Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1097: ?(??????)? Course: Reach!

At four o'clock in the morning on August 30, 2552, the battle of Tianyuan 4, which can also be said to be Zhiyuanxing, finally turned sharply, reaching the most difficult and dangerous moment in the end.

At 04:47 a.m. in the standard time zone of Zhiyuan Star, the Fermiz outpost located on the outer periphery of Tianyuan 4 suddenly detected a large number of violent reactions from the transition fault, knowing that the new fleet of the Star Alliance must be arriving. After sending the final emergency information to the UNSC Fleet Headquarters, the Fermiz outpost had to immediately implement the Cole Agreement and self-destruct before the enemy captured them in order to prevent any valuable intelligence from falling into the hands of the Star Alliance!

However, the sacrifice of those brave UNSC naval personnel did not stop the invasion of the Covenant fleet...

At 05:00 in the morning, UNSC finally detected that a giant Star Alliance fleet containing at least 315 warships of various types, the already recognizable'special justice' fleet arrived at the edge of the Tianyuan four galaxy and entered Tianyuan four galaxies, and the Star Alliance fleet commander, is indeed UNSC's old opponent, that-the elite captain of the Saint Helier clan named'Tirvadami'.

Since the two groups of Star Alliance fleets that arrived at Reach have already swept away and greatly weakened the defenses of the Tianyuan four galaxies, the newly arrived'special justice' fleet basically drove in without decent resistance. , Began to advance to the battle-critical Reach.

Receiving the news from the outpost and detecting this situation made the UNSC fleet that had been in the early stage of Reach's battle very'crash', but the UNSC fleet that had not completely lost the Reach became even more flustered and worse. ...

Ten minutes later, at 05:17 in the morning, General Roland Felmont ordered all the UNSC warships in the galaxy such as Jericho and Tantalus to abandon guarding other places, and all return to Reach to participate in joint defense! At the same time, it also ordered all ships to immediately implement the ‘Cole Agreement’ and arrive at the Zulu assembly point above Reach at full speed to stand by.

Although the UNSC's response was quick, the Star Alliance's attack was even faster!

At 05:34 in the morning, the Star Alliance spacecraft made frequent and precise jumps in the galaxy, specifically looking for the human warships that were alone, and annihilating them! In the following short period of more than ten minutes, more than a dozen UNSC ships were destroyed. The battle between the fleets has not yet begun, and the UNSC fleet has suffered a very heavy loss! After all, UNSC has very few ships, and humans can't afford to lose them.

Of course, not all ships will be hunted down by Star Alliance warships. For example, during the period, a DDS-class aircraft carrier discovered the Pier of Autumn Wind, but, unfortunately, it had a big somersault. It was easily destroyed by the legendary Captain Case using the Pier of Autumn Wind, which had been'magically modified' by ONI with a huge amount of money and technology, and stupidly performed a scene of'getting a head to a thousand miles'.

However, such a victory or two without any symbolic significance obviously cannot change the decline of the UNSC fleet!

At 05:45 in the morning, almost an hour has passed since the discovery of the Star Alliance fleet. After the UNSC fleet returned to defend more than 100 warships over Reach, the Star Alliance’s "special justice" fleet finally began to assault. Reach's orbital defense network and the UNSC fleet that is relying on the orbital defense platform for defense have launched a decisive battle!

Surprisingly, the results of the initial confrontation between the two sides looked somewhat evenly matched?

Although UNSC’s warships are relatively backward, the number of battle damages between the Star Alliance and the UNSC is basically the same because the orbital defense platform with powerful firepower assists in the bombardment and the three “cradle” repair platforms act as a meat shield to resist the attacks of the Star Alliance warships. ?

So, of course, the results of the first wave of attacks were quickly revealed... After the Star Alliance fleet lost a full one-third of the number of ships, that is, after more than a hundred spaceships, it was embarrassed and hurried. Withdraw, there is no longer the fierce energy at the beginning.

Of course, the UNSC fleet is not much better!

However, fortunately, because of the home court advantage, as the warships continue to return and the orbital defense platform also starts to operate at full power, UNSC is able to fight with less than a hundred warships. There are more than two or three hundred Star Alliance combined fleets that dare not approach the orbital platform defense circles of Reach?

As a result, the Star Alliance fleet, which suffered a great deal, destroyed a part of the UNSC fleet and five orbital defense platforms, and immediately changed its offensive measures. It no longer dared to directly go head-on, and instead continued to move towards Zhiyuan. Put a large number of landing troops, plan to attack those power stations above Zhiyuanxing that provide wireless transmission and power support for the orbital defense platform, and once again perform the same tricks, and start to use the tactics of guerrilla wolves to move into the defense line of the UNSC fleet Repeatedly precise short-distance leaps, using the almost non-returnable sneak attack and harassment method of attack, specifically looking for opportunities to attack the orbital defense platform, and want to remove those difficulties at some acceptable price. Fixed firepower point?

It was also at this time that an unknown Star Alliance mysterious battleship began to appear frequently, making precise short-range jumps outside the range of all UNSC spacecraft and space stations, and using long-range attacks to destroy several UNSC main battleships and creations. The opportunity for the Star Alliance fleet to attack the orbital defense platform will make UNSC's already fragile line of defense become more and more precarious...

At 05:54, because of the emergence of the Star Alliance’s “Special Justice” fleet, ONI finally gave up the previous “Red Flag Operation” that was taken for granted and never dared to drag the Far Star’s hind legs and go with the original superiority. The Star Alliance fleet is entangled, but is preparing to put the "Autumn Wind Pier" and the 25 second-stage Spartans on it into the battle to defend the Reach.

And now, "Autumn Wind Pier", which performed well in the previous anti-hunting, has taken the first task after the cancellation of the Red Flag operation, which is: to break away from the precarious line of defense of the UNSC and create the illusion that the battleship is ordered. And the mysterious super cruiser that attracted the enemy came and destroyed it!

"Look! Look!"


'People have said it a long time ago, that kind of plan is absolutely impossible to succeed, if their previous guys who were stupid than others' bears could fully assist the fleet to eliminate the two groups of Star Alliance villains who had invaded earlier. As far as the fleet is concerned, the losses of Reach will only be even less now. It will be easier to deal with the "special justice" fleet with 315 warships. How can it be like this, it is about to be completely destroyed by the enemy. Only after annihilating did you want to hold on to the defense? ’


"In this case, as long as those star-covenant crooked people are not stupid stupid than them, it is impossible to win. They should retreat quickly, drop Reach, and then run back to Earth to defend! "

o(??^`)o hum!

In this prepared area of ​​the Spartan warriors, a little girl who also wears Thor's Hammer armor, but seems to have some details different from the ones worn by the Spartans in the second phase, is arrogantly grinning. He continued to sneer and sneer at the top commanders of ONI without any kind of politeness.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers doesn’t want to say anything anymore, because originally a certain horrible little master had to participate in the war between mankind and the Star Alliance out of venting his anger and counterattack, but now, unconsciously, She is already completely on the side of humans in this world, and seems to still want to help to the end?


‘It’s absolutely impossible for our UNSC to give up Reach easily. It is the gateway to the earth and the strong fortress of the near-Earth colonies. It has very important strategic significance! ’

‘Even if there is still a glimmer of hope, we must make unremitting efforts to protect it, and once we give up it, I am afraid that humanity will not be far from the day when it is completely destroyed by the Star Alliance...’

'So, you should sit down. Our task now is to attract and destroy the enemy’s super warship, and to provide protection to the fleets on the periphery of the defense line as much as we can. As for the rest, after the battle to defend Reach is over, if If we are all alive, let's discuss it again. ’

Sergeant Chief John-117 sighed with a wry smile. He looked at the little girl who was sitting beside him and waiting for others, but he didn't forgive others, so he didn't stop the complaining words for a moment.

If you think about it carefully, the previous ONI'Red Flag Operation' is indeed a bit thankless, but what can be done? Now that the matter has reached this point, as soldiers, they have no other better way except to work hard to perform their tasks.

This is like what Captain Case and Dr. Halsey said three days ago when they introduced the operation. Whether it succeeds or not, the human situation will never get worse. There is no other way, always try. Something.

"But is there any need to keep it now?"


"If they didn't drag their feet before, maybe the Star Alliance has just begun to throw the landing pod and the ground attack on the Reach Star? In that case, there will not be so many cities destroyed, and there will be no death. Many people, it will be easier to defend now!!"


Every time she thinks about this, Annie gets angry!

She herself and the Noble team worked so hard to fight those ugly Star Covenant crooked stars, fought one victory after another, and destroyed one ship after another, but in the end, it was because Some ONI idiots dragged their feet and worked in vain. How could she forgive those guys so easily?

If it weren’t for the “Red Flag Operation” of Rao Shizi, the current UNSC and Star League showdown would have been only 50-50 at best, but now, it has been dragged by those idiots into a situation of losing or losing. She is alone. After helping them so much, it was all in vain in the end!


‘Annie, don’t you go and prepare, are you ready to attack later? ’

There was a moment of silence, not knowing what to say, and the master sergeant who also understood that what the other party was saying might be the truth, after thinking about it, he simply changed the subject and asked a little girl who was still very upset. .

The mission above has already come down. Because of the fierce air combat, the opponent will drive the'Saber' fighter plane to attack, and then cooperate with the'Autumn Wind Pier' to launch against the mysterious super warship that may appear in the Star Alliance. Anti-hunting action, strive for a hit, and completely destroy the Covenant ship that has caused great damage to the UNSC ground defense line with its ultra-long attack distance and precise leaping ability!

"Not in a hurry!"


"The guys in the preparation team just said that they are now mounting missiles with the kind of'Hawerk' warheads to their'Saber' fighters, and now the enemy's warships have not appeared. People don't have to go to that messy place to wait! "


Of course, Annie would definitely not admit that it was those in the preparation class who didn't want her to mess up and do a bad job?

But to be honest, after spending three days on the "Autumn Wind Pier", she herself was already a little impatient. She felt that she was still going to Reach, and the Noble team shot blood and fists. It might be more comfortable to beat those crooked stars in the flesh?

However, although she had already made some plans in her mind, she was not in a hurry. She still planned to kill the mysterious Star Alliance super battleship first.

‘! ! ’

‘Hawak’s clean thermonuclear weapon from the Mishuaiya military factory? Then Annie, you have to be careful later, the equivalent of that kind of nuclear fusion destruction device is quite large, but don't be bombed by it by mistake! ’

Obviously, Sergeant Major John recognizes that kind of ‘Havork’ device and also knows how terrible a missile equipped with that kind of warhead is! Therefore, knowing that the little girl in front of him actually needs to drive a fighter plane equipped with that kind of super weapon to cooperate with the ‘Autumn Wind’s Pier’ in combat missions, he couldn’t help but squeeze a little sweat on the other side.

But there is no way to think about it, after all, there is really no way to find a second pilot on the entire ‘Autumn Wind’s Pier’ who is more suitable for that mission than the other party!

I didn't say anything in advance. It was just the opponent's talent to drive fighters. He, the Sergeant Major John-117, was also willing to go down! Because in the Spartan Recreation Room, he used that kind of simulated cockpit to have a friendly match against the opponent. Of course, it was the kind of simulation cabin that piloted the Broadsword fighter. After all, the Sabre was a classified service. , They have not really contacted yet.


The result of the simulated confrontation is not very good!

Anyway, including himself, the Spartan II fighters, those old drivers who believe that their driving skills are not inferior to the general trump card, all walked into the cockpit enthusiastically, and then grayed like an eggplant hit by frost. Slipped down with a grey face... Since then, no one has dared to play the game that she described as the "Skymaster" game with the little guy in front of him.

‘This is wrong! ’

‘Even if it’s a missile with a Havork warhead, it’s safer in space, right? ’

‘John, although that kind of weapon is indeed very powerful, the radiant light and rays should still be used by saber fighters with shields! As long as you stay away, I think it should be fine. ’

At this moment, Linda-058 on the side also turned her head and interjected and added such a sentence.

Because what she said is really right. Although the nuclear weapons are incomparably powerful in the atmosphere, and there are terrible shock waves... But in the universe, at best, it is just a flash of light, as long as it is not too reliable. In the near future, as long as it is not'burned' by those high-energy glare, then there is definitely no big problem.

'Do not! Linda, I think John is right, so be careful! ’

‘Annie, we will drive a few broadswords to **** you a short distance later. When you break into the attack range, we can’t take care of you. You have to be careful. ’

James-005 also reminded the opponent carefully.

Later, they, Sergeant Major and Linda will indeed **** each other, but at most they will interfere with and attack the enemy's possible fighters at the periphery of the enemy ship’s guns. They must not dare to be like a certain technology. Super first-class, talent is even more difficult to imagine the little girl mounted a nuclear bomb to cooperate with the'Autumn Wind Pier' to attack the ship.

"Ah...I see, you guys are so annoying!!"


After yelling, Annie answered casually, because she was thinking about something else.

UNSC’s campaign in Reach until now, even if her commanding and combat level is average, the “unqualified commanders” who often send out their subordinates in the simulation command know that the Star Alliance will definitely win. It's fixed! And their UNSC fleet is just continuing to linger, trying to delay the time of failure, it doesn't make much sense.

'correct! ’

‘Annie, how is George? I heard that he was with you before, serving in the Noble team, codenamed Noble 5? ’

Linda suddenly asked a certain Spartan II big machine gunner with service number 052, and she, number 058, naturally recognized him.

In fact, Sergeant John and James are the same. After all, there were only a few Spartans in the second phase of the year, and they were still trained and grown up together. It is not too strange to know each other.

"Should be okay?"


"Anyway, the last time someone rescued him, he shouldn't die for the time being!"


Speaking of it, Annie still misses the big man who followed her to drag racing, fight the Star Covenant together, blow up the spaceship together, and then chase down those Star Covenant fighters and transport spaceships together on New Alexandria, because the other person is cruel. Not much to talk about, a machine gun is a thief. He is a rare partner, at least in wars, and is much more useful than her stupid bear!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers said that he is not angry at all, really...)

'alarm! ’

'alarm! ! ’

‘Migrant jump fault response detected, number one, distance 638! ’

‘The target ship is ready to appear! note! All combatants are invited to immediately enter the first level of battle preparation! Please go to the hangar immediately for pilots! ’

'beep! beep! ’

‘Second Lieutenant Annie! Your Sabre fighter has been fully prepared, and all hydrogen bombs have been mounted. Please go to the hangar and stand by immediately! ’

‘Repeat: Please go to the hangar and board the plane immediately! ! ’

While the warning sounded in the waiting room of the Spartans, an order urging her to go to the hangar and board the plane also sounded in Annie's helmet.

'finally come……'

‘Go! ’

‘Before the new mission comes, let’s go and teach those Star Alliance guys! ! ’

Sergeant Major John-117 stood up first, and signaled a little guy who was still a little dazed to move quickly.

Along with them, there are also a few Spartans and a lot of carrier-based pilots. They will attack together to **** the warship and ensure that a little girl’s fighter will not suffer too much from the previous flight distance. interference.


At this time, when the Spartan fighters and pilots took the first attack, in the bridge of the Pier of Autumn Wind, the legendary captain of the UNSC, Keith, created the famous The captain who defeated a destroyer and two cruisers of the Star Covenant with one enemy and four by using the'Keys Maneuver Tactics' and won the victory. The chief culprit who caused Reach to be discovered by the Covenant just sat upright on him. On the throne of the captain, squinted at the mysterious Star Covenant super cruiser that appeared on the radar and optical images in the distance and pondered.

Captain Case knew from limited intelligence that the Star Covenant super cruiser was said to be a terrifying existence that hardly any UNSC warship could fight against?

And it is said that it has a strong and fast recovery shield, super fast cruising speed, super thick armor and super long range. Even the super MAC on their UNSC orbital defense platform cannot easily hit due to the distance. , Very scary?

But in any case, it is their task to deal with that enemy ship, and now that they have encountered it, they can't escape, and they can't escape, because so far, no spaceship targeted by it can escape successfully. , Those UNSC warships were all turned into garbage floating in the universe. He must not let the other party continue to wander around Reach and continue to hunt down their friendly ships!


‘Analyze its situation now! Then report its specific data to me! ! ’

'be quick! ’

Seeing that the opponent had taken the bait and stared at his ‘Autumn Wind’s Pier’ and slowly jumped out of Zengnii, Captain Case immediately screamed and ordered the radar officers in the bridge.

‘Yes! ’


'All right! ’

‘Report to the captain! ’

'The analysis has been completed: After comparing radar scanning and optical detection, the length of the enemy ship is about 3,576 meters. Its weapon system seems to be very limited. No hangars or pulse laser turrets have been found. Found a suspected energy transmitter? ’

‘! ! ’

'caveat! ’

‘Radiation burst detected, enemy ship is about to launch an attack! ’

'caveat! ’

‘The enemy ship has now launched an attack! ! ’

When the radar officer reported loudly and transmitted the data to the captain's hands, the battleship's AI also sounded a stern alarm almost simultaneously.

Rumbling rumbling...

Soon, the entire battleship of the Pier of Autumn Wind shook violently.

But fortunately, the shock of the shaking and explosion when being hit by the enemy came and went quickly. The Pier of Autumn Wind returned to normal after a short while, apparently it had already withstood an enemy blow. Up.

And even more fortunately: After withstanding an enemy's surprise attack, their ship "Autumn Wind Pier" did not seem to have any major problems?

'report! ’

‘The third and sixth areas of the upper deck were seriously damaged. The armor plates in this area have all been damaged, and the percentage of the area occupied is about 20! ! ’

The damage tube directly reported the loss of the Pier of Autumn Wind, but fortunately, because the Kingfisher-class battleship is characterized by a series of internal cross supports and honeycomb structures, this allows the ship to withstand an astonishing number of blows, and for that The stranded "Red Flag Operation" has also undergone a special modification, so it is not a major problem, except that it has been struck twice on the ship's hull by the enemy's ultra-distant and precise laser-like weapons. No other ships of the UNSC were directly attacked and destroyed.

‘Report to the captain! ’

‘The enemy did not rush towards us, but continued to maintain the current distance, which is currently maintained at around 600! ’

'alarm! ’

‘The enemy ship’s energy transmitter is accumulating energy! ! ’

'Well! ’

'I know! ’

Captain Case reached out and stopped the crew's panic behavior.

Because now they have been attacked once, and since they have not been sunk, there is no need to panic at all, and panic is useless!

‘Ultra-long-distance attack, about 50 points of beam energy, speed close to the beam, there is no way to avoid it? ’

'Humph! ’

‘So it’s like this, I seem to understand! ’

Looking at the data collected in his own hands and the damage control report, Captain Case quickly reacted.

He knows that the enemy’s mysterious spacecraft is actually not that powerful at all. The opponent is just relying on a super long range and an energy transmitter to launch an impossible laser beam to carry out a sneak attack. Now his "Autumn Wind Pier" The attack on the'' has proved that the investigation results of the previously destroyed UNSC ships are correct. The enemy is a hateful sniper ship like a sniper!

If it is a normal contest, the average UNSC ship is under the opponent’s ultra-long distance and sneak attack. When the speed is not as fast as the opponent, and the missile is difficult to hit the enemy, it can deal with this kind of attack. An enemy who is accurate and fast can really have no other way. Apart from being sunk in an aggrieved ground, there really is no countermeasure...

But now, his Captain Case has a way to deal with each other, especially if they have already arranged in advance.

‘Where are our fighters now? ’

After figuring it out, Captain Case didn't care about the enemy's energy launcher's response detection alarm, but turned his head and began to ask some questions he was more concerned about.

'report! ’

‘Because there are no enemy planes, the Broadsword fighters have all returned to their destinations and the Sabre fighters have arrived in Area A! ’

A liaison officer quickly called up the area map of the enemy and ours, and marked the position of the enemy and our ships and the small red dot of a certain fighter plane on it.

'well! ’

‘Aim, launch MAC main artillery attack on the enemy ship, destroy its shield as soon as possible! ! ’

Squinting his eyes, he felt that it would be extremely costly to catch up with the opponent with the speed of his own warship. Captain Case, who felt that the play was not worth the loss, thought about it, gritted his teeth and ordered directly.

‘! ! ’

‘But Captain, at this distance, even if our MAC main gun destroys the enemy’s shield, the enemy will quickly recover! Our missiles are no longer within range! ’

Under normal circumstances, when UNSC ships fight with Star Alliance warships, they first use MAC attacks to bombard the enemy’s shields, and then take the opportunity to use various anti-ship missiles, or those archer-type missiles, and Shiva. The god-level nuclear bomb was thrown over, and then the victory was almost declared.

However, at such a far distance, even if they shelled the enemy’s shield a few times, the enemy would be unable to launch a missile attack while the MAC main gun was cooling down. Have enough time to recharge and restore the shield, and then continue bombarding their'Autumn Wind Pier'!

Therefore, the artillery officer didn't think that an attack like that would be effective now.

'I know! ’

‘Command: Attack now! ! ’

Captain Case called out unquestionably.

Because he knew that when they successfully blasted off the enemy's shield, the saber fighter that the little girl drove was about to reach the best effective attack range, which was the best they could withstand the smallest damage. Tactics! Moreover, he believes that with the little girl's ability, she must have seized the opportunity well, otherwise it would be impossible for the other party to have done that big thing and made so many achievements! He chooses to trust the other party, even if he can't make contact at this time now, even if the other party has been scorning their ‘Red Flag Operation’ and ranting?

'what? ’

'Yes! Yes! ’

boom! ! !

Soon, as the battleship sent out waves of vibration and huge roar even in the bridge, an iron-tungsten alloy projectile moved towards the enemy ship at one-tenth the speed of light. It blasted off suddenly, and soon succeeded in hitting a corrugated impact point on the shield of the enemy's mysterious sniper warship, and the strength of the enemy's shield was drastically reduced.

At this moment, a little girl is flying a saber fighter with a missile equipped with a Havork warhead quickly and sneaking forward, looking boredly at the pier of autumn wind that is constantly bombarding her radar interface 'And the enemy's super battleship.



Annie frowned.

Because the current situation seems to be a little different from what was planned before, the ‘Autumn Wind’s Pier’ hit each other with the enemy so quickly, and still looked reckless?



If it is normal, Annie will definitely get through the communication and ask the captain carefully what is going on. However, she thinks that her mission is to sneak close, and the engine keeps running at the lowest power, and all active devices can’t. When she opened it, she frowned and began to think.

"Really, it's boring. There is no enemy aircraft, and the broken ship is a cannon. But what is the use of winning this way, Zhiyuan is gone, and I will lose in the end?!"

??(??????~????)╭?? Beep!

Although it is said that, but seeing that the Pier of Autumn Wind, which was conducting a long-range confrontation with the enemy's battleship, has gradually fallen into the wind, and seeing that the back of the Kingfisher-class battleship has been cut open several times, it is terrible. After the wound, she felt that she couldn't wait for them to blast off the enemy's shield, and she didn't know what the captain was thinking, so she directly pressed a button on her fighter plane, and then at the missile pylon under the belly of the plane. Two nuclear bombs flew out in tandem.

She didn't know what the pesky Captain Keith was thinking, but she only needed to know whether she could blow up the enemy ship with a nuclear bomb, and she didn't care about anything else.

"All right!"


"That's it! Tibbers, let's fly to Reach now!"


After launching two nuclear bombs, Annie turned the nose without looking at the results, and then pulled the joystick, causing the two main engines and wing propellers to burst out a long bright red tail flame, straight towards Fly away at high speed in the direction of Zhiyuanxing.

(Dear little master, don't you wait and confirm the result?!


—— Tibbers expressed some confusion about the actions of some of his own horrible little masters, because it has already calculated it, it seems that the two nuclear bombs launched may not necessarily blow up the enemy ship? )

"No need! Because the fate of that Star Alliance battleship is already destined!"


Annie still controlled the Sabre fighter to fly back at high speed, first because she wanted to get back to Reach quickly, and second, if she didn’t run faster, the strong light and energy radiation of the nuclear explosion might affect the proximity. She has to be a little more careful.

Otherwise, she might have to ‘fall’ directly from space to the surface of Zhiyuan Star like some hapless Uncle No. 6 did! And when the speed and orbit are not right, and the star is still a little far away, even if she really wants to fall to the planet like the other party, it is estimated that at least it will take ten or eight years to fly and orbit the star. Only 8,000 laps are possible!

(Report to the little master, the little one is sure that your two nuclear bombs will definitely not destroy the warship of the Star Alliance!)




(No! The little one is just talking, please don't mind! But the little one is still a bit curious, you might as well talk to the little one first?)


(As soon as he heard that the other party was about to bet with himself, Tibbers was agitated and hurriedly stated that he was determined not to do something that would definitely be detrimental to him. Anyway, Tibbers was not familiar with the people of UNSC, the ship from Will the warship blow up and turn it off?)

"Don't tell me! Anyway, there are only a few seconds left, you should watch it yourself!"


Annie ignored her little bear, but controlled her saber fighter plane in the dark universe. The faraway one seemed to be very close, but it might take a long time to fly. The Reach star galloped at high speed.

Not long

A cloud of light suddenly lit up outside the shield of the Covenant battleship, and then the shield of the Covenant battleship was instantly overloaded and went offline. The intense light completely submerged Annie and her saber fighter... However, fortunately, this is the universe, and Annie and her fighter planes are already a little far away from the explosion point, so there is no big image of glare.

Not long after that, another missile arrived and was soon detonated by an automatic fuze at close range. Another strong light came on, causing Annie to involuntarily squint her eyes, almost unable to see Reach!

The light gradually dissipated, and the nuclear explosion in the universe would soon end...

And the super battleship of the Star Alliance still stayed there properly. The second nuclear bomb just now obviously did not touch the surface of the enemy’s hull, so it just caused the battleship of the Star Alliance to pop up a lot. The flames just caused the enemy ship to be affected and injured by the nuclear explosion at close range. It seems that there is not much damage?

(Report to the little master, you made a mistake. The enemy ship was only injured but not exploded. It has the ability to sail and counterattack!)


However, Tibbers has just finished speaking. A MAC attack from the Pier of Autumn Wind, the terrifying sub-beam iron-tungsten live ammunition suddenly plunged directly into the bow of the enemy ship, and then immediately passed out from the stern. It quickly dissipated into the dark universe, and I don't know where I flew to...


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Well, looking at the unlucky Star Covenant spacecraft in the distance that began to explode from the bow to the stern, Tibbers suddenly stopped talking. Obviously the bad little master of his house has counted this point. , So I retreat directly after losing two nuclear bombs, and I don’t even take a look at it?)


‘Call Sabre! ’

‘Nice work, the enemy ship has been successfully destroyed, you can now go back, we will guide the route and send orbit data for you, please pay attention to the meeting and timing! ’

'Sent! ’


‘? ? ’

'saber! Your course has seriously deviated from the course, please return to the Pier of Autumn Wind immediately! ’

'repeat! ’

‘You have deviated from the course, please return to the Pier of Autumn Wind immediately! ’

‘? ? ? ’

‘Autumn Wind’s Pier calls Sabre! ’

‘Ensign Anne, what’s the matter with you, please answer when you hear? ! ’

It was discovered that an advanced Sabre fighter jet was running in the direction of Reach after losing two nuclear bombs, even if it had run out of the range of the impact of the nuclear explosion, even if it had survived two nuclear explosions, it was completely After there was no intention to stop or return, a liaison officer of the Autumn Wind Pier couldn't help but became anxious and kept calling.

"No! People are going back to Zhiyuanxing to fight the Xingxing people, you are busy with your own, don't care about me!"


Finally, some impatient little Annie spoke up, and when she spoke, a liaison officer who thought she had an accident was shocked!

‘Return to Zhiyuanxing? ’

‘! ! ’

'and many more! You, are you defying the military order? ! ’

The communications officer suddenly screamed and felt a little strange.

Because the saying that a certain little girl keeps talking about returning to Zhiyuanxing and hitting the crooked star can not fool him, because she acted without permission on the battlefield regardless of orders, even after receiving a clear order to return, she did not care to go elsewhere. Fly away, that is to disobey the military order, that is to go to a military court or take a gun!

Of course, the liaison officer actually knew in his heart that with the opponent’s age and record, he would not be punished too much in this kind of employment, but no matter what the opponent’s ignorance of military orders and recklessness Deeds must be nothing good to eat! Because this is the UNSC army, not anywhere else!

"Whatever you say, anyway, people are going to Zhiyuanxing now, and you can't catch up..."


After flying in front for a while, maybe it will enter the atmosphere of Reach in about ten minutes, so Anne is not afraid that a slow and injured warship "Autumn Wind Pier" will catch up with her!

‘! ! ’

'Are you crazy? The saber is a space fighter, it doesn't have much attack and combat capabilities in the atmosphere! Repeat, Lieutenant Annie, please return home quickly! ’

‘Ensign Anne? ! ’

‘I found that your fighter doesn’t have much fuel. If you rush into the atmosphere like this, you will surely crash! ’

‘? ? ’

‘Second Lieutenant Annie! Please return immediately, this is the latest order from Captain Case! ! ’

‘Ensign Anne? ’

Beep~! !




"It's windy!!"


Some felt annoyed by Anne, who simply shut down the communication, so that the call from the ‘Autumn Wind’s Pier’ was completely immersed.

Then, after setting the flight orbit and the way to cut into the atmosphere of Reach, she lay comfortably on the cockpit, and began to consider the two sabers that were still mounted on the saber fighter and had not had time to use them. The missile thing.


Can she find a place with many Star Alliances on the and just throw them away?

Anyway, Zhiyuanxing has been burned by the bad guys of the Star Alliance to burn out huge pieces of glass. Presumably, if she drops one or two clean nuclear missiles on the planet, there will be no major problems, right? This is just like the liaison officer just said. The fuel of her fighter plane may be barely enough to fly back to the Reach. Anyway, it will crash sooner or later. Before it crashes, the final value will be squeezed and After playing, it must be extremely correct!



"Tell me, where should we go to put the two remaining fireworks?!"



(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"Hey! Tell me about it?"


(On the other side of the planet, there is a group of Star Alliance fleets, the number is about two hundred, or else, you throw it away?)



!? (??\'\'????)??

"How is it possible! People who dare to fly over will definitely be broken into pieces!!"


(Then just blow up two pits on the planet...)


"Oh... so good!"


Soon, the Saber still sailed forward regardless, and it was useless to let the'Autumn Wind Pier' call and warn through other channels. Annie still turned a deaf ear. Finally, the'Saber' finally rushed into the atmosphere, and Descent carefully along a certain track.



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