Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 12 Chapter 134: Furious (four k)

After the deadly acid rain in the sky was blocked by the light curtain, the situation of the entire battlefield ushered in a reversal.

Acid rain is indiscriminate. The Khorne demon army gathered in the flats and buildings has suffered great losses, and the Slaanesh demons in the hive are even more miserable. Although the Empire also suffered heavy losses, their morale Not depressed. Also, they have support.

The golden light kept flashing across the land of Terra, and those long dead stepped out of their memories. Stretching through the gates of death with their unparalleled loyalty, they ignore the plagues or spells of the demons, their swords and sharp claws, and even the fire of a demonic engine.

This unconventional scene has many people shouting about the Emperor's Apparition - in fact, they began to do so as early as the moment these Heroic Spirits appeared.

Antarctica, under thick ice.

Tribunal headquarters.

There is no demon attack here, and the reason is very intriguing. Perhaps when they were held accountable afterwards, the inquisitors could say that because they were under the ice, the demons couldn't come here. The truth of the matter is not so.

Light footsteps sounded from the wide hallway, and Batman could actually make no sound at all. He could sneak in as a shadow, but he didn't want to. Sometimes, keeping the enemy completely invisible to you can take all the fun out of it.

They could hear, but only a tiny little sound. Saw the shadow of my cloak flickering there as I ran around every corner. Fear breeds in their hearts, fear breeds doubt, and doubt eats their minds little by little.

At that point, Batman will be able to achieve his goals very easily.

He's on the hunt - unlike the patrolling Batman he remembers, the clone named Cran Samps has thrown away some of the old rules after what he's been through. Not killing people is one of them, and after all, Crane understands that some people just can't do it without killing them.

As for the legal boundaries...he doesn't care about those things anymore.

The new task Guilliman gave him was very simple, to find out whether the whole thing about the potion and the test product was done by a branch within the Inquisition, or they were done together. Crane is biased towards the former, there are many branches of the Inquisition wandering among the stars, and they may not return to headquarters until they die.

As for the union, this is even more of a fantasy. The tribunal has caused many problems because of too many branches. Judging from the current situation, it is unlikely that they will unite... Having said that, Crane still has to get evidence.

Evidence is required for everything, and speculation alone cannot make things completely public.

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth twitched silently - it seems that I still haven't gotten rid of Bruce Wayne's shadow, the best detective in the world... hum.

The hunt continued, and he kept his pace unhurriedly. The prey in front of him was 300 meters away from him, and he kept this distance. His psychic powers helped his eyes to see the heart of the prey through the wall. Crane silently assessed the speed of his heartbeat and calculated whether he wanted to give it to him. Bring some food to stimulate.

His hunt stopped after three minutes, and the inquisitor fell to the ground in too much fear. Crane sighed, and the whole person turned into a shadow and sneaked from the ceiling. The speed was extremely fast, and in the next second, he crossed 300 meters and stood behind him.

Looking at the trembling Inquisitor, the hand that Crane had stretched out suddenly stopped—if he hadn't stopped, this hand should have grabbed his neck and lifted the Inquisitor from the ground. Then, he would use his psionic power to check the memories in his mind.

However, he stopped.

A needle-like pain made Crane squinted, his open hands clenched into fists, a black shadow appeared on it, and then spurted fiercely, turning into a choice person in the air. And devoured the black fire snake.

Crane stared intently at the spewing flames, and time slowed down as he wished at this moment - when the fire snake was less than twenty centimeters away from the judge's brain, he abruptly gave a very extreme He turned his head quickly.

Three hundred and sixty degrees.

His neck twisted into a twisted shape, his bones creaked, his blood vessels began to burst a little because they couldn't take the twist, and so did his skin. Still, he had a peaceful smile on his face. Eight teeth, no more and no less, raised at the corners of his mouth, and ten percent of the goodwill gleamed on them.

He said, "Hello."

Crane also smiled. The fire snake disappeared, and he punched in a way that Batman would never use, and two-thirds of the Inquisitor's head was removed, leaving only a small piece of chin on his neck. The tongue wriggled strangely, bent up and down. Breathing out of the throat.

Then he started talking again.

"I noticed some of your little actions here, and I have to say, I like your way and ability to spread fear. This new friend, although we have never met-"

The thing that was in the body began to giggle: "—but I like you very much."

Crane's response was simple. He withdrew his arms expressionlessly and clenched his fists again. One punch, two punches, three punches. When nothing more than sticky ketchup remained on the ground and ceiling, he called out a black psychic flame. Unlike any known flame attribute, the flame formed by his psionic energy is 'cold'.

It just burns as well.

After doing all this, he did not leave. Crane stood there, his eyes closed. Perceiving everything around him without leaving any room, at this moment, he finally found something wrong.

In this Inquisition headquarters under the ice cap of Antarctica...they have eight floors, each floor has nine huge rooms, and nine corridors connect these rooms. When there are too many coincidences, the coincidence is no longer a coincidence, but the result of careful design. Crane opened his eyes, he didn't regret the time he was careless, but suddenly punched the ground.

Tzeentch's holy number is nine, but there are only eight floors here.

Huge power stretched along the ground, and the thick alloy ground could not resist the power of a primarch. Crane shattered it with ease, and he floated down through the pierced gap like a shadow. The eye is brightly lit and a laboratory-like place.

"I still let you find it."

A voice sounded in this vast laboratory, and a demon stood opposite Crane. It bowed politely, and even gave him an eagle salute. The long staff held in the right hand is embellished with many colorful feathers, its head is hidden under the hood, and the body is also hidden under the cloak.

But the slender beak protruding from the hood had revealed its identity, or perhaps the creature never intended to hide itself.

It said regretfully: "I have placed so many confusing and misleading spells, and those who have been deliberately instilled by me with false memories. You still found this place, why psionic spells don't work for you? "

Crane was completely relaxed and walked in the laboratory like a walk. He didn't answer the demon's question, just watched the labware thoughtfully.

A huge instrument was placed in the center of the room, it was five meters high, and several pipes connected it. At the bottom is a huge magic circle, which is now exuding the smell of blasphemous filthy spells. Some 'used' corpses are piled up in a corner of the room, and the fear on their faces is clearly visible under the bright lights.

And around this instrument, there are many huge iron coffins shining with black metallic luster. Some are closed, with transparent pipes connecting them to the instrument. Some are open and not piped. It is worth mentioning that the opened iron coffin was full of sharp and tiny blades and thorns, and dark red bloodstains remained.

Crane looked away, he looked at the demon, and asked calmly, "Any last words?"

"Last words? You can't kill me." The demon opened its slender beak, revealing its blue slender tongue inside, and giggled awkwardly. "We failed, but we just have to wait another hundred years to make a comeback. Do you understand?"

"You wouldn't have that chance," Crane said.

He gave a smile. Batman doesn't smile at enemies, Bruce Wayne only smiles at pretty women. And Cran Samps is different.

He smiled because he was already furious.


Marius gasped, gasping hard, gasping for breath. His three lungs were protesting against him at the same time, but the Chapter Master couldn't control that much.

They held out for an hour at the bottom of the damned Hive Dynamo, and the Emperor blessed them, and they killed many demons in that hour. A warrior calling himself Cybulus caught his attention, and according to the battle nuns, he was rescued by Steve. But Marius saw more, he noticed the other party's Seiko power armor.

An hour later, they got reinforcements. The Sixth Company, who are good at fighting bikes, rode their darling through the walls of the hive and into the pile of Slaanesh demons. They obviously came well prepared, everyone was dressed tightly, and even the blue psionic energy left by the think tank after using the spell was shining on them.

The threat of the disease was greatly reduced, and the surviving nuns and Ultramarines were quickly transferred out with them. The Sixth Company has never disappointed Marius in terms of quick transfer and maneuverability. They arranged a part of the manpower ahead of time and placed explosives on the wall outside the power plant. After receiving the wounded, they did not stop for a moment and exploded directly. The wall left.

As for Marius...he didn't choose to leave, he and the warrior who called himself Cybrus continued to fight the Slaanesh demons in the gap blown by the explosives.

The narrow gap wasn't ideal for Marius' power punches, and he had to let the demons out if he wanted to do wide-open punches. Otherwise, his attack will cause more serious wall damage. Cybulus, on the other hand, did not have so many concerns. He carried the power sword and executed a butcher-like fine slash.

The output of the disintegration stand is very stable, separating the flesh and bones of the demons from each other is like unbuttoning a button. Marius narrowed his eyes, and this fighting style made him think of something... but now is not the time to talk about it.

He raised his right hand and fired a bolt from the bolt gun attached to it, hitting a Slaanesh demon who wanted to sneak up on Cybrus from behind. Marius didn't wear a helmet, and he didn't have an auxiliary aiming. This kind of accuracy was bought by him for a long time.

"Thank you," said Cybrus, turning around and slaying the ugly demon again with a sword. The blade cut open its body, and at the same time, his footsteps spun, and the blade spun together, unfolding a dance of death.

Their slaughter continued for a long time, until the fighters of the 6th Company came back to pick them up again. Astarte, who was riding a combat motorcycle, got out of the car and blew the nest down with a special hot melt explosive. They rode away quickly on motorcycles. From the third hive all the way back to the outer walls of the palace, where the Imperial Fists and Ultramarines are being repaired.

Everyone had visible fatigue on their faces, but everyone was in high spirits. This scene made Marius a little puzzled. He took off his helmet, looked up at the sky, and was immediately stunned.

It was not the drowsy sky he imagined, a golden curtain floated over the entire sky. At this moment, Marius suddenly realized that the reason why it is bright now is not because the artificial light source makes the sky bright again.

Instead they came back.


A voice interrupted his thoughts, and Marius looked back to find Cato Sicarius. He, who should have broken his leg, was alive and well at this time, and he was still holding a combat knife in his hand. The ancient shape made Marius quite puzzled - where did he get this thing?

"If my memory is" The Chapter Master shook his head, trying to make his wet forehead feel better without raising his hand. "You should have broken a leg."

"Indeed." Sicarius nodded. "I don't know how to explain it to you... Anyway, something happened."

Noticing that he was looking at the battle knife in his hand, Sicarius laughed. He rarely smiled, which is why he only smiled for a moment, when Marius stopped him immediately, feeling unwell.

"If you want to explain, explain it now, if you don't, write a report to me after the war... Also, stop laughing, Sicarius. I'd rather not wear armor and laugh at you. A **** beast fights."

"...It doesn't have to be so mean, Chapter Master." Sicarius said helplessly. "The explanation is actually very simple, but it depends on whether you can accept it - long story short, those heroic spirits from the past, they are back."

"...Go on."

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