It is the doctor's job to relieve the patient of the pain—unless the patient desires the pain, which is another matter.

And Kugas is clearly the most difficult kind of patient, who sees the pain as a blessing. At the moment when He Shenyan took away the plagues bred in his body, this great impure person cried like a child.

The subsequent operation made it fall into a kind of desperate grief. It kept shouting the name of the loving father, hoping that she could take it away from the devil, but its loving father never gave it the slightest bit. respond.

He Shenyan knew the reason, but he didn't tell it, just continued to remove those diseased internal organs and maggots with a smile. Angron stood on the side, which was different from that of the mage. He didn't even want to turn his head to take a look.

Finally, ten minutes of tormenting Kugas and Angron had passed. Kugas dissipated in a scream, and its entire body underwent a complete purification procedure in the past half hour, such as replacing corrupt organs, removing diseased skin and a series of complete operations.

He Shenyan moved his wrist, and beside him was a burning fire. Angron stood beside him leaning on the axe, and the lightning on the axe blade disappeared quietly. The Lord of Red Sand's expression was a bit complicated. He didn't know how to evaluate what the mage had just done to the demon.

On the one hand, he was very happy to see the demons suffer. On the other hand... He really felt that what He Shenyan sometimes did was not like a person.

"Just say what you want to say."

He Shenyan glanced at him, and even had that kind of gentle smile on his face.

"You just killed it right here?"

Angron opened the topic without changing his face, and refused to talk about what had just happened: "According to what I know about you, you should rip out its soul and do something else - this kind of Not like you."

"What you're saying about me sounds like a perverted murderer, but I'm not, Angron. There's no point in torturing this idiot, it's got nothing left on its mind other than spreading the plague of Nurgle. Simple It's terrible, no wonder the green-skinned fat boy likes it so much..."

You obviously tortured it very happily... Angron murmured.

The mage glanced at him again: "Besides, it doesn't make any sense to kill it here, do you understand?"

"Nurgus will surely take back Krogath's soul, she will not give up such a great unclean one who truly loves her. Korgath's rebirth is still only a matter of sooner or later. How sad, Anger Lang. We want to use reason to look at and judge the world, but the truth of the world is that four evil gods are making troubles and trying to turn everyone into a lunatic."

"We just can't tell the truth. We can't tell the truth about the general public. Otherwise, they will definitely fall."

Having said this, the mage smiled softly.

"You sound pessimistic."

"I've always been a pessimist."

He Shenyan raised his head and glanced at the steps not far away. The cultivators of the Empire Fist turned a blind eye to them, as did the still burning fire beside him. Simple trick, but still very useful. Complex things will always go wrong, and things that work simple will last longer.

"Perhaps it's time for you to join them to support the forbidden troops between the thrones." He Shenyan said meaningfully.

"With a group of Imperial Fists?" Angron frowned. "Maybe you don't know, but in my world they have another name. Imperial Blood Fist. They are traitors."

"You're a betrayer here too, take a break, Angron. Prejudice is useless—that's all for gossip, I'm going."



He Shenyan nodded slightly, his figure gradually dissipating after a short Mohu. The little blue light gradually dissipated in the air, and even his voice became erratic: "Tara is not small, destroying the portals one by one is not an easy job... .Wish you guys good luck."

Staring at the dissipating blue dots, Angron picked up his axe.


"Positional warfare is very stupid, at least I don't like it - you have to be beaten passively and hide behind the fortifications."

Galahad's tone was filled with disgust, but that didn't change the fact that he was now huddled behind the fortifications: "Unfortunately, unfortunate. We have to stay like this for a long time before your Excellency completely clears all the portals."

"I don't understand, Galahad." Litossis was servicing his light gun, dabbing it with a rag dipped in oil. "Isn't the portal of the hive closed? Why are we still at the Bridge of the Martyrs instead of supporting other positions?"

Speaking of this, Heroic Spirit's expression became serious. Even sitting, he was much taller than Litossis standing: "Leaving AWOL is a big no-no, boy. Even I wouldn't dare to do it too often."

He raised his finger and pointed to the dark nest: "Look there, it looks like there is nothing on the surface, it's very quiet, right?"


"Those **** from the warp want us to think so, who can guarantee that there will be no demons left in there?" The heroic spirit stroked his golden power sword, and suddenly there was something else in his tone. "Never take it lightly... It's my personal advice to you."

He smiled, and Litosis suddenly understood something. So he immediately changed the subject: "Then why can Lord Dinas Tsien support other positions at will, but you can only stay here?"

Galahad turned his head away and said in a sullen tone: "Because my superior is punishing me, he said that I have been absent AWOL too many times before, and this time I have been in one place. Do this. Makes just makes me a little uncomfortable."

Their small talk stopped for a while, and Litosis was quite speechless about his ability to chat and find topics. He had wanted to hear Galahad tell some more combat-related stories or experiences or the like. Unexpectedly, his interest would be wiped out by a single word.

Fortunately, this didn't last long.

As if he heard a sound, Litosis's movement of brushing the gun suddenly stopped. He threw away the rags, ignoring the oil stains on the gun, and immediately assumed a standard shooting stance. Galahad was one step faster than him, the Heroic Spirit Warrior had already stood up at some point, and the power sword was in his right hand.

The same was true of the few Terra Prasadian soldiers who seemed to be dozing beside them. They got up and leaned against the fortifications to raise their guns. If the situation is not right, they will immediately call for enemy attack.

Drops of sweat rolled down Litossis' forehead, and a few minutes passed without anyone or demons approaching across the bridge of the Martyrs. But he was sure that he had just heard the voice from the hive. He asked softly, "Galahad, did you just hear me?"

"Boy, don't doubt your hearing. You must take any bells and whistles on the battlefield as real." Yingling replied, he bent down with a serious expression, and pulled out his bolt gun at the same time. "It's not a bad thing to be vigilant at all times."

Another few minutes passed, and Litosis never blinked. His eyes were already dry and painful, and tears were pouring out of the tear ducts. Across his cheeks, he made two marks on his dirty face. Everyone was holding their breaths and waiting quietly. Not long after, two people came across the bridge of the Martyrs.

Both were extremely tall, and they walked with a convincing demeanor of their own. One was wearing a cloth, with a power sword hanging from his waist. His face seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, making it unreal to see. The other, who was supported by him, was wearing a heavily scarred Seiko power armor, with a pale face and blond hair.

Litosis must admit, he was relieved. But more confused thoughts follow: Who are they?

He didn't notice that Galahad was staring at the power sword on the waist of the clothed man, and his expression had become very gloomy for some time.

Galahad suddenly whispered, "Retreat with your men, Litosis."


"Retreat, now!" The words of the heroic spirit were decisive, without the slightest hesitation. He turned his head to look at Litosis, the anger that suddenly rose in those eyes made the Black Armor Guard's breathing stagnate for a Let's go! "

Litosis carried out his orders, and although the soldiers were reluctant, they absolutely obeyed the command of this heroic spirit and quickly evacuated one by one.

After confirming with his own eyes that they were all gone, Galahad stood where he was, with his bolter on his waist, his power sword in both hands, and began to wait patiently.

When wolves hunt, they always wait like this.


"Excuse me, Fulgrim."

Steve was pale and uncomfortable. He shuddered as he said this, because Nurgle wanted him to be reborn, and the Emperor's psionic power had almost reshaped his organs from the inside out. The extreme pain will bring a series of problems, such as his current situation.

No part of the body is pain-free, not even the brain. It's one of the after-effects, and Steve estimates that he'll have to stay like this for at least four hours before he's free from pain. Therefore, he was supported by Fulgrim all the way.

"It's just a trivial matter - have you seen the guy across the bridge? His whole body is golden, and he should be the heroic spirit that He summoned."

Steve looked intently, nodded, and then asked suspiciously, "Why is he looking at us like that?"

Fulgrim, who had covered his face with psionic energy, gave a wry smile.

He said slowly, "I'm afraid he's here for me, Steve."

"Looking for you?" Steve was even more puzzled.

Fulgrim looked down at the power sword hanging on his waist, and his tone was erratic: "Yes, find me."

Read the latest chapter of serious people who are learning magic in Marvel, please pay attention ()

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