laser gun. But it is impossible to ignore the existing laws of physics in the physical realm.

Gravity + speed equals destructive power - the heavy iron bed whistled and slapped it far away, leaving a long trail on the ground of the museum hall, and yellow pus hissed on the ground . A dozen Nurglings emerged from its body and chattered around its head, which was hilarious, as long as you could ignore what they were.

It tried to get up, but Sicarius aimed at its head. The hideous monster was clearly still in a daze, shaking its head from side to side as Nurgling burrowed in and out of the mucus-covered holes in its face, making disgusting little noises.

The rebellious medical nuns lived up to the opportunity. Well-trained, they immediately adjusted the gear of the laser gun, from semi-automatic to full-automatic, no longer worrying about battery consumption, the M35 light gun that fired at full force roared and shot out a beam full of hate.

At the same time, Sicarius roared again: "Hit it in the eye!"

He was lying on the ground, having just fallen and the wound in his abdomen opened again. Sicarius was still doing the correct command: "Suppress it! Eyes! Don't let it stand up, and don't let it get close to the wounded. Damn it, nun, do you have any heavy firepower?"

"We're just doctors, my lord."

The medical nun in charge of him ran over, and their unique hospital knight armor provided some extra strength, allowing the nun to give Sicarius a little help and get him to his feet. "We don't have heavy firepower," the nun said bitterly.

Just then, the huge rosary around her neck caught the eye of Sicarius. As far as he knows, the rosaries of the nuns are all made of Edman alloy (not the same thing as Marvel's, but it is also very hard, and even used to make the internal structure of the Terminator armor), thinking of this, Sika Lucy narrowed his eyes.

He said in a deep voice: "Give me the rosary on your neck, nun, and then go to meet your companions. I will delay time for you, and make sure to transfer all the wounded quickly."

The nun took off the string of rosary beads in a daze, each one the size of a child's fist, held heavy in her hands. But it was still too light for Sicarius.

He waved the nun to get out of here, and then used his teeth to bite off the tough cloth soaked in holy oil. He wrapped the cloth around the surface of his right fist, and the hard rosary was stuck between his knuckles and knuckles. In this way, two finger tigers, which were so simple that they could no longer be simple, were made.

Sicarius stood on one leg and took a deep breath.

It was the first time he had made such a bad battle decision - with a broken leg, no armor, and only a rosary finger tiger his only weapon, facing a Nurgle demon. Even if he solves it by luck, I'm afraid he will die, not to mention that Nurgle's demons tend to move in groups...

But so what?

Cato Sicarius began to jump. The scene was hilarious.

He jumped up and down in the museum hall with 10,000 years of history. Skip the restored artefacts in the glass cabinets lining the aisles, skip the carvings on the walls. Step by step, little by little, approached the Nurgle demon who finally stood up, under the gaze of the nuns, the sick, and the portraits of the great men and emperors of ancient Terra's 10,000-year history on the ceiling.

The stench poured into his nostrils, and he began to feel sick. The gas mask the nun had given him had long since been forgotten, and the demon looked at him in confusion, as if he were looking at a fool. Its swollen, green face wriggled, and several pustules burst. It wanted to say something, but Sicarius didn't give it the chance.

Astarte, who had only one leg left, began to punch, and the first punch ripped open the wound on his chest and abdomen. A warm current gushed out from his abdomen, and the tingling turned into pain.

With the second punch, the demon finally recovered. It waved its staff angrily, and Sicarius blocked the powerful blow with one hand. Nurgle's demons are generally not very good at close quarters, compared to the Khorne demon army, who are extremely attuned to melee combat. Their real lethality lies in that damned plague.

This also gave Sicarius an opportunity.

He continued to punch, punching punch after punch at the dull, fat demon's face. Disgusting pus and tissue fluid smeared his hands, and blood began to ooze from the corners of Sicarius' mouth. His breath began to smell rotten.

Fighting the Nurgle demons in close quarters without protection - I deserve it. Sicarius thought between his punches, and then threw a heavy punch again.

His luck ended here, and thanks to the plague, severe pain began to appear in his body. It also made this punch much less forceful, and the Nurgle Demon swung the wooden staff with mycelium and huge mushrooms again furiously to knock him out. In mid-air, Sicarius conservatively estimated that he had broken at least four ribs.

He coughed up a mouthful of black blood, which splattered on his neck, and the skin began to turn abnormally pale. Sicarius didn't even look at it, he climbed up with difficulty, and he put out the ancient hand-to-hand combat stance that originated from within the battle group.

"Come on," said Sicarius. "Come here, you **** beast! Come and fight me!"

A golden light flashed in his pupils.


Thor Galadon stared blankly at the sky overhead, and they evacuated the hive after receiving support. It wasn't that he didn't want to stay and fight alongside the Ultramarines, but the casualties were so severe that he had to save the lives of his wounded fighting brothers.

They borrowed a troop carrier and stopped halfway because of the collapsed building. Had to clear away the debris that got in the way before hitting the road.

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However, UU reading www. uukanshu. com stood in the clearing, the thick green clouds rolling over his head made Galadon's hair stand on end.

Heck....what is this? !

'Rock' immediately began to warn on the communication channel: "Everyone moves closer to me-! Damn, no, no, find a bunker!"

A sharp sensation from his back made him tremble uncontrollably, and the physiological response of human beings surpassed everything - Thor Galladon felt as if he was standing naked in front of a fired whirlwind torpedo. .

The Astartes quickly found cover, and the personnel carriers were driven into the ruins. It didn't take long for a drop of green acid rain to fall on the ground, right at Galadon's feet.

The ground was corroded—and from the corroded pit, a bunch of green flowers opened. Mycelium crawled all around, extending all the way to Galadon's feet.

Looking at all this, he suddenly realized what a disaster that was about to happen.

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