Seven World Martial God

Chapter 260: track

Yuelai Inn. (Starting)

Ye Tian sat cross-legged on the wooden bed, while running the blood demon transformation practice, while studying the blood world cut.

Since the last time he saw the power of the king of the great elder, he finally comprehended this martial art of the ground level, and smashed the fifth-level Wujun wave to the sky.

But Ye Tian knew that he had just realized this martial skill, and even Xiaocheng couldn't reach it.

According to Ye Tian's scruples, if he could cultivate this martial art to the realm of Dzogchen, it would be terribly powerful.

Back then, the Blood Demon Sword Lord relied on this martial skill to gather the power of ten small worlds. In the half-step Martial King realm, he leapfrogged and killed a Martial King and became famous all over the world.

Ye Tian believed that as long as he could cultivate this martial art to the realm of Great Perfection, then this one-shot would be enough to ramp up the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea and the realm of Swordsman Wu.


In the early morning of the next day, Ye Tian woke up from his practice, with a pair of dark eyes with fierce brilliance.

"The power of the king... so that's it. Although my ten small worlds contain infinite power, it is very difficult to fully integrate them. Only use a general trend to gather these powers and slash them out. It is the real Blood Realm Slash."

Ye Tian thought secretly.

The research during this period of time finally allowed him to find a breakthrough for Blood Realm Slash. The key lies in the power of the king.

The so-called power of the king is a kind of'power' possessed by the powerful king of martial arts. In fact, ordinary warriors can have their own'power'. The stronger the warrior, the stronger the'power'.

A strong person like the great elder can suffocate people with his eyes widened, and he can't move his body. This is because he is suppressed by the great elder's ‘power’.

However, compared with the'power' of the king of Wu, the'power' of other fighters is much worse.

The ‘power’ of the powerful king of Wu is called the power of the king, just like the kingdom of the Great Yan Kingdom.

This kind of ‘power’ was very terrifying. Once the power of the great elder and king came out, the two elders and the old demon Cangyuan couldn't move their bodies and were immediately killed in seconds.

Of course, Ye Tian also knew that it was impossible for him to comprehend the power of the king now. He only hopes to get the knack of using his own'potential' from it, so that he can better combine the power of ten small worlds.

However, there is no skill spreading about the use of momentum so far. This requires personal comprehension. No one else can help him. Ye Tian can only study it bit by bit by himself.

Therefore, these days, Ye Tian's progress is very slow. I am afraid that within a few years, he will not be able to cultivate the blood world to the Xiaocheng state. [More exciting novels, please visit]

With a slight sigh, Ye Tian put away the salute, picked up the blood knife, and hurriedly washed it, then left the Yuelai Inn and headed straight towards the east gate.

Although Wu Dao's identity is very mysterious, Ye Tian is still willing to believe him, maybe that demon tree will bring him unexpected gains.

In a corner of the street, two men secretly looked at Ye Tian's back, and were muttering something.

"Big brother, what do you think the prince asked us to stare at this kid for? It's not very good to see his appearance. If the prince needs it, let me catch this kid directly." The speaker was a face-lift The warrior, with pointed mouth monkey cheeks, two eyes, shining.

"Catch it? It's up to you? Don't laugh at me, don't you see the clothes he is wearing?" A man in Tsing Yi was dumbfounded when he heard the words, and then he laughed.

"Is there anything weird about his clothes?" The face-lifting warrior said indifferently.

"Isn't it strange? That is the clothes of the true disciple of the God Star Gate, in other words, he is the true disciple of the God Star Gate. These true disciples of the martial arts school are more powerful than each. With your little strength, maybe Can't stop the fist." The Tsing Yi man mocked.

"That's not necessarily true. The true disciple of the martial arts school is only in the realm of Wuzong. I am also a Wuzong fifth-level powerhouse anyway. I don't believe that I can't beat him. Humph!" The face-lifting warrior believed in himself.

"Then you can go up and try when you are out of the city. Anyway, the prince meant to wait for him to get out of the city, but don't blame me for not reminding you when you are dead." Tsing Yi sneered.

"Um...That's fine, the prince didn't order, how can I act without authorization, it's better to see the prince's order." The face-lifting warrior said in a chattering.

"Let's go, let's continue to follow." The man in Tsing Yi stopped talking, greeted him, mixed in the crowd, not far behind Ye Tian.

Walking on the busy street, Ye Tian's eyes flashed, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Even to follow me? In this North Snow County, except for the prince, I did not offend anyone else. It seems that he found it out. I hope he will not find his own death. Humph!"

Ye Tian's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to walk towards the East City Gate.

Two martial artists of the Wuzong level could not escape his sense of will. After following him for a while, he was discovered by him.

Ye Tian had already inquired that the princess of Beixue County only had the sixth level of Wujun cultivation base. For him now, it may not be impossible to defeat.

Therefore, even if he knew that Zhou Hai sent someone to follow him, Ye Tian didn't care. Anyway, with his current strength, as long as he is not met with a strong man above Wujun level 7, no one can keep him, so naturally he is fearless.

"This kid seems to be going out of the city, it is the East City Gate!" The face-lifting warrior who followed Ye Tian narrowed his eyes and finally came to a conclusion.

"You continue to follow him, and I will report to the prince, we will meet at the gate of the east city." The man in Tsing Yi said, turning around.

The face-lift warrior continued to follow Ye Tian.

City Lord's Mansion.

Zhou Hai coldly looked at the man in Tsing Yi who was kneeling on the ground in front of him, and said coldly: "Is he going to leave the East City Gate? Are you right?"

"Prince Qi, we have been following him, and we found that he hadn't gone anywhere, and we were heading in the direction of the East City Gate, so we guessed that he was going to the East City Gate." Qing Yi Dahan said respectfully.

"Very well, go down and receive the reward!" Zhou Hai waved his hand, his eyes flashed.

"Thank you, the prince!" The man in Tsing Yi was overjoyed when he heard the words, and then bowed back.

"East City Gate!"

"It seems that you really went to the imperial capital to participate in the Great Yan Supreme Ranking, but it is a pity that you dare to pass by my site, you are really bold! Humph."

Zhou Hai squinted his eyes, and there was a cold glow in his eyes.

He got up and pushed aside the house, turned a corridor, came to a room, knocked on the door.

"Come in!" An old voice came from the room, as well as the voices of several women laughing.

Zhou Hai frowned when he heard it, but then returned to the original state, opened the door and walked in.

In the room, an old man with a crane-haired childlike face was playing with a few disheveled young women. It was completely silvery.

"Elder Wang, I have received the news that the kid is about to leave the city, so please ask Elder Wang to come with me." Zhou Hai ignored the disheveled young women and bowed to the old man in front of him.

"Oh? That kid is out of town so soon? No matter, the old man will go with you. The buried old man is dead, he is a true disciple of the **** star gate, he will kill if he kills it."

The old man sneered when he heard the words, then put on his clothes and left the city lord mansion with Zhou Hai.

After half an hour, they came to the east city gate and saw Ye Tian who had just walked out of the city gate.

"The prince, right there." As soon as the face-lifting warrior saw Zhou Hai's arrival, his eyes lit up and he hurriedly came to report.

"I see, go back and receive the reward." Zhou Hai waved his hand impatiently, and then hurried out of the city with the old man around him, because they could see that Ye Tian had already taken off and flew into the sky.

After exiting the East City Gate, Zhou Hai and the old man surnamed Wang speed up and follow behind Ye Tian.

Ye Tian's speed was not very fast. He turned several directions in the sky and headed towards a remote place. After an hour, he slowed down, stopped on top of a towering tree, and suddenly turned around to look at it.

"Huh? Could this kid find out that we are not successful?" Zhou Hai looked suspiciously at the old man surnamed Wang beside him in a dim cloud.

"Impossible, my dark cloud is the same as an ordinary dark cloud. From the outside, there is no difference. He can't find us." The old man surnamed Wang firmly shook his head.

This dark cloud is a martial skill he created, or it is not a martial skill, but a little magical power. Just use his unique true essence to imitate the appearance of a dark cloud to hide his figure.

The old man surnamed Wang used this dark cloud to escape the pursuit of a Wujun 7th-level powerhouse, so he was very confident in this cloud.

"Zhou Hai, come out, do you think I didn't find you? I said you are really worthless, you dare not do it at your door, and now you are out of the city, you still dare not do it. What a waste of me Kung Fu, you are really disappointing to lead you to this place with no one." At this moment, Ye Tian's lazy voice came from the sky.

Zhou Hai and the old man surnamed Wang were shocked when they heard this.

"Didn't you say he didn't find it?" Zhou Hai almost vomited blood when he heard Ye Tian's words, and couldn't help looking angrily at the old man surnamed Wang beside him.

"This...this..." The old man surnamed Wang was very embarrassed at this time. He just promised that Ye Tian would not be able to find out. He didn't expect to be slapped by Ye Tian immediately. This made his old face blush, and his face was hot, as if it were true. It was like being slapped by Ye Tian.

"Go Since he found out, then kill him here." Zhou Hai snorted coldly.

"Yes, a little Wujun two or three-level boy, in front of the old man, he can't escape." The old man surnamed Wang also had murderous expression on his face.

Obviously, he was embarrassed by Ye Tian, ​​which made him feel killing intent.


As the dark clouds dissipated, two figures appeared in Ye Tian's sight.

"It turns out to be hiding here. This method is really powerful. Let me see... It turns out that Zhou Hai has brought a Wujun level 5 powerhouse. No wonder he is so afraid of death. Humph!"

Ye Tian stared at the two figures on the opposite side and sneered.

In fact, he didn't notice Zhou Hai and the two of them just now, but based on experience, he deliberately defrauded them. He didn't expect that Zhou Hai and the two were really fooled, they were idiots.

If the old man surnamed Wang knew what Ye Tian was thinking, he would vomit blood with anger.

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