Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 16 Chapter 300: Blocking is worse than sparse (three k)

As the saying goes, it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

Cato Sicarius agreed with this sentence, and once again felt the wisdom of the ancients of Terra.

Their intelligence was unbelievably ahead of their time. The person who said these words even accurately predicted how he would feel tens of thousands of years later, on an old ship in another world.

Sicarius had to admit it.

After he got used to the new ship equipped with pattern arrays and magic furnaces, returning to the old ship that creaked when it started... This kind of experience is not good.

However, it cannot be said that it is poor. At least, there are not many religious decorations on this ship.

Hong Suo, the war blacksmith of the Iron Warriors, raised his hand and made a gesture.

There is no wave on his calm face, but the words he speaks are thought-provoking. This different symposium has been going on for a while, and their topic has gradually moved beyond religion. This cannot be avoided, there is no way around it.

"Of course I believe that the Emperor will return one day and lead us to victory, but I don't think it's a good thing to treat him like a god. It's a pity that I can't stop this tide. Besides, faith does Protect the physical and mental health of civilians to a certain extent.”

After saying this, a kind of worry appeared on his face. The war blacksmith shook his head: "I don't know if your world is the same, most worlds within the empire, people are far more fanatical about religious texts and beliefs than learning knowledge. eager."

"This is normal."

Sicarius interjected, taking off his helmet and sitting up straight.

"Religion is immediate. As long as you believe, you can get peace of mind. But knowledge is not. Knowing how to spell your name and knowing that you are standing on a planet does not help their situation at all. In fact, in such cruel In a world where knowledge itself may even become a dangerous weapon, used by those with bad intentions to harm them."

"Thinking breeds doubt, and doubt breeds heresy."

Mephisto shook his head, and said this sentence in a steady voice, which attracted the attention of the war blacksmith. Hong Suo narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "Whose words are these?"

"The bishop of a certain world." The chief think tank of the Blood Angels replied noncommittally. "Or something that the state religion found out from religious books..."

"A reasonable piece of bullshit."

Bjorn looked seriously at the other four people in the room. This special discussion had been going on for a while. Although none of them said it explicitly, they were indeed curious about another world.

After saying this, he noticed that Hon Suo was looking at him again. So he snorted softly: "If you have any opinion on me, you can say it directly, Iron Warrior."

"...I have nothing against you." Hong Suo said slowly, while pointing to the golden sky eagle on Bjorn's chest. "Actually, if your name wasn't Bjorn, I probably wouldn't care so much about you."

He frankly admitted his wariness about Bjorn.

Lone Wolf narrowed his eyes, and after a while of silence, he spoke again, but his tone was dry: "What did he do?"

"It's not him, it's them..."

Hong Suo lowered his head and emphasized again: "Or, you."

Saul Tarvitz saw Bjorn's face turn pale at this moment, and then flushed. The violent anger made the blue veins on his forehead throb like endlessly. He gritted his teeth and bit his own lip. Blood flowed out, and his ferocious face looked extremely terrifying.

"... us? The worst prediction I made was just me and a few said, us?" His hoarse voice sounded like two pieces of rough The stones are rubbing against each other. "Father and Russ here..."

Seeing his appearance, Saul Tarvitz knew that he had to speak out to stop him, or at least to temporarily divert Bjorn's attention from this matter.

He coughed lightly: "Brother Hong Suo, I have a question."

"Please, Captain."

"You mentioned Lucius? I noticed, you called him Lucius the Reborn?"

"Ah - yes."

Hong Suo finally looked a little happier, but only a little. The gloom and seriousness of his character don't allow him to show too many positive emotions. He thought for a moment, then said, "Glad you asked him, Captain Tarvitz. He..."

The war blacksmith was silent for a while before continuing to speak.

"Forgive me, I don't know how to describe his deeds. The state religion canonized him as a saint in order to use his influence after the rise. I don't like this practice, but if I have to give an answer, I will Would say he deserves it. Yes, he deserves it."

"Lucius...he saved a lot of people. However, it all started with the Dark Eldar trickery, who somehow got a false prophecy that your Primarch, the Exalted Phoenix Fulgrim will degenerate into a demon of Slaanesh..."

"They used tricks to trick you into the webway. This part of history is called the **** battle by you. Please forgive me, I don't know the detailed history, and you are silent about it, and we don't want to ask about it ......memory."

Hong Suo recalled and narrated seriously, so he couldn't see Tarvitz's expression. Saul Tarvitz's two hearts are beating constantly, and the words of the war blacksmith are constantly echoing in his mind. He took a deep breath, and interrupted the Warsmith rudely.

His long-cherished wish had already been fulfilled by his returning father, but he still couldn't let go of some things. He, Saul Tarvitz did not betray... but others did.

Shame still hangs over the Emperor's Children.

Saul Tarvitz asked with difficulty and slowly, "Has he fallen?"


The war blacksmith seemed confused by Tarvitz's words, he frowned and looked at Tarvitz. One second, two seconds, three seconds passed. His brows loosened, and the original doubts turned into a wave of horror, and then deep sympathy.

He was silent for a moment, then said, "I'm sorry, Captain, I didn't know..."

"No, no, I'm all right—please tell me, has he fallen?"

"No." Hong Suo sighed. "He never—forgive me, Captain, I don't want to say that word. He's a noble phoenix, and I respect him."

Saul Tarvitz smiled wryly, his original intention was to divert Bjorn's attention. But now, he himself has become the one who lost his mind. He sighed, and then noticed Hong Suo's probing eyes. This made him understand that the war blacksmith was also curious about his experience.

" my world, my father and my legion..." Saul Tarvitz closed his eyes. "They—did something wrong. Please also forgive me, Honsou, I don't want to talk about these things again."

Mephisto shook his head quietly, since he came to this world, he has been observing. Facts have proved that his actions are correct. Seeing, not talking, saved him from falling into the same situation as Bjorn and Saul Tarvitz. But there is one other person who is suffering from suspicion.

Think Tank turned his head and looked at Sicarius. There was not much expression on the latter's handsome face, but his hands on his knees were visibly trembling slightly.

"Warsmith," said Mephisto. "What about us?"

He pointed to himself and Sicarius.

His words were simple, direct and startling. Hong Suo shook his head after a brief silence: "You should have known it not long ago, think tank. At least you guessed part of it. Otherwise, you wouldn't erupt that kind of psychic power. Our psykers are because of your The mood swings are still being rescued to this day."

Mephisto nodded, and took out a tube of potion from the sealed pocket of the armed belt. The light blue light surged in it, making it seem to have life: "This potion can keep his life— Of course, if you trust me."

Hong Suo stared at him closely, and reached out to take the tube of potion. He pressed the pop-up panel on the metal gauntlet on his right hand again, and a steel warrior walked into the door after a while and took the tube of potion.

"So—" Mephisto gestured. "I'd like to hear an exact description. Is the request difficult?"

"Are you sure?" Hong Suo asked back. "I don't want another psyker in charge of monitoring here to be sent to the emergency room by you."

"I will try to restrain my emotions." Mephisto said quietly.

And the other three people in the team didn't feel displeased with the surveillance behavior that was put on the table by Hong Suo openly, or were humiliated by distrust. In fact, they understood him. If Hong Suo didn't do this kind of thing, they might still feel that Hong Suo was inexperienced.

"...Your request surprises me, Think Tank. However, I don't think you can bear such a thing, and besides, I have revealed enough Hong Suo looks around All around, said solemnly: "You are from another world. If the emperor hadn't appeared and communicated with us personally, I wouldn't have believed such words. It is also because of this that I don't want these completely false histories to hurt your sanity and calmness, and I hope you can complete the task. "

"But aren't you curious?"

After he said this, Mephisto saw Hong Suo's expression suddenly change into some kind of extremely disapproving objection: "I won't let these emotions affect the mission."

"Doubts must be resolved after all, Warsmith."

Mephisto shook his head, taking a slow look at Sicarius. "Blocking is worse than sparse... As a steel warrior, you should understand construction better than me. Then, you should also know this sentence. Don't you?"

Hong Suo glanced at Sicarius, still frowning. However, after a few seconds, he finally nodded reluctantly.

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