Seven World Martial God

Chapter 149: Soul Sealing Talisman

Seeing the three Hundred Poison Sect disciples disappear into the black poisonous mist, Ye Tian frowned. [More exciting novels, please visit]

"This Hundred Poison Sect's methods are really unique, but is it useful to use poison to deal with lifeless combat puppets?" Ye Tian was puzzled.

What surprised Ye Tian the most was that in the black poisonous fog, there was no sound of fighting, and it was quiet.

On the other hand, Lang Tianjiao's side was fought so earth-shattering. Every sword was drawn, the sword glow was shining, making the entire hall tremble. If it weren't for the hard texture of this hall, I'm afraid it would have collapsed long ago.

The sword of the fighting puppet didn't know what it was made of. Although it was not a spiritual weapon, it was hard in texture, and it could compete with Lang Tianjiao's spiritual weapon without breaking.

Every time their swords collided, they made a deafening noise, and there were visible energy fluctuations in the void.

Wang Chongshan could only occasionally send a blow to contain the fighting puppet, and his strength could not cause harm to the fighting puppet.

"Heaven Sword Technique!"

Lang Tianjiao deserves to be the number one strong man on the **** star list. He only listened to him with a loud drink, the green long sword in his hand burst out with radiance, and the dazzling sword lights came out, drowning the fighting puppets.


Lang Tianjiao doesn't distinguish between us, and regardless of Wang Chongshan's life or death, that sword light shrouds Wang Chongshan in it.

Wang Chongshan was frightened and furious, and before he could dodge, he was blown out by a sword light, blood spurting wildly.

"Langtianjiao!" After Wang Chongshan got up, he stared at Langtianjiao with red eyes, his face full of anger.

"Trash, go away, I can deal with it alone!" Lang Tianjiao glanced at him coldly, his face full of disdain.

Wang Chongshan was furious, his eyes were red, and he was about to speak, but was held by Ye Tian.

"Senior Brother Wang, let him deal with the battle puppet alone. We will watch the fun!" Ye Tian whispered.

"This bastard, if it weren't for the sword, he wouldn't be much better than Lao Tzu!" Although Wang Chongshan was still full of anger, he did not become impulsive at this time after hearing what Ye Tian said.

Lang Tianjiao was still dealing with the battle puppet, and his power has soared since he used that sword technique. With the power of the green sword in his hand, the fighting puppets were defeated steadily, and they were quite invincible.

"This swordsmanship is good!" Ye Tian's eyes lit up and he admired slightly.

"Of course it's not bad. This is called the Heavenly Swordsmanship. It is a mysterious-level top-level swordsmanship that his eldest brother Lang Fantian got out of his adventures, second only to the earth level." Wang Chongshan said with jealousy, "If it wasn't for his elder brother He is also worthy of No. 1 on the **** star list, huh!"

"The waves are turning the sky!" Ye Tian's eyes flashed. Although the big brother of the **** star gate is not in the **** star gate, he still makes everyone tremble. I have to say that he is indeed a hero. 【First Release】

"Senior Brother Wang, do you know what methods the three members of the Baidu Sect are using, why can't you hear a sound of fighting." Ye Tian suddenly pointed to the black poisonous mist not far away and asked.

The people from the Baidumen have been inside for a long time, but apart from the initial noise, there is no sound anymore.

"Um...I don't know."

Hearing Ye Tian's question, Wang Chongshan frowned, then shook his head, and said, "The people in the Baidu Sect are weird and have many methods. They are not as upright and bright as our God Star Sect. You should be careful when you encounter them in the future."

"Yeah!" Ye Tian nodded. He and Baidu Sect had already forged a death feud, so naturally you should pay attention to this.


With the power of the sky-shaking swordsmanship, the sword light in Lang Tianjiao's hand became more and more radiant, and his sword flew the battle puppet's long sword, taking the absolute advantage.


The fighting puppet's eyes were red, even if it was a dead thing, he seemed to be angry. He used his fists to strike a set of punching techniques full of killing and attacking the sword of Shanglang Tianjiao.

The two sides fought earth-shattering, and every time they collided, the entire hall shivered. The surging energy fluctuations caused the air to blow violently around, forming a large shock wave.

Ye Tian and Wang Chongshan quickly opened the Zhenyuan shield to block the large shock wave.

"Huh?" At this moment, Ye Tian saw that the black poisonous mist was blown away a little, and he saw a pair of sinister eyes, but in an instant, the poisonous mist shrouded again.

"Am I wrong?" Ye Tian frowned. He clearly saw a pair of sinister gazes just now, like the eyes of the Baidu Sect disciple called Yinxuejian.

But aren't they besieging the battle puppets? How can you still care about Langtianjiao? And, what about the fighting puppet?

Ye Tian was a little puzzled, but didn't think much about it. He looked at Lang Tianjiao, and a surprise appeared in his eyes: "This boxing technique..."

At this moment, the combat puppets who discarded their long swords displayed powerful punches, and they were full of murderous aura. Every punch carried incomparable power and defeated Langtianjiao's swordsmanship.

"But a dead thing, I really think it can compete with me!"

After a long time, Lang Tianjiao's arrogance was provoked. He was completely angry, and roared, fierce Zhenyuan fluctuations erupted from all over his body, like a large river of Yangtze River, poured into the green sword in his hand.

The green sword was moisturized by the true essence, and burst out with blazing light, a vast and unparalleled sword light rose into the sky, with a majestic coercion, it fiercely slashed towards the fighting puppet.

"I knew this guy had hidden strength!" Wang Chongshan snorted coldly.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, Lang Tianjiao had completely exploded the power of the spirit weapon, and his combat effectiveness had increased a lot.


Just heard a muffled bang.

After all, the fighting puppet couldn't resist this sword power, and was slashed out, even his arms were cut off.

However, what is surprising is that the body of this fighting puppet is really hard, and it was only a broken arm after such a powerful attack, and the rest of the body was not harmed.

"If my Ye family has this battle puppet guardian, I can rest assured!" A gleam of light appeared in Ye Tian's eyes.

"It's over!"

Lang Tianjiao roared and slashed again, giving the fighting puppet a fatal blow.

But at this moment, the mutation happened, and the three Hundred Poison Sect disciples who were originally shrouded in poisonous mist suddenly rushed out, Qi Qi issued the strongest blow to Lang Tianjiao.

boom! boom! boom!

Obviously these three people had been prepared long ago, each of them attacked very powerfully, and still taking advantage of such a good opportunity, Lang Tianjiao was unable to resist.

Wang Chongshan was dumbfounded!

Ye Tian was also secretly shocked, he thought of the sinister eyes not long ago, it turned out that Baidu Sect had a plan. But how did they solve the battle puppet silently?

Ye Tian looked at the poisonous fog behind them. At this time, the poisonous fog had dispersed. A black battle puppet held a long sword high, but it seemed to be imprisoned, unable to move, and even the blood-red eyes were dimmed. .

"It's really weird!" Ye Tian had to admire it.


Langtianjiao's roar spread throughout the hall.

The attacks of three Hundred Poison Sect disciples enveloped him, making him unable to dodge. More importantly, he had just launched a fatal blow to the fighting puppet, and at this time he couldn't afford much power.

It can be said that the three people of Baidumen grasped the time very well.

Even Ye Tian thought that Lang Tianjiao was bound to die at this time, and slowly touched the blood knife on his waist, ready to make a move.

"Hahaha...Langtianjiao, if it weren't for you to rely on the spirit weapon, you think you are worthy of our plan!" Yinxuejian sneered.

"Despicable?" Yan Lie said with a mocking expression on his face, "Even if you, Langtianjiao, are worthy of calling others despicable? I'm afraid you people in the Star Gate think you are the most despicable person!"

"Go to hell!" The last Hundred Poison Sect disciple was murderous.

Lang Tianjiao's face was blue, and he was obviously trembling with anger.

"Do you really think that you will eat me?" Suddenly, Lang Tianjiao's expression became flat, and he looked at the three hundred Poison Sect disciples who rushed in.


The three Hundred Poison Sect disciples suddenly felt a bad feeling.

At this time, Lang Tianjiao took out a golden paper charm from his arms, exuding a hazy light, revealing a dangerous breath.

"This is..." Ye Tian stared at the paper talisman in Lang Tianjiao's hand, his pupils shrank, and the dangerous premonition in his heart became stronger.

But at this time, the three Baidu Sect disciples who rushed towards Lang Tianjiao's complexion changed drastically, and their faces were full of horror.

"It's the soul seal!" Wang Chongshan's horrified cry came next to Ye Tian.

"Soul Sealing Talisman?" Ye Tian frowned, then smiled bitterly, he should take a look at Beihai Fengyun Record, otherwise he would not know anything.

"not good!"

"It's a soul seal!"

"It's not Langshaantian for him!"

The three Hundred Poison Sect disciples roared and gave up attacking Lang Tianjiao, turned and fled outside the hall, their expressions full of panic and horror.

"Want to leave now? It's too late!" Lang Tianjiao sneered. He had already lit the golden paper talisman with his sword light, and a terrifying aura suddenly broke out, covering the entire hall.

This coercion was so huge that even Ye Tian felt his legs tremble. If he didn't secretly use his sword to resist, he would probably kneel on the ground.

Like Wang Chongshan next to Ye Tian, ​​he knelt on the ground at this time, unable to bear the huge pressure.

"Hahaha... I said, none of the three of you can escape!"

Lang Tianjiao laughed, the paper talisman in his hand rose up into the sky and turned into a golden light, and from this light, a half-human young man walked out.

The whole body of the youth is transparent, and the dark eyes are as bright as the hot sun. Although only half a person, they are full of invincible power.

I saw him stick out his hand, as if a big mountain was crushed down suddenly, and the three disciples of the Hundred Poison Sect looked back at the youth, scared to death, their faces pale.

"The waves—turn—the sky!"

Knowing that he could no longer escape, Yinxuejian simply turned to face the invincible young man, and shouted: "Langtianjiao, you are really a second generation ancestor, your eldest brother has continued to mutilate his martial soul, giving you a soul seal!"

"Self-mutilation? You underestimate my elder brother, it's just that he uses other people's martial arts to incorporate a trace of his own will! If his own martial arts soul is enough to deal with Wuzong!" Lang Tianjiao sneered.


The invincible youth was silent as gold, suppressing with one hand, directly exploding the Yin and Blood Sword facing him, and the flesh and blood flew all over the ground.

Yan Lie and the other Baidumen disciple were so scared that they could not escape, they were bombarded one by one by the invincible youth, and the scene was extremely cruel.

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