Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 16 Chapter 306: real bait (triple k)

The bridge room of the Iron Hammer is simple and grand, and a unique aesthetic feeling permeates every aspect of this room. There is nothing in it that can be called decoration, but every detail reveals the designer's pursuit of both aesthetics and practicality, and his high talent in this regard.

"It's my design."

Hong Suo nodded to Saul Tarvitz like a prophet. "I'll delve into it when I have nothing to're kidding me, Captain."


Saul Tarvitz sat down solemnly, and then replied: "This incident is not ridiculous, these incidents are the proof of our humanity, Captain Hong Suo. You should cherish your talent, at least, if the war You'll be a really good architect at the end of the day."

The corner of the war blacksmith's mouth was slightly curved, and he nodded towards him with a hidden smile, which was considered to have accepted the approval, and then he spoke again.

"Thirty-nine hours."

Facing the other four people, Hong Suo repeated the time.

"We still need thirty-nine hours to reach our destination, but repairs to the hull will take another four hours...Thanks to your help, Librarian of Mephisto."

He said this thank you from the bottom of his heart.

Mephisto didn't say any other excuses, he could bear this gratitude-in fact, if he hadn't protected the Iron Hammer when Geller's stand was smashed by the group of void wolves, the demons would I'm afraid the party has already begun on this ship by now.

The difficulty of repelling a group of traitors who can't even repair Power Armor and repelling a group of demons is very different. Demons are demons, and even the weakest of them can make people miserable.

They... are the very essence of this galaxy's cruelty to humanity.

"However, things may not be so simple."

Mephisto shook his head. "The source of the ritual that tried to contaminate Captain Sicarius was not them, and I think we'd better start preparing for the next attack."

"It shouldn't be so fast, kid."

Bjorn seemed to be back to normal. He grinned and made a harmless joke as usual: "Although it is said that misfortunes never come singly, I have already been hit hard by two disasters. If we arrange a third , the Emperor is too harsh on me."

His joke caught Honsou's eyes unobtrusively, and then the warsmith looked at Saul Tarvitz. The latter said helplessly: "Be careful with your words, Bjorn."

"It's nothing, is it?"

Bjorn spread his hands: "Hey, Honsou... If you're going to spend another thirty-nine hours with us, I think you'll have to get used to my little jokes early on. If you They'd still be pretty funny if they could do that, wouldn't they?"

Hong Suo replied with a stern face and no sense of humor: "You didn't count the time required for the return journey."

Bjorn turned his head in disbelief and glanced at Saul Tarvitz.

The captain coughed, hiding his urge to smile. Honsou's performance proved one thing to him—the Iron Warriors are not without a sense of humor.

As for the current atmosphere, they all knew it well and created it together.

The Astartes are genetically engineered warriors fashioned into swords. But that doesn't mean they're not human, the psychological trauma and all kinds of sequelae still exist on them, in fact, it's more serious.

There's nothing wrong with lightening things up after a win.

Cato Sicarius smiled, but his heart was still heavy. He was not involved in the fight and his emotions were not high. And the fragments of the scene in the nightmare are still vivid in his mind, if he wants to, he can still remember it.

He remembered the faces of the victims.

This made him unacceptable.

Mephisto was the quietest one, he didn't speak, just listened to Honsou's analysis.

The war blacksmith is qualified to stand in a dominant position and tell them all the next responses. After all, he is the 'native' here.

During the Great Crusade, if the legions in charge of the attack wanted to take back a certain planet in a less **** way, they would also take the method of first finding an indigenous person to ask for information. Remote sensing mapping tends not to be that precise—at least then.

Of course, the degree is also divided. The Midnight Lord and the Shadow Moon Wolf may adopt this ancient and useful method at the same time, but the natives recruited by the former may have a more miserable fate.

And now... Mephisto admitted that he began to miss the high-precision surface scanning provided by the center and the array.

However, the reason for his quietness is not just because of this.

His vision began to rise a little bit, and Mephisto came to the chaotic ocean again. He calmly stared at his surroundings, trying to find those evil monsters and drive them away.

The new Geller stand had been opened, and Honso's advance preparation came in handy. His captain didn't complain about it anymore, but, just like He Shenyan's metaphor, Geller's position is really just a thin layer of air bubbles, which can burst when poked, so it must be fragile.

He looked around but couldn't find any demons, an uncharacteristic finding that made the Librarian frown. He wanted to explore it, but for some reason he gave up the idea.

Then, out of nowhere, a thick cloud obscured his vision.

This cloud made some details that were clearly visible in the past disappear. If I had to say it, it was like someone carefully and firmly covered the think tank's eyes with his hands, so that he could only see the world through his fingers, but there was no reason for this. let him suffer any harm.

And who is this person?


Terra, between the thrones.

+I figured you'd come with them...but what's your attitude now? +

An empty voice echoed in the empty hall, and the guards all tacitly left ten minutes ago, only because of the arrival of one person. In other words, it is the arrival of a wandering soul.

"Oh, believe me, Your Majesty, I didn't expect that I would act alone in this way twice in a short period of time."

The black robe was bulging, and he smiled like a mage with more wandering souls than human beings. A kind of irony slowly emerged on his pale face: "Sometimes I feel that I am really crazy."

+Strictly speaking, crazy people cannot express themselves as clearly as you do. +

The corpse on the throne replied, and the index finger of his right hand trembled.

His vast psychic energy began to jump back and forth in the cable and the chair-like cage that bound him. The scorching heat almost burned them to ashes, but was saved by some long-established spells in the next second. back.


A name was thrown out by him, with a little exclamation. The mage bowed his head slightly to pay tribute to this hero—in any world, Malcador is a hero.

Who can deny it?

But, having said that, that psychic reaction was also why she would only use psychic powers to talk to a small number of people.

The rest of the time, she wouldn't even let go of his mind to those chosen psykers unless necessary.

Before that, the psyker who had conveyed the message to Sicarius and his party on her behalf was now a handful of ashes, and his voluntary sacrifice was only in exchange for a few words.

How cruel.

"So you've got it now—a lunatic with clarity and self-expression."

The mage's smile remained unabated, the magic appeared, and a purple velvet armchair appeared under him, which looked very comfortable. The soul sat down slowly, sitting on a chair in a way that surprised magicians and scientists alike.

If you miss the gist of the joke, I'll repeat it - a soul sitting on a real chair.

+ Interesting. +

The astonishment of the dying and the living was even conveyed psychically.

+ What have you done to your soul? +

"A few small changes... In short, it's not something a normal person should do to his own soul."

+It seems that you are also very aware of how crazy your behavior is now? You only have less than half of your strength, but you dare to take risks alone. I thought at first, they were the bait you cast, but now it seems... the bait that was cast was you. +

The mage put up his fingers and casually began to let the magic and psionic dance to each other. His deliberate and contrived posture caused the people on the throne to send out a bolt of lightning, which shot straight at his forehead. But it dissipated instantly when it was about to come into contact with it.

+He should really teach you a lesson - if it were me, I would not allow someone to do such a thing. +

She seemed to be a little angry, and the vast psychic flames rose accordingly.

+Youth is not your presumptuous capital, mage. On the contrary, although being young means that you can have more opportunities for trial and error, it also means that you need to be cautious about every choice you make......+

She solemnly warned.

+Each choice may bring a completely different and terrible result, which you cannot foresee. +

"You're talking to me right now from the most tortured chair in the galaxy."

He Shenyan laughed again. "To be honest, even if your experience is really reasonable, I might not adopt it."

+......Do as you people who don't know how to respect the old. +

She replied with a faint smile.

+ But, in any case, I wish you success. +

+The time has come...+

she sighs.

Fire and thunder fell together, burning on the mutilated and decayed body. But the purpose is not destruction or destruction, but restoration and regeneration. Her body began to rebuild slowly, nerves, muscles, skin...

The mage stared at the scene quietly, he did not stop her.

He didn't have to stop a her.

Since she wants to reincarnate as a human again, to become "he"...what qualifications and position does He Shenyan have to stop it? There are countless victims, so why not one more?

He smiled slightly - yes, one more, so why not?

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