Think about it, that feeling, not bad.

He even liked this feeling very much.

The night is very long.

Jingyu did not dare to wake up.

Because, after waking up again, Qin Yishen was outside of his life.

Tears flowed quietly.

He didn't know what he was crying or crying because of.

I just know... he's reluctant to leave.

Who can't give up?

He didn't dare to think about it carefully.


In the middle of the night.

Someone knocked on the door.

Qin Muchen was still dealing with the matter, and when he heard the sound, he went down to open the door.

As a result, I didn't expect it to be Qin Yishen.

She should have just returned.

Holding a suitcase in his hand, looking at Qin Yishen, a simple smile appeared on the corners of his lips: "I am homeless, keep me."

She carried a suitcase in her hand, simple and clean.

Qin Muchen frowned immediately: "Did he kick you out?"

If Jingyu really dare! He must tear him down!

Qin Yishen shook his head.

It was a bit windy outside, she walked in, dropped the suitcase on the ground casually, sat on the sofa, exhaled, and said, "We are divorced."

This is her own decision.

Did not tell the second person.

Qin Muchen listened to her quietly, his eyebrows heavier little by little, and it took a long time for him to react.

Only one word was returned.


Then it was gone.

Going upstairs with her suitcase.

Then, I came down again, went to the kitchen, and got some food out.

Qin Yishen looked at the simple bowl of noodles, added a poached egg, and sprinkled a little green onion.

Qin Yishen couldn't help laughing.

"I said, I remember, you don't know how to cook, Gu Shinian is really well-trained, you can see that what you have made is completely comparable to that of a restaurant outside."

Qin Muchen was handed her a glass of clear water.

No word was said about her ridicule.

Qin Yishen didn't eat much today, said thank you to him, and started eating unceremoniously.

"Eat slowly."

Qin Muchen frowned and reminded her.

Qin Yishen waved his hand: "You have not seen it, I'm so hungry."

Today, Jingyu's birthday, will you not have enough to eat?

Qin Muchen didn't believe it,

He leaned on the sofa with a glass of water in his hand, took a sip, and glanced at her again.

Qin Yishen was busy eating, ignoring his questioning eyes.

Qin Yishen touched his belly until he finished eating, and leaned comfortably on the sofa.

"Just ask."

"Your room is still the one before. Gu Twelve's pajamas are on first."


Qin Yi was surprised.

Qin Muchen should have many questions to ask her.

She is also ready.

Who knows, that's what happened.

Qin Muchen looked at her quietly and nodded calmly; "Well, no more."


Qin Yishen continued to be astonished.

After a long while, he said silently: "Then I will go up and rest first."


He doesn't ask, she saves a lot of trouble.

As soon as Qin Yishen walked up two steps, he heard Qin Muchen's cold voice: "Where is my home, where is your home."

"Don't talk about taking in, this is your home."

"...Thank you." Qin Yishen is not a sensational person.

Even, she is a cruel person.

However, at this moment, I still feel that my heart is warm.

Back then, she only gave Qin Muchen a bowl of rice to eat, but she only stood up when he was bullied by others in the Qin family, and he actually remembered it for so long.

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