Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 979: ? Salvation of Alsace (1)?

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After more than ten days of the Battle of Corin Junction, he stayed at Corin Junction and gave this transportation route to the Paladins Davy, Hermione, Harry, and thousands of people who had gradually operated like a simple fortress. The soldiers and civilians of Lordaeron finally waited for the Uther and others of the Knights of the Silver Hand and the main force of the Knights and East Tirisfal to counter the rebellion, and waited for the nearly 10,000 knights and the infantry of the Lordaeron Legion. Our arrival.

Afterwards, when the army repaired for a short day at Corin Junction and arranged for the generals to strengthen the defense at Corin Junction and arranged related clearance tasks, Hermione and Harry resolutely followed Uther and the pure cavalry team led by the other party. Following the powerful, nearly two thousand Silver Hand Paladins, walked onto the King's Avenue to Stratholme.

Originally, Hermione didn’t want to go, because she didn’t think about running around anymore, but Harry, who became more and more extreme and stubborn, had no choice but to set foot on Stan together. Somm's journey...

When a pure cavalry team rushes, it is undoubtedly fast compared to a large army of mixed forces, especially when the entire team is almost composed of powerful silver-handed paladins and light carriages. Under the circumstances?

So, after just three or five days of fast marching time, they are now almost reaching the outer area of ​​Stratholme.

And it is said that

Prince Arthas and their army had taken the lead from Hearthglen to the north along the mountain road and a secret mine, and took a short cut to Stratholme. They must have arrived there now.

As for Uther’s large forces and the Paladins of the Silver Hand, the main force of these heavy cavalry must not be able to walk the rugged and dangerous mountain roads and mines... Therefore, they will come out of the King’s Road. After going through Andorhal and reconciling some of the main forces, he finally came to Corin Junction to reconcile with Dawei Paladin, Hermione, Harry and others, and then abandoned the infantry and continued northward, heading for Stratholme. Alsace made an emergency rescue.

Although Prince Arthas did not send any messages for help, but the student who had been a little worried about him and Uther, the only prince of the kingdom, still insisted that the undead near the crossing of Corinn had not completely swayed. Qing, when the problem of the plague could not be completely resolved, he left everything and planned to lead the cavalry to Stratholme and see the situation in the most important northern pearl city of the kingdom.

Moreover, he also believed that the army that he had left at Corin's intersection had cleared the undead on the road to Tyr's Hand, and after opening the passage, he would definitely cooperate with the army and paladins of the Holy Light’s Hope Chapel to clean up. Of the undead in the surrounding area south of Lake Mildred.

At that time,

There will no longer be any undead in Darrowshire, Corin Junction, and Tyr’s Hand. To the north, there will be Uther and Prince Alsace who have been cleaned up again in Hearthglen and Andorhal. Next, the place and space left for the plague and the undead to ravage must not be too much, and their victory will be just around the corner!

Therefore, now Uther will resolutely lead the Paladins of the Silver Hand directly north, intending to solve the most important Stratholme problem once and for all! However, he only hopes that it is still too late for him to rush, and that Stratholme's plague problem will not be too serious, not nearly as ruinous as Andorhal or Corin Junction.


"Mr. Potter, and Miss Granger..."

Nothing happened all the way. Seeing Uther, who was about to arrive in Stratholme, he hesitated for a while after seeing the two little wizards riding two horses alone behind him, and finally he spoke:

"I am very sorry about your companion..."

"But please rest assured that we, Lordaeron, will remember your contributions and contributions to the Kingdom and people of Lordaeron! Trust me, wait until Stratholme's affairs are completely over, and wait until the end of the East Tirisfal Glades After the plague subsides, I will personally report to King Terenas and explain your achievements."

"At that time, I believe that our great Kingdom of Lordaeron will definitely let you get the reward that matches your efforts."

"In this regard, I am here to assure you, in the name of the Holy Light!!"

Although Lordaeron was basically incapable of doing things in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and he himself was not the king of Lordaeron, Uther still dared to pat his chest to guarantee certain things.

After all, these guests from afar, these little wizards, especially the wizard Hermione Granger, the other side's help to their Kingdom of Lordaeron is undoubtedly tremendous! Therefore, in his opinion, even if the other party obtains a fief because of this, and since then becomes a mage noblewoman, he will not be surprised at all!

Of course, if the King Terenas is confused or crazy, and is unwilling to give it to him, then it's a different story...

However, he felt that there shouldn't be any big surprises in that kind of thing, because Prince Arthas would definitely be happy to do what Uther had just promised! Furthermore, King Terenas was far from being so stupid and stingy that he would not even be willing to reward heroes.


"Thank you, Uther, for your kindness, but I don't want anything in return. I just want to kill the dreadlord Malganis earlier, and redeem Fleur's soul as soon as possible!"

"I don't want anything except this!!"

Riding on the saddle and swaying, the whole body is covered in a black cloak, with a one-piece hood on his head, and the expression on the whole face is not clear, but the words that come out are very cold. The breath on his body was also very gloomy and terrifying, and Ha used his gloomy tone to sneer.

After the battle at Corin Junction and the subsequent frantic sweep of the undead, at this time, his body is no longer the optimistic and sunny image of the boy with "scar head and four eyes". Instead, it is A gloomy, terrible wizard who is merciless to the undead!


Uther glanced at the opponent. Although he wanted to say something, he opened his mouth several times, but in the end he didn't say anything, and silently continued to follow the team and bowed his head in thought.

Because, he already knew everything that happened to the other party, he also knew the unforgettable hatred of the other party for the undead and demons, and even heard about the other party's performance when staying at the Corin junction during these times...

He also heard that in the half-to-month period before he led the army to the Corin junction, the little wizard Potter went out almost every day, sometimes with the soldiers on patrol, sometimes silently. People have to go out, and they will not come back until dark. The other party personally participates in that way with the other party's magic and spells, killing any undead and corpses that are seen and moving, and burning countless village farms that have been captured by the undead and plague , Turning countless places entrenched with undead into ashes, killing thousands of undeads back and forth, so that there is no longer a zombie or skeleton near the intersection of Kaolin, and because of this, they have obtained the'undead The heroic title of the slaughterer?


He Uther can't always say that it's wrong for the other party to slaughter the dead and burn the corpses contaminated by the plague. Therefore, Uther still needs to carefully consider and think about how to use the specific words and how to persuade the other party.

After hesitating and silent for a long time, finally, Uther couldn't help it again and slowed down his horseshoe again. After slowly controlling his horse and keeping pace with the opponent, he spoke again and continued to persuade him. :

"Witcher Potter..."

"The faith in combating and completely eliminating those undead and demons, we Paladins and all Lordaeron soldiers have never wavered! But, please believe me, that kind of thing is not done overnight, and revenge should not be necessary for us. What we do shouldn’t be the whole of our lives, so what we do is more meaningful things!"

"Holy light is shining on us, justice will surely be done, but before that, we must first strengthen our beliefs, and I found that you are now on a very dangerous threshold. Please listen to me, Be sure not to step over, the other side is very dangerous and terrible..."

Although Uther knew that the other party would probably not listen to him, because the other party was not his own disciple, but a wizard who came to help the Kingdom of Lordaeron and helped them free of charge. What he once did and what he is doing now It is something that is beneficial to Lordaeron and the people of Lordaeron... However, there are some things he has to warn the other party more or less, because he can't bear the other party to embark on a painful path that only has revenge.

He knows that hatred and anger will indeed greatly stimulate people’s potential and give them powerful strength, but hatred can also make people lose their nature, lose their sense, and even make people stupid and change Have to be blind, impulsive, unable to withstand the temptation of the enemy, and then lose some of the most basic judgments of things?

Moreover, in Uther's view, excessive anger and obsession with hatred are also cowardly manifestations...

Therefore, if possible, Uther hopes that the Potter wizard next to him can be freed from hatred, and instead use more rational beliefs to support himself, and thus become stronger and more determined. That is what he most wants and hopes to see.


"Dangerous? Terrible?"

"Your Excellency Paladin Uther, is there anything in this world that is more dangerous and terrifying than death or the soul being caught and tortured by the devil?!"

After a smirk, Harry finally revealed his gloomy and ugly face from under the cloak.

After tightening the glasses on the bridge of his nose, allowing it to cover the scar on his forehead that had been faintly throbbing recently, he satisfactorily sneered at the old paladin who came to comfort him specially. .

To be honest, if he didn't think he was not the opponent of the demon Mal'Ganis, or if he had to use the power of these paladins and the Kingdom of Lordaeron to fight the devil and the undead, he would have been alone. After running out and slaughtering the undead and looking for the dreadlord, where would you follow these silver-handed Paladins?

Although, he also knew that the old paladin might have good intentions, including Hermione who had persuaded him many times and the Davy Crowford knight, but they would not understand the anger and pain in his heart! Especially in the dead of night, every time he thinks of Lotus and the suffering and torture that the other party may be suffering, he always wakes up from nightmares.

Therefore, under the piercing pain that no one can tell, he has no choice but to constantly fight with the undead and numb his fragile nerves! Besides, he has already decided on some things. That is the reason why he can stick to it. Before finishing it, he will never waver easily, absolutely not!


Hearing what the other party said, Uther couldn't help but suffocated. He wanted to say something, but for a moment he was completely speechless...


"Child, may the Holy Light always shelter you... Go ahead, I think we will arrive in Stratholme soon, Prince Arthas and Master Jaina will be very happy to advise you friends! "

"and also……"

"From the information we have obtained, the demon is likely to be active near Stratholme. If we encounter it, we will try to keep it!"

Looking at the other person’s ugly and cold face, thinking that he and the other person are not very familiar, it is a taboo to talk shallowly, and when there is no way to continue to persuade, and it is difficult to continue to persuade, Uther had to After a sigh, he shook his head, and sighed and blessed the other party. As for other things, he couldn't do more, and he couldn't keep going.

Afterwards, the cavalry team continued to move forward, except for the rumbling of horseshoes, the dust floating along the road, and the crisp neighs of the horses from time to time, no one continued to speak.


Sure enough, Lord Uther couldn't persuade him...

Hermione on the side looked at Uther, who sighed and lowered his head in thought, and then at the Harry next to Uther who also didn't speak a word. She frowned, and after tangling for a while, Finally decided to say something, want to try to see if it can alleviate this awkward and dull atmosphere between each other?

"I remember one thing!"

"Your Excellency Uther, this is the case. The intersection we passed the previous two days, the road leading to the north, it really is the magical kingdom that can go to the legendary high elves of Quel'Thalas, it's true Is it?"

"It's a pity, I haven't been able to see what the high elves look like. I really want to talk to the magical races that are very good at magic in the legend! And I also heard about them. At least that race can live for thousands of years?"

Hermione, who mainly wanted to alleviate the embarrassment at the scene, secretly glanced in Harry's direction while talking about the topic she was very interested in.

It's just a pity: the other party seemed to have not heard her, and continued to sway silently with the cloak on the horseback, without looking at her, and I don't know if she heard what she just said. And that very interesting topic.

"Oh! You mean that Quel'Thalas?"

"That road is indeed the gate to the elves of Quel'Thalas, but, trust me, beautiful Miss Granger, you probably won’t like seeing their high elves! In fact, I think it seems that they would definitely not like to see us..."

Hearing what Hermione Granger asked, Uther was slightly surprised. Then, he pondered for a while, but finally shook his head with regret and said helplessly.

Obviously, with regard to Quel'Thalas and the high elves, he is not as optimistic and expectant as the little witch in front of him. On the contrary, Uther hasn't thought about their high elves for a long time, even if the plague is in them. The land of Lordaeron spread so badly that it was the same time. He never thought about visiting the neighbors in the north or asking for help from each other.


"I heard Sister Jaina say that during the Arathor Empire, it was the high elves who first taught human magic and established the magic kingdom of Dalaran. The high elves and humans have an oath, and it should be the Alliance of Lordaeron. Part of it?"

Hermione was a little puzzled about this, because if what Jaina said were all true, the Lord Uther in front of him should not be so resistant to the elves.

And when she listened to Jaina talking, she discovered that the other party did not treat the high elves like the paladin in front of them, as if they had some resistance?

"That's what happened before. As early as the fourth year after the Dark Portal was opened, the high elves announced their withdrawal from the Alliance of Lordaeron! Although there are still some connections and the most basic trade, it is definitely not as good as before. The connection is close."

"Anyway, you know, they must not welcome us too much..."

Uther recalled a little bit of the nasty things in the alliance, and when he remembered some practices in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, he shook his head helplessly.

There are some things, he is not good to comment too much, because it is related to the interests of King Terenas and the kingdom!

"Well, let me tell Miss Granger first..."

Seeing that the other party seemed to be very interested, and he came close to him, after thinking about it, Uther decided to say it reluctantly. Anyway, it is estimated that there may be a short half-day to reach outside Stratholme, so , He still has a little time.

"This matter will be opened from the dark door, and then the crazy bloodthirsty orcs will begin to wreak havoc on this continent. It's time to talk about it."

"Back then, the Kingdom of Stormwind was beaten very miserably, and Stormwind City was also captured..."

While speaking, Uther began to recall. Of course, the most important thing was to talk about the Alliance of Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas. After all, if you say everything, I am afraid that you will not be able to finish it for days and nights. of.


Back then, the evil tribes who had attacked Lordaeron gathered the trolls of Zuaman, and the army of'Warcraft' quickly attacked Silvermoon City, the main city of Quel'Thalas. They burned, killed, looted and looted Kui. El'Thalas was turned into a purgatory on earth, and none of the elves in the places where the'Warcraft' army encountered could survive.

Soon after, the army of tribes and trolls quickly surrounded Silvermoon City, and Silvermoon City barely relied on the huge magical barrier to hold it, but the forest around Silvermoon City was almost burned out...

Later, if it were not for the problem of the orc Gul'dan, the orcs quickly evacuated Quel'Thalas, and then Anastrian Sunstrider took advantage of the opportunity of the Alliance to fight the orcs in the Blackrock Spire and led the army alone. If the besieged trolls are defeated and drive them from Quel'Thalas back to Zuaman, I am afraid that Silvermoon City will be destroyed by the coalition of orcs and trolls!


Anastrian Sunstrider, the king of the high elves, used humans to abandon the elves at the most dangerous moment. At the critical moment, regardless of the safety rate of Quel'Thalas and Silvermoon City, they originally rescued Quel'Thalas. The army returned to support Lordaeron and almost led to the destruction of Silvermoon City as an excuse. After the Gilneas Kingdom was dissatisfied with some of the actions of King Terenas and resolutely announced its withdrawal from the Alliance of Lordaeron, it also quickly announced its withdrawal from the Alliance. Completely closed the gate of the elf!

Since then, the connection between humans and high elves has become weaker and weaker. Except for Dalaran who maintains close magical exchanges with each other, Lordaeron has not had a relationship with Quel'Thalas for almost a decade. Large-scale trade and political exchanges.

"That's a pity..."

"I was even thinking that if I can, I'll find a chance to go to that legendary magical country to take a good look."

After looking back towards the northeast and looking towards the rugged mountains for a while, Hermione, who couldn't see any elves-related buildings or things, said with some regret.

To be honest, if there is a chance, she really wants to go to Quel'Thalas, go to the magical kingdom of the legendary high elves to take a good look, because she is really very curious, and I really want to learn more about the magic of this world.

"It's nothing to be a pity, Miss Granger, maybe you don't know yet?"

"Even in the past, when humans had the best relationship with those proud high elves, and that longevity race, except for envoys and merchants, ordinary people were not allowed to easily enter the door of the elves world of Quel'Thalas. of!"

"Even if you go in, you will be subject to numerous restrictions. Only activities in the prescribed places are allowed. It is simply impossible to go to Silvermoon City or other places."

Uther laughed knowingly, seemingly amused at the innocent idea of ​​the Granger Witch? Because, he didn't think there was any fun in the place of those arrogant high elves, it had always been more magical elements, the castles and buildings were more beautiful, that's all.

After all, the lifespan of the high elves is too long. Those guys have enough time to polish their houses and tools, and make them luxurious and cumbersome enough?


The high elves don't think much of their human beings, and how can they be dissatisfied with those arrogant guys? Otherwise, in the past few years, the Kingdom of Lordaeron will not rename those high elves who have closed their doors and no longer have large-scale contacts with humans as "pointed ears".

Moreover, Uther felt that certain contradictions and ideological conflicts between the two sides must have accumulated little by little over countless years, and it was definitely not the reason why the orcs invaded and the humans did not support Silvermoon City in time! That kind of thing, at best, is just some excuses for taking the stage and persuading both sides, so that both sides have a far-fetched reason.

Of course, the most important thing is that Uther thinks the Gilneas Kingdom's brazen withdrawal from the Alliance of Lordaeron has given the high elves a good lead?

"So this is ah……"

"Okay! After the plague in Lordaeron is over, I must go to Dalaran to see the magical kingdom of magic and the high elves in it. That should be alright?"

Since Quel'Thalas could not go, then Hermione felt that going to Dalaran, which is also a human kingdom, should be the same as going to the magic kingdom where Sister Jaina studied and lived.

"Of course there is no problem!"

"Don't worry, Miss Granger, when the time comes, Arthas and I will write you a formal letter of recommendation, and Dalaran will definitely provide you with the necessary convenience... and, I believe, to Miss Jaina will definitely welcome you then!"

Of course there is no problem going to Dalaran. Therefore, Uther said that when everything settles down and the plague problem is completely resolved, he will definitely try his best to satisfy Miss Granger’s little wish that is not excessive. of!

Of course, that is the future, not the present!

Because, now they still need Miss Granger, the selfless and powerful witch, to provide them with the necessary magical assistance of Lordaeron and the Knights of the Silver Hand, and the things at the intersection of Darrowshire and Cowling are enough to explain Everything!

If there is no other party, those two important places, they must be unable to guard! Of course, what happened when the opponent helped Alsace before? In short, the kingdom of Lordaeron owes these wizards a great favor, especially after knowing that the two companions of the other side had died in the land of Lordaeron...

Thinking of this, Uther couldn't help but looked at the Potter wizard on the other side with a worried look. After finding that the other party was still immersed in the gloomy personal world, he could only sigh slightly in his heart.

"it is good!!"

"Then let's make it so!"

Rarely, since Furong left them more than half a month ago, until now, Hermione has finally raised some spirits, and finally knows what she should do next and the direction of her efforts.

Because only when there is something to do, she won't be thinking about it, and she can continue to fight and fight in this crazy and dangerous world, and constantly struggle to survive.

"Haha! No problem! Beautiful Miss Granger, don't worry, we will definitely fulfill the promise I just made to you!"


"Miss Granger, I don't understand. We are going to fight in Stratholme, and Stratholme is not safe now, so why do you still bring that kid over there?!"

After laughing cheerfully for a while, Uther suddenly changed his style. He stretched out his hand unclearly and pointed to a little boy Timmy sitting on the carriage cheering.

"Huh? You ask him?"

"Your Excellency Uther, I actually don't want to take that kid, but you may not believe it. It is really too difficult for us to get rid of him..."

Having said that, Hermione sighed with a rare sigh, and shook her head somewhat dumbfounded. She didn't want to say more about Timmy's affairs, because thinking of it could make her a headache!


Just a kid, just throw the other person at the intersection of Kaolin, what's the problem? In this regard, Uther felt a little inexplicable, and did not understand why a little boy would let the Granger Witch show that strange and dumbfounding expression.

"I know this!"

"Master Uther, Miss Granger was right. When I found out that the kid had successfully mixed into our team for the second time, I was shocked myself!"

"It's not the first time he has done that..."

At this time, the Paladin Davy Crowford, who was chasing up with his horse, after hearing the last conversation between the two, he interjected a little bit funny, and at the same time shook his head helplessly, and shook his head heavily. Sighed.

The little guy's ability to sneak out is really top-notch. Last time, the other party was hiding in a wooden barrel, so when they set out, he even asked someone to check the wooden barrel and wooden box... But who ever thought, That little guy would hide under a carriage, and could he persist for a day under it? Therefore, they finally found out that they had no choice but to decide to take each other to Stratholme.


The current situation and changes of the warrior Harry Potter from Gryffindor Academy and representing Hogwarts on the screen are now seen by everyone, so inevitably, a certain These people finally became nervous.

For example, the "White Demon" headmaster of the magic world named Albus Dumbledore who sits in the middle of the professor seat?

'excuse me……'

‘Professor Anne, look, Harry seems to be a bit too involved these days. He has been misunderstanding some things. So, can we give him a little bit of information in advance? ’

Obviously, Harry’s situation was something Dumbledore was very unwilling to see. Therefore, after discovering that the old paladin had no laws to persuade him, he felt that things could never go on like that. As the principal, he must Do something for Harry.

You know, recently, whether it is the Hogwarts school journal or the Daily Prophet, the above reports have become more and more unfavorable to Harry! Many reports, many people, including many students, are saying: Harry has the possibility of transforming like a terrible dark wizard?

I agree with that kind of speculation, and in my eyes, Dumbledore, who is anxious in his heart, finally can't help it today.



"Oh! I see, Dumbledore, do you want to cheat? Want me to inform that Harry Potter?!"

~( ̄0 ̄)/

After staring at a certain principal, Xiao Annie suddenly yelled deliberately, and she succeeded in attracting many people around her to stare at a bad old man.

In particular, Principal Karkaroff and Mrs. Maxim, who were eliminated from the two students, firmly locked in a certain still-old **** with extremely skeptical and disgusting gazes, who looked more face than Hogwarts Castle. The old man whose outer wall is thicker, and still has the urge to come and question?


"Everyone is misunderstood. I just don't want to see our warrior. Seeing our Mr. Potter go further and further on certain things. I didn't think about cheating or anything..."

Seeing so many eyes staring at him, and even many students who heard the little girl's yelling looked at him one after another, Dumbledore quickly explained.

His Dumbledore dared to swear to Merlin that he really didn’t want to cheat or help Harry, he just wanted to remind the other party and provide certain information, such as:'The Fleur Della The Kur warrior has nothing to do now, and now he is back at Hogwarts Castle, don't mention how happy and comfortable you are.

‘! ! ’

‘How can the principal be like this? ’

‘We all know that Harry’s state is really not very good, but he should be able to figure it out soon after he comes out, because Furong is fine, so there is no need to interfere! ’

‘Yes, I also think it’s not good for the principal to interfere like that...’

‘Now is the most exciting time, once there is chaos, it’s not fun! ’

‘Oh~! Now there are only two people left, and if you intervene indiscriminately, I'm afraid there will be nothing to see...’

‘Merlin, I am still going to see June 24th! ’

‘How can Principal Dumbledore do that? ’

'I object! ’

‘I don’t agree! ! ’

"Come on, the principal will definitely not agree with your opinion, poor Harry..."

‘Everyone, I think Principal Dumbledore’s worries are right, and Harry is really pathetic like that. ’

‘! ! ’

‘You traitor! ’

‘You are a traitor! What is the difference between watching others suffering from the outside and gloating over misfortune? ’

‘Of course it’s different! That's because he participated in the competition! ’


With a ‘wow’, after whispering to know what a certain principal is going to do, the students in the auditorium started to quarrel and argue.

However, in view of the majesty and deterrence of the principal of a certain "White Devil", most of the students only discussed loudly or quietly in private. No one dared to stand up openly and attack them as the principal just said. The kind of thing you intend to do.


"Dumbledore, if you agree with the judges' declaration that Mr. Porter's second project score is zero, I agree with what you just did."

Finally, Principal Karkaroff expressed his opinion. Obviously, he is not willing to provide any information to the warriors who don't know the truth at any time, because that means unfair to other players! Especially for their Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Krum who was eliminated early!

"Principal Dumbledore, I also think your idea is a little bit improper..."

"Although this matter is related to Furong, I still don't recommend you to do it like that, and I believe that your students will not be happy to do it like that!"

After signalling a nosy old man to look at the students’ seats, to see the angry, dissatisfied, or worried eyes of those students, Mrs. Maxim held her arm and turned her head to continue to look. The "movie" came.



"Dumbledore blames the old man. Now that Potter, they are living well, and everyone is watching well. What are you going to take care of?"


"That guy, he won't have anything to do, he will figure it out himself when he comes out'dead', what are you anxious for?!"


Of course, Annie felt that the most important reason was: She hadn't had time to implement the plan of revenge against the ‘scar head and four eyes’, how could she make it so easy for her to come out?

You know, Professor Anne is a little girl who has a very small mind and loves revenge. She is super unreasonable! It is not too late for others to get revenge for ten years, and her Professor Anne is ‘from morning to night’!

So, since that nasty guy has offended her, how could she let him run out without doing anything, and then go to talk to the little Sister Furong about love to do that shy hug~www How can there be any hot things in the world?


"Ahem, guys, I'm just making a suggestion. Since you don't want to interfere with the adventures of the Warriors, treat me as an old man who hasn't said anything?"

Looking at the eyes glaring at him, Dumbledore hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth, and decided to suppress the thought that seemed to be a bit unrealistic, so as not to accidentally recruit He got angry and became a principal who was hated by everyone.

"Keep watching, everyone, I promise here that I will never discuss the matter just now..."

No way, apart from confessing and compromising, Dumbledore, who was so angry, didn’t really have too many choices left for him, so he had to hurry up and calm down the principals and professors around him. And the students present.



However, what a bad old man of Dumbledore didn't know was that after he tried and failed to interfere, a little girl was already thinking about countermeasures urgently and was ready to speed up certain processes... it was just that she was temporarily For a while, it seems that I haven't thought of a more secure and concealed method that will not be found wrong?

In short,

In any case, she must be punished for a certain person who has offended her. After all, she took those four people to the Kingdom of Lordaeron to test and compete, and they already took a huge advantage, and now, where can they be cheap and sell well, dare to come Question the reason for calling her Professor Anne?


ε=(????`●))) alas


More than 20,000 words, the rest is in the next chapter

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